Chapter 426
Chapter 420 The sixth giant spirit god


Coming out of the refining room is the three hundred miles of mountains and rivers in the "Kongming Cave Sky".

Following the connection between Dongtian Dharma Realm and Qinglinju, Xu Rui returned to Maoshan Spirit Realm.

As soon as he came back, he felt that someone had touched the restriction of his practice room.

After making a hand gesture to remove the restraint, he opened the door, and Zhang Jie in a long pink dress appeared in front of him.

With surprise on Qiao's face, seeing him come out, she couldn't help but run towards the backyard.

"Come and see, those three red jade sword butterflies are about to hatch."

Xu Rui became interested when he heard it.

These three sword butterfly eggs were cultivated by Master Red Lantern for a long time when they were in the hands of Master Red Lantern. When they came to him, they grew faster thanks to the aura of the 'Land of Turtle Sleeping'.

I just didn't expect it to hatch now.

In the backyard, Xu Rui specially built a nest for the three red jade sword butterfly eggs.

It can be seen that the egg, which was originally only light red, has now turned crimson red, and a strong sword energy surrounds the thumb-thick egg, constantly expanding and contracting, as if it is breathing.

And the frequency is getting higher and higher.


The surging sword energy stopped for a while, and then disappeared suddenly.

A strange scene appeared in front of Xu Rui.

There was no scene of breaking out of the cocoon, the crimson shell seemed to melt and absorb directly.

The wings spread out, and three butterflies, the size of an adult's palm, were red all over, like beautiful jade, appeared in front of the two of them.

Xu Rui flicked his fingers, and the three puppet seals smoothly integrated into Jiandie's body.

Feeling the connection between the two parties, the three red jade sword butterflies shook their wings, as if they had changed shape, and came to Xu Rui in an instant.

It was as if three groups of crimson streamers were flying up and down around him.

Amazing speed.

Xu Rui's heart skipped a beat.


The sharp sword energy rushed out from the bodies of the three sword butterflies, and in an instant, they seemed to become three huge swords with a width of one foot and a length of one foot.

The three sword lights strangled and shattered everything they passed.


Zhang Jie exclaimed.

Xu Rui was also a little surprised at the power of these sword butterflies.

The three sword lights are not inferior to the inferior spirit swords.

One must know that these three Scarlet Jade Sword Butterflies have just metamorphosed and are still in the juvenile stage, and their power is far from reaching the peak.

"Want it?"

Xu Rui asked with a smile.

Zhang Jie thought for a while and shook her head.

"I already have the Lengyue Sword and Lunar Wheel, any more is a waste."

Xu Rui has already refined her Lengyue Sword into a medium-level spiritual weapon. It can be used with Lingyun Dialing the Moon, one medium and one low, and different magic weapons can be used according to different situations.

In addition, the medium-level spiritual weapon, the Divine Mirror of the Moon, and the Illusory Cloud Banner.

Both attack and defense are enough.

Too much to chew.

Xu Rui didn't force it either, looking at Zhang Jie's still flat abdomen, he smiled.

"I don't know when this little guy was born. If it's a girl, I just give her this sword butterfly as a gift."

Hearing this, Zhang Jie subconsciously touched her lower abdomen, her face showing the brilliance of motherhood.

After more than two months, she has completely accepted Xu Rui and the child in her womb.

"You like girls?"

"Of course, the girl is the father's close-fitting padded jacket."

"I like boys. When I grow up, I can protect my mother." Zhang Jie smiled softly.

"Then one man and one woman, everything will be settled."

"You have a good idea." After saying that, a trace of worry appeared on her pretty face, "Zhengyang, this child is growing slowly. It's been more than two months, and my belly hasn't changed at all."

"You and I are both innate spirit bodies, and there is a high probability that this child will also be innate. He is born with extraordinary aptitude, so he will naturally grow slower." Xu Rui laughed.


"Are you sure you don't want to go back to Hu~bei now?"

He originally planned to take Zhang Jie back and propose to the Zhang family by the way, and the two got married, and everything seemed justified.

But beyond his expectation, Zhang Jie refused.

"I won't go. The place where the turtle sleeps is the top spiritual place in the world, rich in aura. Such a place is good for children's growth."

Zhang Jie's tone was firm.

Once a woman becomes a mother, more than half of her thoughts will be on her children.

Seeing her like this, Xu Rui didn't persuade her anymore.

He had already asked the same question many times, and he didn't want to waste any more time.

He hugged Zhang Jie's shoulder with a gentle but firm tone.

"I will always be with you."

After silently nodding, Lishou leaned lightly on her generous chest, and an indescribable warmth and sense of security lingered in Zhang Jie's heart.

She is enjoying this feeling more and more.

After sitting for a while, the two got up and left.

Before leaving, Xu Rui looked at the turtle eggs not far away. Although the aura was much stronger than before, there was no sign of hatching.


In the middle of the night, off the coast of Tianjin.

The calm sea suddenly boiled.

'Wow', a dragon with a body length of nearly twenty feet rushed into the sky.

Ferocious dragon head; tank-sized, water-blue scales; thick and sharp dragon claws; slender and powerful dragon tail.

Except for a single horn on the top of the head, it is almost exactly the same as the rumored real dragon.

After the huge dragon eyes swept around, clouds formed from the soles of its feet, supporting its body.

After looking at the direction, the four claws moved, the clouds rolled, and the huge body flew towards the west like lightning.

About a quarter of an hour later, the originally flat land suddenly uplifted, and countless high and low mountains, like a huge city wall, divided the sky and the earth.

After taking a look, the giant dragon flew to the sky above the mountain and plunged into it.

After falling in a valley, the light flashed, and the gigantic Jiaolong turned into a tall, burly man wearing a yellow bunt.

It was Xu Kunlun.

Now he has refined the 'Flood Dragon Essence and Blood', and completely refined the third transformation of 'Nine Demon Transformations', 'Flood Dragon Transformation'.

Identify the direction.

Lift up the escape light and fly forward.

Compared with the supernatural power of flying clouds and driving fog in "Jiaolong Transformation", his light escape is much slower.

However, due to the short distance, a rising mountain peak appeared in front of him soon.

There are also more monks around.

When they saw him coming, they all showed envy.

Being able to fly with mana is the trait of a Jindan monk.

"Excalibur Peak, I'm back again."

Xu Rui thought.

This time he didn't have to 'squeeze the elevator' with many foundation-building monks like last time.Fly directly to the top of Shenjian Peak, the Dharma platform dedicated to receiving Jindan monks.

The Fatai is not too big, about [-] square meters, and at the end is a stone archway.

Two disciples in yellow clothes stood guard in front of the door.

Seeing him coming, he greeted him respectfully.

"Excalibur peak guard disciples 'Zuo Yi' and 'Zhao Fengnian' have met seniors."


Zuo Yi patted the dharma bag and took a jade book from it.

"Senior, the temple master personally ordered that all Jindan monks who enter Fangshi must register here."

"Bring it here and show it to me."

Zuo Yi didn't dare to neglect, and hastily handed it over.

Xu Rui simply flipped through it, but it was nothing more than recording names and sects, not any important news.But this is normal, otherwise, even if Zhao Wuji, the swordsman of the spirit void and the master of Baiyun temple, came forward in person, those proud golden core monks would not give face.

Return the booklet to the other party.

"My name is 'Xu Kunlun', casual cultivator. You can write it down."

"More seniors."

Zuo Yi took out a pen and ink to write these down.

"Dare to ask if the senior has a Taoist name?"

Xu Rui originally wanted to say 'no', but in view of the lessons learned from the Tao name 'Iron Palm Immortal', it is better to get one early.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to have another ugly dao name.

After nodding his head affirmatively, Xu Rui pondered for a while and had an idea in his mind.

"Xu's Taoist name is 'Jiangling Shenjun'."

Kunlun's blood is the blood of the giant spirit, and the Taoist name of the giant spirit god is also appropriate.

"It's been written down, seniors, please come in."

After Zuo Yi finished speaking, Zhao Fengnian next to him waved the token in his hand, and a ray of spiritual light flew into the archway.

With the wave-like light curtain slowly opening, Kunlun strode in.

On the front is the bustling Jintaifang City, where people gather.

Although he has been away for nearly half a year, everything is the same as when he first came.

After a brief look, Xu Kunlun slapped the dharma bag on his waist, and a magic talisman flew out.

Under the urging of mana, the talisman turned into a flash of spiritual light and flew upwards like lightning, disappearing in an instant.

Not long after, a monk in a white robe with a magic sword on his back came in a hurry.

Seeing Xu Kunlun, a trace of surprise flashed across his face, and after quickly restraining himself, he stepped forward to salute with fists in his hands.

"Under Ye Changxun, do you dare to ask senior and 'Iron Palm Immortal' Xu Zhengyang...?"

"He's my brother."

Ye Changxun suddenly realized, no wonder he was able to get the teacher's talisman.

However, seeing Xu Kunlun's strong aura, as if he was already a member of the Golden Core, somewhat shocked him.

"Please Daoist Ye take me to see the Lord Baiyun."

Ye Changxun came back to his senses and nodded quickly.

"Fellow Daoist, please come with me."

It was still the same path that Liu Yezhou took him to Baiyun Temple back then. He entered Yuxu Pavilion first, and then passed the Green Bamboo Forest, which was the Baiyun Temple on the top of Shenjian Peak.

Push the door and go in, into the hall.

"Fellow Daoist, sit down for a while, I'll go and inform my teacher right away."

"Fellow Daoist Ye, please go ahead."

Ye Changxun left in a hurry, not long before Zao Wou-ki arrived.

Looking at Xu Kunlun, who is tall and tall like a giant, and feeling the tyrannical energy and blood on his body, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Although he doesn't practice martial arts, it can be seen that the person in front of him is not a novice entering the golden core of martial arts, but has a solid foundation.

A martial arts master who has tempered several meridians.

"I don't know who Xu Zhengyang's master is, who can teach such outstanding disciples continuously?"

Suppress unwanted thoughts.

"Dare to ask your friend's name?"

They are all golden elixir, especially a martial art elixir whose strength is no worse than his own, Zhao Wou-ki does not dare to call himself a senior.

"Xu Kunlun has seen the Lord Baiyun."

After Zhao Wuji smiled and nodded, "Brother Ling didn't come?"

"Brother has other important matters, so I can't come here for the time being. However, please ask me to bring the spiritual weapon refined by Guanzhu Zhao."


Zhao Wou-ki's eyes lit up instantly.

It was originally agreed that it could be refined in a month, but Xu Rui couldn't get away from it all the time.

It wasn't until half a year later that things around him were almost settled, that Xu Kunlun came to Jintaifang City to return the spirit weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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