1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 475 Oregon State Establishment

Chapter 475 Oregon State Establishment

The Oregon Territory, now perhaps better known as the Oregon State.

Oregon's first general election is coming soon, and California, as the big brother of the West Coast, should care a little about the neighbor's little brother.

On April 1856, 4, Liang Yao left Sacramento and took a special train to Oregon.

On the train, Liang Yao's two assistants, Connie and Carnegie, went to the dining car.

Smoking is prohibited in the dining car. Before entering the dining car, Coney snuffed out the cigarette in his hand, and flicked it skillfully.The cigarette butt drew a graceful arc in mid-air and flew out of the window.

"Everything designed by the boss reveals business opportunities."

Kony took out a blueprint from his pocket and handed it to Carnegie. Liang Yao is now Kony's brother-in-law, but Kony still prefers to be called Boss Liang Yao in front of his colleagues.

"Look, the design drawing of this dining car is the perfect template for a modern kitchen."

Carnegie is a smart person, and he quickly discovered the business opportunity after Kony's guidance.

It's just that Carnegie is still a little puzzled. Carnegie still knows something about the past experience of this old man.

Carnegie said: "Senior, forgive me, as far as I know, your previous investments in the real estate industry were not smooth."

In the early years, Konecranes' construction company was very prosperous, but later, Konecranes concentrated on building luxury houses, which made the previous success fall short.

Rich people prefer to spend their own money to build luxury houses according to their own ideas, and they are not very interested in buying ready-made luxury houses.Therefore, many luxury houses built by Konecranes Construction Company were either sold at a low price in the end, or they were thrown into their own hands.

If it weren't for Kony's own contacts in California to undertake some government projects, Kony's construction company might have gone bankrupt by now, and there is no chance of surviving.

"That's because I didn't look in the right direction." Kony said seriously.

"This time I did a very thorough market research. After all, rich people are a minority. I have carefully analyzed that if my company wants to become bigger and stronger in real estate, it should not do business with rich people. According to the boss I'm supposed to be in middle-class business."

"Seniors mean the working class in California?" Carnegie understood a little bit.

"Not exactly, there are different levels within the middle class, but the difference is not bad. Unlike the working class in other states, the average salary of the working class in California is about three times that of the working class in New York State. Not only do they have higher wages, Their jobs are more stable, they also have a little savings in their hands, and most importantly, they have housing needs."

Kony poured himself a glass of Burgundy red wine and asked Carnegie if he would drink it. Seeing that Carnegie shook his head, he drank it himself.

After taking a sip of wine, Koniba smacked his lips and continued.

“Many workers still live in collective dormitories provided by factories and companies. Companies with good conditions can provide employees with dormitories for four or six people, and those with poor conditions can even live in a dormitory for 30 to [-] people.

There are also clerks in shops in the city, chefs and waiters in restaurants, and so on.

Land prices in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento and their suburbs are more expensive.

These people cannot afford to buy a detached house in the suburbs and close to the city, but they can afford an apartment. "

"Senior, do you want to build an apartment?" Carnegie said.

"To be precise, it is an apartment located in an urban area with a kitchen and a bathroom. Most families in California are singles, two families, and small families of three or four.

This kind of apartment can not only meet their work needs, but also my apartment is different from other apartments. The bathroom, toilet, and kitchen of other apartments are shared, which is very inconvenient. "Kony glanced around the dining car compartment.

"If an apartment has a separate kitchen and bathroom, I think it will be more private and the living experience will be more comfortable. In general, an apartment with a kitchen and bathroom can provide a more comfortable experience for the working class at a relatively cheap price .

Of course, this is limited to places with high land prices and high population density in urban areas of large cities.There is no market for apartments in small places where land is cheap.

Did you find out that the boss is most concerned about the data these days is the population data of California.

This shows that the intensity of immigration will continue to increase in the future, and there will be more and more cities in California in the future, with more and more populations, larger scales, and higher land prices.California's real estate industry is about to usher in a wonderful spring. "

Kony imagines his bright future.

"May the predecessors succeed." Carnegie congratulated.

"However, in order to increase the success rate, I still need the support of my boss. Carnegie, we are good friends who have worked together for many years. In case, I mean, in case the boss doesn't support me for a while, I like that you can speak well for me. sentence."

"Such a good business plan, I think the boss will support you." Carnegie said.

"Let's go, let's meet the boss." Kony patted Carnegie on the shoulder, and then the two left the dining car together.

When Kony came to Liang Yao's private compartment, Liang Yao was reading a newspaper.

But instead of the California Daily or any of the other local California papers, he reads the Oregon papers.

Unlike California, when Oregon became a state, the main local ethnic group was no longer white, but Chinese.

The population of the Oregon area is not very large. Due to the high competitive pressure in California, many Chinese choose to look for business opportunities in the Oregon area with less competitive pressure.

The large influx of Chinese into the Oregon area quickly diluted the population of the Oregon area.

According to statistics, in 1855, Oregon had a population of 28, of which 17 were Chinese and a small number of Sinicized Indians, and the remaining 11 were other ethnicities.

As a newly established new state, Oregon's population is not small.

In fact, Oregon had already met the requirements for statehood three years ago, and it was only due to some well-known political reasons that the statehood was delayed until now.

Oregon is now the entire west coast, and even the entire western region, the second largest state except California, and the second most economically developed state in the west.

According to the information revealed in the newspapers these days, if nothing unexpected happens, the first governor of Oregon will be Wu Yuanhua, the chairman of the Jardine Group, and Thomas, the former mayor of Eugene, will be the deputy governor. Pan Zhengwei, the chairman of Tongfu Group, will become one of the senators, and Fujian businessman Jinsong will serve as the speaker of the state assembly.

"Boss, I have something I want to talk to you about." Kony approached Liang Yao and said.

"Sit down." Liang Yao put down the newspaper and pointed to the empty seat beside him.

"My employment contract with you is about to expire, and Zeiss has graduated from business school. Zeiss has good grades in business school and is very smart. When he was an intern at the Atlantic Railroad, Garrett told him The evaluation is very high. I think Zeiss can take my place." Kony said after taking his seat.

Everyone has their own ambitions, and Kony is a child of the Vanderbilt family, so it is impossible for him to be his assistant for the rest of his life. Since Kony has no intention of renewing his contract, Liang Yao will not force it.

Five years ago, when Liang Yao sent Zeiss to commercial schools in the east (in the 5th century in the United States, there were schools dedicated to training vocational skills, similar to junior colleges), he trained Zeiss as his assistant.

Zeiss graduated from business school last year.

However, Liang Yao had no shortage of assistants at that time. In order to exercise and examine Zeiss' ability, Liang Yao arranged Zeiss to be with Garrett, the president of the Atlantic Railway Company, and asked Zeiss to help Garrett.

"No problem, remember to say hello to your father, so that your father knows what you are doing." Liang Yao agreed.

"This is my business plan. I would like to ask you to help me with the details. Of course, I also hope to get your support." Kony opened his purse and took out his business plan and drawings of the apartment from it .

Liang Yao took Kony's business plan and read it carefully. After reading it, he nodded and said, "It's a very reasonable business plan with progress. I don't think there is any problem."

"After all, I've been your assistant for so many years. If I haven't learned something, I can't justify it." With Liang Yao's affirmation, Kony was very happy.

"However, I think this kind of apartment will be successful in big cities like New York and Philadelphia. Why did you choose to stay in California instead of returning to the East?" Liang Yao asked.

"There are many reasons. Because of what I did in New York in the early years, my reputation in the New York business circle has long been stink. It is easy to destroy a reputation, but it is difficult to repair it. I have more and better friends in California. It is not necessary. Back to New York with a hot face and a cold ass.

Furthermore, William is doing very well now, enough to take on the heavy responsibility of the Vanderbilt family, and Washington has also successfully entered the military academy.The Vanderbilt family has no shortage of Kony.In California, I still see my sister from time to time. "Kony said seriously.

Coney was right.

Kony has worked in California for many years and has integrated into the California circle. Although he is still a member of the Vanderbilt family, he is not in New York all the year round, and his relationship with friends in the New York business circle has become increasingly distant.

Staying in California is a more cost-effective option than going back to New York.

What's more, Kony's position in the Vanderbilt family is also quite embarrassing.

He is the second son of the Vanderbilt family. The eldest son William has gradually shown his talent in business in recent years, and has been recognized by Vanderbilt.

The youngest son, Washington, was the most beloved son of Vanderbilt.

Like most parts of the world, the United States does not have a patriarchal system, but according to the laws and traditions of many states, it is a custom for the eldest son to inherit the family business.

Vanderbilt is now training William as his successor. A second son like Kony belongs to the embarrassing position that his grandma doesn't love his uncle.Vanderbilt is definitely more inclined to give Kony a few million dollars so that Kony can live comfortably.

Of course, it would be even better if Kony had the ability to use the money to make a career out of it and spread the Vanderbilt family's business.If you don't have the ability, don't force it.

This is also a common practice among wealthy families in the United States in this era.

The situation in the political and military circles is similar. My father is a member of parliament. If there are outstanding descendants, there is a high probability that there will be a member of the governor. Gwen and Fremont are such examples.

His father was a high-ranking military officer, and if his offspring had a good chance of being a colonel or even a general, this was the case for Perry and Robert Lee. One was from a naval family and the other was from an army family.

Those who are not capable of being a member of Congress will fall back to the next best thing, and become a state member, a member of a lower level, or an assistant (secretary) to an important person in the state.Those who are not capable of being colonels and generals should become lieutenants.Not too bad anyway.

The lower limit for the children of wealthy families in the United States is the upper limit that most children from poor families can't reach in their entire lives.Unless you are particularly awesome and capable, such as Lincoln.

In short, even if the descendants of wealthy families are mediocre, they can still live comfortably with the resources in the hands of the family.As long as you don't do a big death, do something heinous, and make a principled mistake.It is difficult for these wealthy people to fall from their original class.

It is also a wise choice for Konecranes to choose to take root in California.

"I support your business plan." Liang Yao closed the business plan and returned it to Kony.

"I want your help with something." Kony said when he received the business plan.

"The working class has a certain amount of savings, but if they take out all their savings, they may not be able to afford an apartment in the urban area." Kony said.

"I want to find a bank with strong financial strength, good credit, and relatively large influence to provide loans to these home buyers. If you agree, I would like to cooperate with Bank of America. Of course, if you do not agree, I may go to Boston Bank .”

"I agree. You can discuss the specific matters with Deng Ying." Liang Yao agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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