Liu Song Hanque

Chapter 261 Long time no see

Chapter 261 Long time no see
No matter what choice is made now, there will be no good results for the Song army defending the city.

Originally, the government army led by Mao Dezu was arranged to guard Guanzhong because the local soldiers had the belief of "defending their hometown" and were able to withstand pressure.

Unexpectedly, Helian Bobo actually kept his hands behind him, letting the abducted Han family people act as cannon fodder to go to the front to disturb the morale of the army...

"Continue to attack".

The order was given by Zhu Lingshi.

Kindness does not hold soldiers.

Zhu Lingshi was awarded the title of a rare general in Liu Song's army at a young age, not because of Liu Yu's preference.

His military exploits are the real deal.

As a general, his quality is impeccable, so he made a decision quickly.

"Replace all the Guanzhong government troops on the front line to rest, and let my subordinates take the top!"

The implication is to continue shooting people outside.

"General Zhu..."

In contrast, Mao Dezu was older and older than Zhu Lingshi, but he hesitated.

Obviously knowing that Zhu Lingshi's order was correct, but if he really wanted to attack the relatives of the soldiers, Mao Dezu asked himself that he still couldn't remain indifferent.

"General Mao, carry out the military order!"

In private, the two of them might still be able to make a joke, and Zhu Lingshi would also give in to Mao Dezu in some matters because of Mao Dezu's qualifications.

But on the battlefield, Zhu Lingshi is the commander in chief!

The military order is like a mountain!

Mao Dezu was not an unreasonable type of troublemaker, and it was even more impossible for him to blatantly violate military orders because of such things on the battlefield. He could only turn his head away to appease the Guanzhong government army.

The cruel war did not stop because of this episode, the Song army on the city wall was still stubbornly resisting Hu Xia's attack.

It's just that anyone can feel that Song Jun has changed.

Before this wave of siege, the soldiers of the Song Army were all united, united, and resisted tenaciously.

But in just one day, the Song army in Xiaoguan was divided into two distinct groups.

One group is the local soldiers in Guanzhong, and the other is the southern soldiers who came from afar.

The comrades who were close a few days ago are now strangers.

Just in the time it takes to have a meal at night, several conflicts, large and small, broke out between the two sides.

In the end, it was Zhu Lingshi who personally pulled out a few soldiers who incited emotions and locked them in the small black room so that the conflict would not continue to expand.

But this is only temporary.

As long as the spark is not extinguished, there is always the possibility of turning into a raging fire again.

Zhu Lingshi and Mao Dezu saw it, but they were helpless.

They can't expect those Guanzhong soldiers to watch their blood relatives being shot and killed by their own people and remain indifferent.

Not to mention ordering our soldiers to stop attacking and let Hu Xia's soldiers climb up the city wall.

Warmth is the nectar to quench thirst elsewhere, but it is the poison of killing on the battlefield.

Left and right are dilemmas.

"Helian Bobo, once this person becomes a climate, he will be really scary."

Mao Dezu was only a partial general when Helian Bobo attacked Guanzhong last time, and Wang Zhen'e was standing in front of him, so he didn't have a deep understanding of Helian Bobo's horror.

And after experiencing the last failure, Helianbo was undoubtedly more prepared, otherwise he would not have driven the abducted Han people to attack the city.

Zhu Lingshi closed his eyes and opened them after a long time: "General Mao, take that part of the government army and leave."

"Their presence here is no longer a help. Instead, it has become a burden."

Mao Dezu frowned: "General Zhu, don't be arrogant."

Now it is difficult for Mao Dezu and Zhu Lingshi to partner Helian Bobo, let alone Zhu Lingshi alone?
It is even said that Zhu Lingshi also sent some soldiers to guard the pass elsewhere. It is undoubtedly a dream to rely on the remaining Song army to resist Helian Bobo.

"Ben will be sober."

Zhu Lingshi settled the account with Mao Dezu:
"Let's just count the combined forces of the two armies as very powerful."

"Now that there is a gap between the two armies, I am very afraid that we can only use four points. If the Guanzhong government army leaves, only our army will still have six points."

"Don't drag each other down, that's the best choice."

"In the future, if the people in Guanzhong hold grudges, let them hold grudges against me, Zhu Lingshi."

After a while, Mao Dezu finally became speechless.

"General, take care."

At this moment, Mao Dezu seemed to have experienced a lot of vicissitudes.

He seemed to understand why he had been in the army for many years, his qualifications were very old, and his military achievements were not weak, but he was overtaken by juniors like Wang Zhen'e, Tan Daoji and even Zhu Lingshi.

To be a general is something very human can do.

"A general is wisdom, faith, benevolence, courage, and strictness."


But there are trade-offs.

After reading "Sun Tzu's Art of War" for a lifetime, it is still difficult to understand these five words.

In other words, I don't want to understand these five words at all.

After Mao Dezu left Xiaoguan with the Guanzhong government army, the remaining Song troops were all relieved.

Although the number of people in Xiaoguan has decreased, the atmosphere has become much more active.

Some soldiers even saw that after the Guanzhong government army retreated, the string that had been tense was suddenly loosened, and they fainted and fell to the ground.

The pressure on the battlefield is almost suffocating, and you have to guard your comrades off the battlefield.Not everyone is able to bear the pain.Now it seems that Zhu Lingshi's decision is correct, otherwise it will be a matter of time before the camp is bombed.

Zhu Lingshi knew exactly when to boost morale to the greatest extent. Some of the livestock hoarded in the customs were divided and eaten by the remaining Song army, and they had more energy to resist the enemy when they were full of wine and food!

When Helian Bobo attacked Xiaoguan again, he was also keenly aware that the number of Song troops in the city had decreased a lot.

"It seems that there is still a problem with the Song army in the pass."

Using the Han people as cannon fodder was indeed a move Helian Bo made after careful consideration.

Looking at the situation of the Song Army in the pass now, it seems that the effect is not bad!

"Yangmou is the most difficult to solve since ancient times."

Even if it's a little cruel.

But in troubled times, with compassion in his heart, he can't live to the end, nor can he be the winner.

"It depends on how long Song Jun can last!"

He Lianbo immediately pressed more troops to attack Xiaoguan. At this time, the soldiers in Xiaoguan were like facing rocks and waves, and could only withstand waves of attacks from the opponent.

At this moment, Zhu Lingshi was standing behind the female wall to observe the situation, and when he realized that a section was about to be breached, he ordered someone to make up for it, and suppressed Hu Xia again.

But after all, there are countless defenders in the pass, and Zhu Lingshi can't change people out of thin air.It didn't take long for Zhu Lingshi to go into battle in person, guarding a city wall, and every time he saw a Hu Xia soldier climbing up, he waved his sword and slapped him down the city wall.

Gradually, even Zhu Lingshi couldn't handle it. When dealing with the enemy in front of him, he was a little careless. On the east wall, soldiers from Hu Xia had already swarmed up and cleared an open space on the wall.

Hu Xia has already attacked the city wall!

Outside Tongguan.

Horseshoes roared on the ancient Weihan Ancient Road, and a cavalry in black armor came from the east.


Liu Yizhen tightened his horse's head and looked into the distance, with a smile on his lips.

"long time no see!"


I'll be fine tomorrow, after I sleep late, I can happily add updates!
(End of this chapter)

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