The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 493 Primordial Spirit

Chapter 493 Primordial Spirit

Xu Rui's heart trembled when he felt the overwhelming aura.

"Primitive spirit powerhouse!"

It was the first time he faced such a powerful monk.

For a moment, my heart was in a state of confusion, and all my methods seemed to be useless.

It would be nice if the deity was here.

Dragon Slaying Sword, Five Elements Absolute Immortal Formation, Erlong Bell, 36 Tiangang Soul Locker, and even Jiuxian Gourd are all first-level magic weapons, which can somewhat resist one or two.

In particular, the Dragon Slaying Sword is a medium-level killing weapon, and its power is impressive.

As long as one of these treasures is in his hands, he will not be so embarrassed.

Staring at the black clouds that were as fast as lightning behind him, Xu Rui couldn't help but be thankful that he had the supernatural power of Fengleichi, otherwise he would never have escaped.

"But how to deal with this guy?"

After thinking hard for a while, his eyes lit up.

"Yeah, I'm an organized person now."

Having been a casual cultivator for a long time, it has become a fixed mindset, forgetting that he can shake people now.

Immediately, he flew towards Zhaozhou City with all his might.

Looking at the figure flying farther and farther away, wearing a black robe and a high crown behind him, the thin figure has an ugly face.

It's embarrassing that he can't catch up with a little guy who has just become a golden core.

"Fortunately, I was already prepared."

A thunderous voice resounded through the sky.

"Stop him for me."

At the same time, two powerful demonic energy, one black and one red, rushed out of the slanting stab like lightning, and rushed straight towards Xu Rui.

Xu Rui took a closer look.

Still an old enemy.

Xue Ba, the vice head of the Xuanwu Hall of Ghost King Zong, and the other obese man in a purple robe don't know each other.

But since he is mixed with Xue Ba, he is probably also a member of the ghost king's clan.

Seeing the two people rushing towards them, Xu Rui's eyes showed a fierce look.

The crimson talisman that had been held in his hand was thrown out with a shake of his hand.

Suddenly, a powerful flame burst out.

The crimson flaming sword energy swelled instantly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant of hundreds of feet, like a giant pillar that pierced the sky and pierced the sky.

Xue Ba's heart was broken in an instant.

Can't help cursing.

Since you have Yuanshen-level means not to deal with the guys behind, what's the matter with bullying us?

Looking at the red sword pillar piercing the sky.

The two of them used all their breastfeeding strength, trying desperately to resist.

But the red flame sword energy filled with Tian Buyi's peak strike was so powerful that it instantly overwhelmed the two of them.

Xu Rui didn't look at the result, and flew directly over the two of them.

The reason why he did not hesitate to use a precious life-saving talisman was for this effect.

Otherwise, if you get entangled and you are overtaken by the master spirit behind you, you will be miserable.

As soon as he reached the edge of Zhaozhou City, before flying in, he felt a powerful flame rising into the sky.

"Old Ghost Hai, dare you."

Hearing this familiar voice, Xu Rui couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


The billowing flames, like raging waves, spread out for a long time in the blink of an eye, and collided fiercely with the black clouds chasing behind.

The clouds were stirring.

The sound was like thunder.

The boiling black clouds and the burning flames, like two giant beasts, each spread hundreds of acres, violently colliding together.

Thunderous voices sounded from time to time.

"Old Ghost Hai, you actually dare to bully the small with the big, and intercept and kill my Qingyun sect disciple, this time the old man will never forget it like that."

"Hmph, old man. Even though your Red Feather Sword is powerful, if you want to kill me, you must have practiced it for hundreds of years."


Accompanied by the magnificent sound, a more powerful collision followed.

The huge black cloud and billowing flames each tore the surrounding aura to strengthen themselves.The scale became more and more tyrannical, covering almost half of the city.

Xu Rui stood at the top of the city, looking at the astonishing celestial phenomenon.

Ups and downs.

"Is this the power of the Yuanshen cultivator? It's too strong."

I can't help but desire in my heart.

But I am still far from such a realm.

Take a deep breath.

"Let's take it step by step. Sooner or later, I can reach the level I am today. However, before that, I have to avenge myself."

The wings behind his back trembled, and he flew towards the way he came like lightning.



With a mouthful of reverse blood, Xue Ba hastily took out the healing elixir from his dharma bag and swallowed it. After barely urging the mana to refine it, the burning pain in his chest subsided a little.

Although he barely survived the powerful red flame sword energy now.

But he was very embarrassed.

There are traces of smoke and fire all over his body, and the gorgeous purple robe has become a beggar's attire.

Especially on the chest, there was a sword wound deep enough to show bone.

"Damn it, damn it Xu Buzhou, you escaped this time, next time grandpa will kill you with his own hands."

The physical pain stimulated Xue Ba to become more irritable.

"I'm afraid you won't have a chance."

Xue Ba was shocked by the cold and familiar voice.

Subconsciously wanted to fight back, but found that his body was submerged by a soft blue aura, as if a huge mountain was pressing down, and he couldn't move at all.

"Excuse me..."

Before he could even utter the word 'fate', Xu Rui's Taiyi staff beat his brains apart.

Directly stimulate the refining of Goldfinger.

The marrow washing points that have been exhausted have been restored to four.

Stretching out his hand, Xue Ba's cooked copper stick and dharma bag flew into his palm.

"one left."

Xu Rui's heart moved, and his eyebrows opened instantly.

After watching for a while, he smiled coldly.

"Got you."

Feng Lei Chi was startled, and chased after him like lightning.


Jia Fengnian, the 'spicy hand man butcher', one of the eight deputy hall masters of the Xuanwu Hall of the Ghost King Zong, has always been friends with Xue Ba, so when they came to intercept and kill Xu Rui this time, the two of them followed one of the top ten elders of the Ghost King Zong, Black Wind. The Venerable Master Haibo came together.

I thought that with Sea Boss around, this interception would definitely be a matter of course.

Unexpectedly, the other party was unexpectedly difficult.

A powerful red flame sword energy directly killed half of his life.

"Damn it, such a powerful Taoism is not used to deal with Sea Boss, but it is used on this old man. It is really not a person, it is extremely cunning."

Apart from cursing secretly, he didn't dare to wait any longer, and hurriedly fled to the depths of Sheyang Mountain.

For many years, he had the power of the Ghost King Sect, and he offended many people.It's hard to guarantee that no one around will take advantage of his serious injury to add insult to injury.

Fortunately, he was already prepared.

After arriving at a hidden valley, twenty or thirty men in black quickly surrounded him.

"Hall Master."

"Master, are you...?"

He waved his hand to interrupt everyone's words.

"Jia Laoqi?"

A hunchbacked middle-aged man with an indigo chin came up to him.

"Please tell the hall master."

"You lead people to guard at the entrance of the valley, and no one is allowed to come in."


Looking at the busy crowd, Jia Fengnian secretly thanked himself for being prudent, and had asked his disciples and grandchildren to accompany him secretly.

With their protection, it is enough to keep yourself safe.

He breathed a sigh of relief, just as he was about to go to the residence at the bottom of the valley to rest.


Suddenly remembered.

The unprepared people were instantly knocked out of their wits.

The next moment, the shadow of sticks overwhelming the sky came down.

In an instant, except for a few with powerful amulets, most of them were beaten with a brain burst.


A bright thunder flashed.

Several protective shields were burst like soap bubbles.

Jia Fengnian had the highest cultivation level. Although he was seriously injured, he broke out in an instant under the crisis of life and death.

Powerful blood light rose into the sky like a raging wave.

Xu Rui's divine light was actually blocked.

After waving the Taiyi staff to take away all the corpses on the ground, he looked at Jia Fengnian, who was covered in blood and had a strong breath, as if he had no injuries at all.

There is some understanding in my heart.

This is a self-mutilation move similar to the 'Tianmo Disintegration Dafa'.

Feeling the recovered mana in his body, Jia Fengnian looked dignified. What he cast was the "Li Xue Curse" of Ghost King Zong, which could instantly restore [-]% of the mana of a dying person.

But the price is also great.

Afterwards, not to mention the loss of one level of cultivation base, the injury to the body will be even more serious.Without more than ten years of recuperation, there is no way to recover.

But he had to.

Otherwise, this meeting will lose its head.

He looked at the young man with wings on his back in front of him.

"Your Excellency is Xu Buzhou from Qingyun Sect?"

"who are you?"

Xu Rui said calmly.

The world of Jade Immortals is too big, and the time he has been here is too short. Not to mention Jia Fengnian, even some Primordial Spirit monks in the world of Jade Immortals haven't fully recognized it yet.

"Jia Fengnian, the deputy head of Xuanwu Hall of Ghost King Zong."

"So it's Hall Master Jia."

Seeing his indifferent expression, as if he didn't take himself seriously, Jia Fengnian became angry instantly.

However, although the mana in front of him is not as powerful as him, his methods are not inferior to him.

Whether it was the powerful soul-shaking divine sound or the extremely sharp thunder light, they were all amazingly strong, which made him dare not be careless in the slightest.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, there is a saying that enemies should be resolved rather than knotted, why don't you and I stop?"

"give up?"

Xu Rui smiled, "Now I have the upper hand, and you are just a grasshopper after autumn, why do you want to give up?"

Jia Fengnian's expression sank.

"Do you think you can beat this old man with just a few plausible methods?"

Xu Rui took the Taiyi rod in front of him, and smiled after holding a flower on the staff.

"You're right, I'm sure I'll eat your piece of fat."

"Not ashamed to speak."

Jia Fengnian's mind raced as he scolded angrily.

The reason why he didn't run away immediately after activating the Blood Curse was that he knew that his speed would definitely not be able to outrun the opponent.

The wind and thunder's wings moved, and even the 'Master Black Wind' who had always been extremely fast couldn't catch up, let alone him.

"If you want to get out of the body, you must kill this kid."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help clenching the bloody magic sword in his hand.

Seeing his eyes become firm, Xu Rui knew that this person was about to make a move.

Take it easy.

"Old devil, do you know why I wasted so much time talking to you?"


Jia Fengnian asked subconsciously.

"Of course I killed you."

Jia Fengnian was furious in his heart, and just about to make a move, suddenly a great danger suddenly hit his heart.

A clever, subconsciously activated all the amulets on his body.


A sharp sword light rushed out from three feet behind him.

too close.

The protective aura of the talisman instantly vibrated.

With a 'snap', the protective cover was directly punctured.

But Jia Fengnian was ruthless, and there were more than one layer of protective shield on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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