1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 481 Unpredictable

"The boss sent a telegram, asking you to report back to the group headquarters in California." Garrett said to Zeiss.

"You have accumulated enough working experience in the Atlantic Railway Company, and now you have the ability to return to the boss and become the boss's right-hand man."

Zeiss worked as Garrett's assistant for a year, and Garrett was very satisfied with Zeiss' work ability and attitude.

The boss is still discerning, and he is very accurate in judging people.

Since Garrett stepped into the business world, the two most satisfying assistants are Carnegie and Zeiss.

"Thank you for giving me a chance to exercise."

Knowing that Liang Yao asked him to report back to the group headquarters in California, Zeiss was ecstatic, but he still controlled his emotions well and thanked Garrett.

Over the past year, Garrett has taken good care of Zeiss' work and life.Chase is also very grateful to Garrett for his appreciation and care.

"Your ability to work is very strong, and you will have a brighter future when you return to the boss. I have a few things to tell you when I go back this time. To be precise, I want to ask you for help." Garrett compared his attitude Low, it doesn't seem like you're talking to a subordinate at all.

"What's the matter, just tell me directly. They are all members of the same group. It would be out of the question to say that they are helping." Zeiss said very politely.

"This is my application for joining the party. I want to join the Civic Party. Please hand it over to the boss and show him my determination to join the party." Garrett handed over the application form wrapped in an envelope to Zeiss.

Maryland is a Democratic constituency and the traditional sphere of influence of the Democratic Party. To be honest, if Garrett wants to enter politics, the Democratic Party is a good choice.

It's just that the Democratic Party in 1856 was really unpopular.

The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 led to differences between the North and the South over slavery.

The act allowed newly formed states to decide whether to institute slavery or not if they wished.It caused the internal dissension between the Southern Democratic Party and the Northern Democratic Party, and laid the root of the decline of the Democratic Party for decades to come.

Although the Southern Democratic Party and the Northern Democratic Party are both Democrats, due to the fundamental conflict of ideology, interests and so-called beliefs, the Southern Democratic Party and the Northern Democratic Party were actually two completely different parties in 1856.

Of course, the decline of the Democratic Party also provides a golden opportunity for the rise of the Republican Party.

Many Democrats in northern districts, including those in Maryland, have chosen to leave a stagnant and disintegrated Democratic Party and join the fledgling Republican Party amid dismay.

The addition of these old Democrats quickly strengthened the power of the Republican Party.

This is why it was reorganized in 1854, and in the 1860 election, the Republican presidential candidate Lincoln could easily defeat the Democratic candidate Stephen A. Douglas.

Of course, there are reasons for Lincoln's outstanding personal ability and charisma, but the rapid growth and rise of the Republican Party is also a reason that cannot be ignored.

Without a strong political party to endorse the candidate, no matter how outstanding the candidate is, it will be difficult to gain a firm foothold in the political arena.

Therefore, Garrett feels that joining the Democratic Party at this time is really not a wise choice.

"Understood." Chase nodded and took the envelope from Garrett.

"One more thing." Garrett said, "I heard that the project of the Gardner Railway has been put on the agenda. The strength of the Texas State Railroad is relatively weak, and the project of the Gardner Railway is very difficult, which is not inferior to the Pacific Railroad."

"You want the Atlantic Railway Company to participate in the construction of the eastern section of the Gardner Railway?" Zeiss guessed.

"Yes, it is impossible to exclude the Texas Railroad from the Gardner Railroad, but I want the Atlantic Railroad and the Texas Railroad to be jointly responsible for the construction of the eastern section of the Gardner Railroad." Gary Te said.

Garrett is an ambitious, ambitious man.

He was not reconciled to the fact that the Atlantic Railway Company was ranked among the second echelon railroad companies in the United States.

The Atlantic Railway Company needs a super project like the Pacific Railway Company to prove its strength.

Perhaps the Atlantic Railroad cannot reach the heights of the California Railroad, but it is still possible to squeeze into the first echelon.

"I can explain this to my boss. As for whether it will be successful or not, it still depends on the attitude of the boss. I can't guarantee 100% success." Zeiss thought about it and agreed.

"Thank you, Chase." Garrett patted Chase's shoulder and said with some reluctance.

"Mr. Lincoln, the chief lawyer and consultant of the Atlantic Railway Company, will go to California to resign to his boss in person after his speech in Illinois. You can go there with Mr. Lincoln when the time comes."

"Mr. Lincoln is going to resign?" Zeiss was very surprised, and then said regretfully.

"Mr. Lincoln's resignation is a great loss to the Atlantic Company."

The Atlantic Railway Company is mainly responsible for the railway business in the eastern region of the American Group. Unlike the west, which has a large number of unowned lands, the eastern part has an early development time and a high degree of development, and the land along the railway is all owned land.

Moreover, land property rights in some areas are relatively chaotic. In the past four years, the Atlantic Railway Company has had many lawsuits due to land disputes.

Fortunately, the Atlantic Railway Company has such a killer weapon as Lincoln. Lincoln's winning rate is as high as 90% and the Atlantic Railway Company has won most of the land lawsuits, saving the company a lot of costs.

Garrett privately calculated that over four years, the Atlantic Railway Company paid Lincoln's team related fees as high as $26.The annual consulting fee alone is as high as $24000.As a result, the Lincoln lawyer team was awarded the title of the most expensive lawyer team in the United States.

Although Lincoln's legal team was expensive, the money was very worthwhile for the Atlantic Railway Company. The cost saved by Lincoln's legal team for the Atlantic Railway Company was several times their wages.

As Zeiss puts it, Lincoln's departure was a great loss for the Atlantic Railroad.

"Everyone has his own ambition, and Mr. Lincoln's ambition is lofty. The profession of lawyer can no longer satisfy Mr. Lincoln's responsibilities." Mentioning Lincoln, Garrett's face is full of reverence.

Zeiss looked at Garrett. He had been Garrett's assistant for more than a year, and there were only two people who could make Garrett admire him.

One is Lincoln, and the other is their boss, Liang Yao.


In late April 1856, Springfield, the capital of Illinois, also known as Springfield.

There are tens of thousands of people gathered in the square of this small town with a permanent population of just over 8000.

However, this day is not a special festival or celebration in the local area.

Just because a young congressman from Illinois was going to give a speech in Springfield, people from neighboring areas came to listen to the young congressman's speech.

The speech took place in a fairground in downtown Springfield, and the weather was not perfect, and it rained unseasonably.

The rain was not small, and there were no special rain shelters in the open square.

But the cold rain did not dampen people's enthusiasm for listening to the speech.

People from all walks of life and from all over the world gathered around the temporary podium.

There are gentlemen in elegant gowns, workers and shop assistants in plain overalls, peasants in shabby coats, and even children and women, with hope and anticipation in their eyes.

In the eyes of everyone, Lincoln walked out of the Illinois State Capitol wearing a double-breasted woolen coat that was washed gray.

"Mr. Lincoln! It's Mr. Lincoln!"

"Mr. Lincoln is coming!"

Lincoln's appearance caused a commotion, and the crowd resounded with excited cheers and roars.

The huge sound waves from the crowd almost overturned the makeshift podium.

Amid the cheers, Lincoln, who was unusually tall and thin, stepped onto the podium with steady steps. Behind him was the Star-Spangled Banner stubbornly fluttering in the wind in the rain.

Under the Stars and Stripes, Lincoln stretched out his arms to the crowd.His eyes are firm and his face is solemn.

"for freedom!"

Lincoln's sonorous and powerful voice resounded through the sky and spread throughout the square, as if to convey his thoughts and spirit to the hearts of every audience.

"For the United States!"

The audience responded enthusiastically.

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