1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 36 The City of Restlessness

Chapter 36 The City of Restlessness
Brannan is losing his mind.

Although direct conflicts broke out between the two sides before, the scale of the conflicts was relatively small, and the targets were all adult men with guns.

Now Brannan's target of revenge has been pointed at women and children, especially yellow-skinned women and children.

Vicious cases of retaliation against Chinese women and children are increasing day by day. For safety reasons, Liang Yao had to move these women and children to Sacramento first.

At the same time, Liang Yao also had a premonition that a direct confrontation was inevitable and a storm was coming.

These deliberate revenge against Chinese women and children are just the prelude to the storm.

The scam of the Brannan casino was exposed, and the casino, a money-printing machine that is making money every day, is getting less and less income.

Brannan's capital chain has been broken. In order to maintain this endless price game, Brannan sold his assets as if going crazy, and continued to compete with Liang Yao.

"I've heard that Chinese people value sons over daughters and value the succession of the family."

"Cai Mingsheng is old enough to have a son. You said that if Cai Mingsheng's son was killed, would Cai Mingsheng be in great pain?"

"According to the Chinese, this is called the last generation. Since he is working for Liang Yao, then I will make him the last generation."

Brannan was raving like a mental patient, and he laughed maniacally with his distorted face.

"He will definitely be in pain. This is the price he should pay for doing things for Liang Yao."

"As long as Liang Yao's left and right arms are cut off, the victory will eventually belong to me, belong to us, San Francisco, Sacramento, California, after all, it will still be our world, won't it?"

Brannan was no longer the look he used to be. His hair was disheveled, his beard hadn't been trimmed for a long time, and his eyes were red and swollen from the torment of insomnia.

"Which one of you will do this? After the matter is completed, I will reward you a lot! I have gold! I still have a lot of gold!"

Brannan howled at his men like a wild animal losing its mind.

These guys who have milk or mothers, when he was rich, surrounded him like flies every day. After he got into trouble, there were fewer and fewer hired gunmen around him.

"Mr. Brannan, you are crazy."

A hired gunman, not ashamed of Brannan's brazen behavior, turned his back and wanted to leave.

Although he is a hired gunman, a conscientious hired gunman also has principles, and he will not attack children.

Before taking a few steps, there was a thunderous gunshot from behind the hired gunman.

Brannan pulled the trigger on the conscientious hired gunman without hesitation. The hired gunman who was shot fell in a pool of blood and looked at Brannan in disbelief.

Brannan showed no mercy, he re-cocked the hammer of the single-action revolver with his thumb, finished loading, and fired another shot at the poor gunman without blinking, watching helplessly. dying.

The hired gunmen in the house trembled, no one dared to leave his manor without Brannan's permission, for fear of being shot in the back like the gunman on the ground.

"Gentlemen, who will do this for me? There will be a hundred ounces of gold in return when it is done, and my thanks."

Brannan propped his hands on the table, his piercing eyes scanning the hired guns.
"They raped and killed four defenseless women and six innocent and poor children. San Francisco is spiraling out of control. I need your help, Colonel Griffin."

Inside the military fortress, Fleger sent a request to Griffin.

Now the situation in San Francisco is beyond the control of dozens of mounted policemen.

In addition to more than [-] hired gunmen, gang members also need to be directly under Brannan's orders. Brannan directly controls an armed force of nearly [-] people.

Besides Brannan, Fleger was also worried that Liang Yao would lose control of his anger.

Liang Yao is currently in San Francisco, and just went to his home to meet with him just yesterday.

Liang Yao affirmed everything he had done in San Francisco, and at the same time expressed his attitude. If Brannan made any more drastic moves, he would no longer restrain himself and take all possible means to fight back against Brannan.

Fleger also admitted that Liang Yao had always been very restrained. He and his subordinates never provoked troubles, and almost all conflicts were provoked by Brannan's side.

Those who can maintain restraint are not angry. Once angry, the consequences will be more dire than those who are not restrained like Brannan.

"Liang Yao is currently in San Francisco. No one can guarantee what will happen next. Liang Yao has more than [-] professional armed guards in San Francisco, and there are more than [-] young and middle-aged Chinese clans who are armed. .

Once conflict broke out, San Francisco was no less than a medium-sized battle.This will be a great disaster and tragedy for San Francisco.

The only one who can prevent this disaster and tragedy is you, Colonel, I implore you to send troops to San Francisco to help me maintain order in San Francisco! "

Looking at the sea and sky outside the window, Griffin knew that Flage wasn't trying to scare people.

As for the conflict between Liang Yao and Brannan, he didn't want to get involved in order to avoid unnecessary trouble for himself, but he also couldn't ignore the atrocities that happened in San Francisco and just sit back and watch the situation get out of control.

"Sheriff Flag, you are right, Brannan did cross the line." Griffin turned around.

"But many of my subordinates are also obsessed with gold. Although I am the commander of the infantry regiment, I only have four infantry companies. I will use these four infantry companies to eliminate the unfriendly Indians. , and to garrison the fortress to guard against the sneak attacks of the Mexicans, I really can’t spare any extra troops.”

Griffin also has Griffin's unspeakable secrets. From the beginning of the gold rush, his soldiers have been fleeing continuously, and now more than half of them have fled, and the soldiers who remain in the team are also fluctuating.

He also only relied on his personal prestige to barely maintain the existence of this infantry regiment.

Of course, the most critical point is that it is very troublesome to deploy troops in peacetime, and it is impossible to communicate directly with the Ministry of War here.

Afterwards, he needs to give a reasonable explanation to the gentlemen of the Ministry of War. Once the Ministry of War does not approve of his explanation, a court-martial will await him.

"Are you just standing by and ignoring it? Your Excellency Colonel?" Fleger was very disappointed. He got up and was about to leave. "If a conflict really breaks out, I will do what a police chief should do, Griffin Colonel, if I am unfortunate enough to be in an accident, please collect my body and inform my family."

"Sheriff Flage." Griffin called to Flage, who was about to leave, "Although I can't send troops to assist, I can mediate this matter in my own name. The conflict in San Francisco is unavoidable. But we can find a way to delay his outbreak."

"Colonel Griffin, please."

Flagg took off his hat and bowed to Griffin.

 There are 5k words left, and I am coding.

(End of this chapter)

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