1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 478 Who Is The Master Of The West Coast?

"California is not worried about this issue, so why worry about Oregon?" Liang Yao asked Wu Yuanhua to relax.

"Our market is not limited to the South, we can do without the South, and the South cannot do without us."

Some products in California are irreplaceable, which is why Liang Yao said this.

Kerosene, petroleum jelly, sewing machines, machine tools, bicycles, ammunition, etc., these are the flagship products of California.

Whether it is in the United States or in foreign markets, the competitiveness is quite strong. At present, there are no companies and products of the same type that can shake the status of these California ace products.

"Maybe I'm overthinking." Wu Yuanhua said.

Liang Yao looked up at the flagpole on the square. There were two flagpoles in the center of Salem. One flagpole hung the American flag, and the other flagpole hung the Oregon state flag.

"Is this your state flag?" Liang Yao pointed at the state flag of Oregon, and said a little dumbfounded.

"Just look at the state flag, and those who don't know it will think that our west coast is a zoo."

California's state flag is the bear flag, while Oregon's state flag is a beaver on a blue background with the year of statehood: 1856.The state flags of both states feature animals.

"The big guys chose it by themselves. I wanted to use the phoenix pattern as the state flag, but they think the beaver can better represent our state of Oregon." Wu Yuanhua said helplessly.

"It's time for the national flag to change." Liang Yao glanced at the 31-star Star-Spangled Banner and said, "Now there are 35 stars."

"Jianzhou was in a hurry, so I ignored this." Wu Yuanhua said.

"How do you plan to develop Oregon during your tenure? Do you have a plan? You are the first governor of Oregon. To lay the foundation for Oregon's future, you have a heavy burden.

And you are the first Chinese governor in the history of the United States. If you are not good at being the governor, you will give people the impression that the Chinese are not good at governing the state. "Liang Yao said.

"Follow the example of California and formulate a five-year plan. If you want to get rich, industrialization is the only way out."

Wu Yuanhua spent most of his life in the Qing Dynasty, and he couldn't understand the difference between an agricultural country and an industrial country.

The achievements of California's industrialization also strengthened his determination to carry out industrialization in Oregon, and he was a firm supporter of industrialization.

Like California, Oregon's state legislature, state government, and state courts are all near the capital square, not far away.

Wu Yuanhua led Liang Yao into the state government building.

Since Wu Yuanhua had just been elected governor, Wu Yuanhua hadn't had time to tidy up his office.

His new office was bare, save for a walnut desk, a chair, a bookcase, and a crude kerosene lamp.

Wu Yuanhua ordered his assistant to find a map of Oregon, and then together with his assistant, they nailed the map to the wall with a hammer in one hand and a tack in the other.

After nailing the map, Wu Yuanhua clapped his hands and threw the hammer aside. He faced the map and said, "You are from Oklahoma City, and Xu Zicai must have told you that he wants to turn Oklahoma City into Oregon State Jinshan."

"He didn't say it clearly, but what he meant was what he meant." Liang Yao said.

"This is unrealistic. I have read some of your books and visited Oklahoma City. According to your theory, Oklahoma City does not have the location conditions like Jinshan. Although Oklahoma City is not far from the ocean, it is not a coastal city after all. There are no major rivers or large ports in the urban area.

There is no such thing as a big port, which is very terrible.The cost of water transportation can be only one-third, or even one-fifth of that of land transportation.

Many commodities in Oklahoma City are not only directly transported to California by rail, but a large part of Oklahoma City is first transported to Portland by rail, and then shipped from Portland to Jinshan and Los Angeles.

Even so, the cost of products exported from Portland to Jinshan and Los Angeles is comparable to that of products directly transported to Jinshan and Los Angeles by land, or even slightly lower. Wu Yuanhua looked at the map and pointed to Portland on the map.

"The future of Oregon is not in Oklahoma City, but in Portland. It is difficult for Oklahoma City to develop into a large industrial city like Jinshan. Looking at the entire Oregon State, only Portland has the opportunity."

After all, he was born in Jardine House, has done international trade, and has seen the big world. Wu Yuanhua's vision is still much wider than that of Xu Zicai's reckless.

The development of Oklahoma City is largely due to the fact that it is closer to California.

To develop into a large industrial center, Oklahoma City without a port is not enough.

It is no accident that Portland became the city with the largest scale, the most developed manufacturing industry, and the most economically developed economy in Oregon, but the result of a combination of various factors.

With Wu Yuanhua's tone and attitude, it seems that during his tenure, he will vigorously develop Portland.

"Tell me in detail." Liang Yao signaled Wu Yuanhua to continue.

"The city of Portland is located at the confluence of the Columbia River and the Willamette River. These two rivers have a rich flow, and the river is wide enough to be very suitable for navigation. There are ready-made river ports in the urban area.

With easy access to Pacific trade routes and inland waterways via the Columbia and Willamette Rivers, Semler also has direct shipping access to Portland.

Furthermore, Portland has more flat land, which can absorb more people. "Wu Yuanhua said.

"My idea is to plan a large-scale industrial zone in Portland, focusing on the development of Portland. Portland still has great potential to be tapped."

"Don't just pick the advantages, what about the disadvantages?" Liang Yao listened with interest.

"The shortcomings are also obvious. Portland lacks easy-to-mine mineral resources, but Portland's proven coal and other mineral deposits can still support the development of Portland's early industrialization." Speaking of this, Wu Yuanhua gritted his teeth.

"Northern Oregon, north of Portland, has a lot of mineral resources, but it's a pity that we can't use them. Those remnants of the Democratic Party and racists are very rude and unreasonable to us Chinese immigrants. Just think about it."

The Northern Oregon area north of Portland is the later Washington State area.

With the gradual spread of Chinese immigrants to the north, the white racists on the west coast gradually moved north under the call of the remnants of the Democratic Party, and gathered in a corner of northern Oregon.

The history of the Democratic Party on the West Coast is a long story. At the turn of the establishment of California, Burnett, then governor of the Oregon Territory, was killing Indians in the Oregon area.

At that time, Burnett heard that California was going to be a state, so he wanted to go south to steal political fruits, and wanted to rely on the influence of the Democratic Party to turn California into a Democratic state.

It's just that Bernat's conspiracy not only failed, but unfortunately "died" in the war with the "Indians".

The leaderless Democratic Party also lost completely to the Civic Party of Liang Yao and Fremont in the political struggle on the west coast.

The remnants of the local Democratic Party knew that they were no opponents of the Civic Party on the West Coast, and it was difficult to confront the Civic Party head-on, so they moved their base camp to Northern Oregon.

These remnants of the Democratic Party want to use Northern Oregon as a base and create a so-called Northern Oregon as the Democratic Party's wedge on the West Coast.

This time, Oregon statehood failed to include Northern Oregon. The establishment of a large Oregon state is the reason why Democrats obstructed Congress.

Democrats have also introduced a bill to Congress to create another state in Northern Oregon.

However, this proposal was quickly met with strong opposition from the arch-rival Whig Party. In addition, the population of Northern Oregon was only 2, which was too far from the threshold of statehood.The Northern Oregon statehood proposal had to be scrapped.

These white racists in Northern Oregon have a very unfriendly attitude towards the so-called people of color, and even made bold statements about blocking the yellow water south of the Columbia River.

"Fuck them to relieve your anger! Don't you also have a militia in Oregon? Why do you have Big Brother California to back you up? They are rude and unreasonable, just beat them with the guys in your hands until they are friendly and well-behaved! What happened to their party leader back then? If they die, let them die as well!" Liang Yao said.

"Ma Shan was ridden by others, and Ren Shan was bullied by others. Our Kuomintang is not a small party that is not popular. Why are you afraid of him?"

"I'm not afraid of provoking war, it's just that we must focus on development right now, and I'm afraid it won't end well if it gets too big." Wu Yuanhua said.

"Portland is right next to the Columbia River. If we don't get rid of these remnants of the Democratic Party, what's the talk of development?" Liang Yao said.

"If one militia in Oregon is not enough, build another militia. In Oregon, there are two 10,000+ men with handles. Are you afraid that they will fail to make [-] to [-] white-skinned pigs?
We are citizens of the United States, and citizens of the United States have the right to settle down on any American soil.

You just do them, I will find a way to help you clean up the mess. "

Liang Yao knew that what Wu Yuanhua and others were worried about was that the Democratic Party was one of the two major parties in the American political arena. If the relationship was too tense, they were afraid that the Democrats would be unfavorable to California and Oregon when they came to power in the next general election.

Liang Yao didn't have any concerns in this regard. Firstly, it was because the North-South conflict was the main conflict in the American political arena, and Washington didn't have the heart and energy to get involved in such a mess in the west.

The current two major ruling parties in the United States, the Democratic Party and the Whig Party, can be said to be worse than the other. The Whig Party is about to disintegrate and perish, and the situation of the Democratic Party is not much better.

The Democratic Party has relatively large interests in the southern region and some cities, which makes the Democratic Party more inclined to safeguard the interests of the southern region when dealing with issues in the southern region.

This has greatly dissatisfied the forces in the Democratic Party's northern constituency, and now the Democratic Party itself is in a state of fragmentation and can't take care of itself.

The last time the Democratic Party lost in the general election, Fillmore of the Whig Party was re-elected, which is enough to show how fragile and unpopular the Democratic Party is.

Of course, losing to the Whigs in the last general election was not the worst shame.

Historically, the Democratic Party lost to the nascent Republican Party in the 1860 general election, and losing to Lincoln was the most embarrassing.

Regardless of the unconstitutional factors of this election, even in the northern constituencies where the Democrats are sure to win.Lincoln still defeated Stephen Douglas of the Northern Democrats and several other candidates by an absolute advantage, even though the Democratic Party was suspected of electoral fraud.

Liang Yao is right. If these grandsons don't clean up, Wu Yuanhua's first five-year development plan in Oregon, such as the construction of the Portland Industrial Zone, may not be implemented smoothly.

Development also requires a stable external environment. Those annoying grandchildren in Northern Oregon should really clean them up and let them know who is the master of the West Coast.

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