Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 36 The Educator

Chapter 36 The Educator

Last time he traded pain and despair for power, and finally broke through the battlefield under the cover of all the protesters.

He won the final throne, but at the cost of everything.

This time he not only wanted to win, but also wanted to win simply and neatly, replacing BE with HE.

But this cannot be done by one person alone, he needs a lot of help.

For example, the EVA that is related to the fate of mankind, such as the large alchemy circle that can prevent the Nibelungen from returning to the world, needs a complete dragon king-level combat power to fight against those dark monarchs and clean up a clean battlefield for him. In this way, the battle between the Supremes is carried out.

The enemy will come with thousands of troops, and his side will also be full of friends and companions.

And this also means...he needs to obtain the approval of many people in advance.

The most important of these is the principal.

The reason why the secret party quickly collapsed like dominoes and became the voice of the Gattuso family can be traced back to the fall of the principal Angers due to serious injuries.

The principal is the first domino that the enemy pushes down.

"Principal." Lu Mingfei took off his sunglasses, and his hoarse voice interrupted Anger's lecture, "Do you know the World War II in the last century?"

Angers held the steering wheel with one hand and said with a smile, "Henkel and I met during World War II. In 46, I even arrived in Japan as an occupying force."

"Then have you ever heard of the name Ita Sukao?" Lu Mingfei asked cautiously.

"Ita Sukao? No, what's the matter, you know him, are you looking for him?" Anger was stunned.

"No, no, no... this one has already been sacrificed!" Lu Mingfei waved his hands quickly, and continued, "He came into contact with Marxism when he was in college, and later joined the Japanese Communist Party, but when the war broke out, he still Sent to the front."

"His last mission before his death was to transport a cart of ammunition to the front line, but he quietly left the convoy and parked in a hidden forest with a cart of supplies."

"When the Chinese soldiers sweeping the battlefield found him, he had already committed suicide, leaving only a suicide note, which said that he had seen our army's anti-Japanese leaflets, and wished the sacred cause of communism an early success..."

Angers put down his cigar and said thoughtfully: "This shows that ideas can cross national and national borders."

"That's right, so the principal..." Lu Mingfei paused, "Even Japan back then could produce such anti-government fighters, so is it possible for dragons and humans to coexist?"

Maserati climbed up the high bridge, crossed the street, and passed through the gap between the shade of trees and the projection of European-style buildings.

Mottled light and shadow flitted across their faces in an uncertain manner.

Just like Lu Mingfei's mood.

Ange's voice stopped abruptly.

His expression was dark like a place where the sun doesn't shine.

He was somewhat unable to understand the leaping nature of Mingfei's thinking, but this question really touched his heartstrings.

The two of them remained silent and saw each other for a long time.

During the long silence, Lu Mingfei's heart gradually fell below the surface of the sea like a bloody setting sun, into the deep sea.

Angers exhaled a puff of smoke and said lightly:
"These two examples cannot be equated. The reason why gods cannot coexist with human beings is because gods are unwilling to step down from the throne of gods and give up power and power. If they step down from the throne of gods, they will no longer be qualified to be called gods."

"The biggest dream of my life is to lock all the dragon kings in their temples, and then put a nuclear bomb in each temple and detonate them at the same time. Destroyed, the fire will fall like rain that day, it is beautiful to think about."

"Your dear vice-principal called me a mourner. According to my logic, all dragons are our enemies. There can only be one between me and the dragons. Either they die or I die. Simple and rude."

"You asked me whether dragons and humans can coexist...then my answer now is no."

Lu Mingfei listened quietly, his heart gradually sank to the bottom.

"But..." Ange suddenly changed the topic, turned to look at Lu Mingfei, and smiled, "Do you remember how I evaluated Frost before?"

"...very radical, don't know how to be flexible?"

Angers snapped his fingers:
"I remember it very clearly! That guy is very annoying. I don't want to follow in his footsteps and become a stubborn old man in the eyes of others, so I think I need to be flexible."

"I don't have to forgive anyone in this world, except for one class of people, and that is my students!"

"I am an educator. My ethics tell me to be patient and tolerant to my students. I can forgive them for things they cannot decide on their own, such as talent, such as background..."

"But there is a premise that they must do what they can decide, just like walking on the right path."

The old man's voice was deep and hoarse, solemn and dignified.

Lu Mingfei's eyes slowly lit up, as if a faint light was flickering in them.

He turned his head and looked at the empty street outside the window. The tree-lined path flashed before his eyes, and those mottled lights and shadows flitted across his pupils.

The principal expressed his willingness to support him in disguise, right?

Angers glanced at Lu Mingfei who was in a daze, and thought of the painting he had burned for no reason.

That... the painting that Lu Mingfei handed in with the test paper when he took the 3E exam.

In the painting, two boys, one big and one small, are sitting on the windowsill, green vines are hanging down, and their four feet are dangling outside the window. They look side by side at the high tower in the distance.

To be able to ask such a question at this time...

It seems that instead of being late, you entered the venue early.

Angers slammed on the accelerator, and amidst the roar of the engine, the speed of the car was increased to the limit.

A black lightning flashed across the city.

"Principal, shouldn't we catch the rape now?" Lu Mingfei suddenly turned his head, gearing up, as if he had returned to normal.

Facing the wind, the old man laughed loudly and said, "Go! Go and see my other two lovely students!"




Note 1: I am afraid of harmony, what is the horse, what is the total, it is very troublesome if the chapter is blocked, so the keyword is automatically omitted
Note 2: I can’t reply on the q reading side. I wanted to reply yesterday, but then he reminded me that the level of public reply is not enough, so I’m stuck in Bengbu... In the first half, I originally wanted to wait for the major revision of the booklet, but I didn't expect it to take so long...)
Note 3: The most important thing is that Dragon Race is an interlocking book, and many plots are a link between the past and the future, so most of them followed the main line before, but from here on, Lu Mingfei was recognized by Angers in disguise. Finally, I will start writing my own script. For example, I will be on schedule after a trip to Tokyo. It is impossible to meet Erika after writing Ryuji. It is estimated that it will be within ten chapters.

Note 4: Dragon Race... is actually a group portrait article. My biggest pursuit in writing this book is to make up for regrets. The second pursuit is not to collapse the human design. So far, I feel that it should not collapse, emmmmm...

Finally, I ask for recommendation, follow-up and collection.

(End of this chapter)

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