1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 198 The New York Agents of the Barings and the Rothschilds

Chapter 198 The New York Agents of the Barings and the Rothschilds
"You are right. The identities of these people are indeed not simple."

Vanderbilt looked in the direction Liang Yao pointed and said.

"James King, the president of the New York Chamber of Commerce, is currently the president of the largest railroad company in the United States, the Erie Railroad.

Thomas W. Ward, Baring Bros. attorney in New York, was Baring Bros. attorney in Boston before being transferred to New York.

August Belmont, Rothschild agent in New York. "

"Those are really weighty characters."

Liang Yao said.

Regarding James King, Liang Yao knew him in detail when he got to know the Erie Railway Company.

The man's father was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and one of the first two Senates in New York State.

A close friend of America's first treasury secretary, Alexander Hamilton, who proposed the famous revolving door plan.

As for the Bahrain Brothers Company, it is an even more heavyweight company, a company owned by the Bahrain family, one of the most prominent families in Europe.

As early as the colonial period, the Baring family had a deep influence in North America.

The largest commercial bank in the world in this era, Barings Bank, with a capital of more than 700 million pounds, is also the asset of the Barings family.

The Rothschild family, which was later mythological, has not overshadowed the Bahrain family at this time.

The success of the Bahrain family is not only in business, but the family has also produced two earls of the British Empire, served as ambassador to the United States, governor of India and other key positions.

This shows the influence of Barings Bank in the British Empire.

From the early 19th century to the middle of the 19th century, the Bahrain family was in its most prosperous era.

In the great economic crisis in continental Europe in 1839, the central bank of the British Empire fell into a financial crisis, and it was the Barings Bank that rescued the central bank of the British Empire.

In 1847, Barings also rescued the Bank of France in the same way.

The Louisiana Purchase in the United States in 1803 and the reconstruction of France after the Battle of Waterloo all had the presence of BNP Paribas.

The influence of the Bahrain family is not limited to the British Empire. At the Vienna Conference, the British, Austrian, Prussian, and Russian powers named and asked the Bahrain family to come forward as a guarantee, which shows the influence and trust of the Bahrain family in the European powers and the United States. .

Baring Brothers can see him in almost all important affairs in the world. Rather than saying that this is a company, it is better to say that this is a great power, a big family that is as rich as an enemy.

As for the Rothschild family, it is indeed a famous and prominent family in Europe at this time, but it is slightly inferior to the Bahrain family.

In line with the principle of not putting eggs in the same basket, the Rothschild family has three branches in Europe.

These three branches are in Germany, France, and England.

To be precise, August Belmont is the representative of the Rothschild family in England in New York.

It's just a pity that Rothschild did not spread out in the United States, otherwise the family's glory may continue into the post-Cold War era.

"My shipping company in Nicaragua was negotiated with these people."

Vanderbilt's face darkened.

"30 years ago, President Monroe called America the America of the Americans. In fact, until today, America is not the America of the Americans."

At this time, the national strength of the United States is not enough to make the Americas its own back garden.

The America of the Americans is nothing more than the self-comfort of the Americans. The European powers will not allow the United States to regard the Americas as their own backyard.

"Nicaragua Shipping Company has the shares of the Bahrain family and the Rothschild family?" Liang Yao asked curiously, "I heard that they were the ones who obstructed the plan to dig the Panama Canal, and it finally fell through."

"Yes, Nicaragua Shipping Company, I only hold 30% of the shares, my old buddies and partners hold 20%, Barings Bank holds 30%, and the Rothschild family holds 20%." Vanderbilt said .

"It sounds sad." Liang Yao said.

"In addition to the current situation, there are other factors." Vanderbilt said with a helpless smile,

"The Baring family, the Rothschild family, and even the Bank of France invested in the Pacific Cruise Company. You know the background of the Pacific Cruise Company, and it is endorsed by the New York State Government and the Federal Government.

If I don't invite them to join the Nicaraguan Shipping Company, I shall have no chance against Aspinwall. "

"It seems that you are still a person who can bend and stretch to achieve your goal."

After hearing about the shareholding distribution of Nicaragua Shipping Company, Liang Yao felt a little worried.

"You don't have an absolute controlling stake in Nicaragua Shipping Company, you only hold 30% of the shares, so you don't worry about accidents?"

According to the agreement between the two, the voyage of the Nicaragua shipping company will be handed over to Liang Yao after five years.

Before the Pacific Railway was built, this route was very important to Liang Yao, and the Nicaragua route was Liang Yao's throat.

The materials Liang Yao bought in the eastern region wanted to be transported to California as quickly as possible, only through this route.

He didn't want any accidents before the route was handed over to him.

Since the Bahrain family and the Rothschild family are able to hold the shares of the Pacific Cruise Line together with the American government, it shows that these two European wealthy families have infiltrated the American government.

The US government's current mainstream attitude towards Vanderbilt is to suppress it.

"There will be no accidents." Vanderbilt's eyes were full of confidence,

"My old buddies and partners, like you, are trustworthy people. I don't have many friends and partners, but those who can become friends and partners with me are people I absolutely trust.

The person in charge of operating the route to Nicaragua is also the person I trust the most. You have to trust my vision, I have always been very accurate in seeing people. "

"I hope so."

Liang Yao said worriedly.

At the same time, in the luxury car of the Pioneer, a group of people with different identities are sitting in the luxury car and enjoying the best service.

The fact that the Pioneer is provided free of charge to all New Yorkers is just a play on words by Liang Yao.

The second-class car that can accommodate more people is naturally free, but you need to buy a $5 ticket to experience the first-class luxury car and sleeper car.

Although the salary level in New York City is higher than other places, the monthly income of the working class is only about 10 US dollars.

A $5 ticket is half a month’s income for ordinary working-class people. Not everyone can make up their minds to buy a $5 ticket to experience luxury cars and sleeper cars.

But for James and others, 5 dollars is not much different from 5 cents in their eyes, they are just insignificant little money.

In order to be cleaner, they reserved all first-class car tickets.

"Mr. Thomas, Mr. August, how do you feel about your experience?"

Soon after the Herald was launched, James' complexion gradually became serious, and two powerful competitors of the Erie Railroad Company were rising.

If the Vanderbilt and Liang Yao Railway Company can still maintain this ride experience after it is put into operation, the Erie Railway Company will fall into a very passive situation.

"I need to confirm whether the food and drinks are prepared in advance under the train or in the kitchen on the train."

Thomas said while enjoying the food at the table.

"The flight attendant."

August made a gesture to indicate to the stewards on the carriage that they needed service.

The flight attendant walked to August and asked very politely, "Sir, what are your orders?"

August took out a $5 gold coin from his pocket: "I am very satisfied with your service, this is the tip you deserve, I would like to know if the food is processed and heated outside, or in the car Freshly made in the kitchen? Please tell me the truth."

"Sir, of course it's freshly made in the kitchen on the carriage." The flight attendant smiled and accepted August's huge tip.

"We will simulate the actual operation of the railway company throughout the whole process, without any falsehood, and the routes that the California Railway Company has put into operation are operated according to this standard.

In order to let the passengers eat with peace of mind, the kitchen in our first-class car is an open kitchen, which is open to the first-class passengers at any time. "

"Oh, really? That would be great."

August got up and went straight to the kitchen. The brand new kitchen was very clean, and the fresh ingredients were neatly arranged in the glass cabinets, which made people look very comfortable. The chefs were busy in front of the coal stove.

August nodded in satisfaction and left the kitchen, returned to his original position and sat down.

"If the American railway companies can provide such good services, I will be very happy to travel by train when I travel in the United States in the future.

Thomas, you still have a vicious vision. I heard that Barings Bank opened a branch in San Francisco, California last year, and is responsible for the business in the west coast of the United States.

As an agent in New York, my work as an agent is not as competent as yours. "

"It's not that my agent's work is competent. This is what Mr. Ambassador means." After finishing speaking, Thomas turned to James and said.

"Mr. James, I can only say that the performance of the Herald is impeccable. Such caring, comfortable and fast service is comparable to that of the British Empire Railway Company."

"I went back to Liverpool two years ago and took the train from Liverpool to Manchester."

August looked at the scenery passing by outside the window, and then turned his head to look at the wine that was not spilled everywhere in the wine glass.

"The speed of the Pioneer is slightly slower than the train I took at that time, but the Pioneer runs more smoothly. I am very optimistic about the future of the Pioneer."

August's opinion of the Herald was considerable and high.

"As the newspapers say, the railroad industry in America is about to undergo a major change, and it can be said to be bloody."

There was a pained expression on James' face, and those reports in the newspaper did not seem to be alarmist.

In order for the Erie Railway Company to survive, some changes must be made. The moment of life and death for the Erie Railway Company has arrived.

"To be honest, Mr. James, I am now considering divesting the Erie Railroad." Thomas said in a very serious tone.

"Barings suffered a huge loss of $150 million in just a few days of falling stock prices for the Erie Railroad."

(End of this chapter)

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