The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 448 Taiyi Ziwei Zhenyuan God Seal

Chapter 448 Taiyi Ziwei Zhenyuan God Seal

"Eldest sister, second sister, brother-in-law, the spiritual fruit you just picked grows long."

Zhang Qingluo Mana carried the fruit basket and sent it to several people.

The three took a few at random.

They are all nine-rank spiritual fruits. Although they are precious in the eyes of casual cultivators, they are just ordinary in their eyes.

"Little sister, now that your second sister is married, when will you find a husband?"

Zhang Hongling laughed.

"I think so too, but there are not many outstanding men like the eldest brother-in-law and the second brother-in-law in the entire cultivation world. Even if I agree, father will not agree." Zhang Qingluo said indifferently.

Zhang Hongling nodded slightly, she couldn't be more clear about her father's character.

On the surface, he is gentle and gentle, but he is indeed a snobbish person in his heart.

Back then, if it wasn't for Wei Huacun's combination of alchemy and Taoism, and he had already achieved Jindan, the two of them would never have had the chance to be together.

"I have a suitable candidate to introduce to my little sister."

Zhang Jie said suddenly.

Zhang Hongling and Zhang Qingluo looked over at the same time.

"There is a junior brother in Zhengyang, named Xu Xuandu, Taoist name 'Beiming'. He is a good-looking talent, and now he is also at the Jindan level. He is about the same age as the younger sister, and his character is not bad. He is a good match. "

Zhang Hongling said with great interest: "Second brother-in-law still has such an excellent junior brother?"

The three sisters looked at Xu Rui at the same time.

Seeing it in his eyes, Xu Rui was quite at a loss.

He never thought that Zhang Jie would pay attention to Xu Xuandu.

This is my natal puppet.

On the surface, he is an independent person, but in fact, he is two sides of one body, and all actions are controlled by me.

"Lingqiluo is your sister-in-law."

Zhang Jie thought to herself.

"The senior brother will come over when you get married, and then I can introduce you to Qingluo." Zhang Jie smiled.

This is the end of the matter, so I have to pay back the day.

"When the time comes, you can introduce me to meet you." Zhang Qing said with a smile.

"Thank you Seventh Sister, brother-in-law."

Hu Xiangluo's pretty face flushed slightly.

"You want to see me too."

Zhang Hongling said hastily.

"They talk first, you go and urge the senior brother to let me come earlier."

With that said, Zhang Jie came out of the room, and shook her head slightly when she heard the laughing and joking chatter in front of her.

"A few days ago, I was determined to let Yumei know the details of your 'Lingbao Puppet Art', otherwise you will have to tear you apart."

Returning to the room, before pondering for a moment, he left a restraint under the door, and before opening the space channel, he returned to the Kongming Treasure Tree Cave.

Standing outside the yard for a while.

Before meditating in my heart for a moment, a flash of spiritual light flew from nearby like lightning.

Coming up behind me, accompanied by the howling wind, a crow with a wingspan of nearly one foot, a snow-white body, and seventeen vertical feathers on its head appeared behind me.

It is the phantom crow.

Stretching out his arms, the phantom crow hurriedly fell down.

He stretched his head over and rubbed against my cheek, very intimately.

As my cultivation continues to improve, the spirit bird from the day before yesterday has little effect on me.

Open the cheat panel.

phantom crow.

Cultivation: early stage of foundation establishment.

Qualification: The day before yesterday spirit bird (78%).

Bloodline: Phantom Swan Bloodline (lower grade 23, concentration [-]%, awakened).

Supernatural powers: 1. Qiyue guarding (lower rank 2) [-]. Mind mapping (lower rank [-])

When the complexity was firm, 2.2 marrow washing points were added.

Imaginary Crow instantly felt an explosion-like torrent in his body, rushing out from the deepest part of his body.


With a small cry, he flapped his wings and rushed out with the howling wind.

Flapping its wings frantically, it vented the sudden burst of weak power in its body.

When returning to the sun, the speed is still considered slow, but when it comes to the front, even Zhang Jie's eyes can't keep up.

About an hour ago, the restless power in Huancrow's body finally returned.

At the same time, a wave of mana that was several times weaker than before and after filled his dantian, and his mind was clear and refreshed, which was definitely the same as before.


The joyful cry shook the sky.

Soon it felt the master's call.

He dared to be lazy and flew over in a hurry.

Hu Xiang looked up.

It felt like a huge white lightning strike.

The increase in bloodlines doubled the size of the phantom crow.

The wingspan has reached eight feet.

The claws became sharper, and the sunlight shone like metal.

The seventeen feathers under the head no longer go straight down, but end up bending forward.

The mouth turned golden yellow and flattened.

The head is smaller and more rounded.

On the whole, it looks like a crow, but more like a strange swan.


Phantom Crow shouted happily, its head no longer as big as a millstone, arched towards my arms.

Very little power.

If it was Zhang Jie who was a martial artist with no success in body training, she was almost thrown away by it.

Obviously, the Phantom Crow also has no control over the surge in power in his body.

Resisting, he stretched out his hand and touched its snow-like feathers.

A sense of tenacity spread into the body.

It looks like a soft feather, but it looks like a hard plastic, which is extremely strong.

Goldfinger manifests.

phantom crow.

Cultivation: The early stage of foundation building is complete.

Qualification: Congenital spirit bird (1‰).

Bloodline: Phantom Swan Bloodline (lower grade 34, concentration [-]%, awakened).

Supernatural powers: 1. Qiyue Zhenfeng (lower level of eighth grade) 2. Illusory mind light (lower level of eighth level)

Satisfied nodded.

"Now that he has completed his foundation building, he will continue to practice hard outside for a period of time, and strive to break through Hu Xiang as soon as possible."


After calling a few times, the little head nodded, the head rubbed against Zhang Jie, and spread its wings to fly closer.

Watching it go away, Zhang Jie let out a sigh of relief.

"Hopefully it will be available after the wedding."

According to the information collected by Xu Ruidu and Xu Kunlun in the two cities, my marriage with Zhang Qing has caused a sensation in the practice circle.

Countless people want to see who is the person who took away the number one beauty in the cultivation world.

As can be expected, the wedding day will be troublesome.

Therefore, I want to improve my strength as much as possible.

Of course, what I want is not the weak and strong in fighting skills.

I, Kunlun, and Xu Rui all add up, as long as they are weak souls, they need to be afraid.

But I'm afraid, no one hit is my trick, targeting Chang'an and Ping'an.

So I need a pair of eyes in the world, weak enough to monitor the entire Shennongjia and Zhang family land.

Phantom Crow is the most suitable choice.

Even before the original it was still weak enough.

It is far enough to see, and it is slow enough to fly.

Now that his aptitude has improved and he has become an innate spirit bird, everything is the same.

And for me, who has more than a hundred marrow washing points in reserve, 2.2 marrow washing points is not a small expense.

The phantom crow has been dealt with.

Zhang Jie walked back to the refining room.

In the Taiyi yin and yang furnace, the flames were raging.

As the Taiyi Yin-Yang Furnace was restored by me as a superior magic weapon, I no longer had to worry about the fire going out.

Flying down from the altar, his spiritual consciousness was immersed in the Taiyi Yin-Yang Furnace.

In the raging fire, a one-story four-cornered pagoda was burnt red by the Qingwu spiritual fire.

Above it, there is a pool of liquid metal that is the size of a washbasin, shining with seven-color auras.

Zhang Jie observed for a moment, then nodded.

"The difference that has been refined is less."

With the seal of both hands, a ray of spiritual light flew into the refining furnace.

The four-cornered pagoda on the first floor burst out a suction force, quickly absorbing the seven-color liquid metal to his body.

Before all the seven-color psychic fluids were absorbed, the body of the tower, which was originally over one foot, was nearly twice as small as before.

Zhang Jie formed seals slowly, and one after another spirit patterns flew into the tower.

The naked eye could see that the aura beneath it became weaker and weaker.

Time passed little by little.

Two hours ago, the spiritual light under the four-cornered pagoda on the first floor was already extremely dazzling.


Zhang Jie clapped her hands and drank in her mouth.


As soon as the '唰' goes up, the light shines a little, and then slowly indents.

The red one-story four-cornered pagoda reappeared.

With a wave of Zhang Jie's left hand, the furnace cover opened. With the threatening red light, the temperature in the refining room suddenly receded, and it rose hundreds of degrees after a while.

The pagoda hurriedly flew out from Taiyi Yinyang Liuzhong, and landed in the nearby 'Dushan Xiaoyuhai' which was also repaired by Zhang Jie as a superior magic weapon.


Amidst the water vapor, the first and most important step of the refining process - quenching was completed.

Pinched a seal formula with his right hand, and the light of Xiaoyuhai in Dushan flashed, and all the moisture that diffused was taken back.

Zhang Jie made a move with her left hand.

A flash of light flew over like lightning.

Before falling behind, a pagoda with four corners on one floor and a bronze color as a whole appeared.

Mana urged.


Seven layers of prohibition emerged.

The strange thing is that each of the seven restrictions is like a yin and yang fish, as if the two restrictions are overlapped and combined.

Hu Xiang looked out of sight, and his face showed joy.

"It's finally done."

That pagoda is exactly my natal Huxiang'One Treasure Hunyuan Pagoda'.

The reason for the re-refining is that I obtained the Guangchengzi 'Taiyi Ziwei Zhenyuan Shenfeng' from my comprehension of the Ghost Blowing Lantern Spirit Realm, Kunlun Mountain E Luohai City. Before I felt its power, I had no intention of refining a weak Sealing instrument.

Eighteen heavy restrictions can seal the weak existence of 'immortals'.

Extremely profound and profound.

Ever since Zhang Jie got it, she has been comprehending it from time to time.

My Art of Refining Artifacts can recover quickly. In addition to the improvement of aptitude and comprehension, the assistance of the top spirit ban is also very important.

Originally, I planned to use 'Taiyi Ziwei Zhenyuan Shenfeng' directly to refine a sealing magic weapon.

But after thinking about it, forget it.

Without the Jiuxian gourd, it would be too wasteful to refine another one alone.

Then use the Yibao Hunyuan Pagoda as the foundation, and use the method of compound prohibition to refine it again.

In order to increase the chances of success, I also tempered two copies of the fourth-grade middle-level seven-gold hero, which was absorbed by the Yibao Hunyuan Pagoda to increase its foundation and bearing capacity.

My thoughts were in vain, and I succeeded at first.

Seeing that Liexin was happy to hold it in his hand and play with it, he slapped the Jiuxian gourd.

Several auras flew out from it.

Inferior golden elixir '88 Tiangang Soul Lock', and inferior golden elixir 'Butu Golden Bowl'.

First-grade materials, but only practiced the seven-fold forbidden 'Small Dust Bead'.

Plus the first-class golden elixir one-star stone plate.

Seven pieces of golden elixirs flew down to the back seven floors of Yibao Hunyuan Pagoda.

Those few golden elixir, plus the first-grade Jiuxian Gourd, and the first-grade Dragon Slaying Sword.It's my go-to item.

The other Seven Dragon Bells, Seven Elements Absolute Immortal Sword Formation, Bull Demon Horn, Thunder Umbrella, White Tiger Axe, and Black Tortoise Shield are all outside the eight natal puppets.

After putting away the treasures, Zhang Jie felt proud.

"That time, you see who dares to make trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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