Chapter 438 Dragon Tree

As soon as Xu Xuandu said the word 'bro', the Miao Jiang wizard gritted his teeth suddenly, and the magic power in his body was activated rapidly.

The remaining poisons and poisonous people around them all moved.

Xu Xuan's heart skipped a beat.


A muddy yellow river emerged from nothingness, and the waves rolled in all directions.

Seeing the river, Lin Fengjiao's face suddenly changed, and she felt a deadly danger from it.

"What is this?"

Not only him, the Miao Jiang wizard also changed his face.

In his unbelievable eyes, all the creatures that followed the yellow river disappeared, and even the corpses and poisonous blood left on the ground disappeared.

Only a layer of dry, hard rock remains in place.

Just when Xu Xuandu went all out and directly used Huangquan to kill the old man in Miaojiang.

His expression changed, and he took Huang Quan back.

The old Miao Jiang man who was originally desperate was instantly overjoyed.

"Hahaha, you are dead, haha."

"Master, this old fellow must have lost his mind, right?"

Xiao Hai couldn't help but said.

Lin Fengjiao had rich experience, and after seeing Xu Xuandu's expression, she had a little understanding in her heart.

Came over with two apprentices.

"Fellow Daoist, what else happened?"

Xu Xuandu nodded, looked in the direction of the cave entrance, and said calmly: "I didn't expect this old man to have some power behind him."

Lin Fengjiao understood that someone stronger was coming.

"The Miaojiang wizard has already reached the peak of Foundation Establishment. Isn't someone stronger than him...?"

Lin Fengjiao's expression changed instantly.

Although he is very confident in his own strength, he is not confident enough to defeat Jin Dan.

Subconsciously wanted to take the disciple away, but seeing Xu Xuandu's expression, there was no panic in the middle.

Knowing that it was Jin Dan who came, he didn't panic, it was obvious that he had confidence.

After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and retracted the foot that had already taken half a step.

At this moment, his spiritual sense also sensed a tyrannical aura, and the passage from time to time quickly approached.

Soon, at the entrance of the cave, an old man with gray hair appeared in a navy blue robe, holding a wooden staff.

Xu Xuandu glanced at the wooden stick in his hand, there were two small black snakes with thick fingers coiled on it, the snake's head twisted, the snake's core swallowed, and the crimson jade-like eyes were full of ferocity.

Seeing the person coming, Nova, the wizard of Miaojiang, found the backbone in an instant, stumbled and ran over, kneeling on the ground with a 'Putong', crying.

"Second Elder, you are finally here. These guys are obstructing our family's great cause, and they should all be damned."

The white-haired old man turned his head to look at everyone in Xu Xuandu.

That deep and cold gaze made Lin Fengjiao's master and apprentice feel as if two iron brushes were brushing over his body. Not only did he feel uncomfortable in his heart, but he even felt a tingling sensation on his body.

In comparison, Xu Xuan was much calmer.

And the eyes of the white-haired old man stayed on him more.

Nova and Lin Fengjiao couldn't see through Xu Xuandu's depth, but as a golden core, he could feel the hidden and amazing aura of the other party.

Eyes shake.


"My name is 'Dragon Tree', the second elder of the Lishan clan, don't you know your name?"

Both Lin Fengjiao and Nova were a little surprised by the equal tone.

They all knew that the elder Nagarjuna was an absolute Golden Core cultivator, but such an existence did not act immediately, and his words were quite "reasonable".

"Could it be...?"

Lin Fengjiao looked at the tall and straight figure in front of her, and she had a little more guessing in her heart.

Xu Xuandu shook his head and said: "Through the matter now, there must be a fight. If you can survive from my hands, it will not be too late to report your family. If you have not been beaten, why bother."

Longshu's eyes turned cold.

He didn't come here this time to save Nova, but the spirit tool in the clan calculated that there was a change in the matter of the soul boy, so he rushed here in a hurry to find out what happened.

"Fellow Daoist is so shameless."

Xu Xuan smiled indifferently, too lazy to talk nonsense.

A move in my heart.


The water of the previous Yellow Spring emerged from the space of the Yellow Spring again.Intense death energy filled the entire cave.

The yellow spring water seemed to be slow but actually fast, and it had already reached Longshu in the blink of an eye.

The latter didn't dare to be negligent, and slammed the wooden stick in his hand, and the two black snakes wrapped around it suddenly swelled up, turning into a giant of several feet in an instant.

The huge mouth opened.


The turbulent poisonous gas rushed over.

Compared with Nova's poisonous mist before, it pales in comparison.

Although Xu Xuandu's yellow spring water is powerful, but limited by his cultivation, it cannot completely block these poisons.

Fortunately, he didn't have other options.

A move in my heart.

Red, black, white, yellow, blue, five-color aura emerges behind.

It is the natal supernatural power of the five congenital ghosts 'five spirits'.

Urging the five ghosts to swipe violently.

The five-color aura instantly soared.

Although his five-spirit light does not have the great power of Kong Xuan's five-color light.

However, it is still possible to receive spells with the attributes of the five elements.

Even if it does not belong to the five elements and cannot be collected, it can still be resisted.

like now.

The tyrannical five-color divine light seemed to be crushed down suddenly by five hills.

Feeling the power, Longshu's expression suddenly changed. Without saying a word, he dropped the two giant snakes on his back, grabbed Nova next to him, and ran towards the way like lightning.


The five-color aura directly smashed the two half-step golden core-level giant snakes into powder.

With a roll of yellow spring water, everything disappeared completely.

The power of the five-color aura activated by the five golden cores is too terrifying.

"Friend Daoist Lin, I'm going to kill that demon, and then go back to the dojo to meet you."

The lingering sound curled up, and the person had long since disappeared.

Lin Fengjiao looked at the empty cave, and after a while, she shook her head and sighed.

It's in vain that after he usually claims to be a famous family, he is well-informed, but he didn't see the details of the family.

"Master, what kind of cultivation was that Uncle Xu just now? It's too powerful." Fei Bao asked.

Xiao Hai is also full of envy.

They never knew that it was so astonishing when they reached the depths of their practice.


One person slapped each other on the back of the head.

"Don't be so ambitious, when you have cultivated your mana to the middle stage of foundation establishment, I'm telling you."

After the words fell, he walked out of the cave with his hands behind his back.

Fei Bao and Xiao Hai looked at each other and quickly followed.


At this moment, Xu Xuandu had already come to the sky, looking at Longshu who was fleeing frantically in the distance.

He smiled lightly, patted the dharma bag, and a cloud of air fell under his feet.

It is the newly acquired Innate Spirit Cloud.

Urging Lingyun, he followed behind the other party unhurriedly.

His idea was very simple, since he had offended him, he might as well come to the plow court to sweep the hole.

Judging from the behavior of the wizard named Nova, this Lishan clan is not a kind person, and Xu Xuan didn't have any psychological burden to deal with them.

"Damn, that guy is right behind."

Because Xu Xuandu didn't deliberately hide it, Nagarjuna easily discovered his whereabouts.

Fortunately, the distance between the two sides is still relatively far, and his pressure is not too great.

However, this also made Nagarjuna, who originally planned to ask Nova about it first, fled directly to the clan.

He dared not stop.

The five-color aura just now was too powerful.

If he hadn't escaped quickly, that ray of spiritual light would have killed him.

"Damn it, how dare that bastard Nova provoke such a strong man."

If he hadn't asked him for clues about the soul boy, Nagarjuna would have wanted to slap him to death.

Under Xu Xuandu's constant pursuit, the two crossed hundreds of miles of mountains and rivers.

Gradually, the surrounding terrain became higher and higher and more dangerous.

"The front should be the boundary of the Hundred Thousand Mountains."

Xu Xuan thought to himself.

When he was in the Ghost Blowing Lantern Spirit Realm, he took Partridge Whistle and others to the south to look for the King Xian's Tomb. He had passed Shiwanda Mountain and was familiar with the terrain here.

The topography of the two spirit worlds was completely similar, so he recognized them at a glance.

After Longshu brought Nova to the depths of Shiwanda Mountain, his figure suddenly disappeared.

Xu Xuandu urged Xiantian Lingyun to rush to the place where the other party disappeared without any haste.

What you can see is a vast sea of ​​clouds.

Thick clouds covered everything. If someone hadn't led the way, Xu Rui would never have thought of such a place, where a powerful force was hidden.

A flick of the finger.

A sharp pointing wind flew downwards.

After about a dozen feet, we encountered an obvious obstacle.

"Sure enough, it's a formation."

"Forget it. Up to now, my sword array has never been profitable. Let me show you something today."

Thinking of this, Xu Xuan took off the sword box behind his back.

A move in my heart.


Five colors of aura erupted, and a cloth pocket flew into the sky like lightning.

After coming to the center of the sea of ​​clouds, the cloth pocket unfolded, and a five-pointed star-shaped formation with colorful colors emerged.

Under the urging of Xu Xuandu, the array expanded rapidly, and soon covered the entire sea of ​​clouds.

The five swords that were originally mixed in the formation also flew to the corresponding directions.

"You go too."

Five auras flew out of his body, flying towards their respective directions like lightning.

After the five congenital ghosts settled down, Xu Xuandu formed seals with both hands.


A sudden drink.

The formation turned into a legal net covering the entire sea of ​​white clouds and disappeared.

The five ghosts each merged into five eighth-rank middle magic swords, and then disappeared.

Of course, they didn't really disappear, they just merged with the formation.

at the same time.

Nagarjuna, who flew into the clan's land, flew straight towards the temple built entirely of huge stones in the center of the valley.

After landing on the steps, I saw the strong and capable Lishan soldiers driving groups of slaves towards the other entrance of the temple.

Brow wrinkled slightly.

That entrance is only opened when the Lishan people offer sacrifices to the gods.

"See the second elder."

The soldiers guarding the gate saw him coming and hurriedly saluted him.

After slightly nodding his head, he pointed down.

"What's going on? Isn't this year's sacrifice already held?"

"Go back to the Second Elder, that was requested by the First Elder, and we don't know exactly why."

"Big elder?!"

Nagarjuna frowned, and after waving the two of them down, he grabbed Nova and walked into the temple.

In the middle of the grand temple, there is a relief statue of a god with three heads and six arms, the head of a bull and a human body.

The ignited flames illuminated the temple, and set off the entire stone statue like a god and a demon, revealing a strange and domineering aura.

(End of this chapter)

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