Chapter 451 The Big Wedding


"Even Senior Luo doesn't know, does this West Kunlun Loose Cultivator really exist?"

After speaking, Taoist Tianyun knew that he had asked a stupid question.

If it really didn't exist, how could it teach three disciples at the Golden Core level?

This is golden pill, not Chinese cabbage.

In the world of casual practice, without the guidance of a master, there are indeed people who have achieved golden core.But without the guidance of the master, there has never been a situation where three people in a row achieved the golden core.

Just as everyone was about to speak, the noise outside quickly attracted everyone's attention.

Looking back, it turned out that it was the bridegroom and the bride who walked in surrounded by everyone.

"Everyone, I'm sorry."

Zhang Huai stood up.

"This is a big day for fellow daoists, you can go there as much as you want, but you must have a few more drinks after you come back."


After Zhang Huai said goodbye and left, he sat on the main seat in the middle of the hall.

His old wife had passed away long ago, and Xu Rui had no relatives here, and the seat on the right was completely empty.

The officiant was a member of the Zhang family.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, Xu Rui, dressed in bright red auspicious clothes with red flowers on his chest, walked in leading Zhang Jie.

The head and face of the beautiful lady wearing the phoenix crown and xiapei cannot be seen, but the graceful and tall figure under the red dress also gave everyone infinite associations.

A new couple enters.

People around have different faces.

Zhao Kong, the "lone duck", Baili Quji, "Yi Tian Jian", and Zhong Zhicheng, the "Excalibur Celestial Master", had ugly faces and clenched their fists.

The eyes that look at Xu Rui seem to be able to spew fire, while the eyes that look at Zhang Jie are full of love and hatred.

They never imagined that the beautiful woman they had longed for day and night did not marry them in the end, but instead fell into the arms of a casual cultivator.

They wanted to rush up and ruin the wedding and snatch the beauty away.Even if the groom is Jindan, they dare.

It is not that Jin Dan and the others have never fought together with the brothers in the past.


Although they were not afraid of Xu Rui, they were afraid of the elders in the sect.

He had already been ordered to die when he came to the wedding, whoever dares to make trouble at the wedding will deprive him of his status as the heir apparent, and lose the chance to inherit the title of head in the future.

They haven't had the courage to abandon everything for beauty.

"I declare the official start of the wedding ceremony, bride and groom, bow to heaven and earth."

The Zhang family who officiated the wedding said loudly.

Xu Rui turned around and worshiped heaven and earth with Zhang Jie.

"The bride and groom pay their respects to the high hall for the second time."

The two were about to salute Zhang Huai.

"and many more!"

A loud shout shook the entire hall, and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

In an instant, countless people became excited.

Why don't they come thousands of miles away? Apart from seeing who is so lucky to pick off the delicate flower of the Taiyin Tiannv, what they most want to see is "Lonely Bird" Zhao Kong, "Yi Tian Sword" Baili Quji, 'Excalibur Celestial Master' Zhong Zhicheng, will these crazy admirers of Zhang Jie make trouble?

Now they finally got their wish.

The idea of ​​gossip is like a volcanic eruption, which is out of control.

Under the attention of countless people, a seductive woman with a hot figure and a long red tunic walked over with her water snake waist twisted.

Behind her was a child about three or four years old with a horn pierced.

Under the attention of countless people, the woman walked to the center of the hall and looked at Xu Rui with grief and indignation.

"Xu Zhengyang, do you really want to be Chen Shimei, abandon us, and be with this bad woman?!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an instant uproar in the hall.

"What's the situation? Is this Xu Zhengyang married?"

"Of course, haven't you seen that there are children?"

"Hey, two daughters are fighting for a husband, there's a good show to watch."...

For a while, the discussion in the whole hall was full of enthusiasm, and everyone had a look of watching the excitement on their faces.

But the face of the Zhang family is not good-looking.

Zhang Jie didn't say much, her expression was still calm. She believed in Xu Rui, so she didn't bother to bicker with the woman and let outsiders see the joke for nothing.

Xu Rui glanced at them, and said calmly: "The person behind you must have read too many stories, and he came up with such a bad idea."

With a flick of his fingers, a puppet mark flew into the opponent's body like lightning.

He quickly controlled the opponent's mind.

"Tell me, who sent you here?"

"I don't know him. He said that as long as I say what I just said, then..."

Before she could say the following words, she saw her expression stagnate, her face instantly turned livid, and her expression became painful.

Xu Rui's complexion changed, and he stretched out his finger, and a flash of spiritual light flew over like lightning.

"seal up."

Under the cover of the Seven Treasures Hunyuan Pagoda, everything was sealed.

Xu Rui stepped forward and came to the woman's side in an instant. After sensing for a while, his face became ugly.

He waved the Seven Treasures Hunyuan Pagoda back.

The woman and the child next to her fell to the ground and died unexpectedly.

The whole body exudes iron blue.

Zhang Huai also came over and looked at him.

"What a powerful poison."

The poisonous gas not only kills people, it even corrodes the opponent's soul.

Obviously, the other party has long been prepared to cut off all clues.


There was a clear applause.

"Xu Daoyou is really good at it. In order to live together with Ms. Zhang, even his original wife and children were ruthless. I admire him."

When everyone heard the words and looked, a handsome man wearing a white robe, holding a folding fan, and wearing a golden crown came out slowly.

Meeting everyone's eyes, he cupped his fists and saluted.

"Everyone is invited, I am Zhuo Bufei, whose name is 'Wood Deer'. I admire the prestige of Fellow Daoist Xu, and I came here with the intention of blessing. I never thought that I would witness a tragedy of human relations."

The appearance of the impassioned statement caused the people around to discuss it.

Zhang Huai looked gloomy. As the head of the Zhang family, no matter whether this incident was a deliberate frame or true, his Zhang family would lose face.

"Hehe, it turns out that she looks virtuous on the surface, but she's like a thief behind her back."

The sound is not loud, but it is extremely harsh.

"Who says it's not, Yu Mei is really blind, she would actually fall in love with such a person."

Practitioners have keen five senses, and everyone quickly locked on to the speaker.

It was Zhao Kong, the 'lone duck', and 'Yitian Sword', who went all the way to the disease.

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufei showed a trace of complacency on his face.

It's this effect.

Looking at the playful eyes around him, Xu Rui said indifferently: "I got married today, and I didn't want to be killed more. Since you have been persecuting me again and again, don't blame me for being rude."

Zhuo Bufei's expression instantly became vigilant.

He didn't forget that he was provoking a Jindan.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, I'm just discussing the matter as it stands, and I don't mean to be provocative. Besides, shouldn't you explain it to dispel everyone's doubts about you?"

While speaking, his hand was deep into the dharma bag, and while holding a magic talisman secretly just in case, he directly hid in the crowd, and soon came to the 'lone duck' Zhao Kong and the 'Yitian sword' Baili away ill around.

The meaning of bringing misfortune to the east is simple and clear.

However, the latter two were dissatisfied with Xu Rui. Although they were very dissatisfied with Zhuo Bufei's actions, they did not leave.

Looking at them, Xu Rui smiled coldly.

"Hehe, explain? Why do I need to explain my own affairs to others."

A wave of the right hand.

A string of black jade flakes flew forward like lightning.

Incredibly fast.

"Friend Xu Daoist calm down."

Taoist Chiyan Hao Changlin and Taoist Tianyun's expressions changed drastically, and they rushed to stop them.

But Xu Rui's 36-day Gang Soul Lock is a top-notch spiritual weapon, and when activated with his golden core-level mana, its power is even more amazing.

Before the spells of the two of them fell, Xu Rui's soul arresting rope had already arrived in front of Zhuo Bufei and the other three.

The latter three have long been on guard.

Zhuo Bufei directly crushed the talisman in his hand, the surrounding space quickly shattered, a black space channel enveloped him, and he disappeared instantly.

'Lonely duck' Zhao Kong and 'Yitianjian' Baili Quji are used to oppressing people with their identities as the heirs of the great faction, but they never expected that Xu Rui would really ignore the prestige of the two great sects of Chongyang Palace and Louguan Taoism Do it directly.

Although he tried his best to move the magic weapon, it was pierced by the soul lock like soap bubbles.

The moment the jade lock entered the body, the soul was instantly arrested.

The moment he retracted the jade lock distractedly, he looked at the open space channel and smiled coldly.

With a heart move, a copper bell appeared above Kunlun's head who was standing not far away. With a big hand stretched out, a gray space passage appeared in front of him.

The thick arms stretched directly in.

Accompanied by panicked screams, Zhuo Bufei, who was running away, was dragged out by the neck.

Holding it like a chicken, he strode forward.

After sealing his dantian casually, he was still on the ground.

"Brother, how to deal with this guy?"

Looking at Xu Ruisen's cold eyes, Zhuo Bufei was alert, and hurriedly said: "Don't kill me, my master is Chijiao Demon Lord, you won't feel better if you kill me."

He knew that his teacher and Xu Zhengyang were not getting along, so he wanted to stir up trouble here, so as to tarnish the other party's reputation, so as to get rewards in front of the master.

It's just that he didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so terrifying, and his omnipotent escape talisman had failed.

"The Scarlet Horned Demon Lord? I didn't expect you to be his apprentice." After a pause, "You found the mother and child earlier?"


"Has your master Chijiao Demon Venerable also come to Shennongjia?"

"I don't know. But the old man said he would come."

Xu Rui nodded, flicked his fingers, and a sharp sword light flashed.

Zhuo Bufei's expression froze, and a sword mark between his eyebrows gradually oozes blood.

'Bang', the body fell to the ground.

For a moment, the entire Tianyun Palace lost its voice.

The merciless killing is always frightening.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, I hope that your lord will spare Zhao Kong's life. After returning, I will strictly discipline him and never let him cause trouble in vain." Hao Changlin said in a deep voice.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, on behalf of Lou Guandao, I would like to apologize to Fellow Daoist. I also hope that Fellow Daoist will be magnanimous and let go of his life. He was just confused for a moment, and he didn't intend to make things difficult for Fellow Daoist."

Daoist Tianyun was also a little humble.

As the elders of the Four Great Dao Schools, they also have their own pride, and if it is not necessary, they don't want to guard so many people to apologize.

But the moment of fighting just now made them see Xu Rui's strength clearly.

In terms of magic power, they are not inferior to those who have achieved golden elixirs for many years; in terms of treasures, although the black jade chain does not know its name, its breath is so strong that it is definitely the level of a high-quality spiritual weapon.

Of course, this is not the whole reason why they are low and small.

Kunlun's formidable energy and blood, as well as Erlongzhong's incomparably powerful ability to break open space, were also important reasons for their compromise.

Although Chongyang Palace and Louguan Dao are the four major Taoist sects, it is not worthwhile to offend two powerful golden cores because of a direct descendant of the Foundation Establishment disciple.

The two apologized in front of so many people, and Xu Rui's anger also dissipated a lot, after a little consideration.

"Since the two seniors sincerely apologize, I won't make it harder for you."

With a wave of his hand, the souls of the two people entered the body.

Watch them wake up.

Daoist Tianyun and Hao Changlin quickly expressed their thanks.

Xu Rui waved his hand, "Thank you, there's no need. I'm ugly. I said it before. This time, I will let them go for the sake of the two seniors, Chongyang Palace and Louguan Tao. But if there is a next time, don't blame me." You are welcome."

Taoist Tianyun and Hao Changlin looked at each other and nodded.

"Don't worry fellow daoists, we will definitely discipline you strictly."

Zhao Kong and Baili Quji looked ugly. The fact that they were easily crushed just now had a heavy blow to their self-confidence.

After dealing with this matter, Zhang Huai just wanted to greet the wedding to continue, but before he could speak, another change occurred.

A strong smell of blood came with the wind.

Soon, several servants of the Zhang family ran in in a panic.

"Q...Qi Patriarch, a huge cloud of blood swept across the valley ahead, hundreds of casual cultivators who were drinking and eating inside...all died."


Zhang Huai's expression changed instantly.

Everyone in Tianyun Palace was also in an uproar.

"Who is so bold?"

The god beggar Luo Jiuzhi asked.

A few servants were about to speak.


Shouting in panic, they led everyone to look outside the door.

However, a huge cloud of blood, like a curtain falling from the sky, enveloped the Zhang Family Valley.

The incomparably stench of blood, the evil spirit of countless dead souls howling, made people's faces change.

"It's the 'Chi You Demon Blood' of the Chijiao old devil."

The god beggar Luo Jiuzhi recognized him at a glance.

"Senior Luo, we have heard of the name 'Chi You Demon Blood', but why is it so powerful?" Zhang Huai asked.

His Zhang family has thousands of acres of land. It is unimaginable that the blood cloud covers such a vast area.

Luo Jiuzhi sighed, his expression a bit complicated.

"This old devil broke through."


Zhang Huai, Taoist Tianyun, Hao Changlin and others changed their faces at the same time.

The Scarlet Horned Demon Venerable was originally a strong man in the middle stage of Jindan, if he breaks through.

Late Golden Core? !
In an instant, bursts of despair surged in everyone's hearts.

The further the cultivation base is, even if it is only a small gap in rank, the strength will vary greatly.

"Zhang Daoyou, at this point, we can only rely on your Zhang family's large array of guardians to support us. Don't worry, I will help you later." Luo Jiu pointed.

Zhang Huai nodded solemnly.

"Everyone, today is a dead end. Either we work together to push back the Chijiao old devil, or we all die here. There is absolutely no other possibility." Luo Jiuzhi continued.

Here he is the most senior, the strongest, and naturally the most appealing.

Everyone listened and nodded in agreement.

 Thanks to the book friend 'nickname is not a number' for rewarding 2500 starting coins, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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