The journey from volleyball

Chapter 404 The Victory Has Been Determined

Chapter 404 The Victory Has Been Determined
"...It's the limit!"

"Don't be kidding, I absolutely can't lose, the game is not over yet."

"Give up! You have no chance of winning."

"Shut up! The winner is me, so far, and will continue in the future..."

"To be honest, I was also very surprised. I thought you would lose to Qingfeng and the others, but I didn't expect you to lose to an unknown person."

"I haven't lost yet..."

In the depths of a dark consciousness, two voices that are the same but different are constantly fighting.

It wasn't until the outside voice interrupted this confrontation that Akashi's consciousness returned to reality.

"Hey~ Akashi, did you hear what the coach said just now?"

"Stop talking nonsense, the final winner of this game will definitely be me, and it is impossible for me to fail."

Perhaps it was because of the confrontation in the depths of consciousness just now, which made Akashi's temper more irritable at this time, but this is not a bad thing for Luoshan, because even if it is angry and irritable, it is always better than before. Dead' performed even better.

The game restarts.

Asuka Akashi, who returned to the arena again, immediately noticed the aura of Akashi Seijuro who regained the pressure, but became more violent.

"Eh? No. 1 is not awake?"

The violent breath emanating from Akashi Seijuro made Akashi Asuka understand that the opponent was not like in the original book. After being defeated by the opponent, he returned to the No. 1 position in the middle school period.

Such a result made Akashi Asuka a little surprised, but then he felt that this result is not too surprising. Indeed, from the common sense, now Akashi's 'No.1 grid' has a high probability of awakening, and he can take it back at any time control of the body.

Because the 'Second Personality' is the embodiment of victory, once defeated, the 'Second Personality' will automatically lose the meaning of existence.

But 'No.1 awakening' and 'regaining control of the body' are two different things.

in a sense.

Part of Akashi's "Second Personality" was created on his own initiative in order to escape the shadow of his childhood.

Therefore, even if 'No. 1 grid' wakes up, it may not be willing to appear immediately.

In the original book, "No. 1 grid" appeared, and a large part of the reason was that Tetsuya Kuroko, this former teammate and "good friend", was on the opposite side as an opponent, which prompted him to appear on his own initiative.

But now, Akashi Asuka and Akashi Seijuro's "No. 1 Frame" have no friendship at all, so even if the other party is unwilling to appear, it is completely understandable.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, whether that guy wakes up or not doesn't make any difference to me."

Accompanied by a flash of black lightning.

Akashi Asuka directly dribbled the ball and rushed towards the Luoshan Stadium. Akashi's [zone] status had disappeared, and he hadn't fully grasped the initiative to open the [zone] gate, so he couldn't re-enter now.

So Akashi Asuka came to the outside area and directly raised his hand to throw a three-pointer.

Akashi activated [The Eye of the Emperor of Heaven], trying to stop Akashi Asuka's shot, but when he made the shot, he suddenly found that although he predicted the opponent's movement this time, his speed could not catch up at all.

68: 65.

Akashi launched a counterattack, and Hayama Kotaro returned to the game in the final minutes of the game.

The three "five generals without a crown" gathered together, and Luo Shan returned to his peak state, but this round of attack, Luo Shan felt extremely difficult.

Because Akashi Asuka, who sits on the inner line of Zhengbang, puts too much pressure on them.

It's almost like a big boss of the final level of the game.

Reo Mibuchi received Akashi's pass, and before she got close to the three-point line, she felt a chill hit her face...
"Damn it, is this already his defensive range?"

Seeing that she was at least one or two meters away from the three-point line, Reo Shibuchi felt for the first time how terrifying Akashi Asuka was after entering the [zone] state.

"I can't enter the defensive range of that monster, since that's the case, then I'll shoot here..."

As soon as he thought about it, Shibuchi Lingyang directly took a shooting position two meters away from the three-point line, but just as he was about to make a shot, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, slamming the racket down.

"You guys, don't forget that Zhengbang still has us!"

It wasn't Akashi Asuka who shot and blocked Mibuchi Reo, but Kasuga Ryuhei.

Seeing that Reo Mibuchi's shot was blocked, it was Akashi Asuka who reacted immediately.

Even Akashi Seijuro, who was guarding him, only felt a flash of afterimage at this moment. After regaining consciousness again, Akashi Asuka had already rushed through the midfield first, just like Akashi before, launching a fast break with the ball alone .

Outside the three-point line, the emergency stop jumper hit again.

71: 65.

The offensive and defensive battles between the two sides continued.

Although Akashi Asuka's defensive range after entering the [zone] is very large, it is impossible to completely block all attacks in the defensive area, especially Luoshan and Akashi's [Eye of the Emperor] commanding the audience.

Therefore, in the next two minutes or so, Luoshan still scored three goals in succession, pulling his own score to 71.

But even so, the difference between the two sides has not narrowed, but has widened...

Because every time Luoshan made a two-pointer, Akashi Asuka immediately launched a counterattack and returned a three-pointer to the opponent.

Therefore, when there was 1 minute and 10 seconds left in the game, the score between Zhengbang and Luoshan had reached 80:71.


Coach Luoshan used up the last timeout urgently.

"It seems that little Akashi has slowly recovered from the 'shadow' of the failure just now." Kise Ryota looked at Akashi's gradual recovery in the next game, and couldn't help touching his chin and said.

"It's useless, the outcome has been decided!"

Aomine Daiki said indifferently as he looked at Akashi Seijuro, whose expression became more ferocious because of anger and unwillingness, in the Luoshan rest area.

"In the next game, even if Akashi can enter [zone] again, the outcome of this game is already doomed."

Having said that, Aomine Daiki turned his head to look at Akashi Asuka in Masamuni's rest area, and said, "Because that guy will never give Akashi any chance..."


Atsushi Ziyuan suddenly nodded in agreement and said: "Although we have always had the concept of 'victory means everything' before, when I fought against him last time, I discovered that that guy might be even more unscrupulous than us in order to win the victory." .”

(End of this chapter)

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