1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 128 Cafes and Newspapers

Chapter 128 Cafes and Newspapers
"Close to one-third means not yet one-third. It seems that Ge Wen and Henry are still not putting enough pressure on the government." Liang Yao frowned slightly.

"Progress is still too slow, write to them, ask them to increase pressure on Congress, as for Mr. President, I think he is speaking for his approval rating."

Liang Yao still feels that the progress is not fast enough. If the issue of the California land grant is not resolved, he always feels like he is bound by an invisible rope, and he dare not let go of his fists and feet to develop with peace of mind.

"Perhaps I should also go to the east with Gwen, and then pay a visit to the ambassadors of Britain and France?" Fremont said with a smile, "It seems that you don't know enough about the Congress. In order to pass the bill, the Congress is arguing. In half a year, the progress of our matter has been considered very fast."

"That's not necessary. We have already contacted bankers from Britain and France. I think Congress and the president must be very nervous now. Besides, we don't really want to cooperate with Britain and France. There are too many entanglements with Britain and France. For California It's not a good thing either."

Liang Yao thought for a while and said.

"I will write to urge Gervin and Henry, as well as Mr. Vanderbilt. Maybe he has the ability to push Congress one last time. After all, we are not far away from one-third of the no votes."

"There is also new news about the conflict between Texas and New Mexico." Fremont talked about the matter in Texas, "The federal government's armed forces in New Mexico have withdrawn from the conflict area, but Texas is continuing to build troops."

"The appetite of Texas is really big. Could it be that they want to eat the entire New Mexico region?" Liang Yao said in surprise, "But this has helped us a lot. I think Congress and the president should worry about Texas now more than California. things."

Liang Yao is already thinking about bargaining with the Congress government in the future.

After all, the conflict was provoked by the Congress and the government, and the Californians in Los Angeles could not die in vain. Just passing the bill without giving some substantive compensation is not justified.

He also wants to calm the anger of Californians, especially Los Angeles, and give them an explanation.Otherwise, where is the prestige of the state government?
It was a bit cold in New York State on February 1851, 2, and there was heavy snow in the sky.

Broadway, the busiest street in North America, has also disappeared from the crowds of gentlemen and ladies of the past.

Bookshops, painters, musical instruments, jewellers, silversmiths, tailors, linens, milliners, carriage shops, hotels and cafes lined the streets with their doors locked and their handles There is a closed sign.

The mighty parade crowd started from Battery Park at the south end and went all the way north along Broadway, shouting peace not war, Calhoun get out of Congress, freedom, California please don't cry, we support California, etc. slogan.

Their goal was the marbled New York Municipal Building at the north end of Broadway.

Doyle's Cafe is one of the few cafes still operating on this street. The reason why the owner of the cafe, Doyle, dares to open at this time is because his cafe only accepts distinguished customers.

Recently, he hired a few helpers from the Pinkerton Detective Agency to ensure the safety of Doyle's Cafe, which is why he dared to continue to operate at this time.

This detective firm, which was just established in Chicago last year, has a very good reputation. When they established a new firm in New York, Mr. Doyle took a fancy to them at a glance. He thought they were very reliable, and hiring them was a surefire profit. business.

Those who marched were quick to give up their wild notions of the café when they saw the sixes on the belts of the detective thugs.

Backhouse put his hands in his pockets and looked through the window at the group of demonstrators.

"They're the ones responsible for depopulating Wall Street and closing shops on Broadway!"

Backhouse glanced angrily at the marching crowd outside the window.

"They're destroying New York! Destroying the country!"

Vanderbilt, who was also in the cafe, crossed his legs, aimed at a flower on the carpet under the disgusted eyes of the cafe owner Doyle and all the customers, and spit on it accurately.

He was as happy as a child to see his shot hit the target.

"Mr. Vanderbilt, what a rug you've ruined."

Mr. Doyle, who was distressed by the carpet, said to Vanderbilt displeased.

"Mr. Doyle, your cafe doesn't have a no-spitting sign."

With a smile, Vanderbilt took out a third-smoked Cuban cigar from his coat pocket and put it in his mouth.

"Maybe I should put up a no-spitting sign just for you."

Doyle served Vanderbilt a cup of coffee himself.

He had considered putting up a sign like this for the coffee shop, but the people who came to his store were all well-bred nobles and gentlemen from New York, and those nobles and gentlemen would be unhappy if he did so.

Only cafes serving inferior people would hang such a sign, and Doyle didn't want to ruin the reputation and signs accumulated by his ancestors.

"Then your plan to open a fast food restaurant will be ruined, and I will persuade my daughter not to let you join her fast food restaurant."

said Fang's Vanderbilt, puffing.

"I'm afraid of you. You can do whatever you want. I hope you will pay more attention to Tang Ti's cafe next time than mine."

Doyle was clearly caught by Vanderbilt.

"Don't worry, I'm your loyal customer. Your family's coffee is the best in all of New York. I really don't know what magical formula your grandfather left for your descendants." Vanderbilt drank it with great enjoyment. He took a sip of hot coffee and said.

"Mr. Sailor, I think you must have participated in the parade in New York. I heard that many of the thieves in those parades were hired by you. Those guys who have nothing to do all day and are obsessed with money, you used a cheap boat ticket to California. It was bought!"

Backhouse said angrily to Vanderbilt.

In private, he had already sent someone to investigate. Vanderbilt promised those unemployed vagrants a cheap boat ticket to go to the New York Municipal Building at the north end of Broadway every day to make trouble.

Backhouse was annoyed that even though he knew Vanderbilt had planned the parade in New York, he had nothing to do with Vanderbilt.

Because Vanderbilt does things cleaner than being a person, and never leaves any excuses for others.Backhouse has so far found no substantive evidence.

"Backhouse, don't smear people's innocence out of thin air. You must use evidence in everything. If you think I am inciting demonstrations, you have to show evidence! I am a good citizen. Besides, demonstrations are also the legitimate rights of the people."

Putting down his coffee mug, Vanderbilt picked up the New York Evening Post on the table and said, "It's not the crowds outside that are ruining this country, it's vampires like you Backhouse, I can't believe it." I heard you raised the rent for New York tenants again."

As he spoke, Vanderbilt stood up from his chair and showed the newspaper in his hand to everyone in the cafe.

This newspaper is very different from the previous newspapers. It prints photos of Los Angeles after it was ravaged by rioters.

This is a real photo, not a print.

Collapsed churches, bloodstains all over the ground, graveyards beyond sight, crude funerals, grieving priests, corpses and dilapidated walls that are unbearable to look at.

These photos are a silent indictment of the crimes committed by the rioters against Los Angeles.

The bottom of the photo is only attached with a text for explanation, and the headline of the newspaper is also very concise and clear: Los Angeles is crying!California is crying!
The newspaper did not use any emotional text to incite people throughout the article.

I'm afraid this newspaper can be read even by illiterate people on the streets of New York. It can be said that it is the newspaper with the lowest reading threshold since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Vanderbilt believed that this cross-age newspaper would shake the entire United States.

Vanderbilt realized this when the New York Evening Post delivered today's paper to him yesterday.

Once this newspaper is released, the "New York Evening Post" is bound to become famous in a battle, and it will become a top newspaper that can compete with the "New York Post".

Vanderbilt is now considering negotiating with Liang Yao to buy some shares in his newspaper when he goes to California next time.

The dignitaries in the cafe were attracted by the newspaper full of photos in Vanderbilt's hands.

They scrambled to circulate the newspaper in Vanderbilt's hands. The photos on the newspaper were blurry, and many photos with more complicated environments could only see a rough outline.

But this does not affect their understanding of the image content on the photo.

"Gentlemen, I still have ready-made photos here."

Collins, sitting across from Vanderbilt, dug out a clearer photo from the bag he was carrying and handed it to the crowd.

This newspaper is the "Washington Post", "Washington Republic" and "New York Evening Post". The image was printed in the newspaper.

Of course, this is also the most expensive newspaper printed by the three newspapers. The cost of each newspaper is as high as 30 cents, dozens of times that of ordinary text newspapers.

"My God! It's horrible!"

"That's horrible!"

"This is what our American soldiers did? You guys are not as good as animals!"

"It's the first time I've seen pictures of war in newspapers."

"Who came up with this genius idea?"

The newspaper caused a commotion in the cafe, and Backhouse stared blankly at the newspaper full of photos.

Although the tragedy that happened in Los Angeles has nothing to do with him, if he is to be investigated seriously, he himself and those members of Congress are also the chief culprits who indirectly caused the tragedy.

He also knows how much commotion this newspaper will cause in the whole society. Although the Los Angeles tragedy has spread to the east, many newspapers have published this news.

But the photos in this newspaper are far more convincing than those pale words. People no longer need to use words to imagine the picture, but can directly see a real scene through photos.

Now that Vanderbilt has this newspaper, the members of Congress and the president must have a copy, right?
Thinking of this, Backhouse felt very desperate. The land and gold in California were no longer within easy reach.

Looking at the scene in the cafe, Vanderbilt showed an imperceptible smile at the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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