The journey from volleyball

Chapter 186 A Group of Monsters

Chapter 186 A Group of Monsters

Everyone was stunned by Kiryu Hachi's bold behavior.

In particular, several team setters in the field appearance game felt that their positions had encountered a major crisis.

Because they discovered that Hachi Kiryu's "ace main attack" played this setter attack, which was perfect in terms of timing and angle.

And when they put themselves in other positions and asked themselves, they found that they were a setter. If they stood in Kiryu Hachi's position at this time, they might not be able to match this guy.

"Damn it! There is no way for people to survive these monsters."

The volleyball quickly fell to the ground towards the red team's court. Everyone who saw this scene thought that Kiryu Hachi had already scored this point.

After all, the timing of the attack on this ball was so subtle that it completely deceived the two defensive players of the red team, Chuan Toru and Ushishima Wakari.

But in the next second.

Something that no one on and off the court expected happened.

The moment the volleyball was about to fall to the ground, a figure suddenly leaped out from behind, made a sudden save, and unexpectedly saved the ball again.

In an instant, the entire stadium was quiet again.

They looked at Akashi Asuka, who was lying on the ground, catching the volleyball, and bounced directly to the blue team's court to score. All of them showed a look of hell.

"I'm going~~"

"Are you kidding, can you catch this ball?"

"Can that guy Akashi predict the future?"

"Hiss~~ Wow! It's like a group of monsters fighting!"

Akashi Asuka patted his buttocks and stood up from the ground, looked at Hachi Kiryu who was opposite the block, and grinned: "I'm sorry, Kiryu-senpai, I don't have a chance for you to see the national competition, but actually for me, two Passing offense is ineffective.”

Kiryuba was taken aback for a moment, and then also grinned.

1: 0.

The red team takes the lead for now.

Akashi Asuka walked to the teeing area with the ball and started the second serve.

"Today's hand feeling is really good!"

The volleyball was gently thrown into the sky, and then Akashi Asuka followed up with the volleyball and took off and swung his arms. He hit the volleyball side and back with great force, which not only imbued the ball with huge kinetic energy, but also had a strong spin.

The high-speed spinning volleyball cut through the air, forming a huge arc in the air, bypassing Kiryu Hachi in the blue team's frontcourt, and went straight to the right side of the opposite backcourt and fell.

Gu Senyuan obviously couldn't catch up with this ball, because he was located on the left side of the backcourt. Although his eyes caught the volleyball line, he couldn't keep up with his footsteps at all.

But in the backcourt of the blue team, there is another person.

Sakuzao Seiko.

Facing Akashi Asuka's [Banana Jumping Shot], Seiko Sakuza focused all his attention on the volleyball that was constantly drifting and sliding in the air.

until the last moment.

He moved suddenly, caught the falling trajectory of the volleyball in just a moment, and successfully received the ball with a more stable posture than Komori.

Sakusa Seiko caught the ball, which surprised many players off the field.

But only the Jingdashan players didn't seem too surprised.

Fan Zhanggang explained: "He is a holy minister! Although he is very powerful in smashing and serving, he is actually more talented in catching the ball, especially in serving with strong [spin]. Even Yuan Ye may not be able to match him."

"Of course, like the serve just now, it's not easy even for the holy minister to catch it. The reason why he can catch it so easily this time can only be said that he should be in a pretty good state today."

The volleyball was passed from Motoya Komori to Hachi Kiryu. Facing the blocks of Kawatoru and Ushijima Wakari, Hachi Kiryu directly pierced the block with a super heavy artillery and scored the point.

1: 1.

Then it was Kiryu's eighth serve.

Kiryu's eighth start was a heavy shot, and the volleyball flew through the block, but was picked up by Akashi Asuka.

Compared with smashing and blocking, Akashi Asuka barely reached 76 of the throwing attribute, which is obviously not high in such a duel, but because this time the server is Hachi Kiryu, so he can barely achieve a successful return. It's just that the landing of this ball was not good.

But it's not a big problem, after all, their setter this time is Toru Oikawa.

"Damn bastards, it will really make it harder for me!"

Oi Chuanche chased after the volleyball cursingly, but at this time the volleyball was less than 1.5 meters from the ground, and Oi Chuanche could only squat down with his whole body, and held the ball out in an extremely awkward posture.

in an instant.

The volleyball passed half the court and landed on Ushido Jori's head.

Seeing this pass, Ushishima Wakari was slightly taken aback, while Shirabu Kenjiro shrank his pupils off the court.

When he came back to his senses, Shirabu Kenjiro found that his back was covered in cold sweat.

"Are you kidding me, is that guy still human?"

"The first time we cooperated, we were able to find the best hitting spot for Ushido, and the ball was thrown out in that awkward posture..."

Although Sakusa Seiko had already blocked the net at the first time, facing Ushishima Wakari who got a nearly perfect pass, it was meaningless to block alone.

The volleyball passed through Sakusa Seikomi's block in an instant, and then hit the floor hard.

2: 1.

The red team gets another point.

The right to serve was rotated and came to Oikawa Toru.

"Watch me finish you with one ball."

Facing this group of hateful 'geniuses', Ji Chuanche has not concealed his full of 'maliciousness' at all. Everyone in Qingcheng who is familiar with him has almost seen the bad water flowing from Ji Chuanche at this moment.

next second.

Oikawa Toru made a super high-speed serve.

During this period of training, Qingcheng has specially strengthened the serve of all players, and now more than half of the players in the team have mastered the jump serve.

And Chuanche's own jump serve is even more powerful.

Of course.

Even if it is a better serve, it is very difficult to score head-on against the number one free man in the country like Gu Senyuan, but this ball and Chuanche are not aimed at Gu Senyuan at all. The goal from the very beginning was Kiryu Hachi.

Facing the incoming serve, Kiryu Hachi could only choose to receive the next pass, but when he just received the serve, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

After the ball was served, the direction of the bounce did not fall towards Komori Motoya's position as he thought, but rushed straight towards the direction of Sakusa Seiko.

In a volleyball game where everyone can only touch the ball once in a row, three-person volleyball basically means that each player can only and must touch the ball once in each game.

But now Kiryu Hachi has received a pass, and his body posture has become chaotic. In a short period of time, it is basically difficult to adjust back and continue to participate in the follow-up attack.

That is to say, once the ball is received by Sakusa Seiko, the final main attack can only be handed over to Komori Motoya.

Although Gu Senyuan is a free man, with his height of 180cm, it is not impossible to act as an attacker temporarily.

But the problem is, that's only possible in ordinary games, but the opponents you are facing now are completely a group of monsters, using their weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths, as long as Gu Senyuan dares to attack, there is at least a [-]% probability that he will be red Team blocked.

Only one serve was used.

Oi Chuanche instantly put the blue team into danger...
(End of this chapter)

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