The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 500 Innate Black Lotus Lamp

Chapter [-]: Innate Black Lotus Lamp


"Strange. Since you want to seize the 'Black Sacred Stone', why do you have to return it to you first, and then intercept and kill it halfway? Just don't give it back soon?"

Hearing this sentence, Ying Yang couldn't help being stunned.He was frightened by the strange bell and the sharp thunder light before, so he ran for his life.

Coupled with the loss of the 'Black Holy Stone', I was scared and anxious, and I didn't have time to think about it.

Listening to what the Eagle King said now, I also recall it.

"But the monsters I saw who came to besiege and kill them were obviously wearing the evil ghost armor of the evil ghost, and they were indeed demons from the evil ghost."

The eagle king, who was dressed in plain white, narrowed his eyes slightly, "It's not difficult to refine the armor of evil spirits. As for the monsters in the evil spirit's cave. impossible."

"The King of Eagles means that those monsters in the evil ghost stream are fake?"

"It might be fake, it might not be."

After the Eagle King finished speaking, he stepped down from the throne.

"Yingyang, you said if we take the opportunity to make trouble, who will benefit?"

Ying Yang is not a fool, he understands it when he thinks about it.

"It's those long worms from Heishuijian."

"That's right. But based on what I know about that guy Aoqin, such an obvious trap doesn't seem like his arm."

This method of framing is too obvious.

A casual analysis shows that if there is a conflict between Evil Guijian and Yingchoujian, Heishuijian will gain in the end.

After Ying Yang nodded, he pondered for a while.

"Eagle King, are people from outside planning to disturb our Black Stone Cave?"

"At present, it seems that this is the biggest possibility." After a pause, the Eagle King said indifferently, "However, it does not rule out that there are demons who deliberately created this situation."

For a while, Ying Yang was also a little confused, and felt that the pool of water seemed to be getting muddier under the analysis of King Ying.

"Eagle King, what shall we do?"

Ying Yang asked directly.

Anyway, I am not the leader, so I should leave this kind of headache to the Eagle King.

The Eagle King paced and pondered for a while in the living room.

"Although we don't know who is behind it for the time being, we can't ignore the fact that the 'Black Holy Sacred Stone' was taken away by the demons of the evil ghosts on the surface."

Ying Yang nodded and waited quietly for orders.

"Go and gather your followers immediately, let's go to Heishuijian."

"Black Water Stream?"

Ying Yang was stunned, shouldn't he go to the evil ghost stream?
"The restriction left on the Black Holy Stone can only be activated by the three of us at the same time." The Eagle King narrowed his eyes slightly, with a smoldering look on his face.

"No matter what, take back the 'Black Sacred Stone' first. This move is also a good test for those two guys."

"Eagle King is wise."

"Go down and prepare."

Ying Yang agreed and flew out to gather the army.

Soon, dozens of warships gathered in Yingshoujian, leaving behind the demon queen who was watching the house, and the Eagle King set off with all the demons.

Arrived at Heishuijian.

As the Eagle King, he naturally met the Dragon King who ruled Heishuijian soon.

It is said to be the Dragon King, but it is actually a poisonous dragon.

Seeing them approaching aggressively, I thought they were about to start a war.

The Eagle King explained his purpose.

"Brother Ying, you don't think I let my subordinates steal the 'Black Sacred Stone'?"

The Poison Dragon King, who was over ten feet tall and had a gloomy expression, said in a deep voice.

"I believe that Brother Long will not do such an unwise thing, but the 'Black Sacred Stone' is of great importance, so I would like to ask Brother Long to go to the evil ghost with me, and find the eight kings to activate the 'Black Sacred Stone' together." As long as the location of the 'Black Sacred Stone' is determined, it will not be difficult to find who is behind the scenes."

The Poison Dragon King nodded after pondering for a moment.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

The Poisonous Dragon King also summoned his demon crowd, and after the two families merged, they flew towards the evil ghost stream.

Seeing the mighty monsters outside the official city, Xu Rui became excited.

"finally come."

He has worked so hard to plan for so long, and finally ushered in the most critical moment.

Looking at the group of demons that looked like frying pans in Guancheng, Xu Rui urged Kongming Lingye to fly towards the Eight Kings Cave.

After arriving at the Eight Kings Cave, Xu Rui didn't rush in, but hid in the rock crevice below the cave entrance.

The Kongming Spiritual Leaf is a space spirit tool, and it is easy to change its size.

Xu Rui just hid here.

The entire ghost stream began to tremble.

The originally calm magma at the bottom of the stream suddenly seemed to be surging with waves.

"Eight Great Kings, an old friend is here to visit, so I haven't come out to meet you yet."

With a thunderous sound, two powerful auras suddenly suppressed.

At this moment, the seven deacons who protected the Dharma in the Eight Kings Cave also became panicked.

The pressure of the two primordial spirits has never happened since the earth-shattering fight hundreds of years ago.

"Brother, Yingshoujian and Heishuijian are joining forces to attack, please come out quickly, or we, the evil ghosts, will be in trouble."

Under Xu Rui's instruction, Sirius was the first to shout.

The tense atmosphere he deliberately created also made the nerves of the other deacons tense.

"Brother, the fourth brother is right. The Eagle King and the Dragon King are attacking. It's not that we can resist it. We should invite the king out quickly."

"Brother, it's not too late, otherwise things will change."

Under the clamor of the crowd, the lion camel no longer hesitated.

"Okay, I'm here to ask the king for instructions..."

Before the words were finished, the closed stone door next to it suddenly roared.


Accompanied by a slightly harsh friction sound, the thick stone door opened to both sides.

Amid the sound of heavy footsteps, a tall man wearing a black cloak, with a lion's nose and wide mouth, walked out of it with the steps of a dragon and a tiger.

Wei'an's figure reveals a shocking domineering arrogance.

Qi Yao didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

"See Your Majesty."

"Get up."

"Your Majesty, the Eagle King of Yingshoujian and the Dragon King of Heishuijian led an army to attack..."

The burly Eight Kings interrupted the lion camel with a wave of his hand.

"I know everything, and you will follow me to the city to meet the enemy."


The Eight Great Kings waved their hands to activate the restriction, and after closing the cave, they led the Seven Demons straight towards the Guancheng.

Watching them leave, Xu Rui manipulated the Kongtuo Lingye to fly out from the rock gap.

When he came to the Eight Kings Cave, the little demon guarding him couldn't detect his existence at all.

After flying in majestically, he came to the stone gate where the seven deacons were protecting the law.

This is considered to be the front hole of the Eight Kings Cave, and the forbidden law is only average, and he has already penetrated it.

But behind the stone gate is the core of the Eight Kings Cave, and there are many restrictions, even his thunder-eye supernatural power can't see through it.

After coming out of the Kongtuo Lingye, Xu Rui looked at the stone gate in front of him, which was two feet high and four feet wide, and secretly rejoiced in his heart.

"This time it can be regarded as a crooked hit."

While thinking, a black iron box opened.

There is a black lotus lamp in the center of the iron box.

The lotus lantern is one foot three inches high and seven inches in diameter. The nine-petaled lotus leaves are like black and red jade, extremely beautiful.

In the middle of the lotus, a thumb-sized blue lamp burns quietly, like an oval agate.

But Xu Rui's consciousness could clearly sense the astonishing heat in it.

Seeing it, Xu Rui's eyes became hot.

He originally thought that the 'Black Holy Stone' was a stone, but after getting it, he realized that he was very wrong.

With a gesture, the black lotus lamp fell into the palm.

Goldfinger manifests.

"Innate black lotus lamp, the seventh grade is the best."

When he was in Maoshan Spirit World before, he read all the Taoist treasures accumulated by the Zhang family for thousands of years, and there was a record of the innate magic weapon among them.

This kind of innate magic weapon, which is born and cultivated, contains the principles of Taoism, which has the ability to help people understand Taoism.

This congenital black lotus lamp is born with the law of flames, and it has a certain auxiliary effect on anyone who becomes enlightened with flames.

Of course, if the cultivation base exceeds the seventh rank, this innate black lotus lamp will lose its effect.

"No wonder the monsters in the Black Stone Cave fought for the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood they fought for."

The magma-filled environment of the Black Stone Cave is the most suitable for comprehending and practicing the method of flames.This congenital black lotus lamp has the greatest help.

Xu Rui held the black lotus lantern and walked to the stone gate.

Previously, he planned to use the life-saving talisman given by his master to break through the restriction of the stone gate, but with this congenital black lotus lamp, there is no need for it.

The spiritual consciousness goes deep into the black lotus lamp, and nine powerful restrictions are reflected in the sea of ​​consciousness, but it can be seen that there are three powerful spiritual restrictions around the nine restrictions to seal the core of the restriction.

It is obvious that these three restrictions were written by the Eight Great Kings, the Eagle King and the Dragon King.

Sealing the core of the formation, after the three demons got the black lotus lamp, they could only comprehend it, and could not keep it for themselves.

If you want to forcibly break the formation, you will be known by the other two monsters instantly.

Although Xu Rui has a way to break through the triple restrictions, but now he doesn't want to alarm the three primordial spirits to encircle and suppress him.

Stretch out a finger, and the mana in the body is rolling.

The flame of the black lotus lamp turned into a line of fire, which cut across the stone gate like a sickle.

The restriction arranged by the Eight Great Kings was only for the lower grade of the seventh grade, and the black lotus lamp was directly cut open under the flame of the upper grade of the seventh grade, and the stone gate behind it was also broken.

Seeing the restriction in the hole, Xu Rui flew in with the black lotus lantern in his hand.

After entering it, the two-foot-high and four-foot-wide stone cave slopes downward. After stretching for 30 meters, a huge stone chamber appeared.

There are stone niches around the twenty or thirty feet wide stone chamber.

There are some Taoist scriptures and spiritual materials in the stone niche.

Xu Rui swept away the Taoist book without hesitation, and flew straight to the passage behind the stone room.

As the stone path went down, there were fewer and fewer traces of excavation. In the end, it had completely transformed into a natural stone cave.

After he went down the tunnel for a hundred feet, his eyes suddenly opened up.

A magnificent stone cave with a diameter of three hundred feet and a height of nearly thirty feet appeared in front of him.

In the center of the cave, hot magma boiled like fire.

Looking at it, it looks like a huge magma lake.

In the very center of the lake, a huge white fox with a height of thirty feet is quietly lying down. Behind it, six giant tails, which are three to four feet thick and more than ten feet long, hang down on the magma like giant pillars.

A stream of dense cold air flew out of its body.

Alternating cold and heat, while the smoke filled the air, the magma under him had already solidified into rock, like an isolated island.

Seeing this astonishing abnormality, Xu Rui was extremely excited.

"Finally found you, Six-Tailed Demon Fox!"

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