
In the evening, we had dinner in the dining room next to the Shoujing Hall. After chatting for a while, everyone dispersed.

I have to say that the atmosphere of Dazhufeng is really good.

Although Song Daren and Wu Dayi have relatively ordinary aptitudes, they have good dispositions, and there is no intrigue between them.

It's very comfortable to get along with.

After declining Song Daren, Wu Dayi, Zheng Dali, and He Dazhi's proposal to sleep with them, Xu Rui closed the courtyard door, went to the bedroom and lay down on the bed.

With his hands resting behind his head, he could clearly see the bright moonlight outside through the window.

"Sure enough, it is indeed the most blessed place in the world. The aura here is too strong."

Here is just the Big Bamboo Peak, and the aura is ten times that of Maoshan, the place where the tortoise sleeps in the spirit world. If it is the "Tai Chi Cave" specially for disciples to practice, the aura will be even richer.

But it is a pity that one must cultivate the 'Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao' to the third level before he can enter the 'Tai Chi Cave' to practice.

"I can't delay any longer, I must learn 'Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao' tomorrow."

He has been used to huge mana, used to flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, and he can't bear to continue to be mediocre.

"Fortunately, Lao Tian didn't change my name. The name 'Xu Dazhou' is too ugly..."

With boring thoughts, Xu Rui fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning.

There was a knock on the door.

"Little brother, it's time to get up."

Song Daren's voice came from outside.

Xu Rui put on his clothes and opened the courtyard door, Song Daren, Wu Dayi and He Dazhi rushed in.

"Big Brother, Second Senior Brother, Fourth Senior Brother."

The third brother Zheng Dali is in charge of the kitchen now, and he is probably cooking for everyone.

"Junior brother, clean up, we should go to eat." Song Daren said.

After Xu Rui nodded, he closed the courtyard door and followed the three senior brothers to the dining hall.

"Brother, can you teach me 'Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao' today?"

"of course."

"But you have to follow the fourth child to learn how to read in the morning."

He Dazhi said: "Junior Brother, one must first cultivate one's mind in practice, and cultivation of one's mind is inseparable from learning. If you want to be knowledgeable, you must read a lot. The first step in reading is to recognize characters."

"Fourth senior brother, I have learned to read."

Xu Rui said quickly.

Anyway, he is also a 985 undergraduate. When traveling between worlds, he has already recognized all kinds of characters such as bronze inscriptions and oracle bone inscriptions. What else does he need to learn to recognize characters?


Seeing his surprised look, Xu Rui quickly explained: "When I was wandering, I often secretly went to private schools to listen to Mr.'s lectures, and I learned it after a long time."

He Dazhi did not doubt his rhetoric.

Xu Rui's qualifications are extremely high. Such people are often extremely intelligent and have the ability to remember with a photograph.

Self-taught is not difficult.

"San Zi Jing, Hundred Surnames, and Thousand Characters, do you know it well?"

As a spiritual world derived from the real world, Zhu Xian is naturally very similar in terms of culture.

Xu Rui nodded, "In addition to these, I can also read four books and five classics."

"You know the Four Books and Five Classics?" He Dazhi asked in surprise.

"How about I carry the fourth senior brother on the back?"

After He Dazhi nodded, Xu Rui recited all "The Analects of Confucius".

Word for word.

After hearing this, He Dazhi couldn't help sighing, "If my junior brother goes to the examination, he must be the number one scholar."

Xu Rui is not interested in the champion or anything.

"Eldest senior brother, fourth senior brother, can I practice first?"

Song Daren glanced at He Dazhi, and they both nodded at the same time.

The education level of ordinary students of Qing Yunmen is actually only limited to the "Three Character Classic", "Hundred Surnames", and "Thousand Character Classic", and it is rare for them to know the Four Books and Five Classics.

Xu Rui's current knowledge is enough.

"Little brother, there is no limit to learning. Since you already have a good foundation, you must not waste it in the future."

"Thank you for your teaching, Fourth Senior Brother."

The speaking room has come to the dining hall.

Seeing Tian Buyi and Suru sitting in the middle, the four hurriedly saluted.

"Master, Mistress."

"Sit down and eat."

Four people are seated.

Song Daren, Wu Dayi and Zheng Dali sat on the left, He Dazhi and Xu Rui sat on the right.

"Old Five, did you sleep well at night?" Tian Buyi asked.

"Thank you, master, for your concern. I slept well. The environment here is much better than that of Heyang City, and master, wife, and brothers are also very kind to me."

"Hehe, that's good. Let Daren teach you the first-level formula of 'Taiji Xuanqingdao' today."

Song Daren quickly answered 'yes'.

After Xu Rui also responded, everyone began to eat.

The meals on the table are all spiritual things grown in Dazhufeng, rich in spiritual energy, he has not practiced, so he will be full after a few mouthfuls.

After breakfast, everyone dispersed.

Xu Rui pestered Song Daren to pass on his exercises.

"Little brother, don't worry about the exercises. You forgot, the rules of our sect, every new disciple has to chop bamboo for three years, and must chop a black-jointed bamboo every day."

Of course Xu Rui will not forget.

"Eldest brother, can you chop bamboo again in the afternoon?"

The current Xu Rui is just six or seven years old, when he was likable, his face was full of eagerness, which made the kind-hearted Song Daren hesitate.

"Okay. But the rules of our sect cannot be broken. Today you must chop a black-jointed bamboo."

"Don't worry, senior brother, I will definitely cut it."

Xu Rui quickly promised.

"Come with me."

The two found a quiet place to sit down.

Song Daren looked serious.

"Junior brother, this sect's Taoism is very fundamental. If you are just getting started, I will teach you the basic Taoism first. After you memorize it, practice on your own. If there is anything you don't understand, just ask me. Do you understand?"

Xu Rui nodded, feeling a surge of anticipation in his heart.

Song Daren said sternly: "There is another thing, I have to tell you: my thaumaturgy is profound and wonderful, and there are many prying eyes. You need to make a heavy oath. passed on to outsiders."

After Xu Rui responded, his expression was solemn: "Heaven is above, if disciple Xu Bu reveals the secrets of Qingyun sect's Taoism after Sunday, he will be struck by five thunderbolts, and there will be no place to bury him."

Soon he felt an invisible shackle invade his body, but before it fell, he was overwhelmed by a mysterious and powerful white aura.

Xu Rui secretly said, "Sure enough".

With the existence of the golden finger, no external force can invade his body.

Song Daren continued after nodding with a smile.

"The fundamental Taoism of our sect is called 'Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao', which was comprehended by Qing Yunzi, the patriarch of our sect, on an unnamed ancient scroll 2000 years ago. , Mysterious and incomparable supreme way."

Song Daren showed pride on his face.

In the entire Zhuxian Spiritual Realm, Qingyunmen is the leader of the world, and both good and evil are afraid of both.

As Qing Yun's disciple, he does have something to be proud of.

"The path of Taiji Xuanqing ranges from easy to extremely difficult. There are three major realms in total, namely Yuqing Realm, Shangqing Realm and Taiqing Realm."

"The realm of Jade Qing has nine levels. Most people in the first level can complete it in the first year, but from later on, difficulties and difficulties will appear. The second level will take five years for ordinary people to practice, and the third level is even more difficult. It is a watershed, those with slightly lower qualifications will stay here for the rest of their lives, and it is not uncommon for those with better qualifications to practice for five or sixty years."

"The main practice method of Taiji Xuanqing Dao is roughly taught at the third level. From now on, it will be more about the level of aptitude, and it will be done by yourself."

"And those who have cultivated Taiji Xuanqing Dao to the fourth level of Yuqing Realm have the foundation of all laws, and can start to practice other strange arts and magic weapons at the same time as well as cultivate their own magic tools."

After stopping here, Xu Rui probably understood the division of realms of 'Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao'.

The first three layers of the Jade Qing Realm correspond to the early stage of foundation establishment, the middle stage of foundation establishment, and the late stage of foundation establishment, while the fourth layer is already the state of the early stage of Jindan.

There is a huge threshold to cross from foundation establishment to golden core, of course it is not such a good achievement.

"So in "Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao", the fourth to ninth levels of Yuqing Realm correspond to the Jindan Realm, while the Shangqing Realm is the Primordial Spirit Realm, and the Taiqing Realm is the Immortal Realm."

Of course, whether it is true or not, it is necessary to obtain specific exercises.

After a brief introduction, Song Daren passed on the first level of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao's exercises.

Goldfinger responded instantly.

"The sixth rank of "Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao" is top-notch, disabled."

Secretly said "Sure enough".

Generally speaking, the foundation building of the ninth rank, the golden pill of the eighth rank, the soul of the seventh rank, and the immortal of the sixth rank.

When the skill reaches the sixth rank, it means that there is a way to become a fairy.

As for how the immortals are divided, and what the upper realm is, he is not clear.

After Song Daren passed down the exercises, although Xu Rui was very eager, he didn't practice immediately.

Cultivation requires a calm and safe environment, as well as a thorough understanding of exercises, which he does not have now.

Song Daren also said some things to pay attention to during the cultivation process, and finally said seriously.

"Little brother, the most important thing in the practice of this sect is to progress step by step and be down-to-earth. If you are greedy for merit, you may not be greedy enough, and you will be in great trouble. Success or failure is destiny, so there is no need to force it. Like demons and heretics, heresy and sorcery, and dissatisfaction with desires. If you want to achieve quick success, you will most likely be punished by God in the end, which is pitiful and pathetic. You have to be careful."

"Thank you, big brother, for letting me know. I will definitely keep it in mind in the future."

"One more thing. As I told you earlier, the 'Taiji Cave', the most important place in Dazhufeng, is in the back mountain. Only disciples who have cultivated Taiji Xuanqing Dao to the third floor can enter to practice. Before that, you must first Practice in the room."


Song Daren nodded and stood up.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the back mountain bamboo forest."

After the two left Shoujing Hall and the surrounding wooden buildings, they walked towards the back mountain along a stone path that was a meter wide.

After walking only a few hundred meters, accompanied by the dense Yimu aura, a vast bamboo forest appeared in front of him.

As far as the eye can see, the wrist is thick, and there are more than three feet of black bamboo, densely packed, like a huge black emerald standing in front of him.

To Xu Rui's surprise, every bamboo here is a ninth-grade spiritual material?
"Jade Immortal Spiritual Realm is indeed a high-level spiritual realm with dense aura, and ninth-grade spiritual materials are everywhere. If monks in the real world or Maoshan Spiritual Realm see it, they must go crazy." Xu Ruixin said.

This vast bamboo forest gave him an intuitive feeling of the affluence of the higher spiritual world.

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