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Chapter 36 Where are the remaining golden dragons?

Chapter 36 Where are the remaining golden dragons?

What the old man Cyril said made Arthur feel a little uncomfortable.

Was Cyril who stole the golden dragon wrong?It is wrong.

Cyril, who expects his son to become a dragon, is right, he just hopes that his son will become a success.

But because the aristocratic class has mastered most of the resources, the common people have no chance to stand out.

Like in the history of the Great Xia in the previous life, there are almost no ways to improve one's class by studying in the history of Great Xia, and then being good at learning; joining the army, and then becoming a marquis with outstanding military exploits;

That is, the two well-known low-level octospider Earl Varys in King's Landing and the Chancellor of the Exchequer Littlefinger Petyr Baelish are not of real commoner origin.

Varys has the blood of the dragon, and is likely to be a descendant of the Blackfyre, the bastard branch of House Targaryen.

And Littlefinger Baelish is a nobleman with a clear genealogy and a clear territory, although he was a bit shabby when he was a child.

Besides, Littlefinger has always represented the interests of the emerging business class on the east coast of Westeros, and there are many small nobles in the valley who have money but no status to support him.

Of course, this kind of small nobles should be called new lords, to distinguish them from the old nobles who only occupy territories (similar to the concept of new money and old money).

The mercenary Bronn and the onion knight Davos were all made with their lives, and such examples can be counted on the whole continent.

The real commoners of Westeros have almost no way to advance, except to put on black clothes to be night watchmen, and go to the Academy City to serve the feces and urine basins to the senior bachelors.

Born a commoner, lived a commoner life, no surname, no crest, no language, no knights to fight for them.

No opportunity to receive education, no opportunity to receive bachelor's medical treatment, no opportunity to pursue equality.

The degree of class solidification is comparable to that of a slave society.

Cyril remained silent for a long time, and Arthur held a torch and walked over to take a look. The old man tilted his head and stared, he was dead.

"Oh! I will have a good pregnancy in my next life." Arthur could only wish him that.

After closing the eyes of the old man, he also sat on the chair and squinted for a while.


"They're back." The sleeping Arthur was shaken awake by Yule.

The lord picked up the sledgehammer and was ready to go.

Momentary sentimentality will not limit his performance.

It was almost dawn at this time, and the outside gradually became brighter, but the room was still dark enough to cover the sight.

Each of the eight people hid by the wall, waiting for the gamblers to come in.

Arthur made an agreement with Javier to let the professional officer order the attack.

After all, Arthur is only amazing in combat power, and has not yet experienced actual combat in command.

According to Yule's information, there are about nine of these spinach laymen. Six armored veterans plus Javier and the hammer god Arthur are enough to deal with them.

Arthur had to keep his movements light so that no one would be killed after a few blows.

"Tamad, I'm really unlucky today."

"You don't mind losing us a lot of money again, John?"

"How could it be? Making my brothers happy is the greatest meaning of my golden dragon."

"Is your old man okay?"

"He's dead, he's a maggot in the basement."

Just listening to the scattered conversations outside had already raised Arthur's blood pressure.

That's my money, my golden dragon.

He screamed silently.


The wooden door opened tremblingly, two people walked in head-on, then seven people came in one after another, and after half a day, the last person came in.

After confirming that there was no more sound outside, Javier ordered the attack.

"Oh, shadows can hit people."

"I don't owe money to the casino, why would someone come to collect the debt?"

"Master, this knight master, spank my ass lightly, my asshole is still useful."

Within a few breaths, all ten defenseless people lay on the ground.

Arthur just hammered off the leg of some spinach layman, and the fight was over.

The lord scanned back and forth, and finally found John.

He was closest to the door, and he seemed to be the last one to come in.

"Where's my golden dragon?" Arthur asked.

John was severely beaten and dizzy. After squinting his eyes for a long time, he realized that this was his lord.

"Seven Gods, how did you find this place?" John didn't answer Arthur's words, but screamed in horror.

After giving another look at the soldiers around him, Arthur sat on the chair and watched the soldiers give John a few hard blows.

"Don't hit, don't hit, I said, I said."

After the soldier stopped moving his feet, John took a breath and said, "I have some in my shoes and some in my arms."

"Huh?" Arthur was furious, "What about the rest?"

He was keenly aware of the problem.

Because although the golden dragon is small, hundreds of pieces together are not small, and there is not much room for shoes and arms.

It's like dozens of pieces.

"Some of the rest were paid off as gambling debts, some made my brothers happy, and some lost a little last night." John replied while moaning.

The soldiers swiftly found all the golden dragons on John's body, in the form of thirty or forty gold dragons.

"Seven hundred coins, that's all you have left? How did you spend them?"

Because of the abundance of products, the per capita cost of living in Hejian Land is very low.

A commoner can fill his stomach with a few copper coins a day.

For example, Arthur mobilized more than 3000 people to work, and he only ate two or three golden dragons a day.

This is the account that Arthur ordered to add chicken and mutton to each meal in order to make the farmers work hard.

There are more than 600 gold dragons, and it is impossible for ten gamblers to spend them all in a month.

It is impossible to lose so much even if it is a pure bet.

Because the beauty market is a common people's market, you can't gamble too much.

Anyone who throws a few golden dragons will be noticed immediately by the owner of the beauty market, the Ward family.

The Ward family is a property knight, loyal to the Tully family, but has a good relationship with the nearby Blackwood family.

With such a wealthy person in the market, nouveau riche like Ward must cling to him and make friends.

But they are here well, which shows that their spending has not attracted attention, that is, they have not spent much.

"Search them too."

The soldiers were ordered to start a body search.

"Master, I really have no money, just what John has."

"You hit John, what are you hitting us for?"

The other nine did not disclose any useful information.

Except for some copper plates, nothing was found.

Arthur looked at John who was closest to the door, and suddenly remembered that he was the last one to walk.

It is estimated to be a bit tricky.

He asked Yule to take a gambler to the yard and started beating him.

The screams continued, and it was really sad for those who heard it, and tears for those who heard it.

When the gambler in the courtyard couldn't hum, Arthur carried him to the wilderness outside the courtyard.

Yule followed suit.

It was far enough away that the people in the room would never hear what was said.

"Where's the rest of the money?"

The face of the gambler who was beaten into a pig's head showed a slight surprise, and then immediately pretended to be dazed: "Master, I don't know what you are talking about."

"I don't need you to tell me." Arthur felt confident, "Look at him, I'll be right back."

It must be John who hid the golden dragon. How many people know the __cpLocation is hard to say, but others must know that John hid the golden dragon.

This is enough.

PS: A Game of Thrones joke every day:
After the Great Sparrow took charge of King's Landing, Little Rose Margaery Tyrell expressed her loyalty to the Great Sparrow:

"Since ancient times, all changes have been made by bloodshed. King's Landing has never heard of bloodshed and sacrifices. This is the reason why this change is not possible. If there is, please start with Cersei Baratheon."

Ask for a recommendation ticket and ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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