
In just three years, his martial arts has broken through the twelve regular meridians, as well as the Du, Chong, Dai, Yangwei, Yinwei, Yinqiao, and Yangwei meridians among the eight extraordinary meridians. The 24 acupoints in the veins have not yet been opened.

The opening of more than 30 acupoints, if Xu Rui was allowed to refine Qi and open it himself, let alone three years, even [-] years of cultivation to the current state would be profitable.

But now, with the help of a six-tailed demon fox with perfect primordial spirit, almost all of his mana, he has successfully made a big step forward in his martial arts cultivation.

As long as he opens up all the 29 acupoints on the Governor Meridian, he can start to break through the martial arts primordial spirit.

But the further back, the more difficult it is to open the acupoints.

Now that he doesn't have the ice power to transform the spiritual energy, he only needs to practice hard for a period of time if he wants to break through.

After three years of absorption and refining, the soul of the six-tailed demon fox, the head, limbs, six tails, and most of the ice on the torso have completely disappeared.

Only on the chest, there is another Zhang Xu long, the thickness of an adult's arm, with sharp ends, it looks like a piece of blue-white crystal ice crystal, deeply embedded in its body, straight into the lungs.

Xu Rui felt the mysterious cold ice rhyme.

"Is this part of Shangguan Ce's 'Nine Ninghan Ice Spike'?"

"That's right. The Nine Ninghan Ice Spike is Shangguan Ce's fundamental magic weapon. It is made of nine thousand-year-old ice crystals. It can be turned into nine, and can be separated to fight against the enemy. It is very powerful."

Hu Shou's tone was full of excitement.

He does have reason to be happy, the ice energy that has entangled him for nearly a hundred years and almost killed him, only this 'ice thorn' at the source remains, as long as he removes it, he can completely clean up the ice energy in his body, regain health.

For him, there is nothing better than this.

"Be patient." Xu Rui said.

This 'ice thorn' has been in Hu Shou's Yuanshen for nearly a hundred years, and has almost merged with his Yuanshen.

If it is pulled out, it will also be a serious injury to his weak soul.

And extremely painful.

"Master, just let it go."

Hu Shou gritted his teeth.

Although he knew that it would be very painful and would severely damage his soul, but compared to completely eliminating the ice thorns that had entangled him for nearly a hundred years and almost killed him, it seemed unimportant.

Xu Rui nodded.

Qi and blood in the body slowly mobilized.


At the beginning, the sound was like rolling boulders, but at the end, it was like being in the Yangtze River. The churning blood was almost like huge waves rolling, surging like thunder.

Surrounded by the powerful qi and blood, Xu Rui's whole body was shrouded in a crimson light, like a god.

After pumping out all the energy and blood, Xu Rui put on a pair of high-grade spiritual weapon gloves that he worked so hard to refine.

Suddenly grasped the ice thorn.

In an instant.

Biting cold permeated the air.

Xu Rui didn't dare to be negligent, and pulled out all the strength in his body.


The one-foot-long ice thorn was pulled out directly.


Hu Shou, the six-tailed demon fox, roared in pain.

Holding the ice thorn in his hand, Xu Rui repeated his old trick and threw it into the Kongming Lingye.Fu threw the spiritual leaf into the mouth again.

The cold air broke out, which soon attracted Goldfinger's suppression.

The restriction on the ice thorns, as well as the trace of soul left by Shangguan Ce, were all erased.

After feeling the subside of the cold air, Xu Rui took out the Kongming Lingye and shook his head involuntarily, feeling the restriction inside that was damaged by the cold air.

"It's time to warm up again."

Looking at the glove on the right hand, it has been completely useless.

At any rate, the Kongming Lingye still had room to accommodate the ice thorns, which weakened part of the cold air.

And this glove was directly touched, and it was [-]% impacted by the thousand-year cold air of the ice thorn, so naturally it couldn't hold on.

But now Xu Rui has the ability to refine high-quality spiritual weapons, and he has obtained a lot of high-quality spiritual materials from previous killings, so it doesn't feel bad to lose one.

With a heart move, he took out the ice thorn.

Without the restriction, the cold air was greatly weakened.

With only his strong blood, he can already resist the cold above.

"8000-year-old ice crystals, the seventh grade is the best."

Xu Rui looked excitedly at the ice crystal, which was a foot long and thick as an adult's thigh.

This is the seventh-rank superior spiritual material.

But be happy, he is destined not to use it.

Although his current weapon refining technique can refine high-quality spiritual weapons, but if he wants to cross the threshold and refine magic weapons, there is no hope for half a year.

If it is practiced with the method of natal spiritual weapon, he will not be able to use it if he does not practice the Ice Dao.

"Wait until the next time you go back to the sect, and see if you can replace it with a seventh-rank top-grade spiritual material of wind attribute or thunder attribute."

Take out the Taiyi stick and brush it.

The aura of heavy seals sealed the thousand-year-old ice crystals.

However, with the strong coldness of the other party, it is estimated that it will give you a soul-eating stick, and you need to seal it from time to time.

Look at Hu Shou's Yuanshen again.

It has become a translucent existence. Compared with the almost solid body at the beginning, the breath has declined by nearly half.

It can be seen that Xu Rui's pulling out completely hurt his vitality.

But the injury returned to the injury, but there was vitality in the depths of Hu Shouyuan's spirit.

The surrounding aura kept pouring in, quickly absorbed and refined by him, replenishing the consumption in the body.

Without the constraints of the ice thorns, Hu Shou's life is no longer in danger, and his mana, body, and soul are all recovering rapidly.

"Thank you sir, I have recovered."

Hu Shou's tone trembled, and one could hear how excited he was at the moment.

"After you've exhausted your illness, you should recover properly. We'll talk about everything after you recover your cultivation."


Hu Shou fell behind in speaking, and impatiently transported the spirit energy and recovered his cultivation.

Xu Rui didn't bother him either.

Take out Qingyunju and fly in.

Anyway, Hu Shou's dantian is big enough, and the 36 Zhang wide space is enough for Qingyunju, which is the size of his mu field.

When he came to the refining room, he took out the Xuanhuo Jian and played with it, then sighed.

He also tried to throw this thing into the Kongming Lingye to deal with the cold ice thorns and the innate black lotus lamp, to erase the 'eight fierce mysterious fire array' inside, and completely grasp this treasure.

It's a pity that the 'Eight Ominous Xuanhuo Formation' in Xuanhuojian was intended to protect and did not take the initiative to attack. Goldfinger didn't think it was a threat, so naturally it wouldn't suppress it.

Let his plan come to nothing.

Facing this treasure, Xu Rui felt like a mouse pulling a turtle.

One shot bag.

A nine-foot-long silver gun flew out.

It is the wind and thunder gun.

Xu Rui shook his head while holding it in his hand.

"Too light."

Now his physical cultivation has reached the peak of Jindan, and his strength has increased by nearly ten thousand catties compared to before. Of course, he feels light when he can hold a wind and thunder gun that can't hold a few hundred catties.

"It has to be practiced again."

Xu Rui patted the dharma bag, and with a black light, a washbasin-sized piece of iron covered with silver stars appeared in front of him.

This is the seventh-grade low-grade spiritual material 'Star Spirit Iron' that Mirage Dragon found for him.

Xu Rui was limited by the conditions before, so it has been useless.

Now that we have the Innate Black Lotus Lantern, it is not difficult to refine this 'Star Spirit Iron'.

With a wave of his hand, the lid of the Taiyi Zizhi furnace opened.

The star spirit iron flew in.

Xu Rui waved the Taiyi Staff, and the 'Congenital Black Lotus Lantern' sealed in it melted into it.

With a move in his heart, he activated the magic ban on the Zizhi stove, and the surrounding spiritual energy was instantly absorbed.

The Six-tailed Demon Fox, which was absorbing the aura, also sensed the abnormality in an instant, but it didn't make a sound. If it divided half of the absorbed aura to Xu Rui.

With the support of spiritual energy, the light of the congenital black lotus lamp instantly expanded and turned into a lotus flower the size of a millstone, enclosing the star spirit iron.

Although the Taiyi Zizhi Furnace is only a first-class spirit weapon of the eighth rank, it stands to reason that it should not be able to support the light of the first-class black lotus lamp of the seventh rank.

But now they are on a huge magma lake, surrounded by bursting flame aura.

The rich flame aura is far easier to fuel the spiritual fire than ordinary aura, which is why the spiritual fire of the congenital black lotus lamp can be maintained.

Under the burning of the powerful seventh-grade high-grade spiritual fire, the star spirit iron quickly melted.

And then keep refining.

This is a necessary step for the refiner.

However, when Xu Rui was refining the weapon, it was tens of thousands of miles away, in the depths of a huge valley close to the edge of the wilderness.

An old man in a navy blue robe, with gray hair and a serious breath suddenly opened his eyes.

A powerful aura filled the room like a storm.

In an instant, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop by dozens of degrees, and snowflakes fell from mid-air.

In the entire Fenxiang Valley, the one with such a powerful Ice Dao cultivation base is naturally the famous Shangguan Ce.

"The ice thorns I left in the six-tailed demon fox were forcibly broken?!" Shangguan Ce frowned.

Although separated by tens of thousands of miles, as his natal magic weapon, he could vaguely perceive some information.

However, this information completely disappeared after Xu Rui used his golden finger to directly break the restriction of the ice thorn and the trace of soul left by Shangguan Ce.

The only explanation for this situation is that a powerful person or demon took action to remove the ice thorn in the six-tailed demon fox's body.

"Without the proof of the ice thorn, it would be difficult to find him. More importantly, did the six-tailed demon fox sell it in order to survive? If not, it would be best, but if there was, they would burn incense Gu has more troubles to come."

Thinking of these, my heart became hesitant for a while.

But he also knew that these things could not be delayed.

With a flick of the curved finger, the aura flew out of the door.

Soon, there was a rhythmic knock on the door.

"come in?"

The closed door opened, and a young monk in a scarlet robe opened the door and walked in.

"See Elder Shangguan."

"Go see the head quickly and tell him that I have something important to discuss with him."


The young monk left in a hurry.

"Hee hee, I didn't expect Xiao Liu to be so powerful that he could remove the ice thorns you left behind?"

A young woman's voice appeared in the seemingly empty hall.

Shangguan Ce snorted coldly, "Tianhu, I know you have the supernatural ability to spy on other people's minds, but even if you know it, so what? You were imprisoned here by me, Fenxianggu, and you couldn't move for a moment."

"As for the six-tailed demon fox. Hmph, even if he gets rid of the cold energy in his body and recovers his cultivation, the first thing he thinks of is definitely coming to the Profound Fire Altar to rescue you."

"As long as he dares to come, the old man will send him back to the west again."

The domineering words are unparalleled.

The charming female voice reappeared after a long time.

"Shangguan Ce, you Fenxiang Valley is a good idea. Make sure to imprison here and lure the fox clan to come. Then you can easily take back the Xuanhuojian, and you can also easily destroy the remnants of us fox clan."

"However, you and that old dog Yun Yilan made a wrong calculation this time. I have already given them an order that even if I die, I will not come to your Fenxiang Valley again."

Shangguan Ce snorted coldly, "I'm too lazy to talk to you, let the facts speak for you whether you come or not."

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