Chapter 122 Tragic (for Subscription)

Akashi Asuka landed and looked at Ushishima Wakari on the opposite side.

Four eyes facing each other.

It was as if there was an invisible aura spreading between the two of them.

"Oh~~ Can Udo actually catch the ball?"

"Idiot, Ushijima Wakari is the 'ace' at the national level, how could he not catch the ball, it was just Shiratorizawa's tactic that he didn't catch the ball before."

"Amazing! Qingcheng. He was able to push Bai Niaoze to this point."

The title of 'Absolute King' is not for nothing. Even though many audience members already understand that Shiratorizawa is at a disadvantage, more than [-]% of the audience still think that the final winner is Shiratorizawa.

This was the confidence that Shiratorozawa's previous record gave them.

The score was 1:1.

Qingcheng regained the right to serve.

The closer to the end of the game, Ji Chuanche's attention became more concentrated, holding the ball outside the baseline of No. [-] position, He Chuanche lightly tossed the volleyball, and sure enough, a super high-speed serve hit the outer corner.

Because of the speed of the ball, Shiratorizawa players even had the illusion that their feet could not move.

"Damn it, move me, move me!"

Hayato Yamagata roared in his heart, obviously he is a free man, but he has not caught a few decent balls in the whole game today. For a free man, this is almost an insult!asshole!
move me

The super-high-speed serve hit Yamagata Hayato's forehead suddenly, because it was really impossible to judge the final landing point, Yamagata Hayato simply flew his whole body out to catch the serve.

With a crisp sound, the volleyball flew back into the sky, which also caused a burst of exclamation from the audience.


"Does Shiratorizawa actually use his body to catch the ball? And he still uses his head, it looks like it hurts!"

"It seems that Shiratorozawa is going to fight!"

A ferocious and powerful spike pierced Qingcheng's block, and Shiratorozawa scored the point.

The serve was broken for the first time, which was the first time Oikawa Toru experienced in today's game.

"Really, can't these bastards compete for No.2 quietly?" Oi Chuanche's expression was a little unsightly, obviously because Shiratorizawa's fighting spirit far exceeded his expectations.

1: 2.

Shiratorisawa serves.

After the volleyball flew over the block, it was picked up by Watanaji, and then Ji Chuanche quickly played a fast break with Akashi Asuka from the right wing.

However, just when Ji Chuanche thought he had thrown off all the blocks, Tiantongjue suddenly appeared from nowhere, and at the same time he was accompanied by a five-color worker.

The two took off at the same time, probably because they were too exhausted to control their posture in the air, and finally collided hard.

Wu Segong and Tian Tongjue had painful expressions on their faces at the same time, but even so, they still forcibly opened a double block, blocking Akashi Asuka.

next second.

A smashing ball with great force hit Wusegong's arm. In just an instant, a gap was opened in Wusegong's hands, and then the volleyball passed through the block and landed to score.

2: 2.

"I'm sorry!" As soon as he landed, he heard Wuse Gongchao apologize loudly.

"Don't worry about it, the next ball will be continued... Work hard!" Another main attacker Daping Shiyin patted him on the shoulder, trying to comfort the junior, but because of his shortness of breath, he couldn't even speak. It's hard to say.

The situation of this final decisive game far exceeded everyone's expectations. Many people guessed that this game would be a fight between dragons and tigers, but no one thought that this game would be so tragic.

Not to mention anything else, the physical condition of the players of the two teams alone made many viewers feel tired and panicked just watching.

The heavy breathing of the players seemed to be audible even to the audience in the front row.

Asuka Akashi and Toru Oikawa, who were the only ones with slightly better physical strength, were quickly drenched in sweat after several consecutive rounds.

no way.

Because Shiratorizawa chased the score too closely.

The attack power displayed by Oikawa Toru and Akashi Asuka's cooperation is enough to completely tear Shiratorizawa's defense apart.

But what Lingji Chuanche didn't expect was that Ushishima Wakari, who obviously felt that his physical strength was about to dry up, could still break through Qingcheng's block with his own strength, helping Shiratorozawa to catch up with the score.

"Huhu~ Niu Ruo is so strong that it doesn't make sense!"

Looking at Ushijima Wakari who clearly felt that he would fall down at any time, but his momentum remained undiminished, even Iwaizumi felt that this guy was too powerful.

The hot chase continued until 4:4.

The situation of the whole game finally had a little surprise.

When the score came to 4:4, it was Akashi Asuka's turn to serve after the position rotation. Facing the anxious situation, Akashi Asuka decisively fired a heavy shot.

After several drifts, the ball finally landed on the side of Shiratorozawa, where Five Color Workers was.

After four consecutive games.

Shiratorizawa's players are now gradually adapting to Akashi Asuka's current serving strength, so the probability of success in receiving the serve has gradually increased a little.

However, this does not include five-color workers.

After all, the basis for successful receiving and serving comes from the most basic receiving skills of the players, and although Wusegong's foundation is good, it is only a freshman in high school after all.

Wusegong himself obviously knew this, so facing the flying volleyball, he knew that he could not catch it in a normal way, but if he let go of the ball and let Qingcheng score, Wusegong himself would not be reconciled.

So after a moment of thought.


Goshiko chose to take the same risk as Yamagata Hayato.

He... caught Akashi Asuka's serve with his face.

There was a loud bang on the court, Goshiko's head jerked back, and the volleyball flew into the sky again. Ushijima Wakari lived up to expectations, and the ball was caught by Goshiko, helping Shiratorizawa lead again.

4: 5.

However, after scoring this point, before the Shiratorizawa players could celebrate, the referee suddenly blew the whistle in a hurry.

Everyone was stunned.

When they looked back again, they suddenly saw a face covered in blood.

This scene immediately shocked many people, but after they observed carefully, they found that this bloody man was none other than Wu Se Gong.

His nostrils continued to bleed out, and the five-color worker seemed to have wiped it at the beginning, causing half of his face to be covered with traces of blood.

The game was suspended urgently.

In fact, nosebleeds in volleyball games are not uncommon, because the capillaries in the nasal cavity are not very tough. In addition, people's physiques cannot be generalized. Some people's noses are prone to bleeding after being hit.

So after confirming that the five-color worker was just bleeding from the nose, neither the people from Shiratorozawa nor Qingcheng paid much attention to it.

But after the doctor's careful examination, everyone was stunned instantly.

"The preliminary judgment is that the bridge of the nose is cracked. The specific situation may not be confirmed until the X-ray comes out, so he will not be able to participate in the next competition." The doctor said.

The result of this inspection obviously greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Asuka Akashi in the rest area of ​​Qingcheng. He just caught a serve, and he was able to crack the bridge of his nose. How powerful is this guy's serve!
Wusegong is obviously unwilling to leave the stage, but at this time it is no longer up to him to make a decision.

In the end, Goshiko was carried off the field on a stretcher, and he was replaced by Eita Semi, a key server who played twice in the second and fourth innings of Shiratorizawa.

The game continues quickly.

After everyone from Qingcheng returned to the arena, they were a little taken aback when they saw that Wu Segong hadn't returned to the arena.

But they didn't think much about it, and soon turned their attention back to the game.

Whether by accident or coincidence.

In general.

Bai Niaoze's substitutions really brought some unexpected troubles to Qingcheng.

It's not because of how good Seren Eita's serve is. Although his serve is strong, he doesn't have the scoring ability at the super high school level. Basically, except for the second game where he scored two points with his serve, in the next few games, Semi Eita's serve basically didn't work anymore.

But the problem is that Semi Eita's original position is not a 'key server', but a setter.

So when Sen saw Eita play, Shiratorizawa unexpectedly formed a double setter lineup.

This is not only the first time for the Shiratorozawa team, but also the first time for Qingcheng to face such a Shiratorozawa.

So for a while, Qingcheng really didn't get used to it.

The temporary explosion of Shiratorizawa's double-setter lineup caught Qingcheng by surprise, and at the same time gave Ushijima Wakari an extremely valuable breathing time.

So even if Washo Kaji didn't like the setter with a "strong personal style" like Eita Semi off the court, he didn't make a substitution.

Both sides you chase after me.

The score soon came to 12:13.

Shiratorisawa maintained the lead.

Qingcheng called a timeout, which is also Qingcheng... Inaccurately speaking, it should be the last timeout for the two teams.

The number of timeouts called in the fifth game was far more frequent than in the first four games, and the purpose of the two teams calling timeouts in this game was basically only one person, and that was to buy valuable rest time for the players.

The game has come to this point.

Qingcheng's physical strength advantage originally planned in the fourth game has also been exhausted.

Because at this moment, whether it is Ji Chuanche or Akashi Asuka, their physical energy has been exhausted, and even because of the excessive consumption of physical strength, it is extremely difficult for Ji Chuanche to even run his brain and think.

"Whoa~ Is there any other way, as long as the score can be opened, no, even the score can be tied first..."

Ji Chuanche's brain was running wildly, hoping to find a way to break the situation.However, no matter how he thought about it, he found that the result was meaningless.

Because the game has progressed to this point, even if he can still figure out a way, other members of the team may not be able to execute it perfectly.

But even so.

Oi Chuanche still did not give up, or rather, he was not reconciled to failure.

Because he has done everything to the extreme in this game, whether it is tactical arrangements or other aspects, Qingcheng suppressed Shiratorozawa almost throughout the game.

And what about Shiratorizawa?
They didn't do anything, and they overthrew all the advantages that Qingcheng had created by relying on Ushidao Ruori alone.

Such a result, let alone Oi Chuanche, no one could accept it.

"Senior Oikawa, if you don't know who to pass the ball to in the future, then give me all the balls!"

Just when Oi Chuanche was thinking about countermeasures and was about to fall into despair, suddenly, a voice came from his ear, Oi Chuanche's body shook, turned his head to look around, and found that it was Akashi Asuka.

At this time, Akashi Asuka's eyes were calm, his pupils were dark and deep, and he looked like a pool of stagnant water.

Seeing Akashi Asuka like this, Oi Chuanche was stunned for a moment, then smiled lightly and said, "No problem, Akashi-chan."

The referee blows his whistle and the game restarts.

Team Qingcheng: Setter and Chuan Toru, main attack Akashi Asuka, main attack Kuni Hide, secondary attack Kanedaichi, secondary attack Matsukawa Kazuya, free man Wataru Osamu.

Shiratorizawa: Setter Shirabu Kenjiro, setter Eita Semi, main attacker Ohira Shione, secondary attacker Tendo Kaku, strong support Ushishima Wakari, free man Hayato Yamagata.

The timeouts and substitutions of the two teams have been used up. Except for free agents who are also eligible to substitute at will, the positions of the rest will basically not change.

In other words.

This is the final battle lineup of the two sides.

On the Shiratorizawa side, Ushijima Wakari's face showed an abnormal paleness, which was a symptom caused by excessive physical exertion.However, in this state, not only did Ushishima Wakali's aura not attenuate at all, but it was like a flame, burning more and more vigorously.

On the Qingcheng side, everyone's fighting spirit was equally high, but Akashi Asuka was the complete opposite. Not only did his aura not grow strong, but it became completely silent, like an abyss, as if to swallow everything into it.

Qingcheng serves.

This goal is very important for Qingcheng, because once Bai Niaoze wins this point, then Qingcheng will fall behind by two points, which will push Qingcheng to the edge of the cliff in an instant.


The volleyball flew over the block and fell into the court where Shiratorizawa was. Shiratorizawa caught the ball and passed it over Ushishima Wakari without hesitation.

Ushishima Wakari took off facing the volleyball. Even at this final stage, his tall body still maintained an extremely perfect spiking posture. Jin Tianichi, who was closest to Ushishima Wakari, took off decisively, but he found that he could not reach the bull. Shimajori's spike height.

Seeing that Ushishima Wakari was about to swing the ball to smash the ball.

In an instant.

A figure appeared like a ghost, and instantly came directly in front of Ushido Ruori.

Accompanied by two muffled sounds that sounded almost simultaneously, the volleyball suddenly appeared on the floor of Shiratorizawa's side. The volleyball bounced high from the floor, forming a stark contrast with the shocked faces of all Shiratorizawa members.

(End of this chapter)

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