1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 579 The Arsenal of the South

Chapter 579 The Arsenal of the South

Thanks to the transfer of technology and production lines from the Sacramento Arsenal, as well as orders from southern states. Austin Armory has had a particularly prosperous life since its inception.

The Austin Arsenal has never had a headache for orders. Instead, production problems have been plaguing the Austin Arsenal.

Even though the Sacramento Arsenal supported a group of skilled workers at the Austin Arsenal and moved three production lines, the output of the Austin Arsenal still could not meet the huge demand in the south.

Although by June 1859, with the joint efforts of California and Texas, the Austin Arsenal was able to produce 6 Walter M70 rifles of various types and 1851 Colt revolvers per day.

In terms of artillery, the Austin Arsenal can also produce 20 Napoleon cannons of different calibers per month. Of course, if it is the production of rifled Napoleon cannons, the output will be lower.

Different from the Sacramento Arsenal, in the early days of the Sacramento Arsenal, there was only one stable buyer like the Western Brigade. Among the three major departments of the Sacramento Arsenal, only the pistol department was profitable. The remaining two departments, the rifle production department and the cannon production department, were in Cree. Before the Mia War, it was in a state of loss for a long time.

The Austin Arsenal does not have this problem. The weapons produced by the Austin Arsenal are all weapons that have been proven in actual combat. Even the French army is full of praise and has a good reputation. Coupled with the huge demand for arms throughout the South, the Austin Arsenal almost never experienced a loss stage.

"The arsenal in Austin is one of the few arsenals in the entire south that can be compared with the traditional arsenals in the north." The former governor of Texas and one of the largest shareholders of the Austin arsenal, Liang Yao's father-in-law Bell, accompanied him. The black servant took a Walter M1851 rifle in his hand and said with confidence.

The fact that the three regular infantry regiments of the Western Brigade retired the Walter M1851 rifle does not mean that the performance of the Walter M181 rifle has become outdated.

On the contrary, compared with the rifles equipped by various countries at the same time, the performance of the Walter M1851 rifle, even the export model M1851E rifle, is at a relatively leading level.

As for why the Western Brigade retired a reliable weapon that is still at the leading level and has been tested in actual combat, it is because the Western Brigade has better choices.

The 19th century was a century when mankind officially entered the industrial age. Science and technology were changing with each passing day and progressing rapidly. Especially in the military field, it only takes ten or twenty years for a weapon to go from advanced to outdated.

"This gun is really beautiful." Former Texas Senator and current Texas Governor Ron also praised the gun.

Ron was very fortunate that he represented Texas and supported California at the critical moment of California's statehood, and established a deep friendship with California.

It now appears that this decision was the wisest he has ever made since entering politics. Being friendly with California will bring Texas not only the initial compensation of $1000 million, but real long-term benefits.

If the three West Coast states did not give priority to purchasing Texas raw materials, Texans would not be much better off than other southern states.

The Austin Arsenal, which the California consortium helped them build, has now become a business card of Texas.

Thinking back to when California was established as a state nine years ago, California was still a border state with a population of less than 20, and Texas at that time was just a border state with a population of only a few hundred thousand. Both states are still very weak and have little say in Congress.

Now California is a large state with a population of more than 270 million people. If slaves are included in Texas, it is also a large state with a population of about 70.

California is currently the object of fierce competition in the North, and Texas is currently the object of fierce competition in the South.

Thinking of this, Ron couldn't help but sigh.

"It's really beautiful." Liang Yao took the Walter M1851 rifle made in Austin and played with it in his hand.

Since the Austin Arsenal uses a production line directly transferred from the Sacramento Arsenal, the Walter M1851 rifle made in Austin is almost identical to the Walter M1851 rifle made in the Sacramento Arsenal.

The only difference is that the inscription on the bolt of the Walter M1851 rifle made in Austin is Made in Texas, while the inscription on the bolt of the gun made in Sacramento Arsenal is Made in California.

Liang Yao is generally satisfied with the Austin Arsenal. The only drawback is that the output is still a bit low.

Historically, the South did not have any military industry, nor could it produce a single gun or cannon on its own. The South still has a certain amount of military industry. Without any military industry, the South cannot rely on the passion of the slave owners to fight the North for four full years.

It's just that the production capacity of the southern military industry is not enough compared to that of the north. It is more difficult to replenish lost weapons in time than in the north, and the logistics supply is not smooth, which greatly affects the combat effectiveness of the southern army. There are only two regular arsenals in the entire south that can manufacture artillery, and the output is not very optimistic.

Another terrible thing is that most of the only sizable military industries in the south are located in Virginia, the main battlefield bordering the north. Compared with Virginia, Texas is much safer. As long as the main coastal ports can be defended, there is no need to worry about the Northern Army threatening Texas' industrial hinterland in the early stages of the war.

"The Walter rifle is of high quality and low price. The Texas regiment, as well as the three militia regiments in the state, as well as the Chinese regiment, have all been fully equipped with Walter rifles." Bell, who is in charge of military affairs in Texas, said energetically. Liang Yao introduced.

The appearance of the Texas armed forces, which has completely completed the replacement of weapons and equipment, has taken on a completely new look.

The equipment of the regular army and militia groups in Texas, and the Chinese regiments were only inferior to the Western armed forces equipped with General Liang's rifles.

Of course, these are only infantry armed forces. In addition to four infantry regiments, the Texas paramilitary armed forces also have a regiment of cavalry and six companies of field artillery.

The fact that one state can support so many paramilitary forces shows that Texas has abundant local finances.

It can also be seen that Texas has followed California over the years, and how happy life has been.

After visiting the arsenal in Austin, Liang Yao, accompanied by local military and political officials in Texas, reviewed the army stationed in the capital Austin: the Texas Regiment.

The Texas Regiment was the only standing regiment in Texas before the war. It was also the most elite armed force in Texas and the predecessor of the famous Texas Brigade.

The only standing regiment is stationed near Austin, which shows how much the top leaders of Texas attach importance to the Austin Arsenal.

It is different from the Texas brigade that historically wore straw hats, loose shirts, straw sandals, and were equipped with old-fashioned M1816 flintlock muskets. Even the infantry equipment could not be unified.

Although the Texas Brigade at this time still liked to wear loose shirts and cool leather-soled sandals in the hot summer, the hats they wore on their heads were replaced by military denim made of felt, waterproof and sun-shading. cap. The rifle equipped is the advanced Walter M1851 breech-loading rifle.

In terms of portable equipment, the Texas regiment soldiers were equipped with canvas satchels, tin water bottles, cowhide ammunition boxes, bayonets, hunting knives, and blankets, which were also purchased and distributed at the state's expense. And these equipment, except for the tin kettle and bayonets, which were imported from California, the rest of the equipment were produced by local factories in Texas.

The soldiers of the Texas Regiment are very high-quality. They are basically composed of the local ruling class and middle class, such as planters, as well as the children and retinues of planters. These people have relatively high military qualities. Most of them have participated in two U.S.-Mexican wars and have rich practical experience, so their combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

The Texas regiment was in good spirits. Liang Yao, who was riding a horse and reviewing the Texas regiment accompanied by his father-in-law, subconsciously compared the Texas regiment with the troops under his command.

The Texas regiment was only slightly inferior to the three main regiments under his command that were often sent to various places for combat training, but it was stronger than his militia.

After the trip to Austin, Liang Yaosui took a special train to Houston, the most prosperous city in Texas.

Houston is well planned and constructed. The last time I came to Houston, except for the main roads, none of the city's roads had been hardened. The roads were full of potholes. When it rained, they became muddy and difficult to walk on.

In Houston today, except for the newly built community roads in the suburbs that have not yet had time to be hardened, only some gravel is paved. Most of the roads in urban areas have been hardened. The square in front of the city hall is also paved with luxurious stone slabs.

Of course, the urban construction of Houston is not the issue that Liang Yao is most concerned about. The issue that he is most concerned about is the shipyard in Houston and the local coastal defense force.

The person in charge of Houston Defense and the local coastal defense fleet command investigation is former Texas Senator Espy.

As a guide, Espy introduced Liang Yao to the coastal defense artillery on the coast of Houston. These coastal defense artillery were all large-caliber rifled Napoleon cannons produced by the Austin Arsenal.

At the same time, Espy also revealed his intention to purchase the Sacramento coastal defense gun. After all, California and Texas now have railroads, and the large artillery purchased from the Sacramento Arsenal can also be transported by rail and directly to Houston.

Espy once visited San Francisco and Los Angeles for inspection, and was deeply impressed by the coastal defense capabilities of these two coastal cities.

In particular, the rate of fire and accuracy of the Sacramento cannon are far beyond what the Napoleon cannon can match. The only drawback is that the Sacramento cannon is too expensive. Fortunately, what Texas lacks more than money now is a sense of security. As long as Liang Yao nods and agrees, Texas can also spend some money to buy Sacramento. guns and supporting shells to enrich the shore defense capabilities of the Port of Houston.

(End of this chapter)

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