Chapter 461

This war is a bad thing for the Mexican people, but it is not necessarily a bad thing for Mexican President Santa Ana.

After the Mexican-American War, Mexico, whose national power was greatly damaged, fell into a long-term economic downturn.

Except that certain iron mining states have enriched a few mine owners by selling iron ore to California.

The economic situation in Mexico can be described as dire.

At the end of the first Mexican-American War in 1848, the United States paid Mexico $1000 million.

If the Mexican authorities can take the 1000 million US dollars to develop the economy and carry out industrialization.

After Mexico lost a large area of ​​territory, although it is no longer possible for Mexico to become a major country, it is not necessarily without hope of becoming a regional power.

You must know that more than 40 years ago, the situation when Mexico first gained independence was far better than the diplomatic situation faced by the United States when it first gained independence.

And at that time, in terms of economic aggregate, Mexico was larger than the United States, and in terms of effective control of territory, the two countries were also on par. In terms of standing army, the number of Mexican troops was much higher than that of the US military.

The elites of the upper class in Mexico also have an advantage envied by the elites of the United States, that is, the elites of Mexico can obtain the recognition of the European nobles through the Spanish royal family, become a member of the semi-high society of the European continent and integrate into their circle.

It's a pity that all these things have become a thing of the past, and there is no if in history.

Mexico is a typical Latin American country with a good start, playing a good hand of cards to a pulp.

The unstable political situation, frequent political struggles and internal friction at the top have exhausted the vitality of this very potential country.

Even the $1000 million consolation compensation for the loss of two-thirds of the territory has been carved up by the greedy big planters, landowners and comprador politicians in the country.

From 1846 to 1856, the number of railroads in the United States nearly doubled, and steel production increased by three-quarters.

Mexico, on the other hand, is still the same Mexico as it was ten years ago, even worse.

The gap between the two countries has widened further.

In view of the dire situation in the country, the highly controversial President Santa Ana, who has mixed reviews in Mexico's history, has also come to the forefront.

The voices in Mexico calling for Santa Ana's resignation continued unabated and became louder.

Even the military, the basic base of Santa Ana, had an uprising against Santa Ana.

The American invasion represented a challenge to Santa Ana, as well as an opportunity.

If Santa Ana can repel the invading U.S. troops in this war, he will not only be able to wash away the shame of being captured by the German general Houston in Texas ten years ago and forced to sign an armistice treaty.

He can also continue his political career that has come to an end, continue to linger on his last breath, and even become a national hero in Mexico.

Regarding the re-invasion of the U.S. military, this time Santa Ana was particularly concerned, and he even paid out of his own pocket to reward the army.

It took a full week after the Confederates occupied Monterey before regrouping and moving south.

Due to the excessive smoothness in the early days of the war, the generals of the Southern Army did not take the Mexican army seriously.

Any southern army unit is eager to meet the Mexican army, and now these Mexican soldiers are simply walking military exploits in their eyes.

Jackson strictly ordered the regiments to march in an orderly manner according to the scheduled march plan.

But these troops from the southern states did not carry out Jackson's orders very well.

According to the predetermined plan, the elite Virginia regiment took the lead.

The Virginia regiment is the most experienced and best equipped unit of the Confederate Army.

This unit was the predecessor of the Virginia Army, which would later make the Northern Army fearful.

However, three days after departure, the troops walking at the forefront of the army turned into Arkansas troops with miscellaneous clothes and guns, and even uniforms and colors.

Arkansas's case for the lead is also eye-popping.

In the attack on Nuevo Laredo, it was the North Carolina troops who first entered Nuevo Laredo.

When Monterey was attacked, it was Virginia troops who first entered Monterey.

When Reynosa was attacked, South Carolina troops were the first to enter Reynosa.

In short, in all previous sieges, the Arkansans were the last supporting characters to enter.

After they entered the city, the valuables in the city had long been looted by the friendly troops in the advanced city, and the Arkansas could only follow behind to pick up the trash.

This time, the Arkansans don't want to eat the leftovers left by others. They want to take down Victoria City, the capital of Tamaulispa, Mexico, and drink the head soup of Victoria City.

What they don't know is that due to the delay of the Confederate Army in Torreon.

At this time, the main force of Mexico had already entered the city of Victoria, where the Confederate Army must pass through.

Mexico's reconnaissance troops also quickly detected this adventurous motley crew.

To be honest, the Mexicans don't know much about the organization and flag of the Confederate Army. Their method of distinguishing whether a unit is a motley unit is also very simple and rude, that is, to observe whether their uniforms and weapons are uniform.

The head coach of the Mexican Army sitting in Victoria City is President Santa Ana.

To boost morale, Santa Ana moved his headquarters from San Luis Potosi to Vitoria, a city closer to the front lines.

After learning that there was a small number of motley troops of the Confederate Army advancing alone, Santa Ana decided to seize this opportunity to catch the Confederate Army by surprise.

Since the start of the war, the Mexican army has lost consecutive battles and has not even won a small victory.

Whether it is the Southern Army on the Eastern Front or the Western Brigade on the Western Front, it can be said that it is like entering the land of no one.

The morale of the Mexican army can be said to be extremely low.

Santa Ana needs a victory to boost the morale of the Mexican army.

"Gonzales! I'll give you a cavalry regiment and two infantry regiments. Can you eat up these damned American soldiers?!"

Santa Ana's eyes swept over every middle and senior Mexican military officer.

Finally, his eyes fell on a young major who was only 22 years old in the corner.

Soon, Santa Ana's resolution was opposed by many military officers.

There are many reasons for the objection. For example, Gonzalez is only a small major. If Santa Anna did not personally call the name, Gonzalez would not even be qualified to stand here for the meeting.

Another thing is that Gonzalez is too young to let a 22-year-old young man command three regiments, and one regiment is a cavalry regiment. This is unprecedented in Mexico's military history.

Of course, one of the deadliest reasons is that Gonzalez is a restless kid. He joined the revolutionary organization when he was ten years old. This kid was once a member of the opposition, and the object of his opposition was the Santa Ana government.


Faced with one after another of opposition, Santa Ana knocked on the table to keep the Mexican generals present quiet.

Santa Ana casts expectant eyes on Gonzalez.Gonzalez's past, of course Santa Ana is clear.

But Santa Ana has his own considerations.

Although Gonzalez is only 22 years old, he is a veteran who has served for more than ten years.

When Gonzales was twelve or thirteen years old, he joined the volunteer army, directly participated in the Mexican-American War at that time, and made contributions.

The American army, especially the American army in the south, is the old opponent of the Mexican army.

Many of the so-called battle-tested and experienced Mexican officers present were all defeated by the US military.

Even with an absolute advantage against a miscellaneous US military, it is difficult to guarantee whether these senior officers will have a psychological shadow.

But Gonzalez is different, young, aggressive, and he has no defeat against the US military.

What Santa Ana wanted was an all-out battle to boost morale, so he thought Gonzalez was the best fit.

Santa Ana overcame all opinions and entrusted Gonzalez with a heavy responsibility regardless of his past experience, which made Gonzalez feel deeply.

Gonzalez just solemnly saluted Santa Anna: "Your Excellency, Gonzalez promises to complete the task!"

"Very well, let's go."

Santa Ana nodded in satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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