1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 484 Gold Rush in Shit

Chapter 484 Gold Rush in Shit
Gerwin wore glasses and carefully read Buchanan and Scott's campaign ideas and slogans.

Democratic candidate James Buchanan advocated maintaining the sovereign integrity of the states, opposing interference in the internal affairs of the states, and opposing the imposition of abolitionism.Support the development of the domestic economy and the strengthening of railway construction.

Support the construction of the Yucatan Canal to increase trade between the United States and Central and South America, and strengthen the influence of the United States in the Americas.Carry out President Monroe's American strategic thinking that the Americas are Americans.

In addition, Buchanan opposed the power of the "intellectuals" and believed that more political and administrative positions should be in the hands of ordinary people.

The slogan Buchanan shouted was: "Cosmos and Montauk iris (two flowers), the country is forever; Buchanan and Bricklin (the two names), united."

Cosmos and Montauk iris are two flowers that represent different regional interests, while Buchanan and Bricklin represent two different political factions.Buchanan tried to emphasize that different groups should unite and put the national interest first.

On the surface, this old boy opposes too many intellectuals taking power and supports more ordinary people to participate in politics, but the slogans he shouted are very polite and not close to the people at all.Somewhat insincerely.

Whig candidate Milton Scott advocated decentralization, administrative reform, and tax cuts to ease domestic political tensions.

Supports greater job opportunities and rights for blacks and immigrants.

Against "fundamentalist" political and religious forces, it advocates reforming the education and judicial system.

Against expansionism, against war and conflict with Great Britain and France.

Coster's slogan is much simpler and easier to understand: "American ideas, American workers, American products."

After carefully reading the campaign ideas and slogans of the two, Ge Wen finally understood why Fremont would say that he would not vote for them even if he threw the vote into the cesspit.

Regarding the core issue of slavery and abolition, both of them chose to continue and make muddy mud.

As far away as California, they were deeply disappointed by the two men's claims, not to mention those voters in the Eastern District.

"I am deeply worried about the situation in the next four years." Gwen's face was full of worry.

Judging from the political propositions put forward by the two, neither of them has the ability to save the crisis.

"Fortunately, California is far away from the center of the vortex, and it won't reach us for a while," Fremont said.

This is the only thing to be thankful for.

The level of cultural knowledge of the members of the Civic Party varies from good to bad. Some members (mainly nouveau riche) saw that the campaign materials of the two were still in the cloud and scratched their heads anxiously.

For example, Sartre and Xu Zicai had a relatively low level of education. Although they could clearly read the words on the document, it was still difficult to fully understand the meaning.

Upon seeing this, Liang Yao acted as a class representative, summarizing the core political views of the two.

James Buchanan: Safeguard state rights, protect federalism, safeguard the constitution, protect the interests of the South, oppose the expansion of slavery, promote a balanced foreign policy, and oppose intervention in major power conflicts.

Milton Scott: Government intervention to improve social and economic conditions, support the National Bank and internal reforms, oppose the expansion of slavery, promote trade liberalization and the Wild West.

After summarizing, Liang Yao did not forget to add a sentence at the end to study hard and read more books.After finishing these, Liang Yao asked his assistants Carnegie and Kony to copy a few copies and handed them out to those party members with low education level.

"After you go back, you must study hard, otherwise, even if you sit in the parliament building, you will be just a marionette at the mercy of others." Xu Zicai made up his mind secretly.

As for Sartre's low level of education, he doesn't care much. He just wants to guard his one-acre three-point land in Sacramento.

"Your Excellency, Speaker, who do you prefer?" Ge Wen asked Liang Yao who hadn't expressed his opinion yet. He wanted to hear Liang Yao's opinion.

"I don't think so." Liang Yao shook his head, "If you want to find gold in shit, Buchanan, I'm more optimistic that the Democratic Party will win this election."

The phrase panning for gold in shit caused a burst of laughter in the hall, enlivening the atmosphere of the meeting a little.

The Democratic Party is now rotten and rotten, but the historical background is there, and the odds of winning are still greater when the opponent is also stretching his hips.

Furthermore, Buchanan emphasized that he would not cut state rights after he was elected, and this was the only one that attracted Liang Yao among the many propositions of the two.

"If you have understood the propositions and slogans of the two candidates, and if you have no objections, then vote."

A quarter of an hour later, Gavin, the California Secretary of State, began to preside over the voting.

Liang Yao and Fremont voted first, and they both voted for Buchanan.

Liang Yao was also very helpless in his heart. He could only blame the Whig Party for being too unsatisfactory. As long as the Whig Party was stronger and the candidates were more reliable, and Liang Yao could see some hope, he was willing to give it a go and support him. Whig one.

After all, compared with the Democrats, the Whig Party has a more friendly attitude towards California, and he and Fillmore are also old acquaintances.

In this historical election, Buchanan won 174 votes in the Electoral College, surpassing Fremont's 114 votes. As for the candidate launched by the Whig Party, Milton Scott, Jr. of 8 votes.

With such a huge disparity, there is no way to fight. It is better to sell the Democratic Party directly.

To put it bluntly, if Liang Yao had a candidate for president to participate in this election, he would get more votes than Scott.

After the voting, Ge Wen and his assistant counted the votes in the ballot box.

"The results of this poll: Buchanan: 35 votes, Scott: 2 votes."

After the counting was completed, Ge Wen read the voting results to the core members of the Civic Party as usual, and asked.

"Do you have any objections? If you have any objections, you can raise them now. If you question the voting results, you can recount them."


Everyone expressed no objection.

"Since there is no objection, today's meeting is over. After you go back, you will announce the content of the meeting and the voting results in your constituency, and inform all party members not to forget to attend the Civic Party Congress on September 9." Ge Wen said.

After Ge Wen announced the end of the meeting, the core members of the Civic Party began to exit in an orderly manner.

The core members of the Citizens Party are mainly from California and Ohio.

Although the average educational level of the members of the Civic Party is not as good as that of the Democrats and Whigs, there are many upstarts with low educational levels.

But because the fundamental interests of the party members are the same, every meeting of the Civic Party is very orderly and harmonious.

Democrats and Whigs have pistols in their arms, pockets in their pockets, and civilized sticks in their hands. It hasn't happened in the Citizens' party that they start fighting in Parliament at the slightest disagreement.

Of course, with Liang Yao and Fremont presiding over the meeting, the Citizens did not dare to make a mistake.


1856 5 Month 18 Day.

Yung Wing and Huang Kuan brought the president of Yale University, Theodore Dwight Woolsey, and a group of professors selected by Woolsey to California for investigation.

At this time, the transportation between California and the east was not very convenient, and the people in the east had very limited understanding of California.

California is a new state, and Easterners stereotype Californians as nouveau riche.Rich, vulgar, low quality.

The impression of California is still that California is a wild land that has not been deeply developed. After all, as a new state established in 1851, California is still very young.

Most easterners think that California should be a relatively backward state like Arkansas and Missouri. The only difference is that California has gold and oil, so Californians are much richer than Arkansas and Missouri.

Under the influence of his ears and eyes, Woolsey also believes that this is what California should look like.

Perhaps the situation in big cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles will be a little better, with some relatively strong industries. After all, in the eastern market, you can often buy some products made in California.

Regional discrimination exists everywhere, and the United States is naturally not exempt.

In addition to the regional discrimination between the North and the South, the United States also has discrimination against the border states and border areas in the old eastern states.

This discrimination can be briefly summarized as discrimination between east and west (the old states of the United States are located in the east, and the central and western regions were developed later, generally known as frontier states or regions).

Before the development of the west coast region centered on California, the eastern region headed by the thirteen founding states was the absolute political and economic core of the United States.Its concept is similar to that of the eighteen provinces of Han in China.

The thirteen states of the founding of the People's Republic of China are actually the eighteen provinces of Handi in the United States.Of course, the thirteen prefectures of the founding of the People's Republic of China are also divided into three, six, and nine grades, so I won't go into details here.

The political color of regional discrimination between the north and the south of the United States is more intense, while the old state area is more economically discriminated against the border areas.

But when Woolsey came to California in person and saw the customs of California with his own eyes, Woolsey was very surprised.

The development of commerce and trade in California has exceeded his imagination, and the industrial scale is also larger than he imagined, and the industrial categories seem to be complete.

It doesn't look backward at all, even a little developed?
It is really inappropriate to compare New York and Philadelphia with San Francisco and Los Angeles in California, and it is very bullying.

However, comparing San Francisco, Los Angeles and the "second-tier cities" of this era in the United States, such as Boston and Baltimore, is not without comparison.

Of course, in comparison, San Francisco and Los Angeles are definitely not as good as Boston and Baltimore.

It's just that when Woolsey subconsciously compares San Francisco and Los Angeles with Boston and Baltimore, Baltimore and Boston have already lost.

After all, the former city was established only five or six years ago, while Baltimore and Boston are both centuries-old cities in the United States.San Francisco and Los Angeles still have a lot of potential to explore.

If there is one point in California that behaves as Woolsey expected, it is that the overall cultural quality of California immigrants is indeed low.

Maybe that's why the speaker of California invited him to come here to run a school?

Woolsey thought wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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