1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 487 Military Investigation

"Since the matter of cooperation in running schools has been negotiated, Yale University is your alma mater, and you are more familiar with Yale professors than we are, so you will be responsible for the specific matters of California State University."

When sending Woolsey and others back to the place where they stayed to rest, Liang Yao said to Rong Hong.He still has high hopes for Yung Wing, the first Chinese who received systematic higher education.

"If Woolsey really wants to be the president of Cal State University, I welcome it. If he just talks about it, you will be the president of Cal State University for the time being."

"I will be the president of California State University?" Yung Wing was flattered, "I just graduated from college, and although I worked as a part-time lecturer at New York University to make ends meet, I am still too young to accept it. Such a heavy responsibility."

"Mr. Yung Wing is humble. You graduated from a top university in the United States. Mr. Woolsey praised you very much. I don't think knowledge is your shortcoming. Your biggest shortcoming is that your resume is too thin."

Seeing that Liang Yao wanted Rong Wing to be the president of California State University, Pillman was a little unhappy. The principal's position must be secured first.

Pearlman does not deny Yung Wing's knowledge. If he wants to compete with Yung Wing for the position of president of California State University, he and Yung Wing who have graduated from high school will definitely not be able to compare in talent and learning.

However, as the Minister of Education at the start-up stage in California, he has a great advantage over Yung Wing in terms of qualifications. Of course, this is also the only advantage of Pearlman.

So Pearlman avoids the question of knowledge, emphasizing the importance of qualifications.

"Secretary Peelman said exactly what he said."

Yung Wing admitted this graciously. Compared with these old Californians, his qualifications are indeed too shallow.

"I don't think so."

In this matter, Liang Yao decided to stand for Yung Wing.

"Mr. Yung Wing assisted us in the matter of international students in California when he was still in college, and was responsible for the liaison between international students and the California Department of Education. Based on this, at least Mr. Yung Wing's qualifications in the California Department of Education are not shallow. Mr. Pearlman ,Am i right?"

"Yes, yes, yes, look at my memory, I have neglected such important things." Pillman dared not say that Liang Yao was wrong.

"That's right." Liang Yao patted Pillman on the shoulder and said earnestly to Pillman.

"California's basic education can be popularized. The contribution of the Department of Education and you, the Secretary of Education, is unquestionable. You have done a good job. Just popularizing basic education is not enough for California, and neither can California's higher education. fall.

The work of the Ministry of Education is very hard, and I can understand that having Mr. Yung Wing in charge of higher education can also relieve your pressure.

Both of you are the pillars of the California education system, and the future education in California depends on you. "

"I see."

Seeing that Liang Yao had already decided to hand over the responsibility of higher education to Yung Wing, Pearlman knew that he was powerless to change Liang Yao's decision, so he didn't say anything more.

At least Liang Yao affirmed his achievements during his tenure as Minister of Education, and his position as Minister is still very stable.

"The state government allocates a budget of $15 to Cal State University every year. Has the Ministry of Finance agreed?"

Pearlman asked about the annual financial appropriation of $15. Although the California state government is rich, the annual appropriation of $15 is not a small amount.

"What I can promise to the outside world must be sure." Liang Yao said.

Financial appropriations of more than $5 are no longer just a matter of the Ministry of Finance. They need to be approved by the Ministry of Finance, and the financial appropriations can only come down after the state legislature votes.

California has overcome the financial difficulties at the beginning of statehood. The first batch of industrial and mining enterprises have paid taxes for two or three years. In addition, the petrochemical industry in Los Angeles also contributes a large part of tax revenue to the state government every year.

This amount of money must still be available.

"Mr. Liang, after the establishment of California State University, I want to find a job in the medical profession." Huang Kuan, who was silent all the time, said.

"It's too good to be useful." Liang Yao didn't have this plan, and he had other plans for Huang Kuan.

"San Francisco Hospital intends to set up a professional medical school. You are a top medical student at the University of Edinburgh. Go and work there when the time comes."

During the prevention and treatment of cholera in 1850, Liang Yao had already concentrated the few medical resources in California at that time and established the first hospital in California.

During the gold rush era, almost every gold rush team would bring a doctor to California to seek gold. These gold diggers did not dare to be sloppy when it came to their own lives. Therefore, doctors who followed the gold rush team to California generally had good medical skills.

The most typical representative is the former Governor Robinson, whose medical skills are very superb.

Therefore, the medical care in California does not have much disadvantage compared with the eastern states.The only shortcoming is that it is far away from the continent, and it will take more time for the latest medical technology to spread to California.

Liang Yao's western brigade also benefited from the relatively rich medical resources in California.

Medical resources are very scarce in this era.

Even under such circumstances, Liang Yao still assigned two professional doctors to each regiment.

At the same time, other American troops could only deploy one doctor per regiment.

Medical resources are more abundant, and the death rate of the Western Brigade can be maintained at a relatively low level both in peacetime and wartime.

However, Liang Yao was not satisfied with this. Two doctors in one regiment were still too few.


After the Crimean War, Elvis returned to California with his military expedition.

He deeply regretted missing the Second Mexican-American War due to a military expedition to the Near East, but the trip was still very rewarding for Elvis.

Seeing the confrontation between the world's top military powers and military powers opened his eyes.

A military conflict of this scale is not comparable to a military conflict in a second-rate country like the United States and Mexico.

"It was too tragic. In the battle of Sevastopol alone, the total casualties of the coalition forces were as high as 69, including 000 deaths. The casualties of the Russian army were even more serious, estimated to be at least 27." die."

After returning to San Francisco, Elvis reported the results of the investigation to Liang Yao.

"It is nothing new to fill in one or two regiments a day. A full regiment goes to the battlefield in the morning and is lucky to come back with a company in the afternoon. This is only the case of the French army, and the Russian army will only worse."

The most intuitive shock to Elvis was the scale and casualties of the Crimean War.

Although Elvis was also from the British Army and served in the British Army.

But after the Battle of Waterloo, Britain has never launched a large-scale war with the power of the whole country, let alone joined forces with France, the number one army power in Europe.

"Modern warfare is a meat grinder." Liang Yao said with emotion, "The European Gendarmerie does not live up to its name even if it is such an ugly exchange ratio in defensive warfare."

The Crimean War has made mankind initially feel the terrifying power of war after industrialization.

The Siege of Sevastopol took place from September 1854 to September 9, and lasted for a full year. This battle was the longest and bloodiest battle during the Crimean War.

The battle ended with the occupation of Sevastopol by the British and French forces.

By the time Elvis's inspection team arrived in Crimea, the war had already entered its final stage.

Liang Yao had expected Russia to be so ugly. 1.5 industrial countries led a group of younger brothers to besiege an agricultural country with no name. No matter how you look at it from any angle, Russia has no possibility of a comeback.

Compared with the coalition forces, apart from a slight advantage in the number of troops, the Russian army can be said to be full of hips.

Britain and France have already used rifled guns at this time, and the Russian army is still using old smoothbore guns, and the gap in artillery is the same.

The most outrageous thing is the gap between the logistics system and the medical system.

There is no need to elaborate on the logistics system. It is not a day or two for the Russian army to pull the hips.

More than 160 years later, the Russian oligarchs did not regard the Russian military mobilization as human beings.It is a bit difficult to expect the Russian aristocrats in the 1850s to treat a group of serfs and livestock as human beings.

The British and French allied forces fought far away from their homeland, and the Russian army fought near their own territory. They had the advantage of fighting at home, and their logistics delivery capabilities were not as good as the British and French ships that transported personnel and materials to the Near East. This is no longer because of sparse railway lines and poor infrastructure. These superficially objective reasons can be explained.

As for the gap in medical care, during the entire war, the number of military doctors in the more than 70 Russian army was only more than 70, and an average of 1 people could be assigned to one doctor.

Even with such a small number of doctors, high-ranking aristocratic officers should be given priority. It is conceivable that the medical situation of the Russian army is terrible.

The United States, which is looked down upon by European countries, can at least equip each regiment with a military doctor who is like a barefoot doctor.

"Meat grinder, that's the right word," Elvis said.

"Although the Russian army has a large number of soldiers, the quality of the soldiers is really not flattering. The Russian army lacks professionalism from soldiers to officers. I have visited the Russian prisoners of war. They are a group of serfs with outdated weapons. In the later period of the war, they even Drive the civilians of Sevastopo out of town to fight."

"Are there any bright spots in the tactics of the British and French troops?"

Liang Yao was not very interested in the situation of the Russian army. What he wanted to hear more was the situation of the coalition army, to be precise, the situation of the British and French troops.

"Yes, here is my investigation report." Elvis handed his investigation report to Liang Yao.

"The British army is good at using the navy to support the French army in combat. The morale of the French army is high and they fight bravely. With the Walter rifles we sold to them, they can often defeat the Russian army several times their own.

The coalition forces most often use the tactics of concentrated firepower when attacking. The coalition forces like to take advantage of the range of their guns and sufficient ammunition to suppress the Russian defense line with firepower and cover the advancing infantry to break through the Russian defense line.

When defending, the coalition forces like to use trench tactics, which is to dig trenches at the front as bunkers for defense. The Russian army also learned this tactic later.

But in terms of using trench tactics, the coalition forces are not as good as us. Their trenches are more casually dug, and they are not as particular about us.

But these are all things in the later period of the war. I have talked with the officers of the British army and the French army. At the beginning of the war, they still used the execution queue tactics, so there were quite a lot of casualties. "

The so-called execution queue tactic is to line up and shoot. It can also be seen from this that although backward tactics can no longer keep up with advanced new weapons, countries such as Britain and France are already working hard to improve existing infantry tactics to adapt to new weapons.

"What novel weapons can the British and French troops use?" Liang Yao continued to ask.

"The British army's application of cannons is very ingenious and flexible. During the siege of Selstopol, in order to attack the Russian fortifications, Colonel Abbott, a British royal engineer, invented the floating fort technology.

The basic structure of a floating turret consists of two parts: one is the platform, which is usually a buoy or hull, capable of holding heavy artillery and crew; the other is the artillery, usually a large-caliber cannon or howitzer.

This turret can be towed by a tugboat, or it can be driven by an independent power system.

The British artillery often used this kind of fort close to the coastline, shooting outside the effective range of the Russian artillery, and the Russian artillery could only stare blankly at these floating forts of the British army.

Even if the British army sometimes entered the range of the Russian artillery in order to hit the Russian fortifications more accurately, these forts often moved after firing a few shots."

"These are all valuable reference materials." Liang Yao asked while reading the investigation report while listening to Elvis' narration.

"If one day the British army uses this kind of fort to attack our Jinmen Fort, do you have a way to break it?"

The Kinmen Fort is a fortification composed of forts on the north and south sides of the Kinmen Strait. This strait, which is only 1.6-3 kilometers wide from north to south, is the last key to the Pacific Ocean leading to Jinshan Bay.

If war breaks out with sea power countries in the future, the Golden Gate Fort is San Francisco's last insurance.

Once the enemy ship breaks through the Jinmen Strait, the entire coastal area of ​​Jinshan Bay will be under the attack of the enemy's artillery.

"Fighting the British army? I haven't considered this issue yet, and I always feel that fighting the British army is too far away." Elvis was taken aback.

"Your thinking is bad, the more you feel that the war is far away, the closer the war will be to you." Liang Yao criticized, "Don't talk about the far, let's talk about the near. The British are now relying on our Bellingham. Let’s go, this matter still gives me a very headache.”

Elvis pulled his beard under his chin, and said thoughtfully: "Our forts are fixed, while the enemy's floating forts are mobile, if we use fixed large forts to fight small moving ones, we will suffer.

Maybe we can follow the practice of the British in Crimea and lay mines to block the waterways.But the best way is to use a small gunboat.Our loach boat has Sacramento rapid-fire guns, which can take advantage of the fast firing rate of Sacramento guns to kill the occupants on these floating turrets. "

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