Chapter 74 Mercenaries
In the evening, King's Landing.

"It's here." Yule led Arthur to a technical academy.

"This Anguy and his Dornish companions are here."

Arthur nodded. These Dornish people had the demeanor of Prince Oberon, the Red Viper.

As another legendary warrior of the continent of Westeros, the Red Viper seamlessly switches between the identities of the prince of Dorne, the mercenary of the Second Sons, and the frequent visitor of various technical institutes.

This group of Dornishmen, apart from having no aristocratic status, is very similar to their prince.

Yule led the way, and Arthur, who had changed into bright yellow silk clothes, followed him in.

There was no suspense in the group battle, and he had another [-] golden dragons in his account.

As a result, Arthur's confidence increased greatly, and he thought about attracting more mercenaries in King's Landing City, so as to increase his bargaining chips for the start of the Battle of the Five Kings.

Coincidentally, the martial arts tournament attracted many such mercenaries. Although some of them did not participate in the competition, they still came to King's Landing.

"My lord, I will arrange a juicy one for you."

The old lady from the Technical Institute greeted him.

Jules in full plate armor and Arthur in silk clothes looked like noblemen and guards, so the old lady felt that she had a business.

"No, we're here to find someone."

Arthur refused.

"It's natural to come here to find a woman, let me arrange it!" The old lady refused to let go.

"I'm looking for a man." Arthur clearly refused, his tone a bit stiff.

"Come here to find a man?" the old lady muttered to herself.

She couldn't understand the behavior of coming to the technical academy to find a man, and she was shocked.

Yule led the way, and Arthur followed into a large room.

"My friends, where is Monsieur Anguy?" cried the lord of the Moulin Rouge.

"Is there anything you can do for me? Andals."

An Gai with black hair and black eyes sat up from his female companion's arms and asked.

"I am a descendant of the First Men." Arthur corrected his small mistake, and then clarified his purpose, "I want to hire you people to defend my family territory, because I have a conflict with another nobleman. "

Arthur naturally couldn't explain that the War of the Five Kings was about to break out, and the conflict with Raventree City was enough to be a legitimate reason.

An Gai and his companions laughed heartily.

After laughing enough, An Gai said seriously: "This afternoon, the Prime Minister sent someone to ask me if I wanted to join his escort, but I refused. Why do you think I will accept your invitation?"

After thinking about it, Arthur replied: "Because I came in person, and the Prime Minister just sent someone who doesn't matter."

"Is there any difference? Could it be that you think you are more noble than the Prime Minister?" An Gai asked back.

Several other Dornishmen chimed in:

"I don't think you are as good as one of the Prime Minister's guards!"

"Is your person more valuable than the Prime Minister?"

"Come on, we're going to have fun all night!"

Arthur wasn't angry with these obviously younger brothers, he only needed to convince Angai.

"There is a story. In the far east, there was a man named Liu Bei. In order to recruit a well-known adviser, he went there three times..."

He narrated the past of Sangu thatched cottage, and finally concluded:
"The difference between me and the prime minister is not my dignity, but my sincerity."

"He sent a guard here, and he only wanted to recruit you as his guard, but I came here in person to recruit you as a partner, a brother who will live and die together, share weal and woe."

"In terms of honor, your prince, the Red Viper, is the younger brother of the Lord of Dorne, and the Prime Minister is not much more expensive than him. Isn't he doing the same thing as you? Did he ever say to find What about your guards?"

After Arthur finished speaking, he paused for Angai to figure out the reason.

If you want to recruit such a truly powerful person under your own hands, you can't do without some sincerity.

"Tell us in detail why you don't have a good relationship with your neighboring nobles."

An Gai did not immediately express his choice, but provoked another topic.

"It's like this, the heir to the Earl of Raventree City in the north of us pretended to be a bandit... They killed three women, one of whom was still pregnant with a child who was about to be born...My nephew Arthur is out of justice..."

Yu Le, on the other hand, was very clever, and hurriedly told the reason for the recent conflict between his family and Raventree City.

At the same time, several Dornishmen also whispered to Angai.

Arthur, who has excellent hearing, heard what they were talking about, and he beat Cleo and his cousin.

"You are a righteous and kind man." An Gai said after hearing the two stories.

He even used honorifics.

"I decided to take my brothers to serve as your mercenaries for a while until Raventree City no longer harass your territory."

He made his final decision.

"Excellent, I'll pay you your normal rates."

[Angai, thirteen Dorne spearmen have joined your team]

The blue light curtain appeared at the right time, letting Arthur know that the group really joined.

After discussing where to meet, Arthur took Yule away.

Next, they had to find another mercenary group.

Blood troupe!

This group of people is much easier to fool.

In a very dirty inn, Arthur saw them.

Their leader, Wag Hoot, of Qohor, was tall and articulate.

The man stammered and made his request:
"Twenty gold per person...golden dragon, even if you lose a can't do it."

"How many people do you have? If it's just the people in front of me, twenty gold dragons per person won't do." Arthur asked back.

This group of people are all criminals, oath breakers, and hooligans from the Free City. They are recruited only to do something that Arthur can't do, and to serve as cannon fodder when necessary. The number of people is small.

A middle-aged mercenary who spoke faster replied: "Of course there are more than that, it's just that the inns in the city are too expensive, so quite a few brothers live outside the city. If you really want a lot of people, we can recruit them Brothers on the east coast of Westeros, if time permits, some more people can come from Essos. The total number should be at least 200."

"Yes, that's right." Head Wag added.

Arthur was overjoyed.

"Then call them all, and they will be counted as twenty gold dragons per person. The deposit for your mission can be paid tomorrow."

This group of mercenaries are ready-made fighters with their own weapons and armor. Now that the war is about to start, it is a bit more cost-effective than training by yourself.

Wagga was also very happy, "My lord, I watched your two... two games today, you will be a..."

The stuttering captain tried to flatter Arthur, but he stopped him with his hand.

After leaving the address, Arthur and Yule left.

It was very late at night, and they walked back to their residence.

Tomorrow, Yule will take Arthur to visit other free mercenaries. Although they are small in number, they need to visit more times because they are all fighting alone.

And tonight, Arthur also wants to talk about another matter with his uncle Yule, who has full skills in finding people and finding things.

Dragon egg!

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket and ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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