1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 50 The Conscious Citizen

Chapter 50 The Conscious Citizen
It was a quarter past three in the afternoon when the Sacramento arrived in San Francisco.

Liang Yao prepared the white coats, gloves and masks that had just been sewn by the garment factory for the doctors.

Doctors in this era do not have customary uniforms, especially since most of these doctors are doctors from private clinics, and they usually wear casual clothes when they go out to see a doctor.

It was not until the end of the 19th century when medical and health technology exploded that white coats gradually became the standard equipment for medical workers.

Liang Yao didn't know why later generations chose white coats instead of coats of other colors.However, this is something that has been tested by history, and there is nothing wrong with using it directly.

The reason why he let these doctors wear uniform white coats is to make it easier for patients to find doctors in the crowd.

San Francisco already accommodated 756 cholera patients, which already seemed a bit crowded.

Now more than 1800 patients from Sacramento have poured in, making this humble hospital even more overcrowded.

Fortunately, people from the Loyalty Society and Legion were maintaining order in the hospital, and the scene was fairly orderly.When encountering some disobedient ones, it's just a matter of going up and smashing the butts of two guns.

The doctors had already negotiated on the ship. What they have to do today is to divide these patients into mild, moderate and severe patients, place them in different areas, and start formal treatment tomorrow.

Liang Yao had sent the luggage of the doctors to a hotel near the hospital. In order to accommodate these doctors and volunteers who came to help, he specially set aside a hotel to provide free board and lodging for these medical staff.

Sven found out that Liang Yao was in the hospital, and came to the hospital alone to look for Liang Yao.

"The San Francisco shipyard has repaired a small steamer, and I hope this steamer can be included in my fleet." Sven explained his purpose.

After the inland route between San Francisco and Sacramento opened, Liang Yao dispatched two steamships in the best condition from Sven's fleet to operate the inland route, including the Sacramento that Sven loves so much.

"Is our shipyard capable of repairing a steamship? I recall the report saying that the steamship was badly damaged."

The shipyard successfully repaired the severely damaged steamship, which made Liang Yao feel a little happy.

“The San Francisco shipyard recruited several experienced ship repairers from among the miners who had previously repaired steamships at the New Orleans shipyard,” Sven said.

"It's a good thing. From being able to repair only slightly damaged steam ships to now being able to repair severely damaged steam ships, we have taken a big step forward. Next, we can try to build small steam ships."

Liang Yao rubbed his hands a little excitedly, and the joy was vivid on the paper.

The traffic in California is blocked, and for a long time to come, shipping will be the main mode of communication and trade between California and the outside world.

He can choose to spend money to buy steam ships from the eastern part of the United States, or even place direct orders with shipyards in Europe.

But buying it directly is far less reliable than building it yourself. Moreover, being able to build ships yourself can also drive related industries around and provide more jobs for California.

When the gold rush subsides and gold becomes more and more difficult to find, the crazy Californians will gradually return to rationality, and this place that was born due to the gold rush will also embark on a normal development track.

By then, how many jobs can be provided will determine whether California can develop stably.

"Ship repair and shipbuilding are two different things."

Sven coughed dryly. He accidentally discovered that Ephrida, the wife of Fleige, was walking in his direction. He hurriedly said a word to Liang Yao, and pulled up his collar to cover half of his face. It disappeared into the crowded crowd.

"This restored steamship will be my new flagship."

Liang Yao was baffled, until he saw Ephrida walking towards him, he suddenly realized.

"Hi, Mrs. Flagg, long time no see."

Liang Yao stretched out his gloved hand to Mrs. Flage.

"Mr. Liang, I heard that the hospital was short of manpower, so I asked some of my neighbors to volunteer at the hospital, hoping to help."

Everida and Liang Yao shook hands and said.

Behind her were five or six women around her age, who were looking at Liang Yao curiously.Some people spoke English, some people spoke Spanish and were discussing something.

It's just that the surrounding environment is relatively noisy, and Liang Yao can't hear their conversation clearly.But I think it's also gossip among some housewives.

"We really need manpower. There are more than [-] patients here, but we only have about [-] doctors. On behalf of these cholera patients, I thank you and all the enthusiastic volunteers."

Liang Yao sincerely expressed his gratitude to Mrs. Flagg and those enthusiastic housewives.

"Don't say that, we should be thanking you. Since you arrived in San Francisco, you can buy more goods in San Francisco, and the prices are cheaper than before. The security situation is also much better, No longer have to worry about gangsters breaking in, looting property, threatening you with a knife.

And now with your generosity, California's first hospital."

"Cough cough." Liang Yao coughed twice in embarrassment, "This is what a conscious citizen should do. I remember that your home is a little far from here. You and these volunteers can choose to work with these doctors." Like you, you can rest at the hotel at night, or you can choose to go home, and I will send someone to escort you to ensure your safety."

The peninsula next to San Francisco Bay looks like a sticking out thumb from the map of the Americas.

On the northeast corner of the peninsula is the rapidly expanding urban area of ​​San Francisco.

San Francisco had changed so much that Kony could barely recognize the place.

Two years ago, when he first came to this place, the urban area in front of him was still a village called Yerba Buena Village. The name of the village had a strong Spanish flavor, because it had just become the United States of America at that time. territory.

He vaguely remembered that there were only more than 12 buildings here at that time, and only [-] of them were shops.

Of course, just like the slums in the big cities in the east, there were more than [-] simple wooden houses around the village of Yerva Buena at that time.

He misses the short time in San Francisco. In that short but beautiful time, without his father's control, he felt unprecedented freedom.Even the air I breathe is more comfortable than before, full of freedom.

He could do whatever he wanted in San Francisco with the money his father gave him.

Whoring, gambling, smoking opium, drinking, bragging, and fighting rough miners when you are in a bad mood.

No New York red tape, no nasty cops and sheriffs, no going to jail and waiting for my dad to pay to get him out and then beat him up.

If he had money, he would stay in this depraved place until he died of old age.

Since he is a fallen person in the eyes of the world, then the most suitable place for him is naturally a fallen place.

"Listen to me, you unworthy fellow, this is your last chance. If it's the same as last time, I will expel you from the Vanderbilt family's house without hesitation!"

Vanderbilt gave Coney a stern warning by hitting Coney hard on the back of the head.He knew exactly what was going on in this shriveled boy's head.

(End of this chapter)

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