1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 150 Nevada belongs to California

Chapter 150 Nevada belongs to California
"Thank you, Dr. Robinson. No, it should be Governor Robinson."

In Tingtao Garden, Deng Wenshun, who has almost recovered from his injury, thanked Robinson.

This is the second time that Robinson has pulled Deng Wenshun back from hell.

Whether becoming the helm of the Boston Company or becoming the first governor of California, Robinson never let go of his medical skills.

Robinson just smiled and packed up his medical kit.

"Third brother, I'm almost in good health. I want to take a boat to Los Angeles tomorrow."

Deng Wenshun got off the sick bed, came to Liang Yao and said that he is still the mayor of Los Angeles Town and hopes to return to Los Angeles as soon as possible.

"Now you're finally willing to ask me for my opinion?" Liang Yao said with a straight face, "If you don't listen to me in the future, our cousin will be done."

After speaking, Liang Yao walked out of the room without looking back.

After Robinson left some medicines for Deng Wenshun and explained how to use them, he followed Liang Yao out of the room.

"This is a silver medal awarded to us by Congress in recognition of our contributions to the United States of America, and a letter of thanks from Mr. President is also in it."

Robinson took a box out of his pocket.

Liang Yao opened the box, only to see a silver medal lying inside the box, and the medal dealer imprinted the words "Hero of the United States".Next to the medal is a letter of thanks from President Fillmore.

He looked at the medal in the box, and then at the medal hanging on Robinson's chest. The medal shone brightly in the sun.

Liang Yao waved his hand lightly to let Kony put away the medals. He has no habit of collecting and wearing medals.

The medal was delivered, and the territorial claim of the state of California to the Nevada region must have also arrived. Liang Yao was the first to learn of this news yesterday.

Unsurprisingly, the United States Congress and the federal government are more concerned about Texas than California.

No matter how noisy the California issue is, it is difficult to trigger the civil war between the North and the South, and if the territorial issue of Texas is not handled properly, it is very likely to become the fuse of the civil war between the North and the South.

These politicians in Congress and the federal government still know which is more important.

Fillmore proposed to the Congress that the area west of the 117° west longitude of the Nevada area should be included in California, and the area east of it should still belong to the Nevada area.

This means that the area of ​​more than 11.5 square kilometers in western Nevada will be administered by the state of California and become part of the state of California.

The area of ​​California has also changed from 41.1 square kilometers to 52.6 square kilometers. It is the second largest state in the United States after Texas.

However, California must pay a price of US$1000 million for this. After deducting the US$500 million in compensation from Los Angeles, the actual cost of the California state government is US$500 million.

Although $500 million is not a small amount, it is still a very good deal to exchange $500 million for more than 11.5 square kilometers of land in the western Nevada region.

There is not only gold in Nevada, but also silver.

This means that as long as silver is mined in the Nevada region, California's precious metal coins can be completely self-sufficient, and Liang Yao does not need to exchange silver with the outside world to mint silver cents.

Of course, precious metals are only secondary, and more importantly, there are coal mines, natural gas and iron mines in Nevada.

These two resources can be more useful than precious metals.

Although it is impossible to develop and utilize natural gas at the current industrial level, coal mines and iron mines are invaluable to Liang Yao.

California does not have the location conditions to vigorously develop the steel industry, but Liang Yao wants to carry out ambitious industrialization in California.

And steel is the foundation of industry, and it is the hurdle that California's industrialization cannot bypass.

However, with a large number of high-quality coal mines and iron mines in the Nevada area, California has the conditions to build a large-scale industrial zone and achieve self-sufficiency in coal mines and iron ore resources.

As long as he controls the western Nevada region, Liang Yao can further expand California's influence to Arizona, Utah, and even the Colorado and New Mexico regions in the heart of the United States.

These are the vast, sparsely populated western territories, far from the core eastern territories of the United States.

As for the next step, the Oregon region north of California is still eight years away from the statehood of the Oregon region.

In these eight years, he can dilute the influence of local American immigrants to immigrants from the Oregon region, and can also integrate the Oregon region into the supporting system of California industry, forming a situation with California that you have me, and I have you.

At that time, it will be difficult not to control the Oregon region.

Of course, the premise of all this must be based on the fact that California has a large enough population and a strong enough industry.

Without population and industry, everything is just a mirror image. Liang Yao still has a long way to go.

"You're right. The Congress and the federal government are indeed willing to give part of the Nevada territory to the state of California, but we have to pay $500 million for this, and it will be paid immediately."

Robinson said.

"The federal government has paid 500 million in compensation to Texas, urging us in California to make up the 500 million in compensation immediately, and Texas is also urging us."

"The Ministry of Finance raised 500 million US dollars so quickly? The Ministry of Finance of the federal government is so efficient."

Liang Yao was a little surprised by the efficiency of the federal government, and wondered where the Ministry of Finance got the 500 million US dollars.

According to the information collected by Liang Yao, the federal government had already issued 2300 million US dollars of national debt last year. In addition to the national debt, the American federal government also had to repay a total of 3600 million US dollars in war debts from Britain and France.

Last year, the annual financial expenditure of the American government was only about 5000 million US dollars.

500 million US dollars is not a small amount for the California government, nor is it a small amount for the federal government. This is one-tenth of the federal government's annual financial expenditure.

"I'm also very surprised." Robinson said, "I think you should know better than me how much money the California government currently has. We should raise this money immediately. The Bank of Boston has already raised $55 worth of gold."

Of course, Liang Yao knew better than Robinson about the financial situation of the California State Government. The California State Finance Minister and Director of the Taxation Bureau were Deng Wenyu, Liang Yao's confidant.

"The state treasury department currently has 132 million US dollars, but we can't take all of this money out. After all, the state government also needs funds to maintain its operations." Liang Yao thought for a while and said, "The state government will take out 100 million US dollars, and the rest The $345 million shortfall is loaned to the state by Bank of America."

State legislators in California, like state legislators in other states, work part-time without salary. Of course, those who can become state legislators do not lack this salary.

However, civil servants at all levels of the California government need to be paid salaries, and it is unrealistic to take all the money from the state government.

Although California's civil servants are small, after all, California's current population is only about [-] to [-], and government departments at all levels do not need too many civil servants, but it is still necessary to leave a sum of money for emergencies.

"It's still your thoughtfulness. Three days later, all the congressmen will go to San Francisco to discuss the Nevada region. Some congressmen are not very satisfied with the result. They want the entire Nevada region."

Robinson had no objection to Liang Yao's proposal, because Boston Company had already benefited from this matter, and he had no reason to object to Liang Yao's proposal.

The US$55 is all the working capital that the Boston company can come up with. At the beginning of the year, the Boston company spent a lot of money on purchasing machines, exploring new mining areas and recruiting workers. Otherwise, the Boston company would be able to spend nearly two million US dollars. of working capital is loaned to the state government.

"Their appetites are bigger than mine." Liang Yao said with a smile, "I will let the state legislature pass the federal government's proposal. After the federal government and Congress resolve the Texas territorial issue, they will never allow a second similar The proposal was passed."

People's hearts are not enough, Liang Yao is not dazzled by the victory, and decides to accept it as soon as it is good.

Why doesn't he want to win the entire Nevada region?
Those politicians in the federal government and Congress are not fools. The passage of this bill is based on the fact that the United States has many internal conflicts, and the public opinion of the entire society is on the side of California. It is the federal government and Congress. compromise.

Now the conflict between the North and the South has eased, at least on the surface, the two sides are in harmony.

Even Texas got its wish and received $500 million in compensation.

The remaining US$500 million in compensation is actually a matter between the two states of California and Texas, and has nothing to do with the federal government.

If the California Assembly does not agree to accept the federal government's bill, the California government will not be able to pay the remaining $500 million in compensation to Texas.

Does Texas have the patience to wait?
If there is no patience, the federal government can completely shift all the responsibility to California if there is another disturbance in Texas.

At that time, California will become the target of public criticism and be charged with undermining the unity of the United States.

This is harmful to California, to Liang Yao, and even to all Californians.

"The current bill is very beneficial to California, and asking for the entire Nevada region is going to push the envelope.

I will resolve the objections from the state government. You are the speaker of the state assembly, and the state assembly depends entirely on you. "Robinson nodded and said.

His thinking is similar to Liang Yao's. If this matter continues to drag on, it will be very bad for California. As a qualified politician, he should learn to assess the situation.

Liang Yao glanced past the badge on Robinson's chest. The words "Hero of America" ​​were so dazzling.

"I will shut up those who oppose it. If this bill is passed, you and I will still be heroes of the United States. If it fails, you and I will most likely become sinners of the United States."

As an American hero, Liang Yao said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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