The war continues.

The Mexican Army collapsed on the Western Front, but not the Eastern Front.

Facing the Mexican army on the eastern front that was three times as numerous as himself, although Jackson launched several fierce attacks, they caused certain casualties to the Mexican army and achieved some results.

However, the disparity in the strength of the two sides was too great, and Jackson's Confederate Army was the attacking side.

In addition, Santa Ana's style of play is very insignificant. Once the battle is unfavorable, it will retreat to the city. Facing Victoria, a strong city like San Luis Tobosi will not be able to bite for a while.

The war on the Eastern Front entered a stalemate for a while.

1856 2 Month 10 Day.

Custis's heavy artillery company blasted through the Mexican fortifications in Victoria City, tearing a gap for the attacking army.

The Confederate Army was finally able to go deep into the urban area of ​​Victoria, and started a brutal street battle with the Mexican Army.

Gonzalez, who annihilated the Arkansas regiment a month ago and was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of the Mexican Army, saw that the U.S. troops had already entered the city. He suggested that Santa Ana should lead the main force to withdraw from Victoria City and go to San Luis Tobosi before Victoria City fell. He himself stayed behind to buy time for them.

The street fighting in Victoria City lasted for five full days.

Out of appreciation, Jackson treated Gonzales and these Mexican prisoners fairly politely and did not embarrass them.

With the exception of the southern states of Mexico and some enclaves in the north, large swaths of territory north of central Mexico fell.

This is the second coup by Comez, after summarizing the lessons learned from the failure of the previous coup.

Even if it is gnawed down, the organizational system of the Western Brigade will probably be destroyed.

Gonzalez and the surviving more than 300 wounded Mexican soldiers were also captured in the end.

Now, they depend on the rat to protect them, their family and their property.

Victoria City is their best vent object.

Jackson's thoughts coincided with Liang Yao's. He also tended to lure the main force of Mexico out to have a field battle with the Mexican army.

The Mexican dignitaries in the capital Mexico City can receive news that the US military has captured a certain place every day.

The U.S. military can bypass these three cities and go straight to Mexico, but the Mexican defenders in these three cities can also take the opportunity to cut off the U.S. military's logistics lines, and even directly stab the U.S. military in the back.

Unlike in the past, Gonzalez's proposal this time was quickly unanimously agreed by all the senior leaders of the Mexican army. They were very moved, and then left Gonzales with a regiment, which was a local militia in Victoria City, and the Southern Army Street fighting continued in the city.

The only thing Jackson was lucky about at this time was that the main force of the Confederate Army participating in the Second Mexican-American War this time was the militia, not the elite Confederate Army.He can still bear these losses, and he can still explain to the south.

In order to resist the attack of the US military, Santa Ana brought the main force and cronies with him, which inevitably led to a void in the rear.

However, the terrain of these three cities is very dangerous, and they are all condescending, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Jackson believed that the political situation in Mexico was not stable. As long as the capital of the Mexicans was besieged, even if it was not attacked, the country would inevitably change in the long run.

The Southern Army took nearly 2000 casualties when it took Victoria City. How many 2000 people can the Western Brigade lose?

At that time, the initiative will be on their side, and it is up to Santa Anna to choose whether to fight or not.

Just as Mexico was in turmoil, the savior of the Mexicans seemed to appear.

Liang Yao looked at the three mountain cities with horns on the map, the Mexicans are so fucking poisonous, they like to build cities on mountains and plateaus so much.

It is impossible to attack by force. These three cities are not only dangerous in terrain, but also easy to defend and difficult to attack. The number of defenders is more than [-], especially in San Luis Tobosi, where Santa Ana is located. The number of defenders is as high as [-]. thousand.

As the main force of Mexico began to avoid fighting to preserve its strength, large areas of Mexico's territory began to fall.

As time went by, the names of the occupied places became closer and closer to the capital.

The top leaders staying in Mexico City reprimanded Santa Ana for his inaction, holding the main force of the army in their hands, but allowing the US military to attack the city in Mexico without being moved at all.

Due to the tightness of Santa Ana on the front line, [-] of the [-] Mexican troops who had stayed in the capital were transferred by Santa Ana.

After the loss of Victoria City, only the last barrier remained north of Mexico City.

Anti-Santa Ana voices in Mexico also began to resurface, as Jackson predicted that Mexico's already unstable political situation was becoming more and more turbulent.

Mexico City's city defense is very strong, but the US military is not without a precedent for capturing Mexico City.

In this coup, Comez has become more proficient and decisive in his actions.

At this time, only [-] old, weak, sick and disabled remained in the Mexican army staying in Mexico City. Comez entered Mexico City with [-] elite soldiers, as if giving the Mexican high-level officials in the city a reassurance.

Comez officially announced the establishment of the Mexican military government, and he himself will serve as the special president, as the head of the military government.

The more than 1000 Mexican troops who stayed in Victoria City were very tenacious under the leadership of Gonzales. They just relied on their familiarity with the buildings in the city to deal with the Southern Army who attacked the city.

On balance, Liang Yao did not choose to attack the three well-fortified fortified cities, and did not join forces with Jackson. Instead, he chose to continue going south to attack states with weak coastal defenses.I want to force out the main force of Mexico that is huddled in these three strong cities.

They hailed Comez as a hero.

That is the defense system composed of the three city groups of San Luis Toposi, the capital of San Luis Toposi, Leon, and Aguascaldast.

The heavy casualties of the Confederate Army made Jackson's heart bleed.

Jackson also had no intention of attacking San Luis Tobosi, Leon, and Aguascaldast.

These three cities are horns of each other, threatening the US troops advancing south.

It took the Confederates five full days to attack the city, but it took only three days for the Confederates to wipe the city off the map.

The former famous Mexican general Comez led [-] home soldiers from Oaxaca to march into Mexico City with the welcome of the people in the capital when the American soldiers approached Mexico City.

However, the southern army took nearly 2000 casualties before taking this city, so they naturally wanted to find something to vent.

And quickly arrested Comez's cronies in Mexico City for treason and took control of Santa Ana's family.

The prestige of Santa Ana in the country has also been reduced to the extreme.

After Jackson left four regiments to protect the logistics line, he only attacked small villages and towns along the way and slowly advanced towards Mexico City.

Under the cover of Gonzalez, Santa Ana withdrew to San Luis Tobosi with the main force of the [-] Mexican troops in Victoria City.

After fully mastering Mexico City's military forces and controlling Mexico City.

His plan was to encircle Mexico City, then encircle and recruit reinforcements, slowly consuming the main force of the Mexican army.

This undoubtedly exacerbated the sense of insecurity among the Mexican high-level officials in Mexico City. Some cowards have even packed up their gold and silver and boarded passenger ships bound for Spain and France.

The Confederate Army had to pay a heavy price every time it took down a private house.

The trusted officers of Santa Ana who were the first to bear the brunt, Comez not only arrested these officers, but also ordered the execution of these officers on the spot in order to avoid long nights and dreams.

Comez relentlessly branded Santa Ana treason.

However, just two months ago, Comez was still a rat in their mouths.

The political struggle between military leaders is always so unpretentious.

With the lessons of Victoria City, Jackson has now given up the idea of ​​tackling tough problems.

The garrison of the capital fell into a leaderless situation for a while, and Comez took over all the military forces in Mexico City very smoothly.

Jackson ordered to search for the flag of the Arkansas regiment in the city of Victoria, but unfortunately, the Southern Army did not find the flag of the Arkansas regiment after turning the city upside down in a physical sense.

After five days and nearly 2000 casualties, the Confederate Army took down the strong city of Victoria.

At the same time, wait for variables to appear in Mexico City, the capital of Mexico.

The next day, Comez declared a state of emergency across the country and militarized control of the capital, Mexico City.

Of course, he did not forget to send a telegram to Liang Yao.

Comez is aware that his fundamentals are not stable. Except for his extremely high approval rating in his home state of Oaxaca, his approval rating in other states is not high.

At this time, the main force of the Mexican army was still in the hands of Santa Ana, and not many people were optimistic that Comez would succeed in a coup and seize power.The big landlords and big compradors everywhere are good people, and they will not rashly express their positions when the current situation is uncertain.

To stabilize and expand his base, Comez needs the cooperation of the US military.

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