1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 517 The Bottom Line

Politicians are born gamblers.

A typical representative among them is British Prime Minister Churchill. Before the war, the Chamberlain government advocated appeasement, and he sang a high-pitched anti-appeasement tone.

After the war, Clement, the Prime Minister of the Labor Party, was pro-Soviet, and he sang anti-Soviet high-profile.

Fortunately, Churchill won the bet twice when he sang against the tune, and successfully ascended the throne of prime minister.

Buchanan was not as lucky as Churchill. He ran for the presidency four times, and Buchanan sang the opposite in the first three times. It was not until the fourth election on behalf of the Democratic Party that the 65-year-old Buchanan won the White House as he wished.

The age of 65 is not young to be president. Before Buchanan, only the ninth president, William Henry Harrison, was 68 years old, older than Buchanan.

The rest of the presidents are younger than Buchanan, and Buchanan's predecessor, Fillmore, was only 50 years old when he became president.

Buchanan's rich resume, at best, is rich in political experience, at worst, it means that his career has not been smooth.

Singing against the previous government is the norm for Western politicians.

Buchanan also inherited this characteristic of Western politicians, to be precise, part of it.

The former President Fillmore pursued a policy of being close to the Chinese, while Buchanan did the opposite and pursued a policy of alienating the Chinese.

As for the most critical North-South issue, Buchanan and his cabinet continued the policy of peace and harmony and chose to evade.

At first, Buchanan believed that the Chinese, as a minority group that had just emerged in recent years, had limited influence, and regarded them as the same as Irish immigrants.

Buchanan ignored the fact that the Chinese consortium was much stronger than the Irish immigrants.

Politically, the Chinese consortium directly controlled the votes in three states.

The economic influence and political discourse power of the two are completely different.

When the anti-Chinese riots just broke out, Buchanan did not stop them immediately, but chose to stand on the sidelines.

The economic crisis has made people irritable and irritable, and these irritable and irritable people need someone to vent to.

As a wealthy ethnic minority, Chinese Americans are obviously a very suitable target for venting.

Buchanan hopes to divert the conflict and buy enough time for him to deal with this sudden and menacing economic crisis.

It's just that he made a wrong calculation, the Chinese are not Irish.

During this period, Irish-Americans of the wealthy class in the United States generally did not take the initiative to admit that they were Irish-born, and preferred to rely on their identities to those of English and Scottish descent.

The Chinese are different. If you don't admit that you are Chinese, can you admit that you are Japanese?
What's more, compared with the Irish, the Chinese have ethnic leaders with extremely strong strength and attitude, which is something that the Irish do not currently have.

"Your Excellency, the voters of the west coast states are very disappointed with you and your cabinet's inaction." Pan Zhengwei didn't give Buchanan a good face. He directly threw the "Statement of Strike" and the "West Coast Tri-State High Federal Government Letter" on the president. on the desk.

"You don't forget that you were able to sit in this seat, and the states on the west coast also contributed votes."

Pan Shicheng's Chinglish, Buchanan took a while to understand Pan Shicheng's words.

"Mr. Pan, please sit down." Buchanan pointed to the chair opposite, motioning for Pan Zhengwei to sit down and talk.

"It's a pity that things have developed to this point, and I don't want to see this situation.

As you know, I have to deal with many important things every day, and it is inevitable that there will be omissions."

Although Pan Shicheng could not speak English well and had a strong accent, his English listening was still very good. Before Buchanan could finish speaking, he interrupted Buchanan's words: "Your Excellency, the President means that the personal safety of American citizens And the safety of property is not a matter of great importance to you."

"Congressman Pan misunderstood me. The personal safety and property safety of citizens are of course very important."

Pan Zhengwei's tough and rude attitude displeased Buchanan, but Buchanan still controlled his emotions and did not attack.

The economic situation in the eastern states was not optimistic, and the strike of Chinese businessmen made the economy and people's livelihood in the eastern states even worse.

Before the Chinese businessmen went on strike, people in the eastern region could not only enjoy industrial products and petrochemical products from the west coast, mainly California.You can also enjoy Chinese specialties that are cheaper than those in European markets.

After the Chinese merchants went on strike, these products disappeared from the shelves almost overnight.

Residents of the eastern states have long complained about this.

Buchanan now has a lot of problems to solve, and because there are so many problems, the problems need to be solved one by one.

Buchanan hopes that Chinese businessmen can end the strike as soon as possible to alleviate the current bad economic situation, improve people's livelihood, and of course, the most important thing is to increase the government's low support rate.

With the current support rate, Buchanan is thankful that he can serve as president for a full term, and it is wishful thinking to want to be re-elected.

Therefore, Buchanan did not offend Pan Zhengwei, a representative from the three states on the west coast, because of his tough attitude.

"Since it is important, why did your Excellency turn a deaf ear to the riots against Chinese businessmen and Chinese in the eastern region and did nothing? We have sent inquiries to Washington several times on this matter, but you have not given us a satisfactory answer once." Pan Zhengwei still has a look The attitude of provoking the teacher.

"Sixty-eight Chinese citizens were killed in the riots, and countless others were injured. According to rough statistics, our direct economic losses have exceeded US$68 million in just one month."

"I express my deep sympathy and apologies for this. This is my dereliction of duty." Buchanan bowed slightly to Pan Zhengwei to express his apology, and then said.

"Your chamber of commerce loses more than tens of thousands of dollars in daily market strikes. In order to reduce economic losses, your chamber of commerce should cancel the strike and restore normal market order."

"The loss of normal market order in the eastern market is not caused by us. We are also citizens of the United States. We also hope that the United States will have a good economic environment." Pan Shicheng's attitude is very firm.

"I'm a businessman. I love money very much, but some things are more important than money. For these things, we would rather suffer the loss of money."


After the assistant served the tea, Buchanan made a tea-inviting gesture and invited Pan Shicheng to drink tea.

"Fairness and dignity." Pan Zhengwei straightened his somewhat stooped back.

No matter how rich or small the merchants of the Thirteen Banks in Guangzhou are, they are the emperor Nanku, the fat pigs of the Qing Dynasty.As long as the person in the capital city says a word, no matter how much wealth you have accumulated, it will be wiped out in an instant.

This is the direct reason why Pan Zhengwei, who is over 60 years old, still chooses to cross the ocean and buy property in the United States.

First, he wanted to prepare a way out for the Pan family, and second, he also wanted to stand up and make money.

"How to deal with the aftermath, your Chamber of Commerce can cancel the strike."

By this time, Buchanan knew that it was impossible for Chinese businessmen to cancel the strike unconditionally.

"The conditions for canceling the strike have already been written on it." Pan Zhengwei pointed to the two documents that had just fallen on the president's desk.

Buchanan nodded, took the glasses and documents handed over by his assistant and read them carefully.

The other party’s requirements can be summarized as follows.

One: Severely punish the perpetrators involved.

There is no problem with this, and the law and order in the eastern region should indeed be improved.Otherwise, the restoration of normal social order will be far away.

Second: The federal government issued a public statement apologizing for the recent series of atrocities and racial discrimination against the Chinese.

This is barely acceptable.After all, my prestige in the Buchanan government has fallen to the bottom. As long as the economy can improve, it is not unacceptable for him and the cabinet members to apologize.Perhaps this move can also improve his image.

The third: provide compensation for the victims and injured in this incident, and compensate the losses of Chinese merchants.

Seeing this, Buchanan hesitated.

The federal government's finances are currently in dire straits, otherwise Buchanan would not have touched upon the always sensitive issue of tariff rates.

The compensation for the victims and the injured may be affordable, but it may be difficult to compensate for the losses of all merchants.

"The perpetrators involved should be punished as they should be. The federal government is also responsible for this incident. I, the president, should come forward and apologize." Buchanan took off his glasses, rubbed his sore eyes and said.

"It's just about compensation. The federal government is really powerless. I hope you can understand my difficulties."

"Then who can understand the plight of those poor victims? If there is no financial compensation, how will the families of the victims and the injured survive in the future?" Pan Zhengwei said seriously.

"Your Excellency, this is not a business, and there is no room for bargaining."

"I also sympathize with the victims and injured, but the federal government really has no money. This is by no means me deceiving you and bargaining with you. If you don't believe me, I can call the Minister of Finance." Buchanan said in a very embarrassed tone. said.

"I also understand the difficulties of the federal government. I didn't say that the federal government must pay the money. The federal government bears some responsibility for this matter, but not all of it." Pan Zhengwei reminded.

"I know some about the politics of the Qing Dynasty. Your Excellency, the president is not the emperor. The states in the United States are independent political entities. I have no right to issue orders to the states." Buchanan shook his head and said.

Not to mention that the president cannot issue orders to the states, not to mention the issue of money. It is extremely difficult to get the following states to spend money.

When Buchanan was a member of the Pennsylvania State Council when he was young, he knew very well what the state-level government and parliament looked like.

"I didn't say that." Pan Zhengwei said slyly, "Although the president is not the emperor, but you are the president, you will always have a way."

Cunning old fox, Buchanan cursed secretly in his heart, did you still say it?All it takes is telling me to put pressure on the states.

"Your Excellency, I have conveyed to you the attitude of Chinese businessmen in California and the West Coast. The above requirements are our bottom line." Pan Zhengwei glanced at Buchanan and was about to get up and leave.

"In addition, Chairman Liang asked me to tell you that the Qing Dynasty intends to run a shipping administration, and wants to find a reliable partner in Western countries. Currently, Chairman Liang has used personal connections to negotiate with the commissioner of the Qing Dynasty and the Deputy Minister of War. this matter.

Speaker Liang is worried that if this matter is not properly resolved, it will damage the international image of the United States, and it will be difficult for the Qing Dynasty to explain it. "

"Your Excellency, please stop!" Hearing this, Buchanan hurriedly stood up and grabbed Pan Zhengwei.

"What did you just say? The Qing Dynasty wants to run a shipping administration? What's going on here?"

"Specifically, in order to strengthen coastal defense, the Qing Dynasty wanted to build a modern navy, build a modern shipyard, and build a modern fort, but they don't have the relevant experience and technology." Pan Zhengwei sighed loudly.

"Hey~ The commissioner and minister of the Qing Dynasty came to California. After learning about this, they were very angry. They angrily denounced the United States as a barbaric country and could not cooperate with it. If it hadn't been for Speaker Liang's hard work to persuade them to stay, the commissioner and minister of the Qing Dynasty might have transferred to California by now. Now off to France."

Establishing a navy, setting up a shipyard, and repairing forts are all defense projects that are more expensive than the last.

At present, the federal government's finances are tight, and Buchanan is also worried that he will not be able to broaden the channels of fiscal revenue.

Furthermore, besides money, what Buchanan needs most now is political achievements. If this can be achieved, Buchanan will not only gain much-needed political achievements, but also alleviate some financial problems, and increase the influence of the United States in the Far East. Strength can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, Buchanan felt a little light-headed.

Buchanan enthusiastically shook Pan Zhengwei's veteran hand, and said excitedly: "Speaker Liang, please make sure to retain the commissioners and ministers of the Qing Dynasty! Bring them to Washington to meet me. I will take care of this matter soon!" "

As he spoke, Buchanan called his assistant and asked the assistant to inform the Secretary of State that he was going to convene Congress.

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