
Looking at the happy four people from a distance, Shi Jian gritted his teeth, his nails had sunk into his flesh, desperately resisting the urge to rush out and kill these bastards to avenge his son.

It wasn't until the four of them separated and left that he took a deep breath.

"Lin Fengying, Xu Zhengyang, I want you to die!!"

Xu Rui, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes with a look of surprise.

Just now, he suddenly felt a powerful evil attack, which directly interrupted his meditation.

This has never been the case.

With a thought, Xu Kunlun, who was far away in Jintaifang City, activated the "Spiritual Ape Transformation", and his whole body instantly turned into a white-haired giant ape.

Since he used the marrow washing point to return the ape's essence and blood back to the innate, he has awakened two supernatural powers.

Shrinking thousands of mountains and distinguishing blame.

The latter has the power to predict the fate of the day and night.

Because the latter is a passive ability, since awakening, Xu Rui has the ability to predict his own misfortune and fortune.It's just that nothing has ever put so much pressure on him like today.

That sense of impending doom intensified after becoming a gibbon.

"What the hell happened?"

Xu Rui's heart moved, and the Seven Treasures Hunyuan Pagoda flew out of the gourd.

The seven-star stone plate flew out of it, and the spiritual light bloomed, forming a piece of golden gossip in midair.

Qiankun Xunzheng, Kanli Gendui, the horoscope constantly rotates.

After a while, the hexagram image stabilized.

The two words reflected in Xu Rui's heart.

Shi Jian.

Seeing the result, Xu Rui couldn't help being stunned.

"What's the matter with him?"

Although the opponent is the [-]th generation disciple of Maoshan, it doesn't look like he can threaten him.

However, the supernatural power brought by the blood essence of the arm-armed ape would not deceive him.

A move in my heart.

"Ghostwood Jiao, bring Ping'an and Chang'an back, immediately."

"Yes, sir."

The mid-term peak cultivation of the Ghost Wood Jiao Golden Core quickly brought back the reluctant younger brother.

"Father, why did the Ghost Wood Jiao bring us back? I haven't had enough fun yet." Xu Changan yelled dissatisfied.

"There are so many reasons, take it here."

With a wave of his sleeve, all the restrictions of Qinglinju were opened.

The little brother is not stupid either, looking at his father's serious expression, and then at Qinglinju's heavily guarded appearance, he guessed that something big would happen.

"No one is allowed to go out without me, especially the two of you."

"Got it, Dad."

Er Xiao hurriedly nodded.

After explaining to them, Xu Rui, who let go of his worries for the future, came out of Qinglinju, and urged Duanguang to come to Shi Jian's residence in the town like lightning.

With the existence of Phantom Crow, he has already mastered Shi Jian's behavior.

But the yard was empty, and there was still half a figure there.

Stretching out his hand to grab it, there was a storm in the yard, and the turbulent air finally gathered into a light blue breath in his hand.

This is the remaining breath of Shi Jian.

As soon as he urged the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, he prepared to use the seven star stone plate to find out his whereabouts.

As a result, before he could do anything, a ray of extremely evil aura suddenly spread from the center of the town.

Xu Rui's heart was shocked, and he flew into the air.

Look around.

Accompanied by a strong dark red aura, the raging evil spirit rose into the sky like a volcanic eruption.

The powerful aura rushed up nearly a hundred feet, flew in all directions, and then fell quickly.

Like a sea bowl, the whole Yuying Town is held in the middle.


Xu Rui's heart was shocked, and he understood instantly.

Stretching out his hand, Qing Linju flew over from afar.

The strength of this formation was unexpected, but this level alone was not enough to shock him.

He flew up and flew directly towards the center of the town.

Soon, Shi Jian's figure appeared in front of him.

At this moment, his appearance changed drastically.

The originally thin body swelled up like a balloon.

The skin color also turned crimson, and blue blood vessels, like twisted earthworms, spread all over the body.

It made Shi Jian, who had a majestic face, look like a devil.

Seeing it, Xu Rui's heart moved, he slapped the Jiuxian gourd, and the Seven Treasure Hunyuan Pagoda flew out.

Sticking to the corner of the street, it quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Not long after, Uncle Jiu rushed over with Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai.

"Big Brother?"

Seeing Shi Jian whose appearance had changed drastically, Uncle Jiu was full of disbelief.

"What? Is this ugly man an uncle?" Qiu Shengwen was shocked.

"Junior Brother Lin, you are finally here."

The voice was hoarse and low, and the astonishing killing intent in it made people panic.

"Eldest brother, you actually fell into the devil way?!"

"Demon way? Hehe, haha..."

The deep laughter gradually turned into madness.

After a while.

"Why did I fall into the devil's way? You didn't force me to. If you didn't connive at my sect and kill my only descendant and my only heir, how would I have come to this point?"

"And Xu Zhengyang, I know you're here."

Xu Rui's figure appeared in midair.

After nodding to Uncle Jiu, he turned his gaze.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Shi has a big opinion on me."

"Great opinion? Hmph, I wish I could kill you. Is it your fault that my zombie Woodland Palace dojo was destroyed?"

"So that's your dojo?" Xu Rui smiled.

Although he has long guessed, but has not found direct evidence.


"As a person of righteousness, Xu must stop someone who uses ghosts to refine the method. It's just that he didn't expect that the person who did this was actually a direct disciple of Maoshan, the great sect of Taoism."

Uncle Jiu frowned.

This sentence is actually hitting him in the face as a disciple of Maoshan.

But it happened that he had nothing to say.

"Haha, Xu, don't put on airs here. I don't believe that you have practiced for many years, and you are really spotless. Besides, the strong in the cultivation world are respected. As long as I am strong enough, no one will dare to act presumptuously in front of me."

"Shut up. Only cultivating mana and not practicing Taoism is the way of the devil. Shi Jian, there is still time for you to turn around now." Lin Fengying sternly said.

"Turn back? As long as I kill you, I will naturally turn back."

The mana in Shi Jian's body poured into the bones in his palm.

"Jie Jie..."

Accompanied by a piercing and strange laugh, the raging dark red evil spirit rose into the sky like a raging wave.

Xu Rui's expression changed, and he hurriedly mobilized his mana to protect himself.

Turning his gaze, he saw Uncle Jiu, who was being stimulated by the tyrannical evil spirit, struggling to hold on, Xu Rui waved his sleeves and brought the three of them over.

"Brother Dao, you can't interfere in this battle, you should guard the dojo and protect yourself."

He flicked his sleeves.

Uncle Jiu, his master and his apprentice, came to the dojo outside the town in the blink of an eye like shooting stars.

After landing smoothly, Uncle Jiu had a complicated look on his face.

Although he was unwilling, he also knew that with Shi Jian's explosive momentum just now, he really couldn't interfere in this fight.

"Master, look at Wencai."

Qiu Sheng's words shocked Uncle Jiu's heart, and he quickly turned his head to look.

At this moment, Wen Cai's eyes were red, and veins began to appear on his face, which was somewhat similar to Shi Jian.

"not good."

Uncle Jiu's heart skipped a beat, which was a sign of evil spirits entering his body.

"Bring him in."

Qiu Sheng hurriedly brought Wen Cai into his dojo.

The guardian formation here had already been activated when he left, and since it was located on the periphery of the stone formation, the evil spirit was not strong.

With Uncle Jiu's arrangement of the dojo, he can still resist it.

After cutting off the invasion of evil spirit, Wen Cai's condition quickly improved a lot.

After Uncle Jiu hurriedly mobilized his mana to force out the evil spirit in his body, Wen Cai also came to his senses.

"Master, what's wrong with me?"

Wencai said in a daze.

"You don't have mana in your body, you can't resist the attack of evil spirits, and you almost fell into a demon."

Wencai trembled in his heart.

Although he didn't quite understand the master's words, but after seeing Shi Jian's ugly appearance, he was very resistant to possessing demons.

Qiu Sheng was smarter than him, so he realized it in an instant.

"Master, the people in the town?"

"You two stay here and go out for the teacher."

What Qiusheng could think of, he could naturally think of.

"Master, let me go with you, more people have more strength." Qiu Sheng said hastily.

Wen Cai pouted.

He also wanted to help, but he hadn't cultivated his mana, and going there would only be a disservice.

Seeing Qiu Sheng's resolute expression, Uncle Jiu patted him on the shoulder.

"Wen Cai, you stay here and prepare more pure heart charms."

"Yes, Master."

Wencai agreed happily.

It's good that you're not excluded.

As soon as Uncle Jiu and Qiu Sheng came out of the dojo, they saw countless people coming out of their houses, their faces were covered with veins, their eyes were crazy, like wild beasts losing their minds, rushing towards the center of the town.

"No, let's go quickly."

Uncle Jiu said quickly.

The center of the town at the moment.

Shi Jian's body was already one foot tall.

Countless blue veins were tangled and coiled, making his body look like a piece of blue magic iron, full of solid taste.

The eyes are scarlet, full of killing, like a devil.

In his right hand he held a giant stick as thick as a goose egg, and in his right hand he held a scarlet magic weapon shaped like a thigh bone.

The latter is also the source of all evil spirits.

"Haha, Xu Zhengyang, don't you claim to be righteous? Let's see how you deal with these evil corpses of mine."

While speaking, countless former townspeople, who were now attacked by evil spirits, frantically rushed towards Xu Rui.

That crazy appearance reminded him of the zombie drama made by Bangzi.

Reach out.

The Seven Treasures Hunyuan Pagoda that had been released flew back.

When he first saw Shi Jian covering the whole town with a formation, he guessed that this guy would attack these townspeople, otherwise he could have moved the battlefield to Uncle Jiu's dojo instead of choosing the center of the town.

That being the case, of course Xu Rui couldn't let him do what he wanted.

So the Seven Treasures Hunyuan Pagoda was released early.

It should be known that there are seven floors of Qibao Hunyuan Pagoda, and each floor has a space of [-] feet.

If it is squeezed, it will be more than enough for people from Eagle Town to fit in.

However, time was running out, and he didn't have time to take away so many people.

But also collected half.

Looking at the rest of the townspeople who had been completely infested with evil spirits, Xu Rui pointed at the Seven Treasures Hunyuan Pagoda.

Under the enveloping force of swallowing and sucking, all the townspeople were quickly taken away by the Seven Treasures Hunyuan Pagoda like swallows throwing themselves into the forest.

At the beginning, Shi Jian still looked like he was watching the show, but his expression changed afterward.

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