1850 American Gold Tycoon.

Chapter 89 New York Nobles

Chapter 89 New York Nobles
As time went by, more and more large and small consortiums and family forces poured into California.

These consortiums and families who had just arrived in California inevitably clashed with Liang Yao and the old miners in California.

The consortia are also divided into two factions. One is a more pragmatic consortium. They have recognized the current situation in California. In order to find gold as soon as possible, they did not limit their sights to the Sacramento area.Instead, they chose to go deep inland to find new gold deposits.

Of course, these consortiums did not voluntarily give up the Sacramento gold-producing area.

At first, like John, they entered the gold-producing area in the Sacramento area regardless of Liang Yao's dissuasion, thinking that they were the masters of the gold-producing area.

But soon, they had to bow their heads to reality. The old miners were full of hostility towards them, and their camp was harassed by old miners every now and then.

The local mounted police refused to provide them with protection on the grounds of insufficient police force, even if they were willing to bribe the greedy mounted police with gold.

As for Colonel Griffin, the current sheriff in California, he is even more of a coward who refuses to leave a military fortress, and he can't be counted on at all.

These are not the most fatal, the most fatal thing is that Liang Yao unceremoniously cut off their supplies, which put them in a very embarrassing situation.

In addition, hospitals in Sacramento and San Francisco refused to provide them with any medical services.

Because the behind-the-scenes boss of these two hospitals is Liang Yao, almost all the doctors in California are employees of Liang Yao.

These pragmatic consortiums finally reached a compromise with Liang Yao. Liang Yao guaranteed their supplies, provided them with medical services, and authorized them to use the port of San Francisco.

In return, they withdrew all workers and machines from the gold-producing areas of Sacramento, no longer involved in the gold-producing areas of Sacramento, and looked for other gold-producing areas.

"The Astors, the Livingstons, the Schuylers, the Bayards, the Morriss, the Van Rensselas, the Beekmans, the Schuylers, the Jays. These families stink It's hard."

In Tingtao Garden, Liang Yao carefully studied the list in his hand.

The consortium of these families is another faction that refuses to give in to life and death, and would rather suffer casualties. In the case of lack of clothing and food, they bite the bullet and want to mine gold in the Sacramento area.

Even Liang Yao had to marvel at their tenacity and tenacity.

"These are big families formed before the War of Independence, or even earlier. It can also be said that they are the real aristocrats in the United States. Some families were famous big families in New Amsterdam when New York was still called New Amsterdam.

For example, the Van Rensselaer family is the most influential Dutch family in New York.

After all, they are nobles, and it is difficult for them to put down their airs. "

Nigel was holding a teacup leisurely, admiring the beautiful scenery of Jinshan Bay.

"In other words, these people made their fortunes during the Dutch colonial period?" Liang Yao was a little surprised. "Compared to the short history of the United States, they can indeed be regarded as a long-standing family."

"Isn't that right? Old Astor desperately wanted to integrate into them after he made his fortune, so that the Astor family could become one of the noble families." Nigel said.

Nigel is an old New Yorker, and he knows everything about New York like the back of his hand.

"So these old nobles despised Astor back then? Even the Astor family is just a new rich?" Liang Yao guessed.

"You are such a smart man. Old Mr. Astor also started from nothing, and he was the son of a poor butcher. He started his business from Hesse to America with 25 dollars and 7 flutes, and Mr. Vanderbilt started with 100 dollars. The story is also inspiring and wonderful.”

"That is to say, the old Mr. Astor finally became the person he hated the most?"

"It's not like that." Nigel shook his head and denied, "Mr. Astor's goal was to become a New York noble from the very beginning. He is a descendant of a down-and-out nobleman. His butcher father was not his real father, he was just adopted by the butcher father, and he also wanted to change his Hessian accent, but it was a pity that he would die with the accent that he hated all his life, causing him An accent of shame.

Mr. Vanderbilt, on the other hand, was a very down-to-earth man. No matter what the occasion, he never shy away from his parentage, and freely admitted that he was a rough old sailor.

Even attending the banquet of the nobles in New York, he is calm and composed, and talks with celebrities in English with a low Dutch accent very confidently.

This is what I admire the most about Mr. Vanderbilt, and it is also the reason why I am willing to serve Mr. Vanderbilt.

The Livingstons offered me a better contract than Mr. Vanderbilt offered. "

"These New York noble consortiums are indeed more difficult than I imagined."

This time, Liang Yao had encountered a real problem.

Although he really wanted to physically eliminate these annoying guys directly in the simplest and rude way.

But reason told him that he couldn't do this.

These aristocrats are not small characters like Brannan, they are all Citigroups with a head and a face in New York, and their roots are young.

Killing them directly is against the entire ruling class of the United States, and he is not so reckless and stupid.

At present, the safest way is to kill them slowly and force them to withdraw from Sacramento voluntarily.

"Yes, they own the fertile land along the Hudson, where their large estates are distributed. For example, the Schuyler family owns more than 6000 acres of land along the Hudson.

In fact, they also have their own slaves like the planters in the south, but they are called tenants in a more civilized way, and the tenants manage the manor for these noble gentlemen.

The sharecroppers owned by these aristocratic lords are no less than the black slaves of planters in the south, but they are all white, so we can’t call them white slaves, right?
But in essence, these tenant farmers are not much different from black slaves. They have signed contracts with these nobles for generations, and they cannot survive without the nobles. "

Nigel offers his personal opinion.

The cost of labor in the United States is very high, and it is a very luxurious thing to have a large number of tenant farmers.

Isn't this the American version that only nobles in the north are allowed to own tenant farmers, and planters in the south are not allowed to keep slaves.

"On the banks of the Hudson River in New York? 6000 acres of land?"

Although Liang Yao is now the largest landowner in California, he doesn't even have a fraction of the land.

But his 6000 acres of land is in New York where every inch of land is expensive, Liang Yao suddenly felt that he was too ignorant.

These American aristocrats have no lower desire to possess land than the landlords of the Qing Dynasty.

"Land is the safest family heirloom. The dollar will depreciate, but the land in New York State will only appreciate. And the land in New York State is not just wealth."

While talking, Nigel had already drank the tea in the teacup, and he handed the teacup to the maid beside him: "One more cup, thank you."

"that power?"

Holding his chin, Liang Yao guessed that he had lived in New York for several years in later generations, and he also knew some laws of modern New York State.

But he knows that the New York State law of 2022 is very different from the New York State law of 1850.

"As you said, according to New York State law, both electors and candidates must own real estate, and of course, the requirements for candidates are higher.

As a result, less than half of New York's adult males are eligible to vote for House of Representatives, and even fewer for Governor. "

Without the teacup in his hand, Nigel had no place to put his hands. After thinking about it, he finally put his hands in his pockets.

"However, these votes are meaningless to ordinary New Yorkers like me. Members of New York's congressmen, governors, and lieutenant governors have been held by members of these aristocratic families in rotation since the founding of the country.

They had intermarried with each other for generations, and their blood had merged as much as their interests.

If you have the idea of ​​breaking them one by one, I advise you to give up.Either you beat 'em all down, or you get knocked down by them. "

(End of this chapter)

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