Chapter 490 Eighth Black Holy Stone


A middle-aged man, Sirius, the deacon of the Sirius Guard under the command of the Eighth King of Evil Guijian, stood up and strode out of the cave.

As soon as he came out, he happened to see Lang Qing and Lang Wuwei who were fighting, and couldn't help but slammed into him.

"Stop me all."

A loud shout shook all directions.

Lang Qing and Lang Wuwei had already received Xu Rui's instruction, and stopped immediately when they heard the voice.

Sirius flew over and struck out with a palm.


The billowing hurricane knocked Lang Qing and Lang Wuwei upside down by tens of feet, and they were extremely embarrassed.

Neither of them resisted.

"Get the hell out of here to Sirius Cave."

After glaring at the two of them fiercely, Sirius flew towards his dojo.

After Lang Qing and Lang Wuwei looked at each other, they hurriedly followed.

Seeing that there was no excitement to watch, the demons around dispersed.

The cave of Sirius is not too far away from the caves of Langqing and Lang Wuwei, and the escape light of the golden core monk will arrive soon.

"See Lord Wolf."

The guards in charge of guarding the cave quickly saluted.

The ugly-looking Sirius replied angrily, and looked back at the two demons.

"Get in."

After the words fell, he strode in.

After passing through the carefully opened cave and turning around the screen in front, he sat down on the chair in the center of the cave in the grand living room.

After Lang Qing and Lang Wuwei followed in, they knelt down a foot away from Sirius.

"Tell me, why do you fight?" Sirius said coldly.

"I would like to report to the wolf lord, the fearless wolf is really abominable. He has repeatedly bullied the wolf clan members of my second general banner. The lowly position is really unbearable..."

Before Lang Qing could finish speaking, he was interrupted.

"Lord Wolf, he is talking nonsense. It was he who was dissatisfied with the Lord Wolf's rewards for the wolf clan tribes under my first general banner. Not apologizing, but also insulting the humble official, the humble official really couldn't bear it, so he shot angrily..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was punched in the face by Lang Qing.

"Dog thief, you dare to frame me."

Not to be outdone, Lang Wuwei punched Lang Qing in the chest with his backhand.

Seeing that the two demons don't use mana, you punch and kick each other, fighting with hands and feet like a rascal in the market.

Sirius intuitively felt the veins on his forehead twitching, furious, resisting the desire to slap these two bastards to death, roared angrily.

"You two bastards, stop it for me."

Lang Qing and Lang Wuwei stopped and crawled towards Sirius' feet.

"Master Sirius, you have to decide for me..."

Sirius was angry and had a headache at the moment.

Langqing and Langwuwei are the most capable general banners under his command, and the palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh, which is really difficult to deal with.

Even when he was in trouble, he didn't stop Lang Qing and Lang Wuwei from crawling over.

We have been together for hundreds of years, and we are too familiar with each other. He doesn't believe that these two guys dare to pierce him in front of him, let alone his own guards around him.

They are all elite.

When the two monsters were one foot closer to Sirius, they looked at each other.At the same time, he took out a magic talisman from the dharma bag.

This talisman is three feet long and one palm wide. The light red handwriting is like a big bell.

Sirius is worthy of being a master who has achieved Golden Core for many years in the late stage, so he soon noticed something was wrong.

A move in my heart.

Two invisible sharp swords took shape and slashed towards the two talismans like lightning.

It's a pity it's too late.

Hong Zhong Dalu-like bells rang.

Sirius was in his dojo, and he never expected to be assassinated by his most trusted subordinate. Before the protective talisman on his body could be sacrificed, he was shaken.

The moment the bell rang, a black bamboo stick suddenly appeared from behind him, and a stick hit his back.

A black spiritual light diffused from the bamboo staff, and soon enveloped Sirius.

The powerful sealing power instantly suppressed all his resistance.

Xu Rui came out of the dimensional space of Kongming Lingye, flicked his fingers, and a talisman flew into Sirius' body.

Successfully controlled the deacon Sirius of this evil ghost.

Feeling the familiar fetters from the soul, Xu Rui couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

With a wave of the Taiyi staff, the sealed aura on Sirius' body was withdrawn.

After his spirit returned to normal, he turned to look at Xu Rui with a submissive gaze.

"See sir."


Xu Rui couldn't wait to ask: "Do you know the six-tailed magic fox?"

Sirius shook his head.

Xu Rui was greatly disappointed.

Without the six-tailed demon fox, there would naturally be no Xuanhuojian.

"However, seven years ago, I saw the Eight Great Kings talking with a handsome man in a white robe in the Eight Kings Cave, and they looked very intimate. That man was just like the three-tailed demon fox. She was also a fox demon. I don't know if he is the six-tailed magic fox the master is looking for."

Xu Rui was shocked in his heart and blurted out.


"It's true."

Xu Rui was excited, and after pacing back and forth in the cave for a while, he turned around suddenly, staring at Sirius.

"Does that man have the cultivation base of Yuanshen? Was he injured?"

"The master is very predictable, it is true. Moreover, that guy coughs continuously, and his whole body is as cold as ice for several feet. He must have been severely injured by the ice method."

Xu Rui looked excited.

"That's right, it must be it."

The six-tailed demon fox was seriously injured by Shangguan Ce's 'Nine Cold Ice Spikes', and the cold disease in his body never recovered, and he even died because of it.

"Where is that man?"

Sirius shook his head.

"That's the one time I saw it, and I haven't seen it since."

The excitement on Xu Rui's face froze instantly.

But soon he adjusted.

"Since the six-tailed demon fox has come, he must be here, and most likely in the depths of the Eight Kings Cave."

The Six-Tailed Demon Fox needs the ground fire from the Black Stone Cave to suppress the coldness of the 'Nine Cold Ice Spikes' in its body. Since it is here, it must be here.


"Please tell the master."

"Let me ask you, is there a cave in the depths of the Eight Kings Cave that leads directly to the magma of the Earth Fire?"

"I don't know, but there should be. Almost all the caves in the Evil Ghost Gap are connected to the ground fire magma, and the Eight Kings Cave, as the largest cave in the Evil Ghost Gap, is certainly no exception."

Xu Rui grumbled and continued to ask.

"Do you know the body of the Eight Great Kings?"

"You know? It's an 'eight-handed black leech' that is seventy feet tall."

"Eight-handed black leech?"

This was the first time Xu Rui heard this name.

"How long has it been a primordial spirit?"

"About 300 years."

"300 years? It seems that there is a certain degree of enthusiasm in the Yuanshen realm." Xu Rui said to himself.

"The Eight Great Kings often ask you to retreat and protect the Dharma?"

"There used to be very few. But since seven years ago it has increased."

Xu Rui's heart moved, "Seven years ago, that is to say, since you saw that white-robed man?"


Xu Rui became more and more sure that the man in white robe was the six-tailed magic fox.

"How often do you usually ask you to retreat and protect the Dharma?"

"It used to be half a year, but recently it has become three months."

Xu Rui's eyes lit up, and he thought.

"This is an aggravated injury."

After asking some more details, Xu Rui told him to go back to the Eight Kings Cave. If he was out for too long, he would be suspicious.

Xu Rui sat down on Sirius' cave futon by himself.

Secretly thinking about what to do next.

Obviously, in order to find the Six-Tailed Demon Fox, the Eight Great Kings must be transferred away.

This primordial spirit is so powerful that he is not able to deal with it now.

As for the primordial spirit of the Six-Tailed Demon Fox, the dying body would only struggle a bit at most, and he had two talismans bestowed by his master Tian Buyi, which were enough to suppress it.

"But how can we transfer the Eight Great Kings away?"

Xu Rui frowned and thought.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside.

With a twitch in Xu Rui's heart, he activated the Thousand Illusion Mask, turned into an ordinary monster and flew out.

It was soon seen that the demons in the entire Evil Ghost Creek seemed to have exploded and flew towards Guancheng at the entrance.

Xu Rui didn't follow up hastily, he merged into the Kongtuo Lingye, and after hiding his figure, he flew close to the cliff to the top of the magnificent Guancheng.

What you see.

Above the magma lake surrounded by forests of stone pillars outside Guancheng, more than a dozen large boats lined up.

On these big boats, the demon clans armed with knives, guns and sticks were lined up, full of evil spirits.

The big boat in the middle is extraordinarily huge, shaped like a huge building boat, with a length of tens of feet and a width of more than ten feet.

At the top of the building boat stood a majestic tall and thin warrior wearing a bronze battle armor, and a flag embroidered with flying eagles rose fiercely behind him.

Looking at the warships filled with eagle flags, Xu Rui knew without guessing that these warships belonged to Yingshoujian, one of the three major forces in Heishidong.

Boom boom boom...

The huge war drum shook the entire Black Stone Cave.

Even the boiling magma under his feet trembled with the drumbeat.

"Ying Yang, the number one deacon under Yingchou Jian's command, asks to see the Eight Great Kings."

The sound was rolling, shaking the entire Guancheng.

Soon, an extremely powerful aura rolled over from the direction of Bawang Cave.

Xu Rui turned his head and looked, a big man with a strong physique and a blue flame pattern between his brows, with more than 30 powerful monster clans, came towards Guancheng riding the billowing monster cloud.

Xu Rui opened his eyes.

Above the big man's head appeared an illusion of three blue lions roaring upwards.

Obviously, this is who he is.

"This requires a strong breath."

Xu Rui thought to himself.

He also met a lot of monks in the later stage of Jindan, Xue Ba and Jia Chunlin from the Ghost King Sect, and the Four Friends of Sheyang later.

But the only one who can compare with this big man in terms of cultivation is the casual cultivator Bai Qingong in the depths of Sheyang Mountain.

"This monster has already stepped into the primordial spirit with one foot."

But the big monster called Ying Yang is not bad, the monster aura all over his body is condensed, the eagle looks at the wolf, he is unparalleled in domineering.

"Yingyang, you led the army to my evil ghost stream for no reason, do you want to start a dispute between the two factions?"

"Lion camel, have you forgotten? The 'Black Sacred Stone' in the Black Stone Cave was originally agreed to be in charge of the three companies in turn. Now that ten years have passed, it's our Yingchoujian's turn."

As he spoke, he smiled coldly.

"You evil ghosts don't want to break the rules, do you?"

The lion camel frowned, thinking: "I forgot about this."

"The rules of the Black Stone Cave, we evil ghosts will naturally not violate them. But now the master is retreating, and he must wait for the old man to leave the seclusion before handing it over to you."

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