Liu Song Hanque

Chapter 80 Dao Rong

Chapter 80 Dao Rong
Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and a Buddhist altar had already been set up under Zhong Nanshan.

When the Golden Crow was born, it was crowded with monks from all over the place.

It's just that most of them looked disheartened. It's not difficult to guess that they were arrested by Liu Yizhen and worked for a few days.

"Get out of the way!"

Suddenly many soldiers in armor poured out from the crowd, yelling at the monks, and kicking those who didn't move.


A monk turned his head and looked at the soldiers dissatisfied after being kicked down and fell to the ground, and said, "What are you doing? Why are you so rude to us?"

The soldier sneered, and actually pulled out the blade at his waist, approaching the opponent with a trace of evil spirit on his body.

"Don't come! Don't come!"

The monk stepped on the ground in fright and hurriedly retreated, yelling as he retreated.

The soldier refused to let him go, he stepped forward and chopped off the blade in his hand, and the blade ruthlessly penetrated ten inches in front of the monk's crotch.


There was a slight sound of running water, and a foul smell came from the monk's crotch, obviously he had urinated.

Seeing the officers and soldiers insulting the monks like this, many people around were glaring at the officers and soldiers.

"Whatever you stare at, get out of the way."

"I haven't asked you to settle the matter of your monk's assassination of Duke Chang'an before. Don't be shameless."

It was Fan Daoji who rushed over immediately after seeing the commotion here.

After Fan Daoji escorted Liu Yilong away, Liu Yizhen arranged by his side to take charge of security work.

Naturally, Fan Daoji's defense is also in today's ceremony, and Fan Daoji will naturally protect Liu Yizhen's safety at all costs.

Seeing that Fan Daoji mentioned the assassination, everyone knew that they were wrong, so they dispersed.

The Dharma meeting began soon, and the monk guide slowly came to the Buddhist altar in a worn-out monk's robe.

Seeing the appearance of the monk guide, the monks in the audience exploded in an instant, pouring curses on the old man.


It was the soldiers who stomped their feet in unison, put their hands on the handle of the knife, and swept the crowd with fierce eyes, and the group of monks fell silent.


At this time, a small official presiding over the Dharma meeting appeared.

"Grand Chang'an gives you the opportunity to ask the master monk and master about Buddhism, please don't make any noise."

Ask for advice?

Aren't you here for a debate?
However, because of Fan Daoji's appearance before, the monk's aura has long been shortened by more than a head, and no one dared to jump out again.

The little official shouted again at the top of his voice: "There are three conditions for this conference, everyone listen carefully."

"First! Speak only about the Dharma, don't talk about other things. If someone takes the opportunity to slander others, beheaded."

"Second! There is only one person on stage at a time, and anyone who disturbs the order, beheaded!"

"Third! Regardless of whether you win or lose on the altar, if there are any troublemakers, cut them off!"

The three beheaded characters cut off the arrogance of the monk again, and there were not many opinions who could look normal at this time.

"Now that everyone has heard clearly, let's start!"

When the little official shouted to start, no one stood up directly.

After half a stick of incense, a monk stepped out in big strides.

"Look! Someone is going up!"

"Who is that?"

"It's Master Daorong!"

The monk guide looked surprised at the monk who stepped forward.

But he still clasped his hands together and saluted: "Junior brother, long time no see."

That's right, Daorong is also a disciple of Kumarajiva.

Dao Rong saw neither sadness nor joy on the face of the monk guide, but his words were extremely heartless: "I heard that you have worshiped Lord Chang'an as your teacher, how dare I call myself your junior brother?"

"I worship Mr. Chang'an as my teacher. It's definitely not because I want to cling to the rich and powerful, but because Mr. Chang'an really has great wisdom."

Daorong didn't speak, but showed disdain.

The monk guide persuaded again: "Brother, there are really people with great innate wisdom in the world, such as Lord Chang'an, and senior brother Seng Zhao."

Seng Zhao Shanfang Mahayana classics, and a master of the Tripitaka, ingenuity and profound thinking, good at talking, was praised by Kumarajiva as "No. 1 Chinese solution to emptiness".

It is a pity that Seng Zhaoying died young, and died of illness at the age of 31.

"Shut up! How dare you mention Brother Seng Zhao!"

At this moment, Daorong was full of images of King Kong's angry eyes.

In his opinion, comparing Liu Yizhen with Seng Zhao is an insult to Seng Zhao.

The monk director sighed: "Junior brother, the prejudices in people's hearts are like a big mountain. Since the younger brother can't move this mountain, let me help the younger brother."

Dao Rong suppressed the karmic fire in his heart, and said mockingly: "Then let me see what skills you have learned from Master Chang'an!"

The monk guide showed a look of sorrow, and then said the Buddha's name.

Dao Rong took the lead in attacking: "God is gone, how do you know it is gone?"

The monk replied: ""The spirit is the form, and the form is the spirit.Therefore, if the form survives, the spirit will survive, and if the form fades, the spirit will disappear. "

Dao Rong asked: "The shape is called ignorance, and the god is called knowledge. Knowing and ignorance mean that things are different. God and form are incompatible. The form and spirit are the same, and they are not heard."

The monk replied: "Form is the quality of the spirit, and the spirit is the function of the form. If it is true, the form is called its quality, and the god speaks its function. The form and the spirit must not be different."

As soon as Daorong came up, he asked the monk guide:
You say that the spirit will perish, how do you know it will perish?
The monk guide replied: the spirit and the body are combined, and the body and the spirit are combined, and they are inseparable. Therefore, if the body exists, the spirit will exist. When the body declines, the spirit will disappear.

Dao Rong asked again: "Body is a name without consciousness, and spirit means having consciousness. Being with consciousness and not having consciousness are actually two different things. According to this principle, the spirit and the body cannot be combined into one. The combination of body and spirit is not allowed." Said, I have not heard.

The monk guide replied: the body is the essence of the spirit, and the spirit is the function of the body, so the body is in terms of substance, and the spirit is in terms of function. Body and spirit cannot be separated from each other.

Every answer of the monk guide was almost seamless, and there was no room for Dao Rong to refute.

Later, Dao Rong asked a few more questions, from saints to gods, from the universe to all things, but no matter how tricky the questions were, the monk and guide could respond with corresponding answers.

The topic of debate between the two is actually "how to prove the existence of gods and Buddhas?"

The monk guide can hang Dao Rong up and beat this question, because it is a fact that no gods appear.

It is much easier for the monk to prove that a "fact" is a "fact" than for Daorong to prove that a "false" is a "fact".

If Daorong wants to prove that there are gods, then he will pull out a god to show everyone!

If it didn't work, he would wipe his neck and try to kill himself, to see if he could see the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss or the Endless Hell.Then let Buddha or Ksitigarbha bring him back to life.

So neither Liu Yizhen nor the monk director took the result of "what to do if you lose" to heart at all.

Unless someone can pull out a god to show Liu Yizhen how to calculate the cosmological constant, and then list the equations of the theory of everything, it is absolutely impossible for Liu Yizhen to admit the existence of God.

These Daorongs obviously can't do it.

He was the same as the monk guide when he met Liu Yizhen on the first day, the law of all things shattered the virtual gods and Buddhas he believed in.

(End of this chapter)

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