1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 130 The Arrival of New Immigrants

Chapter 130 The Arrival of New Immigrants
"Our governor, Mr. Robinson, is impeccable both morally and in terms of ability. It is only with Mr. Liang's jewels in front of him that Mr. Robinson is slightly inferior."

After careful consideration, Ge Wen said, Robinson is not a worthless person, but Liang Yao's performance in California is too dazzling.

Based on Gwen's knowledge of the governors of other states, Robinson is not inferior to the governors of other states except that he lacks some political experience.

After Ke Wen listened to Ge Wen's words quietly, he already had a clear answer in his heart.

For a new state with a population of only [-] people, he understands what it means to have a millionaire in the tens of millions.

Take New York as an example. Backhouse and Vanderbilt alone made it difficult for the government of New York State to deal with it, and it was a headache.

"I understand. I will help you connect with the iron and steel companies. Right now we have more important things to do. Let's go. I will take you to meet some congressmen from Ohio, Michigan and Indiana next door.

How can you say that you are also a congressman who came out of Ohio, and it is also the pride of our hometown to be a senator in the new state of California.It's good for you and good for California to hang out with these legislators. "

As he spoke, Curwin stood up and sorted out his appearance and attire. Seeing this, his servant knew that Mr. Curwin was about to go out, and handed him a dark coat made of the finest alpaca in South America. bowler hat and a plain civilized staff.

"Thank you for the referral!"

Compared with Corwin's Civilization Rod, Ge Wen's Civilization Rod inlaid with Indian gemstones and California gold is very luxurious.

After getting up, Ge Wen subconsciously put his hands behind his back, and hid his civilization stick behind his back in a more natural posture.

"Don't hide it. In just one year, tens of millions of millionaires have appeared in California. As an upstart in California, how can you say that you are worth a million dollars?"

Ke Wen couldn't help laughing, he pointed to the gift box on the ground and said.

"Don't waste the gift, you bring the gift box, maybe those congressmen will like your gift very much."

Ge Wen nodded hastily: "Yes, sir."

He picked up the gift box and followed Corwin closely, just like when he was Corwin's secretary.

"Take my carriage, we can chat in the carriage on the way."

Ke Wen who boarded the carriage waved to Ge Wen and said.

Gerwin happily boarded Corwin's carriage. Perhaps tomorrow, such a news will appear in the newspapers that are good at catching rumors: Mr. Gerwin, the Senator of California, and Mr. Corwin, the Minister of Finance, are riding in the same carriage. Something is plotting in the carriage.


"Golden State! Golden State! Look, Golden State is ahead of us! We're almost there!"

On the steamer California, there were a lot of people, and on the crowded ship, a Cantonese immigrant excitedly pointed to the looming land in the east and said.

"What Jinzhou! They have a serious name! What is it called, husband, what are you?"

A self-proclaimed well-informed immigrant touched his stubble-grown forehead and said, it was just the serious place name, which he couldn't think of for a long time.

"It's California. This place is not comparable to a state in the Qing Dynasty. It is bigger than our Guangdong."

Wu Yuanhua came out of the captain's cabin with a folding fan in his hand and a dozen Guangdong merchants.

"Mr. Wu, you are more knowledgeable."

Another immigrant said flatteringly.

"California, this place is called California."

On the bow of the California, a young man named Huang Shuigen looked at the strange land in the distance with confused eyes, and silently called her name in his heart.

"Mr. Wu, can you recommend a job to make a living after you go ashore?" Wu Yuanhua asked the immigrant who called California Golden State close to him.

"You call this place Jinzhou. Isn't the requirement of living too low? After all, it must be a profitable business." Wu Yuanhua said with a smile, "Someone will arrange for you after you go ashore. Since Mr. Liang can take you Bringing them to California will never treat you badly."

"Get rich!"

"Get rich!"

"Buy land!"

"get married!"

As soon as Wu Yuanhua said this, the immigrants on the California broke out in shouts one after another.

The port of San Francisco this time is very different from the last time Wu Yuanhua came to California.

The port is full of soldiers in charge of security, and there are even cannons erected on the pier, looking like they are facing an enemy.

Wu Yuanhua's heart suddenly tightened: Could it be that something happened in California?
Sven, the captain of the California, put down the binoculars, then patted Wu Yuanhua on the shoulder, and said to the nervous Wu Yuanhua, "Don't worry, Mr. Wu, the port is full of your brother's soldiers."

The soldiers on the port included Chinese and foreigners, and only Liang Yao's troops in the entire United States had such a mix and match.

"My brother's soldiers?"

Wu Yuanhua was skeptical, took the binoculars from Sven's hand, raised the binoculars and looked towards the pier.

The soldiers wearing strange military uniforms included foreigners and Chinese. After searching the crowd for a while, Wu Yuanhua quickly found Liang Yao who was wearing an officer's uniform.

Liang Yao seemed to be wearing a foreigner's saber around his waist. This image made Wu Yuanhua associate Liang Yao with the British foreigner officers on Hong Kong Island.

Is it possible that this kid donated an official in the United States?
On the port of San Francisco, Liang Yao has already made preparations to welcome the immigrants.

The temporary resettlement sites and living materials needed for the new immigrants have also been prepared.

Sven brought more immigrants than he expected this time, a total of 3450 people.

And he clearly remembered that the combined passenger capacity of these three steamships was only 1160 people.
In other words, it was three times overloaded. No wonder Sven arrived in California so late.

As for how to arrange these immigrants, Liang Yao already had a plan in mind.

Los Angeles was devastated and needed to be rebuilt, and this was the perfect opportunity to relocate all these immigrants to Los Angeles.

He bought a lot of land in Los Angeles, not to mention more than [-], even if it is more than [-] immigrants, it is more than enough.

The population of Los Angeles is small, and more than [-] immigrants can directly change the population structure of Los Angeles, making Los Angeles a town dominated by Chinese in an instant.

This is good for him to control Los Angeles.

Liang Yao has nothing to worry about the resistance of the local white residents. He has contributed money and materials to help rebuild Los Angeles. It is too late for those white people to be grateful to him.

Besides, the current mayor of Los Angeles Town is also Chinese. Even if a few white people have opinions, these weak voices of opposition will not have much influence on him.

Right now, although Los Angeles and San Francisco are one in the sky and the other in the ground, after the oil in Los Angeles is developed, the development prospects of Los Angeles will not be worse than those of San Francisco.

As for the more than [-] laborers promised to Vanderbilt, we will talk about it next time, anyway, he is not in California now.

"Captain Sven, Brother Wu, long time no see."

After the California docked, Liang Yao greeted Sven and Wu Yuanhua on the pier.

 Another update tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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