prosperous age

Chapter 1028 Chapter 1119 Backhand

Chapter 1028 Chapter 1119 Backhand

"Those families haven't come back yet?"

When Qian Laoliu heard the report from his subordinates, he just frowned and asked.

There's something weird about it.

Qian Laoliu thought to himself that he was one of the first group of people who followed Lin Feng to become pirates, and he was also the vested interest group in this pirate group. In other words, those who followed Lin Feng the earliest were Lin Feng's confidants.

Fighting the enemy on the top of the city wall is relatively safe because of the protection of the city walls, but can it be as safe as being inside the city?

Lin Feng arranged these people in the city, one to monitor everyone's family to prevent anyone from having second thoughts, and the other to preserve their strength.

The cannons on both sides fired at each other, and it was possible that some of the shells would grow eyes and hit the city wall.

As a confidant, he naturally knew something about Lin Feng's worries, so he felt a little uneasy when several families did not come back at night.

"Didn't they say they wouldn't come tonight?"

Qian Laoliu asked, trying to appear calm.

"He said he won't be back tonight, but he will definitely be back before noon tomorrow."

The errand boy answered hastily.


Qian Laoliu just repeated it in a low voice and looked up at the sky. It was already very late.

I wanted to go back and rest, but I always felt something was wrong.

"Did you go to these households several times in the past few days, and come back very late?"

Qian Laoliu asked again.

The subordinate thought for a moment before answering, "Master Qian, it seems to be true. Those who came back later, but they all went home."

"Have families also gone to other towns or the North Gate?"

Qian Laoliu's eyes rolled around and he suddenly spoke casually.

"Uh, Mr. Qian, I really don't know about this."

The boy was stunned at first, then answered quickly.

"You, and the rest of you."

  Qian Laoliu said to the boy, then pointed to the people behind him and continued, "Go to the surrounding markets right away and ask around to see if the families at the north gate have returned so late.

Hurry up, I'll wait for you here, come back and tell me as soon as you get the news."

Qian Laoliu was undoubtedly the smartest person among the pirates. In fact, he felt something was wrong when the families from the North Gate kept running to the North Gate over the past two days.

However, after two days of observation, I found nothing unusual, so I felt relieved.

However, several families went there tonight and never came back. The vigilance he had already eliminated was revived again, constantly reminding him in his mind that this matter might not be simple.

All the people were sent out, but Qian Laoliu didn't feel at ease. He walked up and down the street anxiously, and kept looking up at the sky.

Finally, after a few sticks of incense had passed, the people who had been sent out began to come back and report one after another.

"Master Qian, there are indeed a few families on Northwest Street who haven't come back yet so late. They said they went to the North Gate in the afternoon.

But I heard that there have been similar situations before, and if it was later, he would probably come back, after all, there is no place else in the city to sleep. "

One of the subordinates returned to Qian Laoliu and reported to him the information he had obtained.


Qian Laoliu was a little absent-minded at this time, and his suspicion was growing.

If there were only a few families involved, it wouldn't be a big deal. Maybe he was just being overly sensitive.

But now there are similar situations in other streets, which seems a bit unusual.

"Master Qian, almost all the families of the people who were resettled at the North Gate on South Street have not returned yet. They should still be at the North Gate. Perhaps they were delayed by something. This is what the person in charge there said."

Someone else came back to report.

Qian Laoliu didn't even feel like talking at this moment. He just waved his hand perfunctorily and told him to go away and cool off.

"What is Beimen trying to do? Are they trying to..."

At this time, the news coming back from several markets made Qian Laoliu feel that this matter was not simple.

Finally, he couldn't help but think of the thing he was most worried about.

In fact, this was not only what he was worried about, but also what the boss Lin Feng was most worried about, that is, some of his subordinates were going to rebel.

Because he was worried that his subordinates would rebel to save their lives, he separated their families and scattered them to different streets in the city, not allowing them to live together, just to guard against traitors.

Their task is actually to monitor these families.

Lin Feng is too familiar with human nature, otherwise he would not be able to become the leader of this group of pirates.

All those who could threaten him are dead.

As to whether all these pirates should be ruthless, it actually depends on the person. Especially those who have families, they will become more or less worried, or lose their original aggressiveness.

Therefore, Lin Feng never refuses his subordinates to get married and have children with their families.

Anyway, these people will stay in the nest in the end and it is safe.

With these people, you can send your subordinates out to do things without worrying about them disappearing.

No, I have to report to the boss.

At this moment, a voice sounded in Qian Laoliu's heart.

If there is any movement at the north gate tonight, I'm afraid there will be a disaster.

If I don't inform the boss soon, I'm afraid I'll lose my life.

They were considered Lin Feng's confidants, but he also knew very well that there were actually a few more confidants around Lin Feng, who had disappeared during the major rotation some time ago.

Those people are more senior than him and are more loyal to Lin Feng.

At least, in Lin Feng's opinion, these people are more reliable and useful than Qian Laoliu.

Qian Laoliu had secretly inquired about the disappearance of these people. He only knew that he had sent people out of the city to gather information, but they never came back.

Qian Laoliu didn't believe that they were really sent out to die. It must be that the boss had left some backup plan.

Without a backup plan, Lin Feng would definitely not have been able to survive in the pirate group until now and still be alive and kicking.

With this in mind, Qian Laoliu immediately gathered his men and sent two people to his home to call for help, as well as the families of several people around him, asking them to cheer up and pack some of their belongings.

Although the subordinates didn't know the reason, they didn't dare to ask more questions when they saw Qian Laoliu's expression.

Qian Laoliu is a ruthless man who killed people without blinking an eye in his early years, which is why he won Lin Feng's favor.

It's only now that I have a pair of children that I have become more stable, or perhaps a little more timid.

Taking the remaining few people with them, the group hurriedly headed towards the mansion built by Lin Feng in the center of the city.

Although Lin Feng wanted to establish a country overseas, he had just arrived and did not have many conditions, so he just built a mansion based on the mansions of wealthy families in the Ming Dynasty.

When that time really comes, we can just build a palace. It’s not a big deal.

"Who, stop and sign up."

Far away from the mansion in the city center, Qian Laoliu and his group were discovered and stopped by night patrol soldiers.

"It's me, Qian Laoliu, I have something to report to the boss."

Qian Laoliu stopped and shouted to the other end, "Hey, Mr. Qian, why are you here instead of sleeping at this time?"

The person on the other side asked, and it was obvious that he was known to someone.

The troops deployed around Lin Feng were all led by his trusted confidants, so it was not surprising that they knew each other.

Qian Laoliu didn't know who made the voice, but he guessed it was a small figure like the team leader, so he replied unhappily: "Didn't you hear what I said just now? I asked you to see the boss."

"Okay, Master Qian, you go ahead."

Several figures came out from the opposite side and waved towards this side, indicating that they could pass.

When they arrived at the street where Lin Feng's mansion was located, the same scene happened again. This time, the team leader was also a figure. He originally wanted to stop Qian Laoliu to ask what was going on.

After all, it’s so late, and Qian Laoliu wants to see the boss, so it must be a big deal.

Qian Laoliu didn't have time to talk to him. He just said a few perfunctory words, brought his people to the mansion and started knocking on the door.

Not long after, someone came in, opened half of the door, and let only Qian Laoliu in.

Lin Feng had already gone to bed at this time. Although there were enemy troops outside the city, the Daimao City seemed to be impregnable after the attack and defense battles in the past few days. He was not worried about being attacked by the enemies outside the city in the dark.

Attacking in the dark is something that pirates are very familiar with.

Lin Feng was woken up from her sleep, and came out to see Qian Laoliu in a bad mood, wearing clothes.

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly."

Lin Feng said this unhappily, then sat down with his horse and sword in his hands.

"Boss, something is wrong at the North Gate tonight."

Next, Qian Laoliu told everyone about his discoveries tonight. The focus was on those households. One household was Xu Yingmei's family, and the others were the families of the personal soldiers of several leaders at the North Gate.

Qian Laoliu certainly wouldn't bother to remember the families of ordinary soldiers. The only ones he could remember were those with a certain status.

"You said that Guangtou Xu's family went to the North Gate and they haven't come back yet so late. You sent someone to ask, and they said they won't be back tonight?"

After hearing Qian Laoliu's report, Lin Feng lost all desire to sleep and he also realized that this matter was not simple.

"Come here, send someone to check if the family members of Lin Fengchun, Wu Dacheng and the others are at home."

Lin Feng made a prompt decision and gave the order.

"Boss, those families have also gone to the north gate and are not at their residence."

Qian Laoliu sent someone to ask before he came, so when Lin Feng asked, he responded immediately.

When Lin Feng heard his words, her hands on the armrests couldn't help but tighten, holding on tightly to the armrests without letting go.

"What time is it now?"

Lin Feng had just woken up, so naturally she didn’t know the time and could only ask Qian Laoliu.

"It's past the third watch, and it's almost the fourth watch."

Qian Laoliu said hurriedly.

Lin Feng raised his hand and hooked, calling the two guards beside him, and whispered: "As I said last time, gather everyone together, only take the things you carry with you, and don't worry about anything else."

The two guards bowed their heads, then immediately walked out of the house to notify people.

"Boss, do you want me to lead people to the north gate? Or notify the people at the east and west gates to attack from the city wall. Maybe there is still a chance."

Qian Laoliu hurriedly said again.

"What is to come will eventually come."

Lin Feng was not as angry as expected and did not want to send people to the north gate to arrest people.

As it stands now, it seems like everything is a little late.

Soon, some people came in from outside. They were all the trusted men who stayed here to be responsible for guarding.

When they came in and saw Qian Laoliu inside, they were not surprised. It was obvious that they knew the news in advance.

It's late at night here, and it's not common for people to come and report something.

When they came in, they quickly received their respective tasks from Lin Feng, and then left quickly, each preparing to go their own way.

Qian Laoliu also roughly understood. It seemed that the boss had prepared a hidden courtyard near the four gates in the southeast, northwest, northeast and southwest, and now he wanted to arrange those who had to be taken away to the courtyard near the north gate.

Qian Laoliu was a little confused. The North Gate might be connected with the enemies outside the city, so why was he going there?

However, given the current situation, he didn't dare to ask.

As long as the boss doesn't assign him any tasks, he has to stand here and wait.

"Have you prepared everything?"

Lin Feng made all the arrangements and it was almost four o'clock in the morning. She asked Qian Laoliu as if she had just thought of him.


Qian Laoliu smiled a little embarrassedly, the meaning was clear enough.

"Call someone and follow me."

Lin Feng didn't seem to plan to give up Qian Laoliu. After all, they were all around him and were smart enough to leave together.

Although Qian Laoliu had only heard Lin Feng's instructions to other people before, he seemed to have understood it.

The boss seemed to have prepared a retreat long ago, that is, those people who were sent out of the city slipped out through the gaps in the enemy camp outside the city, cut down trees upstream, and built wooden boats.

In fact, Lin Feng had already started making arrangements after the ships at the bay dock were destroyed by the barbarian fleet.

Pirates would never feel at ease if they didn't have a ship.

There is a small river flowing into the Pengaslan Bay. Lin Feng had previously arranged some small boats to flow in, and these boats are now the only ships left for the pirates.

But it was obviously not enough. With so many people, what could a dozen small boats do?

Even with their rich sailing skills, the small boat can be sailed out to sea.

However, after being surrounded by the enemy, Lin Feng was also shocked at first.

Shocked, he began to send people to investigate the situation outside. In fact, he had already known about the coalition formed by the barbarians and the Ming army.

It was for this reason that he discovered that there was a not-so-wide gap between the Ming army camp and the barbarian camp, through which a small number of people could sneak out.

However, if he were to go through here, he would inevitably be exposed, so this became his last retreat.

That is when the Daimao City cannot be defended. When the city is broken, he will lead his personal guards to fight his way out of the siege, board the boat by the river, and rush out of the bay.

And tonight seems to be such an opportunity.

Although he felt sad to give up the Daimao City that he had worked so hard to build, as a pirate, who would feel sad about such a small thing?

In the past, when looting, when they saw that the situation was not good, they abandoned a lot of spoils. If the enemy was heartbroken, they would have died of pain.

Now, he could only bet that the Ming army in the north of the city was short of manpower, and that after entering the city, their target would be the other three city gates and his mansion.

At that time, the north gate might be short of troops, so he could lead his men out of the north gate, rush out through the gaps in the north and east defenses, rush to the river and take a boat out to sea.

At this time, everyone's attention is on Daimao City, and the defense at sea must be lax, so the possibility of breaking out is still very high.

However, if he knew that the Ming Dynasty’s South China Sea navy had quietly approached Penggaslan Bay and had already deployed its troops just outside the bay, he might have had a different idea.

The city of玳瑁 is still safe.

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