1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 520 Whig is dead, the republic should be established

With the nailing ceremony over, there are other festivities in Provo.

However, Liang Yao was not interested in participating in these trivial celebrations. After being interviewed by the media, Liang Yao invited Lincoln and Fillmore, two old friends, to sit on his special train.

"General, is there something that has been deeply troubling you recently?"

As Liang Yaozheng moved to get on his special train, a noisy voice came from his ears. Needless to say, the speaker was none other than Brigham Young, who still had red palm prints on his cheeks.Brigham Young was trying to be mysterious and used the classic rhetoric of the magic stick.

“There is a Mormon church in Provo.”

Before Brigham Young could finish speaking, Liang Yao interrupted Brigham Young unceremoniously: "I am handsome and rich, have a harmonious family, a happy married life, a smooth job, and recently I have been prosperous in officialdom and wealth. I don't have any worries. If you don't want to get slapped, Disappear from me now!"

Kruger on the side was eager to try, and Brigham Young was so frightened that he ran away.

"Is this Brigham Young?" Fillmore glanced at Brigham Young.

"This man is also courageous, and the preaching has come to you."

"Do you know him?" Liang Yao asked.

"Knowing him, appointing him as the governor of Utah Territory, Colonel Utah, is the stupidest personnel appointment I have made during my tenure." Fillmore sighed.

When Fillmore first became president, American control of the West was not secure.

Therefore, in 1851, in order to strengthen his control over the Utah area and reduce the living space of the Indians, Fillmore appointed Mormon leader Brigham Young as the territorial governor and colonel of the Utah area, in charge of the government and military affairs here.

After boarding the train, Lincoln looked out of the window of the special train at the Mormons who were distributing leaflets, free food, and performing religious performances to railway workers and new immigrants, and said worriedly.

"This man should not be underestimated. I heard that he has [-] to [-] loyal believers in the Utah area, and he uses the property donated by believers to buy firearms on a large scale in order to fight against the Indians.

Religious supremacy over secular rule is never a good thing.If the government does not step in to solve the religious problem in Utah as soon as possible, the consequences will be disastrous. "

Lincoln was a Christian. As the leader of an emerging political party in the secular world, he naturally had no good impression of a blatantly unconstitutional cult like Mormonism.

Lincoln's judgment was still very accurate.

Historically, just this year, Brigham Young led his Mormons in the Utah Territory to try to establish a relatively independent political and social system, which triggered the monitoring and intervention of the federal government.

The federal government sent officials to the Utah Territory to replace Brigham Young as the secular leader of the Utah Territory.

Brigham Young blatantly refused to hand over secular power, and in order to prevent federal government forces from entering the Utah area, Brigham Young openly led armed believers to blockade the Utah area.

In this context, the American government sent troops to the Utah area to stabilize the situation in the Utah area and ensure the authority of the federal government.Known as the Utah War.

The general sent to Utah during this war was Brigadier General Albert Johnston.Albert Johnston thus replaced Brigham Young's secular position in Utah and became the new military governor of Utah.

It's just that the cleansing of the Mormons in this war was not thorough. Even Brigham Young, the chief culprit, was not tried as he should be, and is still at large in front of his religious leaders.

Therefore, although the Utah War ended at a small cost, it did not prevent the further spread of Mormonism in Utah and other nearby territories.As a result, the religion's legacy has spread to the 21st century.

"It's just a clown. I will never allow this cult to spread in the west." Liang Yao said after sitting down.

"Let's not mention him. Buchanan is not blind. He should be able to see the problems in Utah." Lincoln looked back from the window.

"I don't think so." Fillmore did not agree with Lincoln's view.

"When it comes to dealing with racial discrimination and persecution against Chinese people, Mr. Buchanan pretends to be confused. It's better not to have too high expectations for Mr. Buchanan."

"Your Excellency Fillmore, I heard that the Whig Party has been disbanded?" Liang Yao asked Fillmore.

"The Whig Party has indeed become history." Fillmore lamented the dissolution of the Whig Party.

"I have now joined the Republican Party in the hope that the Republican Party will fill the void left by the dissolution of the Whig Party."

The implication of Fillmore's words was that he hoped that the Republican Party could replace the Whig Party in the past and become the ruling party.

Liang Yao was not too surprised by the final dissolution of the Whig Party.

The organization of the Democratic Party is more rigorous than that of the Whig Party. Although the Democratic Party also has intra-party differences, relying on the Democratic Party's strict organization and deep political background, the Democratic Party can still survive.

The Whig Party did not have the same good fortune as the Democratic Party. In addition to being loosely organized and without a clear party program and constitution, the Whig Party also lacked strong party bosses who could unite party members.Splits within the party inevitably led to the dissolution of this loose party.

Perhaps Fillmore, who had served as president, could barely be regarded as a Whig leader, and his abilities were acceptable.

It's a pity that Fillmore, who came from a poor background, has extremely limited political resources and contacts, and cannot save the dying Whig Party.

Fillmore's joining the Republican Party brought many like-minded former Whig members to the Republican Party, which greatly strengthened the power of the Republican Party.

Forming political alliances with small parties and absorbing former Whig abolitionist members were key reasons for the rapid rise of the Republican Party in a short period of time.

As for why the Citizens did not admit ex-Whig members, the reason was simple: there was a price to be paid for any deal.

Absorbing members of the former Whig Party can certainly quickly enhance the influence of the Civic Party in the east in the short term.

But the Civic Party has to make a clear statement on the abolition of slavery and slavery, otherwise it will be like the ruling Democratic Party.

Liang Yao did not want to intervene in the conflict between the north and the south prematurely.

"The Republican Party is rising strongly. Although the Democratic Party is still in power, it is still unpopular after all. I think the Republican Party has great hope of becoming the ruling party in the next election." Liang Yao glanced at Lincoln.

Lincoln raised his head and said: "The Citizens Party is now also a major party, controlling the votes of the three West Coast states. Mr. Robinson, a member of your party, not only serves as the governor of Kansas, but also actively develops party members in the central region.

If I remember correctly, Mr. Garrett, president of the Atlantic Railroad Company, is also a member of your party.As far as I know, Mr. Garrett is now also a member of the Maryland House of Representatives. "

"The development speed of the Civic Party is not worth mentioning compared to the Republican Party." Liang Yao said.

This is not because he is being modest. The Civic Party is indeed developing far slower than the Republican Party.

"Is the Citizens interested in running in the next election?" Lincoln asked tentatively.

"Not interested." Liang Yao replied very simply and decisively.

"The Civic Party's top priority is to develop the west and develop the economy in the west, and it has no interest in wading into the muddy waters in the east."

Both Lincoln and Fillmore were somewhat surprised that the Citizens did not participate in the next election.

Currently, the Kuomintang is the second largest opposition party after the Republican Party.

The Republican Party and the Civic Party are the opposition parties most likely to fill the vacancy of the ruling party.

Liang Yao has strong financial resources and high prestige among the people. He also has a certain influence in some elite circles in the east.

If Liang Yao participated in the election as a representative of the Civic Party, the success rate would be relatively high.

Liang Yao didn't look like someone without ambitions, so how could he not be interested in going further?
"There are fewer and fewer politicians in the United States who are as pragmatic as you." Lincoln said with emotion.

"At least America still has you, Mr. Lincoln." Liang Yao thanked Lincoln.

"This time, Chinese businessmen suffered unfair treatment in the east. You did a lot. You not only published articles in newspapers and periodicals to support the Chinese people in fighting for their legitimate rights and interests, but also led the Republican Party to put pressure on the government. As a Chinese, I would like to thank you on behalf of the Chinese."

"Don't thank me, I'm just practicing my political views with actions." Lincoln said.

"I am opposed to racial discrimination and the oppression of black people in the South. Naturally, I am also opposed to discrimination against Chinese people in the East. The United States is a country of immigrants, and racial issues are the biggest internal problems that the United States faces.

As long as the racial issue is not resolved, the United States will lose hope of rising to become a first-class power.

The United States has a unique geographical advantage and is the only major country in the world that spans two oceans.

The only force that can stop America's rise is ourselves. "

"What about the Indians? Mr. Lincoln?" Liang Yao asked Lincoln another more pointed question.

"Indians?" Lincoln paused for a moment and quickly replied.

"If the Indians can abandon their barbaric and backward way of life and embrace a civilized society, they should receive equal national treatment."

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