Liu Song Hanque

Chapter 273 Gyeongju

Chapter 273 Gyeongju (plus 8)

Just when Liu Yizhen was debating whether to formally launch an attack on Tongwan City, a letter from the south dispelled him.

The letter was from Xu Xianzhi.

The content is long and complicated, but it can be summed up in only five words——

The minister can't hold it anymore!
It has been more than half a year since Liu Yizhen rushed to the front in secret at the beginning of the year. During this period, Xu Xianzhi devoted himself to maintaining the rule of the court.

It's just that with the passage of time and three major events, Xu Xianzhi finally couldn't bear it anymore.

These three major events are: this year has come to the harvest time, the lower reaches of the Huaihe River and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River have been confirmed to be flooded, and the harvest is less than half of previous years.

Liu Daolin, king of Changsha, was seriously ill.

Empress Dowager Xiao Wenshou is critically ill.

If the first matter is not handled properly, it is likely to cause problems in Jiangdong, the center of Liu Song's rule.

The second thing is that Liu Daolin went to suppress Jingzhou, and there were many troubles in Jingzhou during the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Moreover, the importance of Jingzhou to the southern regime is unquestionable. Sun Quan did not dare to attack Guan Yu at the risk of the world's disgrace when it was not important.

The third thing...

To be honest, Xu Xianzhi's ability to last for such a long time is definitely related to the support of Empress Dowager Xiao, otherwise, no matter how powerful Xu Xianzhi is, it would be difficult to maintain the court for such a long time.

That last incident, which seemed the smallest, was actually the straw that broke the camel's back.

Liu Yizhen knew how miserable Xu Xianzhi had been these days just by reading the letter, and he also put out the idea of ​​fighting again.

I am the country...

This is power, but also responsibility.

The south is now Liu Song's ruling center and the most important thing.

For this reason, Liu Yizhen secretly called Xie Hui, Wang Hong, Wang Xiu, and Fu Liang to his military tent and showed them Xu Xianzhi's letter.

"Xu Shangshu is really alone in the south now. It's beyond my expectation that he can last so long, and now I have to send someone to explain that he is really forced to do nothing."

Fu Liang, who was most familiar with Xu Xianzhi, nodded frequently.

Xu Xianzhi is a person who puts everything into his stomach, and he will never write a letter to ask Liu Yizhen for help unless it is absolutely necessary.

Moreover, what was written in this letter was all imminent matters, and Xu Xianzhi was indeed at the end of his rope.

"Your Majesty, what Xu Shangshu said is justified. Now the south is the foundation of the country, and I hope that your majesty will return to the court as soon as possible."

This time even Xie Hui, who had been beaten up a bit, came to his senses.

Regardless of Liu Song's vigor on the battlefield, the rear is already riddled with holes.

Call again, there will indeed be problems.

Wang Xiu also knew that Liu Yizhen really needed to go back quickly, so he also seconded.

As for Wang Hong, who has been pressing Liu Yizhen to return to the south, his attitude has never changed.

Now that the four important ministers had reached an agreement, Liu Yizhen sent someone to invite Zhu Lingshi and Tan Daoji.

Let's go, but we must also arrange a line of defense before we go.

If you send out the land that you have just left, wouldn't the blood of the soldiers be shed in vain?

The two were also taken aback when they heard the news that Liu Yizhen was about to withdraw.

It's just that when they saw Xu Xianzhi's letter, both of them already understood.

"Afterwards, I will bother you two to complete the defense of Guanzhong and the Central Plains."

Tan Daoji and Zhu Lingshi nodded solemnly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty."

After Tan Daoji deployed the Hebei defense line, this time the Guanzhong defense line was naturally deployed by Zhu Lingshi who is familiar with Guanzhong.

The general responsible for staying is definitely not Zhu Lingshi.

Because everyone knows the unspoken rules——

A general of Zhu Lingshi's level is placed outside, and Liu Yizhen is not Liu Yu. Without that prestige, he can't let go of that heart.

In addition, Zhu Chaoshi, Zhu Lingshi's younger brother, led an army to defend the Northern Wei Dynasty in Hebei.

Then put Zhu Lingshi in Guanzhong, and the two brothers are one east and one west.Even if Liu Yizhen agreed, the other generals and civil servants would not agree, it was too dangerous.

In the end, the two combined and decided to focus on Fu Hongzhi and Mao Dezu's Guanzhong Army.

Mao Dezu was inside the pass, and Fu Hongzhi was outside the pass.

In this way, it is necessary to expand the scale of the government army, carry out more land equalization, and move more Guanzhong people to Anding County.

For these Liu Yizhen is naturally good.

In order to strengthen the defense of Anding County, Liu Yizhen combined many counties and counties outside the pass into one state, called Qingzhou.Fu Hongzhi served concurrently as the first governor.

In this way, Fu Hongzhi was worshiped by Liu Yizhen as General Zhengxi, Governor of Gyeongju, and also the chief general of the Changning Army.

Mao Dezu was worshiped as the general of Zhenxi, the governor of Qinzhou, and the chief general of the Yong'an Army.

After the candidate was confirmed, Zhu Lingshi took Fu Hongzhi to the north of Gyeongju and saw some ruins of the Great Wall from the Qin and Han Dynasties.

"After repairing the defense system left by these ancestors, the safety of Gyeongju can be guaranteed more."

So far, Fu Hongzhi's future tasks have been set——

Build the Great Wall, train cavalry, build the Great Wall, train cavalry...

The veteran Mao Dezu continued to sit in Guanzhong, guarding against the surrounding hostile forces.

The defense line arrangement is completed, and the choice of internal affairs is also a big problem.

As soon as Wang Xiu left, the seat of governor of Yongzhou became vacant.

This position is very important to the safety of Guanzhong. Once entrusted to an inhumane person, it is easy to cause turmoil in Guanzhong.

Therefore, it is necessary to leave a person who is loyal enough, does not mess around, and handles things smoothly...

Du Ji can do it.

But he himself came from a family in Guanzhong. If he served as governor of Yongzhou, Guanzhong might not know what would happen.

Even if Du Ji could hold back, the Du family might not be able to hold back.Liu Yi really didn't want to take the risk.

In terms of candidates, in fact Zhongshuling Fu Liang is the most suitable.

But Fu Liang is a senior official of the three provinces, a veritable prime minister!Let him serve as governor of Yongzhou, that is not to reuse, but to demote.

What's more, he is still Liu Yu's minister of Tuo Gu, so it is not appropriate to put him in Guanzhong...

The ministers were called to discuss again, and people continued to recommend talents, and finally everyone put their votes on the current Zhengzhou Governor Wang Hua.

Wang Hua is from the Wang clan of Langya and a close minister of Liu Yilong, so there is no problem with his loyalty.

This person assisted Liu Yilong in creating the Yuanjia rule in history, and his ability is no problem.

In the end, Liu Yizhen made a decision and decided to use Wang Hua as the governor of Yongzhou.

"Since everything is properly arranged, I have to give Helian Bobo a little warning."

Just letting Helian Bobo go like this, Liu Yizhen is still unhappy after all.

The next day, tens of thousands of cavalry from the Song Army gathered in the newly established Gyeongju, and the scene of calling for a large army made the surrounding countries tremble.

The West Qin was fine, but Hu Xia had just been defeated, and seeing that Liu Song seemed to have the intention of marching northward, he trembled with fright.

Helian Bobo's hair turned gray overnight, and he sent scouts to Qingzhou day and night to monitor the Song army's movements.

The cavalry of the Song Army lived up to expectations. Under the leadership of Liu Yizhen, they passed through the ruins of the Great Wall and stopped marching when they approached Sheyan.

And here, it is less than three days away from Tongwan City.

"I have a message for Shanyu, just say—"

"How can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch? The blood debt with the Huns, I want him to pay it off one by one!"

Hu Xia's scouts were all overwhelmed by Liu Yizhen's aura, and just watched Song Jun turn back with hearty laughter.

But everyone feels differently.

In the sky of the northwest land, there seems to be a huge ghost entrenched, bringing fear to many Hu people all the time.

This place is no longer a place where they can run amok!
(End of this chapter)

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