Chapter 51
Apart from the smell and the large number of people, King's Landing City still has many advantages. This is Arthur's point of view from his journey.

Brick mansions, gazebos, wooden hotels, market stalls, technical institutes, one after another, in a continuous line.

On the wide boulevards, the smell almost disappears, but in the winding alleys and narrow alleys where only two people walk side by side, the smell will show its existence extremely arrogantly.

Looking a little farther away, you can see the marble walls of St. Baelor's Cathedral surrounded by the top of Visenya Hill, with seven crystal towers rising from it.

Not far away, on the Reynes Hill, there are burnt dragon lairs, ruins of collapsed domes, and bronze gates that have been closed for a century.

Between the two hills, Silent Sisters Street appears straight, surrounded by solid walls.

If Arthur and the others could fly to the side of the port, they would be able to see the bustling scene of Port King's Landing.

This second largest port in Westeros carries the water transport function of 50 people in the capital, from the upper reaches of the Blackwater River, Old Town, Lannister Port, Crab Bay, and even Braavos and Pentos across the Narrow Sea Goods from places such as China, Rees, and Tylosi have been continuously carried to more than a hundred docks on the waterfront.

In the port, the golden warships of the Royal Fleet, the queen's luxury yachts, cargo ships from all over the world, fishing boats and other ships are parked.

There are even a lot of smuggling ships secretly hidden among them. After all, one of the king's important incomes is the legal collection of customs duties at major trading ports.

For example, Baigang in the north has to pay a tax to King's Landing.In the original book, after Robb Stark became king, the Manderly family, the owner of White Harbor, transferred the tax money to Winterfell.

And watching all this quietly is the Red Castle on the Aegon Hills, which consists of seven huge drum towers, a huge blockhouse, domed throne room, airtight bridges, barracks, dungeons, barns, and thick protective walls. , named Red Fort because it is all made of light red stones.

In fact, according to the convention, the Red Castle - the king's home castle - is the real capital, but because the Red Castle is too close to King's Landing City and King's Landing Port, everyone defaults to King's Landing to refer to these three.

Under the leadership of Desmond, 20 people rushed to an inn on Eel Lane.

Eel Alley is an alley located halfway up the Visenya Hills, close to the harbor. The biggest advantage is that the room is well ventilated.

Ventilation means that the nose is no longer tormented.

Just this one is enough to defeat all opponents, and let outsiders who are familiar with King's Landing choose here.

"I heard that the prime minister's contest will be officially held in a week and a half." Yule said what he had heard.

"It should be said that King Robert held a tourney in the name of Lord Ed." Patrick corrected the statement, "With Lord Ed's pedantic and serious, it is impossible to agree to such a fancy thing as a tourney."

Desmond agreed with Patrick's point of view, "Lord Ed's seriousness is beyond ordinary people's imagination. The North and the Riverland have been married for many years, but I have never seen him in Riverrun."

"A week and a half." Arthur murmured and repeated, "enough to make a good armor."

"Not just one pair, but also my set, the whole set." Yule reminded his nephew in a timely manner, and emphasized the whole set.

"There will be armor, and there will be gold dragon." Arthur reassured his uncle.

A group of people got off their horses and suddenly faced a very important problem.

What about 22 horses?
Because it is close to the sea, most of the guests come by boat, so there is no foster care for horses here.

Several attendants who had living experience in King's Landing discussed it and suggested that the horses could be placed in an inn outside the city.

Although it is full of all kinds of outsiders, it is still possible to squeeze a group of horses.

After sending a few entourages to do this, Arthur and the others washed up and slept after filling their stomachs.

These few days on horseback are enough to wear out the strongest man physically and mentally.


the next morning.

"There are really too many people in King's Landing City today." Desmond said with emotion.

The three of them were taking a few attendants to prepare custom-made weapons and armor for Arthur. They were stuck in the street and struggled to move, and it took a while to walk a short distance away.

All of Westeros knew who the new Hand had been since King Robert had gone north with half his court and royal family to meet Eddard Stark.

And according to the king's behavior of always loving excitement and spectacles, it is inevitable to hold a grand tournament.

As a result, poor knights and rich nobles from all over the world spread the news that Robert was going north, and they rushed to King's Landing one after another, ready to show off, or to see someone show off.

During these two or three months, knights from all over the world arrived every day, and each knight brought more than two attendants, followed by three or four craftsmen, a dozen businessmen, and two big female workers. and countless thieves.

The extent of the crowd can be described in a sentence from Little Finger: the grade girls are doing business so well that they can't close their feet, and the copper coins in their pockets jingle when they walk.

And Arthur pointed out that the blacksmith's shop on Steel Street was a bit far from Eel Alley, so they had to walk slowly.

According to the known plot, the master of Daniel Gendry, one of Robert's illegitimate sons, may be one of the most skilled blacksmiths in King's Landing.

Let him play weapons and armor, Arthur can rest assured.

Otherwise, like the ancestral two-handed sword, it would not be good if the blade curled up after slashing.

When passing by a vegetable stand, he asked his personal servant Meidan to buy a pumpkin the size of a human head.

This made Patrick wonder, "You can't really hit a hammer the size of a pumpkin, can you? Who can withstand such a hammer? The Magic Mountain can't do it either!"

Desmond also expressed his opinion: "This kind of sledgehammer is enough to kill, but it's not easy to use it on horseback. No poor guy can stand up to you and this sledgehammer in full armor."

Arthur thought about it, too.

Ordinary horses do not move.Even if Arthur was forced to sit on it, he couldn't run fast.

Because if you are not careful, the horse will not be able to bear the strength, and it will easily roll over, kneel down or even break its leg.

On the contrary, there is a kind of walking horse with four hooves running separately, which should be barely competent.

The biggest advantage of this "time-sharing four-wheel drive" horse is that the center of gravity is always on the same line, so that it can maintain balance and is suitable for camel heavyweight fighters.

But I don't know if there are such horses in Westeros.

So to be on the safe side, Arthur should also use a lighter immediate armor-piercing weapon.

According to his preferences in his previous life, he decided to use a big sword similar to the Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

This kind of Guan Dao is actually not the weapon of Guan Yu, the martial sage. It first appeared in the iron and blood strong Song Dynasty, and it is a kind of ceremonial tool, not a weapon that has seen blood on the battlefield.

But for Arthur, it was just right.

For warriors on horseback, the defensive power of plate armor is definitely not as good as that of infantry, because the weight of the horse must be considered, and the material used must be reduced.

Therefore, the requirements for armor penetration are much lower.

Moreover, Arthur always felt that he should change his flag, the golden shield and red horse did not fit his personality.

It is just right to change the golden shield to the golden Guandao. The sword means to slash and kill, and the horse means to ride a horse.

Fits with the theme of Mount & Blade.

While thinking about it, the blacksmith shop of Master Daniel, whom Arthur requested, arrived.

After the communication, the owner of the blacksmith shop screamed:

"What? You want to make a hammer as big as a pumpkin, can you lift it?"

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket and ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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