1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 172 Shelving the Controversy

Chapter 172 Shelving the Controversy
In 1851 Hawaii had not yet been annexed by the United States.

At this time, Hawaii was still an independent kingdom at least in name. The current situation of the Kingdom of Hawaii was not much better than that of the Qing Dynasty in the Gengzi Year, and it could even be said to be worse than that of the Qing Dynasty.

At least with the size of the Qing Dynasty, no big power has the ability to swallow the Qing Dynasty, and Hawaii, which is a tiny place, is different.

The area of ​​the Hawaiian Islands is only 1.67 square kilometers. There are different opinions on the population of the Hawaiian Islands at its peak. Some say four to five million people, and some say seven to eight million people.

Regardless of whether it is four or five million or seven or eight million, an irrefutable fact is that after the whites arrived in the Hawaiian Islands, the diseases brought to the Hawaiian Islands and the deliberate massacre of the local indigenous population led to the current total population of the Hawaiian Islands. It has dropped sharply to less than [-].

The [-] people are not entirely indigenous, but there are also a considerable number of whites from various countries and a small number of Chinese and Japanese.

Liang Yao's Loyalty Society also accepted some Japanese congregations. These Japanese congregants of the Loyalty Society had made a living on the Hawaiian Islands in the early years. After hearing that gold was discovered in California, they came to California by boat.

Over the past decade, Britain and France have raided the Hawaiian Islands several times, the most recent of which took place just last year, in 1850.

General Tromelan of the French Navy blatantly sent troops to Hawaii and looted all the gold and silver treasures on the island, and the king's palace of Hawaii was the focus of attention.

Not long after the French invasion, the British who heard the news drove out the invading French navy.

This is not how bright and stalwart the British Empire is. The British just saw the French attempt to monopolize the Hawaiian Islands and did not want the French to monopolize the Hawaiian Islands.

The two parties still blame each other because of the unhappiness of this incident.

The British accused the French of inhuman massacres and plundering of the Hawaiian Islands.

The French blamed the British for damaging their ships.

Of course, the United States also wants Hawaii, but compared to the two colonial big brothers, Britain and France, the United States does not have much say at this time.

However, the annexation of Hawaii by the United States also has a geographical advantage, that is, Hawaii is the closest to the United States, and the distance from the main island of Hawaii to San Francisco is only more than [-] kilometers.

After Liang Yao became the deputy governor and state speaker of California, President Fillmore also mentioned the matter of the Kingdom of Hawaii in a letter to him, so that Liang Yao always paid attention to the movements of the Kingdom of Hawaii and invited the royal family of the Kingdom of Hawaii to visit the United States , to feel the goodwill of the American people.

Of course, Liang Yao also had this idea. California would be the biggest beneficiary if he got involved in Hawaii.

"You still have the face to mention Hawaii, you bandits just looted Hawaii last year." Gibson accused Legoff.

"If the Royal Navy of the British Empire hadn't arrived and stopped your atrocities in time, God knows what crimes the French will commit in Hawaii that God can't forgive!"

"Fart, our French navy is stationed in Hawaii to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Hawaiian Christians!" Legoff pointedly retorted Gibson.

"If you want to talk about the crimes committed in Hawaii, the crimes committed by you British in Hawaii are beyond words!"

Watching the two robber spokespersons quarreling, Liang Yao found it very interesting, so he didn't try to dissuade him, but quietly watched the drama from the sidelines.

When the two of them had almost quarreled and were tired, Liang Yao took a sip of tea and said.

"Gentlemen, no matter what, after our hard work, we finally brought democracy to the authoritarian country of the Kingdom of Hawaii, didn't we?"

"Mr. Liang, you still listened to what you said. Although our French navy is gone, we still left a parliament and democracy to the people of Hawaii." Legoff said quite proudly.

"But you also took away the gold and silver treasures of Hawaii!" Gibson dissatisfied.

"Democracy requires a price, and the dispatch of the French navy also requires military expenses!" Legoff retorted.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, if you keep arguing like this, there won't be any good results." Liang Yao stopped them.

"The main reason I came to you today is to mediate the conflict between you. Although you are not ambassadors and cannot represent England and France, I believe that both of you have a pivotal position in the political circles of England and France, and you have something to say. Serious."

"Mediate? How do you want to mediate? Can you represent the United States? As far as I know, the states in your country do not have diplomatic rights." Gibson looked at Liang Yao warily.

"Of course not, but I can represent the people of California, and I can represent the Group of America."

Liang Yao motioned for Gibson and Legoff to sit down first.

"Whether it's England, France, or the United States, we need a supply point in the Pacific to supply our fleet, don't we?"

"Yes, sir."

The two said in unison.

"Since the Kingdom of Hawaii is now a democratic country, I think as an example of a democratic country, we should help this devastated country to rebuild." Liang Yao said.

"My suggestion is to put the dispute aside and work together to help the Kingdom of Hawaii rebuild, repair and expand Hawaii's ports.

After the repair work of the port is completed, ships from England, France, or the United States can replenish coal and supplies in the port of Hawaii. "

When the French Navy left Hawaii, in order to disgust the British Royal Navy, General Tromeland ordered the destruction of the facilities in the Hawaiian port and needed repairs.

Gibson and Legoff have little interest in repairing the port in Hawaii, which requires a lot of money and a lot of manpower and material resources.

The attitudes of the two actually represent the attitudes of the top leaders of Britain and France.

The high-level leaders of Britain and France all want to get involved in Hawaii, but they have no intention of building Hawaii.

Neither of the two countries is fully sure of monopolizing Hawaii. If Hawaii is controlled by the other party in the end, all these investments will be cheaper for the other party.

However, they all wanted their ships to be replenished in Hawaii, and especially hoped that their steamships could replenish coal in Hawaii.

Burning coal is also a thorny issue.

The French colony is far away from Hawaii and cannot provide Hawaii with a large amount of coal.

The Canadian colony on the British Pacific coast was extremely underdeveloped and could not provide Hawaii with a large amount of coal.

The only country capable of supplying the Hawaiian supply stations with coal is California.

"The urgent need for Hawaii is the lack of coal. I hope you can provide coal for Hawaii. As for the suggestion of putting aside disputes and joint development, I will make a statement to the ambassador." Gibson said to Liang Yao.

"I think these suggestions you put forward are very reasonable, and I will convey your suggestions to my country's ambassador to the United States." Legoff said.

This was the reply given to Liang Yao by the two of them after consideration. Obviously, they did not reject Liang Yao's proposal.

If they didn't reject Liang Yao's proposal, Liang Yao's goal had already been achieved.

Liang Yao called them to say hello to them in advance to avoid unnecessary troubles in the future. Last time, France did not communicate with Britain in advance, and the two sides had a bad relationship.

Even if they objected, Liang Yao would repair the port of Hawaii according to the scheduled plan, transport coal to the port, and provide supplies for the global shipping group.

As for the annexation of Hawaii, with his current strength, even the strength of the United States does not allow him to do so.

If the United States is strong enough, he can be more arrogant, and he doesn't even have to breathe with Britain and France.

Historically, the United States only annexed Hawaii in 1898, and the United States in 1898 has experienced the baptism of the second industrial revolution, and its strength is no longer comparable to that in 1851.

(End of this chapter)

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