1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 453 Mobilization Efficiency

The news of these southern slave owners is quite effective, knowing that California can produce artillery with excellent performance by itself.

However, the Sacramento Cannon was Liang Yao's trump card, and he would never sell it abroad unless it was absolutely necessary.

At present, the only customers who can obtain Sacramento guns from him are the artillery units under his own Yueyong.

Regardless of whether it is from a strategic or economic perspective, at least for now, Liang Yao will not sell the Sacramento Cannon to the South.

Although the industrial level in the south is low, at least there is a little bit of industrial foundation, not a complete agricultural society. He is worried that the South will imitate the Sacramento gun after obtaining the Sacramento gun, which will impact its own arms market.

Furthermore, even if the south is unable to imitate, if it is copied by the north, it will be even more terrible.

Liang Yao was willing to sell the most advanced weapons to the Qing Dynasty. A large part of the reason was that the industrial capabilities of the Qing Dynasty could not be imitated. Everything from artillery to ammunition was bought from him.

Moreover, the Qing Dynasty was relatively closed, so he didn't have to worry that these weapons would flow into the hands of Britain and France.

As for the economic reasons Liang Yao was worried about, he didn't think the gang of poor people in the south would be able to pay for such expensive weapons.

He's not a philanthropist, and he doesn't want to be taken advantage of by these southerners.

"Time is urgent. There is no railway between California and Texas, so the traffic is very inconvenient. It will take at least two months to transport the artillery from California to Texas. Can you afford to wait for two months?"

Liang Yao looked around at the crowd, his implication was also very simple, it wasn't that he was petty and stingy and refused to accept the Jinan Army, but that there was too little time.

Bell, the commander of the Texas regiment, is now mad that there is no railway between California and Texas. Indeed, it is necessary to build a railway between California and Texas.

The crowd remained silent.

Including the strong and tall colonel.

The fat colonel was James Longstreet, the future Southern star.

Longstreet graduated from the West Point Military Academy, but unlike many military schools who went to military academy to go back to inherit the family after being gilded.

The reason for Longstreet to attend the military academy is also very simple, because his family has no money, so he can only choose a military academy with lower tuition fees and paid job assignments.

Although Longstreet was born in a poor family, he did not have the hard work of the poor family in the stereotype. Longstreet was obsessed with sports such as baseball and rugby in the military academy.

Therefore, Longstreet's grades were very bad, and he finally stepped on the pass line and graduated from West Point Military Academy with the bottom rank.

However, Longstreet's performance after serving in the military was much better than when he was in the military academy.

He also rose from second lieutenant to colonel step by step because of his military achievements.

It can be said that Longstreet is not only the Southern Army, but also one of the few senior officers in the entire American Army who has been promoted from the grassroots to the colonel by relying on his own ability and military exploits.

"But we can't launch an attack without adequate preparation." In charge of logistics, Longstreet, a quartermaster, knows the importance of logistics to an army.

"If it wasn't really impossible, we wouldn't have sent you for help. Damn it! Those bastards in the north, who obviously have guns, don't lend them to us, and don't even sell them to us. I think those bastards in the north You guys just want to use the hands of the Mexicans to shed the blood of our south!"

Borrow the blood of the South by the hands of the Mexicans?

This is too much to think of Mexico, but the lack of heavy weapons to attack fortified positions will definitely cause heavy casualties.

Liang Yao also felt that what the North did was a bit too much. After thinking for a while, he asked Jackson, "How many people are there in the Missouri troops gathered in San Antonio?"

"There is a militia group that was forcibly drawn from the Kansas area. This militia group is said to be a militia group, but it has as many as 1600 people, which is more than the number of many standing infantry regiments."

Jackson knew all about the troops that had assembled in Texas.

Liang Yao knew exactly what Fillmore was planning to transfer the Missouri militia from the Kansas area to Texas to join the war.

Fillmore couldn't be made to think that as long as the Confederate Army was transferred to Texas to prepare for the war, and a little more money was allocated, everything would be fine.

Liang Yao decided to put a little pressure on Fillmore.

"General Jackson, I would like to call the Commander-in-Chief of the Army, Secretary of War Scott, and the President on my behalf and on your behalf.

If the scheduled munitions do not reach San Antonio within a week, we will send all Missouri armed forces back to the Kansas area.

After all, with our current military supplies, we cannot supply an army of tens of thousands of people. "

"I agree."

It is a good way for Jackson to support Liang Yao's approach.

As the second largest city in Texas, San Antonio received the telegraph four years ago.

After Liang Yao and Jackson drafted the telegram, they handed over the telegram to the communications soldier, who asked the communications soldier to go to the telegraph office and send the telegram directly to the White House.

There was no distinction between civilian and military telegraph lines in this era.

In fact, until the Civil War, both the North and the South used the telegraph lines of civilian telegraph companies, and no military telegraph lines were specially built.

After this telegram was sent, Liang Yao sent another telegram to San Diego, California, asking if Kruger on the Western Front was ready.

Soon, Kruger gave a clear answer: the main force of the Western Brigade has been assembled in San Diego, and the military supplies and food needed for the battle have also been prepared, enough for the Western Brigade for half a year.Sven's fleet is already moored at the port of San Diego. As long as you give an order, the navy and army can go into battle at any time.

Liang Yao was very relieved to receive Kruger's call back.

California's war mobilization efficiency is much higher than that of the east.

As Liang Yao expected, Fillmore felt a lot of pressure when he received a telegram jointly sent by the two commanders on the front line in Texas.

The Missouri vigilante was specifically ordered by Scott to send them from Kansas to Texas to fight.

His purpose in moving the Missouri militia away from the Kansas area was to reduce the frequency of friction between the North and the South in Kansas.

Now that Liang Yao and Jackson wanted to transfer these guys back to Kansas, Fillmore couldn't accept it.

However, Liang Yao and Jackson had their reasons, which made him unable to refute. Fillmore knew that it was his fault.

Fillmore came to the War Department that day, and he was furious at the War Department, which was mainly composed of northerners. Even the highly respected General Scott was severely reprimanded by Fillmore and was not spared.

After the reprimand, Fillmore uttered harsh words to the officials of the War Department, if they could not deliver the military supplies on the list, especially the urgently needed artillery and ammunition, to San Antonio within a week.Fillmore would relieve them and let Southerners into the War Department.

Fillmore's attack worked, and the northerners naturally didn't want the southerners to control the authority of the Ministry of War, a key department.

After weighing the pros and cons, Scott also believed that at this time it was more important to keep the northerners' positions in the Ministry of War than to stumbling the south.

It is true that the northerners of the Ministry of War made things difficult for the troops on the front line in Texas for other military supplies, but in terms of artillery, the north did not make things difficult for the south.

There are not many artillery in the military supply warehouse in the north that are in good condition and can be used when they are pulled out.

But the solution is always more difficult than the difficulty.

When the subordinates found Secretary of War Scott and complained that it was impossible to get together 20 light artillery (field artillery) and 5 heavy artillery within a week.

Scott still reluctantly ordered 25 light and heavy artillery for the South from the [-]st Light Artillery Company in Ohio and other artillery units of the Northern Army.

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