1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 522 Live the way I hate the most

"I will try my best to fight for this matter, but there is one thing, the ship administration with the Qing Dynasty must be led by the San Francisco Shipyard." This is Liang Yao's request.

The Qing Dynasty has not yet determined the partner of the shipping administration.Moreover, Buchanan was not qualified to bargain with Liang Yao on this matter.

Whether he can get this project depends on Liang Yao, so Buchanan had no choice but to agree.

"San Francisco Shipyard is the leader in the shipbuilding industry in the United States. As long as it can be won, San Francisco Shipyard should have the priority to participate in ship administration."

"Your Excellency Buchanan, do you understand the events in Utah?" Liang Yao talked about the events in Utah.

Arguably, Utah is farther east and closer to the west coast.

Liang Yao wanted to move the Utah region, but the federal government was beyond its reach.What's more, the Mormons in Utah have long been street rats in the eastern states, and everyone shouts and beats them.

Not only will there not be any pressure from public opinion to move them, Christians in the east will also applaud for it.

However, Liang Yao still planned to say hello to the federal government in advance, so that he would be famous for attacking the Mormons in Utah in the future, and it was justified.

Furthermore, Liang Yao wanted to install one of his own people in the Utah region as the local Governor of the Utah Territory.This matter must be done through the federal government.

"You mean the local Mormons?"

When this was mentioned, Buchanan's face became very ugly.

"These heretics are indeed outrageous, and the crimes committed by their bishops are unspeakable. Only an incompetent president like Fillmore would appoint a scum like Brigham Young as governor and grant military power! This bastard Fillmore, during his tenure, He didn’t do anything serious and left me with such a mess that was hard to clean up.”

Inside the Oval Office, Buchanan berates Fillmore for venting clarity.

Liang Yao didn't care, he wasn't scolding him anyway, he just sat quietly on a chair drinking coffee and listening to Buchanan scolding.

After scolding to the fullest, Buchanan returned to the topic.

"Around Christmas, I sent someone to communicate with Brigham Young and asked Brigham Young to resign. Unexpectedly, this guy defied the authority of the federal government, not only refused to hand over power, but also humiliated the cabinet member I sent to spread the word. I am now Consider forcibly removing him from his post."

"For this kind of heresy that despises the authority of the federal government and blasphemes God, not only should he be dismissed from office, but his dirty body should be burned to death, so that his soul can be completely purified." Liang Yao said.

"Mormonism must also be eliminated, otherwise there will be a second, third, and even more Brigham Young. As long as Mormonism exists, people like Brigham Young will have the soil to survive."

"You are very reasonable."

The two had surprisingly consistent attitudes towards the Mormons in the Utah Territory, but soon Buchanan hesitated, showing worry on his face.

"Mormons are extremist religious elements and worship Brigham Young as a god. And Brigham Young had a large number of militiamen and armed believers. It would not be easy to remove him from his post and make him bow his head and confess his crime. The army would need to be deployed."

Deploying an army Deploying an army requires money.

Sending troops to a frontier as far away as Utah required more money.

Without money, it is difficult to move an inch. If the federal government had ample financial resources, Buchanan would not let a master like Brigham Young be so arrogant.Send troops to Utah early to catch this magic stick to Washington for questioning.Buchanan would not be affected by this bird.

"Your Excellency, I am willing to do this for you." Liang Yao volunteered.

Buchanan slapped his forehead and suddenly realized: "Look, look at my brain, I was almost mad. You are the commander of the Western Brigade, and your station is closest to the Utah Territory. It is up to you to complete this task." It couldn't be more appropriate.


"Just what?" Liang Yao frowned.

"It's just that the federal government's finances are very tight. I heard that the salaries of officers and soldiers in the western brigade are higher than those in the east." Buchanan said embarrassingly.

Liang Yao didn't know whether Buchanan said this intentionally or accidentally.

Whether he did it on purpose or not, just continue negotiating terms.

"I understand the difficulties of the federal government." Liang Yao and Buchanan talked about the conditions.

"Your Excellency, I have a small suggestion: the new governor of Utah Territory must be jointly recommended by the three states on the west coast. The new governor will carry out secular transformation of Utah Territory."

Right now, the eastern part of the federal government is too busy to take care of itself, let alone Utah Territory, which is more than 2000 miles away from Washington.

It is better to use the position of Governor of the Utah Territory in exchange for Liang Yao to send troops to Utah, and then secularize the Utah region afterward, than to let the Utah Territory be in the hands of a group of magic sticks.

Nor did Buchanan want the Mormons to repeat the Mayflower festivities in Utah Territory during his presidency.

Buchanan got up and paced back and forth in the Oval Office, weighing the pros and cons.

If Mormonism is allowed to continue to develop, it will inevitably spread to other surrounding territories.

The federal government of the United States has always been very weak in its ability to control the territories. If the cancer of Mormonism spreads to the entire west, it becomes the mainstream religion in the west.

At that time, it will not be a problem that can be solved simply by sending troops.

Liang Yao is at least a politician in the mainstream secular world of America, and to some extent he can also represent the federal government.

With the federal government's generals controlling the Utah Territory, the federal government could at least maintain a relatively effective control over the Utah Territory.

Of course, the price is that Liang Yao himself and the influence of the Chinese on the west coast will further expand in the western region.

But this is a headache for the next president. I, Buchanan, will bear the reputation of the next president who will succeed in purging the Mormons and regaining control of the Utah Territory for the federal government.

After all, Buchanan still lived the way he hated the most.

"The West Coast is closer to Utah Territory, and the congressmen of the three states on the West Coast have a better understanding of the situation in Utah Territory. Your suggestion has its merits. I personally agree to adopt your suggestion. I will be in the cabinet later. Discuss this issue."


Virginia, a land of outstanding people, is known as the cradle of American presidents.

Nine of the fifteen antebellum presidents were from Southern states, and seven of those nine Southern state presidents were from Virginia.

Among the first five presidents of the United States (1789-1825), except for the second president, John Adams, who was from Massachusetts, the remaining four presidents were from Virginia.

Prominent among these Virginia presidents were George Washington, the founding president of the United States, and Thomas Jefferson, the third president.

This shows that in the agricultural era of America, Virginia had absolute say and influence across the country.

As the United States gradually moved from the agricultural age to the industrial age, the influence of Virginia and even the entire South was gradually declining.

After 1825, the presidential candidates of the southern states no longer had an advantage in running for the presidency, and the proportion of southern congressmen, especially members of the House of Representatives, in Congress gradually declined.

In recent years, the three west coast states that have been established successively have all joined the United States as free states. The original situation of equal numbers of senators from slave states and free states was also broken with the establishment of California.

Although after the Second Mexican-American War, the southern slave states integrated the former northeastern states of Mexico and established New South Mexico, winning two valuable Senate seats for the South.

But this is still difficult to change the decline of slave states in the Senate and House of Representatives.

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