prosperous age

Chapter 1040 1131 Incompetent

Chapter 1040 1131 Incompetent

“This is impossible, the Philippine Islands are a gift to my Crown Prince Felipe of the Kingdom of Spain.

There was no kingdom here before, and this is how it was when we arrived here, the Philippine Islands are ownerless."

In the center of Daimao City, in the city lord's mansion where Lin Feng met, an originally friendly negotiation turned tense in an instant after the Ming army expressed its intention to garrison Daimao City and Pengasilan Bay for a long time.

"I don't know who Felipe is, or what the Philippines is. I only know that this is the land where our Emperor of the Ming Dynasty crowned me as the King of Luzon more than a hundred years ago.

This is Luzon."

Yu Dayou pointed to the ground under his feet and spoke word by word.

  "Sir, do you understand the first-come-first-served rule?

We came first, and this place should be ours."

Before Commander Savella could respond, Lieutenant Miguel, who was acting as an interpreter, responded impatiently.

“Do you know why this place is called Luzon?”

Yu Dayou asked calmly.

In the surprised eyes of Savilla and Miguel, Yu Dayou explained: "As early as three hundred years ago, we Han people had already lived here again. At that time, it was still the previous dynasty, called the Great Song.

Later, the Mongols went south to destroy the Song Dynasty. The Song people, unwilling to be enslaved by the Mongols, chose to move away, and many of them came here. Luzon Luzon actually means the place where the Song people lived. "

At this point, Yu Dayou looked at Savella, Miguel, and other Spanish military attachés with disdain, and continued, "The reason why we chose Lü instead of other characters is because Lü and Lü are not only homophones, but Lü is also the original character for spine, which is the shape of two connected vertebrae.

The name Luzon was chosen to represent the character and unyielding spirit of the Song people. "

Yu Dayou used a series of homophones, and not only Miguel, but most of the other Ming Dynasty generals were actually confused.

However, these problems are not unsolvable. In fact, there are translators in Yu Dayou's army who are proficient in Portuguese.

Although there are differences between Spanish grammar and Portuguese grammar, the differences are small and can be discussed.

In fact, there is no problem for Spanish and Portuguese people to communicate normally, and there is no language barrier.

Although there are many countries in Europe, in fact, these countries are only relatively independent. Tracing back to their origins, they were all formed after the great empire that once spanned Europe, Asia and Africa split.

For a long time, there were no emperors in Europe, only a large number of kings.

There are only a handful of people who are called emperors in European history.

If we trace back to the origins, we will find that no matter how the races of European countries are divided into Germanic, Celtic, or Slavic peoples, their ancestors are actually a group of people called Indo-Europeans.

A long, long time ago, there lived a group of fierce nomadic people in the grasslands around today's Black Sea. They spoke the most primitive Indo-European language, so they were called Indo-Europeans.

Because the Black Sea is in the northern region, the global climate later cooled, and the already cold Black Sea region became even colder. The strong Indo-Europeans could not stand the cold, so they migrated south with their entire tribe.

The Indo-Europeans migrated mainly in two directions. One part migrated to the southeast, settling in today's Iran, India and other regions, forming the main population in these regions; the other part expanded to the southwest, and these Indo-Europeans later formed the main population in Europe.

The Indo-Europeans who expanded to the southeast successively arrived in the areas around the Persian Gulf and India. The Indo-Europeans who lived in the Persian Gulf region became the ancestors of the later Persians. Their language evolved into Iranian. After development, the Persians established the first great empire spanning Asia, Europe and Africa.

Those Indo-Europeans who continued to expand southward into India later formed the high-caste Aryans. After development, the Aryans replaced the indigenous Indians and became the ruling class of India, and their language evolved into Hindi.

The Indo-Europeans who expanded to the southwest first occupied the western coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Because the area was half-moon shaped, it was called the Crescent.

The Crescent region was inhabited by ethnic groups more than 5,000 years ago. These ethnic groups created a splendid civilization. The Hanging Gardens that we are familiar with were built by the ancient Babylonian Kingdom at that time.

However, the Crescent Zone is the intersection of the East and the West, and it has great commercial and strategic value. It has been a place of contention for all countries since ancient times.

Suddenly one day, the Indo-European people launched an attack on the civilized countries in the Crescent region and conquered them effortlessly.

Fortunately, the Indo-Europeans won the war, otherwise there might not be the various national languages ​​in Europe today, and even history might be rewritten, because at that time China might still be the world's number one power.

Although the Indo-Europeans' conquest of the Crescent region destroyed the original civilization here, they also brought their own civilization.

Originally, these Indo-Europeans only had language but no written language. They were a nomadic people. They were good at riding horses and inventing various highly lethal combat weapons, so they were very good at fighting.

This is a bit like the Huns in ancient northern my country, who were uneducated but fierce in fighting.

When these Indo-Europeans conquered the advanced civilization in the Crescent, they discovered that the people there could actually write. Although they could speak, they had no written language and therefore could not write.

For the first time, they realized that spoken words could be written, which made the Indo-Europeans feel embarrassed. So they captured a few slaves who were proficient in writing to learn Indo-European, and then asked these slaves to design characters for them. In this way, these Indo-Europeans had their own characters.

The Indo-Europeans were very happy about this. They were eager to use the newly created characters to describe their activities. In particular, the military leaders were accompanied by a group of warriors with beautiful handwriting to record how they won battles and how they treated other ethnic groups well.

A lot of Western history has been preserved as a result.

Later, these Indo-Europeans got tired of staying in the Crescent and wanted to conquer outside. Because they were originally a nomadic people and were warlike by nature, they did not like to produce daily necessities and liked to rob things everywhere. They thought it was easier to gain wealth by robbing than by working.

There was also a small number of Indo-Europeans who did not want to migrate and chose to stay in the Crescent, eating, drinking, writing and painting when they had nothing to do, and living a stable life.

Those Indo-Europeans who fled used the two-wheeled chariots they invented to fight westward, gradually conquering various regions in today's Europe, all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. When they had nowhere else to go, they chose to settle down.

The Indo-Europeans first conquered Greece. Some of them stayed and created the splendid ancient Greek civilization. Their language also developed into the later ancient Greek.

Another part of the Indo-Europeans continued to cross the ocean and invade Italy. These people were divided into two factions. One faction settled in the northeast of the Roman Empire and gradually developed to other parts of Europe. Finally, they developed into the three major barbarian tribes, namely the Celts, Germans and Slavs. Their languages ​​evolved into Celtic, Germanic and Slavic respectively.

Another group settled in central Italy, their descendants created the Roman Empire that dominated the Mediterranean, and their language developed into the later Latin.

In the 3rd century AD, the Roman Empire began to decline, and the Celtic, Germanic, and Slavic peoples in the northeast began to become restless again.

They first looted the Western Roman Empire, burned many great buildings and books, and then migrated in different directions.

The Celts migrated to Western Europe, all the way to today's Scotland, Ireland and other islands, where the Scottish-speaking and Irish-speaking races were successively formed, all of whom were derived from the Celts.

The Germanic people expanded to Central and Northern Europe, and their languages ​​were combined with the local indigenous languages ​​to form English, German, Dutch, Swedish and other national languages. The Slavic people expanded to Eastern Europe and migrated to today's Russia, Czech Republic, Poland and other places, and their languages ​​evolved into Russian, Czech, Polish and other languages.

As for the southern European region, in fact, Rome conquered these regions as early as the heyday of the Roman Empire, and accordingly spread civilization to these regions. French, Spanish and Portuguese areas were successively formed in these regions, and these languages ​​are all derived from Latin.

As for why Rome did not expand northward, it was because it could not defeat the local indigenous people, and the climate to the north became very cold. The Romans preferred the Mediterranean climate, so they stopped the expedition.

This is the evolutionary process of languages ​​in Western countries. It may be a bit long-winded, but to sum it up simply, the Indo-Europeans began to migrate outward because the weather turned colder.

During the conquest, they split and integrated into different regions.

The combination of Indo-European and the local indigenous languages ​​formed the languages ​​of today's European countries.

However, because the main body of the language is the conqueror's, that is, Indo-European as the backbone, the languages ​​of European countries have a certain degree of mutual intelligibility.

So even now, some English teachers still say that as long as you learn a European language, it is actually very easy to learn their language. This is the same reason.

The translator beside Yu Dayou was fluent in Portuguese, so he could still clearly explain to the Spanish what Yu Dayou wanted to express.

As for where these people came from, they were naturally recruited by Yu Dayou from Haojing. Many of the people he sent had not yet reached the point of being proficient in Portuguese, and they also had their own tasks.

"I heard that in the local temple outside Manila, there is a golden seal that was used by Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty to appoint Xu Chailao as the Governor of Luzon. The reason why the governor was sent was because I couldn't bear to see the barbaric Luzon."

Finally, Yu Dayou said again.

The Governor-General of Luzon was appointed by imperial decree when Zheng He visited the Philippine Islands during his voyage to the West in the third year of the Yongle reign of the Ming Dynasty. The Filipino overseas Chinese leader Xu Chai Lao was appointed as the Governor-General of Luzon, in charge of military, political, financial and cultural power, and served until the twenty-second year of the Yongle reign, for a total of twenty years.

During this period, Xu Chailao spared no effort to spread China's excellent culture and advanced production technology, and vigorously developed shipbuilding, textile, pottery and agricultural technology, making outstanding contributions to the social stability, economic development, and cultural and artistic prosperity of Luzon.

The Spaniards naturally knew what Yu Dayou said. In fact, they had noticed this during their early investigations of the Philippine Islands.

This is also the reason why it took the Spaniards three or four decades to annex the Philippines, because they never understood the relationship between the Ming Dynasty and the Philippines.

It was not until the merchants came to the Ming Dynasty to trade that they learned the news. The Ming Dynasty only regarded the Philippines as a vassal state, and they were not interested in such a vassal state, so they took action to occupy it.

You know, they initially only established a base on a desolate island in the south of the Philippine Islands because they were worried about causing a strong reaction on the island.

"I need to go back and explain this situation to His Excellency the Governor, and I also need to report to the King of Spain before I can give you an answer."

Savilla suppressed his dissatisfaction and could only say this on this occasion.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to go to war, but they will definitely not end up well after the war.

Both Spain's naval and army strength in the Philippines were far inferior to that of the Ming Dynasty.

They have more powerful troops, but unfortunately these troops are still far away in the East, on the American continent.

He needed to report what happened here to the Governor-General of Mexico, and even wait for the permission of His Majesty the King to gather troops from America and come here before he could go to war with the Ming Dynasty.

As for the Ming Dynasty, it was thousands of miles away in the north, and they also had a very powerful army.

In fact, Savella understood that it was impossible for the kingdom to withdraw its troops in America for the Philippines, as that place was more important.

If Ming Dynasty was not a powerful country, there might still be a chance.

The meeting, which was originally intended to distribute the fruits of victory, ended in a bad mood. The Spanish army could not enter the city of Tortoise Shell, but they had no intention of leaving. They simply reorganized their forces and withdrew the troops in the east of the city back to the southern military camp.

Keeping a certain distance from the Ming army was also to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

As for the several warships surrounded in the bay, Yu Dayou had no intention of stopping them.

The South China Sea navy is here and has an absolute advantage, so there is no need to worry about any trouble caused by these warships.

The reason why they were surrounded in the beginning was simply to pressure the Spaniards so that they would not dare to use force at the beginning.

Being able to avoid war is naturally the best outcome.

Once the Spaniards understand the Ming Dynasty's strength in Luzon, they will naturally make the right choice.

The Ming Dynasty's goods still needed to be transported and sold to Europe by the Spanish, and the Portuguese's capabilities were still a little lacking.

Especially silver, which was in urgent need of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, most of the silver mines were concentrated in the hands of the Spaniards, so they spent a lot of British dollars to buy things.

If the relationship with the Spaniards becomes strained, it will be difficult to do business.

When Savella returned to the military camp, he immediately wrote down the content of his conversation with the Ming commander today and sent it to Governor Vesalius who was still in Manila.

He is the highest authority in the Philippines and only he can make the decision, but he also expressed his opinions in a tactful way.

They needed reinforcements to drive the Ming people out of the Philippine Islands.

As for the follow-up, Savella transferred the navy back to Manila City. There was no point in staying here.

Although the Ming Dynasty's warships looked backward, they were numerous.

Moreover, those warships are not full-time, but armed merchant ships, and they will continue to trade in East Asia.

Temporary requisition is acceptable, but long-term use is not acceptable. The government must compensate the merchants.

As for the army, they can only stay in Daimao City for the time being.

After that, we will have to negotiate with the Ming Dynasty on how to draw the boundary. Keeping the army here can also put appropriate pressure on them.

Savella even wanted to divide the Philippine Island based on the northern edge of the military camp.

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