1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 447 Wedding

After the evening dance, the guests gradually left, and Vanderbilt's manor gradually became quiet.

Thousands of kerosene lamps illuminate the manor as bright as day, and under the lamps are the busy servants in the manor.

The bitter cold wind on the Hudson River kept blowing, which made Liang Yao feel the chill of New York winter.

Coney was probably drunk, and his walking steps became a little staggering.

However, Kony's direction and goal were very clear, and he walked slowly towards Liang Yao step by step, as if he was not drunk again.

Coney's attire was still as elegant as before, with a black silk tie, a white moiré silk vest, a black coat, and exquisite lambskin gloves.

This dress, at first glance, is an authentic New Yorker.

It's just that today's Kony is no longer just a New York playboy, he has his own industry.

Kony's assets are not inferior in New York, where the children of aristocratic families gather.

"Liang Yao"

Kony called Liang Yao's name, and put his hands on Liang Yao's shoulders to support his crumbling body, followed by a strong smell of alcohol.

Hearing Kony calling his name directly, Liang Yao couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

The last time Coney called him by his first name, he was a hopeless gambler.

"Kony, you drank too much, go to rest early." Liang Yao said seriously.

"I didn't drink too much!" Coney raised his voice suddenly, and he emphasized, "I'm sober."

"Okay, you're sober." Liang Yao knew that it was futile to argue with a drunk man on this topic, so he helped Connie to a side stone pier and sat down.

It seemed that the coolness transmitted from the stone pier to the butt stimulated Coney, and Coney's expression became serious and severe. He looked directly into Liang Yao's eyes and said, "Elizabeth grew up with me and loved me the most. My sister, you must take good care of her, if you let me know that you are bullying her, even if you are my boss, I will not be polite to you!"

The age gap between Vanderbilt's children is relatively large. Coney and Elizabeth are similar in age. The two grew up together, and their relationship is naturally stronger.

When Kony was abandoned in California by Vanderbilt, among the brothers and sisters, only Elizabeth cared for Kony.

When returning to New York this time, Kony came from California with Liang Yao.

Kony also knew that Liang Yao had a child in Texas.

After learning about this, Kony, who was originally a chatterbox along the way, also became taciturn.

"Elizabeth is a good sister, and she must be a good wife."

Coney continued to babble.

"Kony! Hurry up and go to rest!"

At some point, Elizabeth emerged from the darkness, holding a fur coat in his hand.

Coney listened to Elizabeth very much, so he didn't say anything more, and obediently left the river.

After watching Kony go away, Elizabeth turned around and put the coat in her hand on Liang Yao.

"You should go back early, too," Elizabeth said.

Liang Yao took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket, and then took out a match and struck it on the upper of the shoe to ignite it.

After taking a few puffs, he flicked most of the remaining cigarette into the Hudson River.

After a short period of thinking and entanglement, Liang Yao still decided to tell Elizabeth frankly.

"Elizabeth, I have something to tell you. It's not a good thing for you."

"Tell me." Elizabeth was very calm, as if she had expected it.

"I have a child in Texas." Liang Yao said.

"I know." Elizabeth said lightly.

"Connie told you?"

Elizabeth shook her head: "When Mr. Bell was the governor of Texas, in order to open a branch in Houston, I visited Mr. Bell. In Mr. Bell's estate, I met Katerina. He looks very similar to you. "

"Oh?" Liang Yao was a little surprised.

"My father was a sailor, you don't have to say this, I think you know what I want to hear." Elizabeth said very relieved.

"Elizabeth, I." Liang Yao stepped forward to hold Elizabeth's hand.

1855 12 Month 20 Day.

The two richest families in the United States are marrying in New York.

Liang Yao and Elizabeth held a grand wedding at the Anglican Hongdao Church at the intersection of Madison Avenue and 35th Street.

The wedding completely followed the customs of the elite of New York society.

The church was packed with the upper class from Murray Hill, Fifth Avenue, and Madison Avenue.The four-wheeled carriages on the adjacent streets spread one after another, spreading for more than [-] meters.

It can be called the grandest wedding in New York history and the most attended by celebrities.Even President Fillmore and the ambassadors of the three major European countries, Britain, France and Russia, made a special trip to attend the wedding and send blessings to the couple.

After the church ceremony, the couple hosted a banquet at their new Vanderbilt home.

For a whole half a day, the elites came in and out, it was very lively, and the whole wedding was gorgeous and spectacular.

The interior of Mr. Vanderbilt's manor has been redecorated, and it is said that it was specially redesigned by a designer hired from Europe with a lot of money.

The newly renovated decoration is elegant and chic, and guests praised the interior decoration of Vanderbilt Manor as unmatched by other houses in New York.

And just a few years ago, Vanderbilt would have been described by these guests as a savage, vulgar sailor.

Even Vanderbilt's local tyrant aesthetic is the object of their complaints.A slightly better evaluation is that Vanderbilt is rich, but his behavior is very vulgar, uncultivated, and cannot be elegant.

According to the traditional Chinese customs, the Liang family brought more than 90 carts of bride price!

It is said that the carpet that the newcomers stepped on was high-grade silk specially used by the Qing Dynasty to pay tribute to the emperor!

The tea given to the guests at the wedding is also tribute tea.Worth more than its weight in gold!

Before the wedding was over, major media in New York rushed to report on the wedding.

Almost the whole of New York, from high officials and dignitaries to traffickers and pawns, are discussing this unprecedented wedding.

Even in the slums, there were rumors that Sir Liang would distribute silver coins to the residents of the slums in order to win more blessings.

After all, when Liang Yao's team came to New York, they scattered silver coins worth fifty thousand dollars and countless candies along the way.

The last time the Vanderbilts were married was on April 1848, 4, when Clark married Maria Louise Vanderbilt.

But this wedding was a very failed wedding for the Vanderbilt family.

In order to organize the wedding, Vanderbilt distributed invitations to people of the same class in New York, but in the end very few people came, and the elites in New York tried their best to avoid attending the wedding.

This shows that Vanderbilt, who was born recklessly at that time, had not yet been accepted by New York's upper class society.

Today's wedding guests and celebrities gathered on the banks of the Hudson River,
This is something that Vanderbilt had never dreamed of before.

This wedding not only heralded the recognition and acceptance of Liang Yao’s existence by the mainstream American society, but also symbolized that the old New York nobles who had sneered at Vanderbilt formally recognized Vanderbilt’s status as an upper-class elite. More than [-] years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, a reshuffle was finally carried out.

Thinking of this, Vanderbilt couldn't help but straighten his waist, feeling extremely elated. .

But he also knew that so many American celebrities showed their face to attend the wedding of the Vanderbilt family, not because of Vanderbilt's face, but because of his son-in-law's face.

Liang Yao's estate is next door to the Vanderbilt estate, and the two are neighbors.

In 1851, Liang Yao bought a piece of land next to the Vanderbilt Manor and built the manor here as his residence in New York.

Today, Liang Yao's manor is almost completed, but he rarely comes to New York, so after the main building is completed, Liang Yao has no intention of expanding the manor.The estate has also been vacant for a long time.

After the wedding was held at the Anglican Hongdao Church at the intersection of Madison Avenue and 35th Street and at Vanderbilt’s manor according to the customs of the New York social elite, Liang Yao led Elizabeth to himself on a silk carpet. new house.

In the evening, the wedding will be held in this new house according to traditional Chinese customs, but the wedding at night is mainly open to Chinese guests and a few important guests.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, the Chinese wedding held at Liang Yao's private mansion at night is more mysterious.

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