1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 152 Compulsory Education

Chapter 152 Compulsory Education
Martin fell asleep soundly, hugging the big piece of gold he dreamed of.

When he woke up the next day, the sun was already above his head, and his stomach was growling in protest.

Martin ignored his hunger, and stared at the 151-pound gold nugget in front of him, lost in thought.

There is no doubt that this is the largest natural gold nugget found in the history of the United States, and there is no one.

Gold can bring him wealth, but it can also bring him danger.

Especially with such a large gold nugget, how to deal with it is a very difficult problem.

Martin's first thought was to sell to the Boston company. He had old acquaintances in the Boston company. Many of these 49-year-old miners in the same period were already middle-level or even high-level in the company.

And the Boston Company had enough money to buy his gold.

But soon, this idea was rejected by Martin.

It was true that he had acquaintances at the Boston Company, but he also had enemies.

When he left with Hawke, Hawke took away the only gold that Boston Company had. Many old employees of Boston Company remembered this incident.

It would not be wise to reach out to the Boston Company and sell the large nugget to the Boston Company.

Since there is such a large natural gold nugget here, it also shows that the vicinity is a rich gold mining area. This news is worth more than the big gold nugget in Martin's hand.

Martin not only wants to sell gold nuggets, but also hopes to sell this priceless news for a good price.

But the premise of all this is that he must find a suitable buyer with strength.

When thinking of Hawke, Martin thinks of someone: Liang Yao!

Hawke defected to Liang Yao on the eve of the destruction of the Brandon gang, and provided Liang Yao with information about the Brandon gang.

In the end, Liang Yao kept his promise to save Hawke's life, but Hawke joined the Loyalty Society and was sent to Mexico in fear of revenge from the remaining gangsters.

I heard that Hawke is doing very well in Mexico.

And he was just an accomplice, and he did not commit any heinous crimes. It was undoubtedly a good choice to bring this piece of gold to Liang Yao, and to sell this piece of gold to Liang Yao.

Not only did Liang Yao have the financial resources to accept his piece of gold, but he also had the ability to save his life!
At this time, Liang Yao didn't know that a huge natural gold nugget was found in the Nevada Golden Lake.

He is presiding over a session of the California Legislature in Congress.

There are extreme people everywhere, but they are only a few after all. Those voices clamoring to incorporate the entire Nevada region into California were quickly drowned out by rational voices.

The California state legislature passed the bill of Congress and the federal government, agreeing to pay Texas $500 million in territorial compensation in exchange for 11.5 square kilometers of land in western Nevada.

Legislators cheered, thinking it was the greatest day in California history!
California Department of Industry Minister Fell, the young Irish-born mine owner was proficient in mineralogy, and got on the line of the deputy governor. It took less than a year to develop the Waterford Mining Company into a A large mining company with total assets exceeding US$200 million.

It is rumored that Mr. Fell won the respect of the deputy governor because he helped the deputy governor explore the mercury mine.

Fair was not only successfully elected to the state legislature, but also successfully defeated his opponent to become California's first Minister of Industry.

Mr. Fell is also said to be a candidate for Congress in California.

"I propose to make this ordinary but great day the statehood day of California!"

On a whim, Mr. Fell offered his proposal.

Soon this impromptu proposal was unanimously endorsed by members of parliament.

"Vote now. April 4st is California's statehood day. Members who disagree, please raise your hand."

Liang Yao propped up the podium with both hands, and his sharp eyes scanned the state congressmen in the audience.

No one raised their hands to object. In fact, he was quite conflicted about the date of the state-building festival in his heart.

"Unanimous vote, I declare that April 4st will be written into the state's laws as the state's founding day!"

Liang Yao Goldman Sachs announced.

Immediately afterwards, Liang Yaoyou read out the "California State Compulsory Education Act and Higher Education Plan" drafted by himself.

California does not even have a Department of Education and a Secretary of Education.

The reason is also very simple. As a new state of immigrants that emerged from the gold rush, California has more than 8% of its population as adults and young workers. There are no school-age children, and naturally there are no schools.

Education in California is blank right now, but education in California is not blank.

There is a small school in the old town of San Francisco, which was run in Mexico, but with the annexation of California by the United States and the rise of the gold rush, this small school has long been closed.

At this time, Liang Yao's textile factory had already been set up, and the 1200 female workers in the textile factory failed to change the population structure of California. The new influx of young and middle-aged immigrants quickly diluted the proportion of women and children in the population.

This extremely unreasonable population structure must be changed. For this reason, Liang Yao has even considered drafting a single tax bill to encourage young and middle-aged immigrants to move their families to California.Although he is also subject to single tax.

Fortunately, this unrealistic idea just flashed in Liang Yao's mind. As long as these so-called Californians live well enough in California and truly regard California as their home, he believes that they will find ways to live in California. Get married in California.

It is far more reliable and reliable to work hard to improve the living standards of the middle class and lower class in California than to rack one's brains and introduce unrealistic policies.

The content of the "California State Compulsory Education Act and Higher Education Plan" is also very simple.

First, California has set up an education department to be responsible for the education work in California.

Second, build state primary and secondary schools in San Francisco, Sacramento, and Los Angeles towns with a population of more than [-], encourage private funding to set up primary and secondary schools, and establish educational foundations to ensure school-age children go to school.

California's population is very concentrated, and there are only three settlements with a population of more than [-] so far.

In the future, cities and towns will use the population as the standard. If the population exceeds [-], at least one state primary school will be established, and if the population exceeds [-], at least one state secondary school will be established.

Third, California state primary and secondary schools exempt all tuition and miscellaneous fees, implement compulsory education, and provide a lunch for school students.

Although California's finances are not well-off at present, this can still be done, because there are not many school-age children in California.

Fourth, complete the compilation and publication of teaching materials suitable for California state conditions within half a year.

Fifth, California will complete the construction of the State University within three years.

Sixth, introduce advanced educational resources from the East and even Europe.

For Liang Yao’s proposal, most of the members agreed. Firstly, the proposal is reasonable, secondly, it will not cost much, and thirdly, California is really in urgent need of well-educated workers. This is deeply touched by the mine owners. Four, this bill can have a great positive impact on California.

If this bill can be implemented, California will become the first state in the United States to implement compulsory education.

 Yesterday, my friend proposed to me to support the venue, and I slept with my friend.

  This complements yesterday's update.Feel sorry!
  There are two more updates today!

(End of this chapter)

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