1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 450 West Point Military Academy

Chapter 450 West Point Military Academy
"Chaoqing (the name of Huang Kuan) received funding from a British businessman when he was studying in the UK. According to the contract, Chuoqing needs to follow the wishes of the sponsor, accept the appointment of the London Missionary Society, return to Hong Kong to open a clinic, and concurrently serve as a missionary. preaching in Hong Kong as a priest,” said Yung Wing.

"If you breach the contract, you have to pay the tuition fees and liquidated damages while studying at the University of Edinburgh."

It turned out that this was the case, and Liang Yao thought it was something tricky.

If you only need to pay liquidated damages, things that can be solved with money are not a problem for Liang Yao.

Instead, what he was most worried about was that the London Missionary Society would not let him go.

Huang Kuan struggled for a long time, and finally took out the contract he signed with the British businessman and handed it over.

Liang Yao took the contract and glanced at it briefly.

The total liquidated damages of 345 pounds is indeed an astronomical sum for ordinary people.

Women textile workers in the UK don't eat or drink, and they can save this money after working in a textile factory for five years.

The income of doctors may be much higher, but it is not easy for a doctor who has just entered the profession to earn 345 pounds.

"I can make an IOU, Mr. Liang, and I will take this money as if I borrowed it from you." Huang Kuan gritted his teeth and said, "In the future, this money can be deducted from my salary."

"Why do you want to come to me to find a job?" Liang Yao put down the contract in his hand, and was not in a hurry to express his opinion.

"To tell you the truth, before joining you, I practiced in a British hospital in order to obtain my medical qualifications, but the British looked down on me from the bottom of my heart. Deciding not to be as mad as the British, I bought a boat ticket and came to the United States, hoping to find a job under your hands."

Huang Kuan said flatly.

Obviously, Huang Kuan's study trip in the UK was not as smooth as Yung Wing's at Yale University.

Yung Wing proved himself with excellent grades at Yale University and won the respect of Yale teachers and students.

However, Huang Kuan's excellent grades at the University of Edinburgh brought more criticism and doubts from his classmates.

Huang Kuan originally thought that as long as he had a decent job after graduation, he would be able to get the respect he deserved.

Facts have proved that Huang Kuan is still naive. What the British discriminate against is not the origin and occupation of people of color.

In terms of discrimination, they are rare and equal, and they discriminate against all people of color from the bottom of their hearts.

"California has a talent introduction plan. If your conditions meet the needs of introducing talents in California, you can get a subsidy.

However, the upper limit of the grant for the California Talent Introduction Program is $500, which is not enough to repay your liquidated damages. "

Liang Yao thought for a while, he took out a blank check from his wallet, picked up a pen and filled in the amount on the check, after filling in, Liang Yao habitually blew the wet ink on the check, and then handed the check to To Huang Kuan.

"This is a check for 350 pounds, which can be drawn directly at Barings Bank. Just treat it as a loan from you, and you can slowly repay it with your salary in the future. I will not count your interest."

"Thank you, Mr. Liang. Excuse me, I don't know where Mr. Liang will arrange for me to work?" Huang Kuan took the check, and finally did not forget to add, "I have not yet obtained the qualification to practice medicine."

"California is planning a university. If you don't have the qualifications to practice medicine, then prepare to teach." Liang Yao said.

Huang Kuan is the only Chinese who has received medical education in the Western system and is proficient in both English and Chinese.

Letting Huang Kuan practice medicine is a little overkill. It is better to let Huang Kuan teach and translate modern Western medical classics to maximize his talents.

After dealing with Huang Kuan's matter, Liang Yao made new arrangements for Rong Hong.

In addition to studying at Yale University, Yung Wing also assisted Pastor Brown in taking charge of the daily life of the first batch of foreign students in California.

Now that Yung Wing has successfully graduated from Yale University, it would be overkill for him to be in charge of these matters.

California has been preparing for the first university in California since last year.

However, the establishment of the university still encountered many difficulties.

Unlike the difficulties encountered in the establishment of universities in the eastern part of the United States, the difficulties encountered in California are not problems of funds, but problems of teachers.

Although California has very generous conditions for university professors who are willing to teach in California, they hope to poach a group of outstanding university professors from prestigious universities in the eastern states of the United States by poaching.But very few interested.

Of course, there are factors that the school is unwilling to let people go and obstructs them.

However, California is isolated in the western part of the United States, far away from the continental Europe and the academic centers in the eastern part of the United States, and the inconvenience of academic exchanges is also a very important reason.

Perhaps things would improve after the outbreak of the Civil War when the Pacific Railroad opened.

But Liang Yao didn't want to wait until that time, he hoped to build the first comprehensive university in California as soon as possible.

Liang Yao hoped that Yung Wing could go to Yale University to lobby, but he would not say what he would gain in the end.

As long as Yale University is willing to help California establish the first comprehensive university in California, he will reciprocate and find some Chinese scholars with profound Chinese culture for Yale University to help Yale University build their Sinology major.

West Point, located on the west bank of the Hudson River in New York State, was established in 1776 by the Continental Congress Authorization Committee.

This same country military school is the first military academy in the United States.

West Point Military Academy has trained many outstanding military officers for the United States since its founding, and is known as the cradle of senior military officers in the United States.

Another well-known military academy in the United States at the same time was the first state-run military academy in the United States: Virginia Military Academy in Virginia.

However, the Virginia Military Academy, founded on November 1839, 11, has a far less profound historical background than West Point Military Academy at this time.

Southerners like to associate West Point with the Virginia Military Academy as the twin stars of the American Military Academy.

But the northerners scoffed at this, thinking that the Virginia Military Academy could not be compared with West Point.

The northerners will eventually pay the price for their arrogance. The outstanding Confederate officers trained by the famous Confederate General Thomas Jackson at the Virginia Military Academy will make the Northern Army suffer in the Civil War a few years later.

In the past two years, the two military academies have their own emphasis on the source of students.

West Point Military Academy prefers to enroll students from the Northern Free States.

The Virginia Military Institute preferred to enroll students from the slave states of the South.

It can be said that at this time the opposition between the North and the South is manifested in all aspects and everywhere.

Wearing his brigadier general uniform, Liang Yao strutted into the West Point Military Academy.

"Salute to Your Excellency the General!"

The guards at the door gave Liang Yao a military salute respectfully. From the expressions on their faces, it could be seen that the two guards were extremely nervous, for fear that Liang Yao would pick on him.

Prior to the Civil War, Brigadier General was the highest rank in the American Army.

The status of an American general depends on the current position and the prestige accumulated in the military career.

For example, he is also a Brigadier General, but the US Army Commander Scott has a much higher status in the military than Liang Yao.

The West Point Military Academy occupies a large area, and Liang Yao walked a long way to reach the principal's office of the West Point Military Academy.

The door of the principal's office was ajar. Out of politeness, Liang Yao didn't open the door directly, but knocked on the door of the office.

"Please come in."

Soon, a loud and powerful voice came from the office.

Liang Yao pushed open the door, only to see that the owner of this office was writing at his desk.

"Hello, General Li." Liang Yao looked at the owner of this office.

At this time, the principal of West Point Military Academy was also a general in the South.

(End of this chapter)

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