Chapter 453 Five Years Later

Looking at the dark gold bracelet in front of him, Xu Rui flicked his fingers.


Nearly a thousand storage bags flew out of it.

Xu Rui casually opened it and took a look. It was basically filled with nine-rank magic tools and panacea; most of them were even rare.

This is also normal, most of the casual cultivators outside the Zhang family valley are not even foundation building, how rich can they be?
Xu Rui didn't bother to look through them one by one, so he slapped the Jiuxian gourd and swallowed it all.

After patting the Wujin bracelet, hundreds of auras flew out.

Among them, more than a dozen auras are particularly tyrannical.

These are the things of the Scarlet Horned Demon Venerable, and they are also the most valuable existence.

Simply look at it.

In the end only three things remained.

A thick-backed dagger; a basketball-sized, red-gold stone; and finally, a skull with writing on its surface.

This skull looks very weird, and there is a red horn growing on the forehead.

Among all the things of the Scarlet Horned Demon Lord, these three auras are the strongest.

The thick-backed dagger has a black-gold color as a whole. Although it is only three feet long, it is heavy in the hand.The calyx of the knife is located at the mouth of the red tiger, which makes the knife a little more fierce.

Below the swallow mouth are two ancient and clumsy seal characters.


Of course, Xu Rui didn't think this Tiger Soul Knife was the one in the legend.

But in Goldfinger's evaluation, this knife is also extremely extraordinary.

Tiger Soul Knife, eighth-rank superior, disabled.

As soon as the mana is urged, the six paths are complete, the six paths are incomplete, and a total of twelve restrictions emerge.

It can be described as full of foundation.

Holding a knife in his hand, Xu Rui twisted a knife and nodded in satisfaction.

With a wave of his hand, the Tiger Soul Knife flew into Xu Xuandu's hand.

Although he already has the 'Five Elements Absolute Immortal Sword Formation', the three treasures of the Bull Demon Horn and the Xiantian Lingyun.

But the Five Elements Absolute Immortal Sword Formation is a treasure at the bottom of the box and cannot be used easily.

Bull Demon Horn is more of a support.

Although Xiantian Lingyun has the ability to confuse gods, it is mostly used for flying away.

Therefore, he still lacks a conventional means of dealing with the enemy.

Amber Knife is just right.

At that time, with the addition of 'Yellow Spring', the means can be considered rich.

Look at the red gold stone again.

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"Golden Holy Spirit Stone, rank seven inferior."

This is a metallic seventh-grade spiritual material, which is extremely precious.


Holding it in his hand, Xu Rui instantly felt a tingling pain like a needle prick.

Obviously, this is a sign that Geng Jin's aura is extremely strong.

"As expected of a seventh-rank spiritual material, the quality and concentration of Gengjin's spiritual energy is more than one grade stronger than that of eighth-rank."

After playing for a while, Xu Rui put it away.

This golden spirit stone is the top-level material for practicing metallic magic swords. When the refining ability is advanced in the future, this spirit stone can be used to train the golden spirit sword in the five elements sword to the seventh rank.

And lastly, the weird skull.

Goldfinger manifests.

Yaksha skull, seventh grade inferior.

Gorefiend Wu Sheng Jing, the sixth grade is the best.

The latter, as expected, is a profound magic method, and it is also the method directly passed down by the Scarlet Horned Demon Venerable.Xu Rui gave up after a brief comprehension.

This technique can only be used as a reference for him, and his cultivation method is too cruel, and it is easy to become enchanted.

As for the 'Yasha Skull', after playing with it for a while, it was thrown into the Taiyi Yin-Yang Stove, and at the same time, the 36 Tiangang Soul Lock was thrown into it.

Both are yin attributes, and it is just right to use the former to practice the latter, and further repair the seventh prohibition of the 36 Tiangang soul lock.

When Xu Rui was refining weapons and enjoying family happiness by the way, things about him became more and more widespread in the practice world.However, in view of the strength he showed, no one dared to disturb him.

But more and more people came to him to ask him to refine weapons.

After getting married, Xu Rui lived in the Zhang family.

Xu Kunlun still returned to Jintaifang City, while Xu Xuandu went to Jinchanfang City. Under Xu Rui's deliberate performance, he did not have any sparks with Zhang Qingluo.

Although the sisters are very good, but after a long time, he is afraid of showing his flaws.

So it's better not to make trouble for yourself.

Time passed by little by little, and it was five years in the blink of an eye.

Over the past five years, with the support of Jiuxian Gourd and countless resources, his martial arts practice has opened up the Three Yin Meridians of Hand, as well as the 'Hand Yangming Large Intestine Meridian' and 'Hand Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian' of the Three Yang Meridians of Hand.

The mana has also reached the peak of Jindan's early stage.

In contrast, both Xu Kunlun and Xu Xuan have made greater progress.

Because the qualifications of both are above his real body.

Especially Xu Xuandu, with an aptitude of [-] per thousand, is almost top-notch in the Maoshan spirit world.

But in terms of cultivation speed, he was still his son.

In five years, he has turned from a little milk baby to a peak foundation builder. If Zhang Jie hadn't worried that he would practice too fast and his foundation would be unstable, he would probably be a golden elixir by now.

Empty Mingdong sky refining room.

Xu Rui sat cross-legged on the altar, not far from the Taiyi Yin-Yang Furnace, the flames were raging.

Spiritual consciousness invaded the furnace, silently watching every change in it.

I don't know how long it took.

Suddenly, the slightly closed eyes suddenly opened.


Heads grew out of his neck like flowers, forming a ring.

Counting it carefully, not counting his original head, there are seven of them.

In addition to the head, there are fourteen pairs of arms growing from the back.

From a distance, it looks like a Buddha with thousands of hands.

Soon, all the arms started to move, and each pair of arms produced different seals.

In an instant, dozens of spirit patterns poured into Taiyi Yinyang Furnace like a torrent.

Just a few breaths before and after, an astonishing sword energy bloomed from the furnace.

With a twitch in Xu Rui's heart, all the heads and arms behind him disappeared. With a flick of his fingers, the furnace lid opened, accompanied by astonishing scorching heat.

A crimson sword light flew out.

Like a wild pony, with a sharp howl of swords, it ran back and forth across the entire refining room, and finally, under Xu Rui's suppression, reluctantly flew into the nearby Dushan Great Jade Sea.

After finishing the final quenching, a three-foot-long, two-finger-wide spirit sword with a simple shape flew towards him slowly and landed in his palm.

After playing around, he nodded in satisfaction.

However, what he was satisfied with was not this inferior spirit sword, but the improvement of his own refining technique.

After five years, he has improved not only his cultivation, but also his spells.

Especially the 'Lingbao Puppet Art', which is a step in the door, has finally advanced to the seventh rank.

The dharma image with six heads and twelve arms has grown into seven heads and fourteen arms, which means that he can divide his mind into seven functions, and can use 24 puppet seals at one time.

The advancement of puppetry made him more closely connected with his own puppet.

It was a projection of the soul before, but now it is a ray of real soul.

When the soul was still projecting, Xu Rui needed to distract himself from the manipulation so that the natal puppet could react.And when his true self falls into a coma or crisis, the natal puppet has a certain degree of autonomy.

Now that he has become a divided soul, although he has no self-awareness, he already has a certain degree of initiative when facing danger.

Even if Xu Rui doesn't control it, he will defend and attack independently, just like the current artificial intelligence.

The initiative has been greatly improved.

Of course, the 'Lingbao Puppet Art' is not the only one that has improved, but it is the only one that has broken through to the seventh rank.

Open the cheat property panel.

Host: Xu Rui.

Qualification: Innate Spirit Body (658‰)
Qi training: Sun Sutra (Sixth Grade Superior/Golden Elixir Realm/Progress 29%).

Body Refining: Dragon and Tiger Golden Body Jue (Seventh Grade Superior/Golden Core Realm/Progress 39%)

Spells: 1. Lingbao puppet technique (fifth-grade upper class/primordial spirit realm/progress 2%)

2. Soul Shaking Art (lower grade eight/Golden Core Realm/progress 65%)

3. Five Ghosts Transporting Technique (77th Grade Superior/Golden Core Realm/Progress [-]%)

4. Qingcheng Yufang Double Cultivation Jue (Fifth Grade Medium/Golden Core Realm/Progress 55%)

5. Artifact Refining Technique (Eighth-Rank Superior/Golden Elixir Realm/Progress 67%)

6. Iron Chewing Dafa (lower grade 65/Golden Elixir Realm/progress [-]%)

7. The Nine Changes of the Heavenly Demon (Rank 49 Superior Spell/Golden Core Realm/Progress [-]%)

└―1. White Tiger Transformation (Innate Spiritual Blood, Concentration 1‰/Supernatural Power: White Tiger Roar (Rank [-], Superior), White Tiger Supporting Heavenly Palm (Rank [-], Medium).

2. Spiritual ape transformation, innate spiritual blood, concentration 1‰/supernatural power: Shrinking Qianshan ([-]th grade, top grade), discerning rest and blame ([-]th grade, top grade).

3. Flood Dragon Transformation (Congenital Spiritual Blood, 958‰/Supernatural Powers: Overwhelming Rivers and Seas (Rank [-], Superior), Soaring Clouds and Riding the Mist (Rank [-], Medium).

Supernatural powers: Golden Crow Dharma Body (upper rank six), True Fire of the Sun (medium rank six)

Marrow washing points: 143 points.

After more than five years, Xu Rui has also accumulated a lot of marrow washing points through Xu Kunlun and Xu Xuan.

After looking at all the attributes, he finally fixed his gaze on the marrow washing point.

In the Maoshan spirit world, he was undoubtedly the top class.

Basically no one could threaten his life, so it would be a waste to keep so many marrow cleansing points.

It's better to add it early and improve your aptitude, so that whether it's enlightenment or practice, the speed will be faster.

The thought fell, and the heart moved.

120 pulp washing points disappeared.

The aptitude changed instantly, and the innate spirit body (658‰) became 778‰.

Except for the number change on the gold finger panel.

Xu Rui felt a pot of cold water being poured on his head, and his chaotic mind instantly became clear. Countless questions that he could not find a clue to suddenly had answers.

At the same time, the heart was beating rapidly, and powerful qi and blood flowed out of it, rolling forward like raging waves.

Nineteen acupoints of Shaoze, Qiangu, Houxi, Carpal Bone, Yanggu, Nianlong, Zhizheng, and Small Intestine Meridian of Hand Taiyang were all opened.

With the help of this explosive torrent, Xu Rui completed the tempering of his opponent's Sanyang Jing.

Followed by the Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian.

This meridian has a total of 42 acupuncture points on the left and right sides.

After completing its tempering, fourteen acupoints of the Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin were tempered. After half of the tempering, he continued to feel weak and gradually calmed down.

Xu Rui sensed the changes in his body, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

Although I had expected it long ago, I was still very happy when the result was in front of me.

This wave of eruption saved him four or five years of hard work, allowing him to directly catch up with Kunlun's progress in martial arts.

"It's a pity that it's not easy to accumulate marrow washing points, otherwise I can really consider only practicing martial arts."

Shaking his head, after suppressing the extra thoughts in his heart, he put away the newly refined spirit sword and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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