The journey from volleyball

Chapter 151 Tactical Hitting

Chapter 151 Tactical Hitting

"What kind of pass is this? What happened to that setter in Susaka!"

"Goose goose goose goose goose goose goose~~~ I'm dying of laughter!"

After three seconds of dead silence, the entire stadium roared with laughter.

Do you play volleyball?

Pass turnovers are also normal.

Many of the spectators are old volleyball players. In their twenties and thirties, what haven’t you seen?

But they had to admit that they had never seen this scene before.

The pass error is not a big problem, but it is the first time in their life that they have seen the setter who directly hit the 'ace' head with a ball error.


Susaka High School hastily called a timeout.

In fact, the loss of points for this goal is not a big problem, but if the mentality of the players is abnormal due to this, then the problem is really troublesome.

After returning to the rest area, the setter of Susaka High School naturally apologized repeatedly.

Kiryu Hachi who was beaten was not angry at all. In fact, despite the bald-headed appearance, he is a bit fierce, but in fact, his inner essence is quite similar to Ushijima Wakari, and he has a bit of iron and simple attributes.

However, the coach of Susaka High School decided to temporarily replace Uriman and let him calm down for a while off the court.

So after the two sides played again.

When everyone in Qingcheng saw that the setter on the opposite side was replaced directly, they were a little confused at that time.

"Good guy, so fast?"

Naturally, the 'quick' that Qingcheng mentioned does not mean that Susaka High School changed people quickly, but that Oikawa's efficiency in doing things was too fast.

After all, before the start of this game, Oikawa Toru had already told them that this game was mainly aimed at the setter of Susaka, but they thought that if they wanted to make the mentality of the setter of Susaka High School have problems, at least they had to wait for this game. It takes more than half of the game to do it.

But never expected that less than a third of the game had gone on, the setter on the opposite side was replaced directly.

"Ah, it's just being a setter, isn't it a bit too wronged for Ji Chuan?"

9: 6.

Because of Uriman's mistake in the last goal, Qingcheng immediately expanded the score to three points.

If it's only a two-point difference, the players of Sasaka High School can ignore it, but three points are different. After all, it is generally difficult to widen the gap in volleyball games unless the strength gap between the two teams is too large.

But in the last game, Susaka High School finally won the victory score, which was only 25:20, which was only five points more than Qingcheng.

And the current three-point difference, perhaps if one is not careful, it may become the key to the failure of Sasaka High School in this round.

Because when the substitute setter came on the field, Susaka High School immediately launched an extremely swift offensive, trying to narrow the point difference as soon as possible.

But how can this point difference be so easily reduced? Susaka High School is indeed in a great advantage now, but Qingcheng can't say that it is completely powerless to fight back.

After all, no matter how good a strategy is, it must be based on strength.

Just like the beginning of the game, Oikawa Toru deliberately let Akashi Asuka attack once in order to confuse Usuriman.

At that time, if Akashi Asuka did not have enough strength to forcibly score points, even if Chuanche could implement the subsequent plan, it would be difficult to help Qingcheng expand the point difference.

In the blink of an eye.

The second game entered the 13th minute.

The score between the two sides was 14:12.

Qingcheng has the right to attack.

The fierce chasing of points by Susaka High School caused the pressure on everyone in Qingcheng to skyrocket. In just a few rounds of offense and defense, it felt more tiring than a whole game in the past.

Ji Chuanche's eyes faintly glowed, which was the result of the high-speed operation of the brain and the complete concentration of attention.

Qingcheng's current attackers lack attack power compared to Susaka, so in order to achieve an attack power equal to or comparable to Susaka, Oikawa Toru must make up for this gap.

Although the setter who came on as a substitute for Usaka does not have the brains of Usoriman, he is a third-year player. Although his skills and brains are mediocre, he is calm enough.

So what was done with Urimond cannot be applied to this person.

Therefore, Ji Chuanche could only attack from another angle. When he noticed that the opposite setter's eyes were completely locked on him, he immediately understood that the opponent's coach probably gave some kind of instruction.

So Oi Chuanche moved his steps quietly, gradually pulled the setter to the left wing, and then flew backhanded, directly passing the volleyball over Akashi Asuka on the right.

Akashi Asuka jumped into the air facing the volleyball, but at the moment when he was about to swing his arm to smash the ball, two tall figures suddenly appeared from opposite the block at the same time.

It was the two-person block that was jointly set up by Yuzaka's 'ace' Kiryu Hachi and one of the 'Twin Towers', Yunnan Keisuke.

The strength of these two people is beyond doubt.

After seeing these two people appearing in front of Akashi Asuka, not to mention the audience outside the court, even Qingcheng's teammate, who had always had confidence in Akashi Asuka, changed his face for a while.


Oikawa felt something was wrong, the situation on the opposite side was completely marking Akashi Asuka!
And Asuka Akashi glanced at the air, and also found that Susaka's defense was flawless, because this time the opponent's defense not only had two blocks in front of him, but also a tight defense in the backcourt.

In this case, the storm success rate is less than 5%.

After a moment of thinking.

next second.

Akashi Asuka suddenly swung his arm and hit a not-so-heavy smash. As expected, the volleyball directly hit the arms of Keisuke Yunnan and Hachi Kiryu.

But this time, the volleyball did not rebound to the ground, but bounced back into the sky.

[Beautiful shot! 】

[Qingcheng's 'ace' Akashi Asuka player, facing the tight defense of Susaka High School, suddenly hit a rebound ball, the volleyball hit the block, and bounced back to Qingcheng Stadium, giving Qingcheng another chance A chance to regroup. 】

Akashi Asuka's sudden rebound may not be a big deal to the audience, because although this shot is beautiful, it is not uncommon in national competitions.

But for the Qingcheng players, the bouncing ball played by Akashi Asuka has a completely different meaning.

In a word.

That is: When did our Qingcheng's 'ace' play such a cold game?


Can't even score directly!
When did our 'trump card' in Qingcheng suffer such grievances?

Bounce is a tactical shot in volleyball. For other teams, bounce like this is also a type of 'strike'. Iwaizumi used to play it a lot when he was an 'ace'.

But since Akashi Asuka took over the 'ace' position, Qingcheng has hardly seen Akashi Asuka play this kind of ball.

Unexpectedly, even tactical shots have appeared now.

Apparently, Akashi Asuka was also pressed by Susaka High School!
(End of this chapter)

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