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Chapter 104 Zhang Sanfeng's News

Chapter 104 News about Zhang Sanfeng
After the Hunyuan Sect occupied the entire Qingyuan State, it had sufficient cultivation resources.

The cultivation speed of Hunyuanzong warriors has also increased a lot.

Lu Changqing could feel that the fortune he got from Hunyuanzong was increasing day by day.

A month later.

Lu Changqing found that the luck in his body had suddenly increased a lot, comparable to the luck brought to him by a sixth-rank master.

Lu Changqing thought that someone from Hunyuanzong had successfully broken through to a sixth-rank master.

It was later learned that it was He Songnian who made a breakthrough.

He gained comprehension from the yin and yang internal strength that Lu Changqing input during his treatment.

A few months later, he finally reached the state of yin and yang mutual aid in his Hunyuan Kungfu.

It made him take half a step towards the fifth-rank grand master, and reached the same level as Yang Tianxing, the grand elder of Chi Yanzong, a half-step grand master.

Just at this time.

Good news came from Yang Tianxing, the elder of Chi Yanzong.

He has found out that a quarter of the Taixu Sutra's exercises are in the hands of the Yangjiang Prefecture Qingfeng Sect.

The Qingfeng faction is not weak, it has two sixth-rank masters, and its leader is a top-ranking sixth-rank strongman. He was the one who snatched a fragment of the Taixu Sutra's exercises that were recorded in Xuankong Mountain.


About finding ways to obtain the other three fragments of the Taixu Sutra and collecting the exercises of the complete Taixu Sutra.

Lu Changqing, He Xuanyi and He Songnian also mentioned it.

Both of them are very supportive of this matter.

After all, this is a top-level master's skill.

Only the powerful sect inheritance with the fifth-rank grand master sitting in the town can have the township skills.

In this kind of inheritance, the ancestors of the founding school are often the masters of the fourth rank of heaven and man.

Throughout the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Nowadays, there are only five powerful sects with great masters and strongmen sitting in the town.

Except for the two evil sects, Xuanyin Sect and Xuesha Sect, they are extremely secretive and erratic.

The rest are the three sects.

They are the Jiuxiaomen of Dajingzhou.

Liang Yunzhou Xuanzhen Sect.

Tianhezong of Yushan Prefecture.

That is to say, among the eight states of the Great Zhou Dynasty, only one of the three states had a strong middle-rank sect.

The other five major state domains are all low-rank sects.

In the entire martial arts world of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there are only five top-level master exercises.

The Nine Heavens Scripture of Nine Heavens Gate.

Tianhe Heart Code of Tianhe Sect.

Xuanyuan Zhengong taught by Xuanzhen.

Taiyi Xuanyin Palm of Xuanyin Sect.

The Blood Demon Sutra of the Blood Demon Gate.

Therefore, more than two years ago, the Taixu Zhenjing, a top-level master's exercise, appeared in Xuankong Mountain, so many sixth-rank masters competed for it.

Hunyuan Patriarch, the founder of the Hunyuan School, was also a fifth-rank grandmaster, but he failed to create a top-level grandmaster technique.

It is also He Songnian's wish to obtain the complete Taixu Zhenjing exercises.

A quarter of Hunyuanzong's existing Taixu Zhenjing exercises were originally obtained by him at the cost of being seriously injured and dying.

Obtaining the top grandmaster's exercise of Taixu Zhenjing will also help him break through and become a fifth-rank great master.

Now, with Hunyuanzong's current strength, the three sixth-rank masters, especially Lu Changqing, who is almost a fifth-rank grandmaster, are capable of fighting.

It is very possible to successfully obtain the other three copies of Taixu Zhenjing.

Lu Changqing also told He Songnian that he used his powerful strength to force Chi Yanzong to agree to a condition in Hengling Mountain, which was to ask Chi Yanzong to do his best to find out the whereabouts of the other three Taixu scriptures.

However, it also gave benefits, promising that Yang Tianxing, the grand elder of the Chiyanzong, would get a copy of the Taixu Zhenjing exercises at that time.

Coercion and inducement.

That is to say, Hunyuanzong can use the power of Chiyanzong to seize the other three copies of Taixu Scripture.

At this time, He Songnian learned that the Chi Yanzong had inquired into the hands of the Qingfeng School of Yangjiang Prefecture and also mastered a quarter of the Taixu Sutra.

He was planning to go to Yangjiang Prefecture himself.

It was so coincidental that Lu Changqing simply handed over the matter of obtaining the entire Taixu Sutra to He Songnian.

He Songnian has broken through to the half-step grand master realm, and together with Yang Tianxing, the two half-step grand masters can rival even a real fifth-rank grand master.


At the same time, Chen Fengling, the young master of Tianfengmen, who went to Qingguangmen of Beigu Prefecture to obtain the skills of his town master's master a few months ago, sent news to Lu Changqing.

She has successfully obtained the Qingguangmen town master's technique, Qingguang finger.

You can return in a few days.

Lu Changqing felt a little joy in his heart.

He has now acquired the Xiaoshan Sect and Chiyue Sect's Zhenpai Grandmaster Kung Fu, Shanhe Quan and Chiyue Kung Fu, plus the Qingguang Sect's Qingguang Finger.

You can gather three master-level exercises.

It is used as a sacrifice to upgrade a master's skill to the sixth-grade level.


a few days later.

Chen Fengling returned to Qingyuan Prefecture.

Come to Hunyuanzong to see Lu Changqing.

At the beginning, Lu Changqing promised her that he could exchange a master-level exercise for Honghe City, and use it as his Tianfengmen to rebuild his sphere of influence.

And told her about the fact that there is no sixth-rank master in Qingguangmen of Beiju Prefecture.

Chen Fengling took people there, and in the past few months, she really got the blue light finger, the master's skill of this Qingguang sect.

Lu Changqing soon met Chen Fengling.

He is still dressed in men's clothing, with a heroic appearance.

However, what surprised Lu Changqing was that he found a familiar figure behind Chen Fengling.

A woman who was also dressed in men's clothing was not inferior to Chen Fengling in her heroic appearance. What was different from Chen Fengling was that she seemed to have an innate noble aura and an extraordinary heroic spirit.

The first time she saw Lu Changqing, a bright light suddenly burst out in her eyes.

"Lu Changqing, I finally found you."

Her crisp voice sounded.

There was a hint of undisguised excitement in his voice.

"Master Shao Min, why are you here?"

There was also incomparable surprise in Lu Changqing's voice.

Lu Changqing never thought that he would see this incomparably gorgeous woman with extraordinary temperament again.

Zhao Min, why did she appear in the Tianwu world?

Lu Changqing was full of doubts and curiosity.

Although Lu Changqing had long guessed in his heart that in the small world of martial arts that he traveled through, if there was a strong person who could break the world's restrictions and shatter the void, the world he entered might be the Tianwu world.

But he never thought that Zhao Min was qualified to be one of them.

Even though he left Zhao Min with one of the most powerful exercises in the world, the Nine Yin Manual, before leaving.

"What exactly is going on?"

Lu Changqing couldn't help asking.

"Master Lu, this is the elder sister Zhao I met when I was in Beiju Prefecture. She was fighting with someone back then. I saw that she was using the Hunyuanzong's big Hunyuan hand, so I thought she was a Hunyuanzong warrior. So I made friends with her, and after some chatting, I realized that this elder sister turned out to be your old friend, Head Lu.

The big Hunyuan hand practiced by this elder sister was taught by head master Lu himself, and it seems that the relationship with head master Lu must be extraordinary. "

Chen Fengling smiled.


Lu Changqing remembered that when he entered the small world of Yitian Tulongji Martial Arts, he said that he wanted to guide Zhao Min, the princess, so that he could enter the Ruyang Palace to meet her.

During this period, he was arranged by Zhao Min to live in the palace, and indeed he also taught Zhao Min, and passed on some great Hunyuan hands.

At this time, Chen Fengling was present, and Lu Changqing couldn't ask in detail why Zhao Min appeared in the Tianwu world.

He dealt with Chen Fengling's matter first.

From Chen Fengling, he obtained Qingguangmen's master-level exercise Qingguangzhi.

Then arrange Hunyuanzong warriors to hand over Red River City to Chen Fengling's warriors to help Chen Fengling rebuild Tianfengmen.

Chen Fengling left first.

Lu Changqing was able to be alone with Zhao Min.

"Lu Changqing, so this is the world you live in. If I hadn't appeared here by chance, I would never see you again forever."

Zhao Min looked at Lu Changqing and said.

For Zhao Min, who is sometimes glamorous and unconventional, extraordinarily gorgeous, and sometimes so dignified, people dare not look at him closely.Lu Changqing also admires a woman who is resourceful, resourceful, quick-witted, handsome, straightforward, and possesses great talent.

But when he traveled into the small world of Yitian Tulongji martial arts, he would leave soon, and he didn't belong to it, so he didn't provoke her.

I don't think she will appear in the Tianwu world one day.

"Tell me first, how did you appear in the Tianwu world?"

Lu Changqing said to Zhao Min.

Zhao Min slightly frowned, and took two steps forward: "As for how to appear in this world, I don't know the reason, but that day I suddenly felt the call of a strange force, and then appeared here. "

"By the way, not only did I come to this world, but someone else also appeared here. Can you guess who it is?"

Zhao Min looked at Lu Changqing and suddenly smiled.

"There is one more person, could it be Fan Yao?"

Lu Changqing thought for a while and guessed.

"Yes, it is Master Ku."

Zhao Mindao, although she already knew Fan Yao's identity, she still called him Master Ku.

In fact, in the Ruyang Palace back then, Fan Yao was considered Zhao Min's teacher, and he was deeply trusted by Zhao Min.Although Zhao Min was taught martial arts by many people in the Ruyang Palace, only Fan Yao was honored by her as a master.

"Fan Yao has also come to Tianwu Realm."

Lu Changqing felt even more strange.

"By the way, how long have you been in this world?"

Lu Changqing asked.

"It's been more than a year."

Zhao Min said.

Lu Changqing's heart moved, and he realized that they should have appeared in the Tianwu world after he left the Yitian Tulongji martial arts small world.

Obviously, Zhao Min and Fan Yao can appear in Tianwu world, he has a lot to do with it.

"Could it be that I taught them the martial arts of the Tianwu world?"

Lu Changqing thought for a while, and vaguely discovered something in common between Zhao Min and Fan Yao.

Both of them have been taught by Lu Changqing the Great Hunyuan Hand, the Heavenly Martial Art, so maybe they have a little connection with him.

"By the way, did something happen after I left your world?"

Lu Changqing asked again.

In the next moment, Zhao Min said something that shocked Lu Changqing.

"One year after you left, my Dayuan world was overthrown, and the Mingjiao swept the world with great momentum and became the master of the world...

And just three years after you left, Wudang Daoist Zhang ascended to the sky, and the world was shocked.

I guess that Master Zhang may have also come to this world, and Master Ku and I appear here, which may have something to do with it. "

Zhao Min slowly talked about the small world of Yitian Tulongji Martial Arts after Lu Changqing left.

"What, Master Zhang really succeeded in breaking the world's restrictions and breaking the void."

Lu Changqing couldn't help being a little shocked by Zhang Sanfeng's strength.

I just mentioned to him about the Shattered Void.

He accomplished it in just three years.

Thinking of the high level of Zhang Sanfeng's spiritual realm, he has already reached the fourth rank of the great master of harmony between man and nature.

Now he has broken the world limit and achieved a fifth-rank grand master in the small world of Yitian Tulongji Martial Arts.

Once the Shattered Void enters the Tianwu Realm, I am afraid that he will break through and become a grand master of the fourth-rank Heaven and Man in an instant.

And in this big world of martial arts that is rich in vitality and more suitable for cultivation, Zhang Sanfeng will even go a step further, setting foot on the third rank of the extraordinary and refined, breaking the lifespan limit, and his future achievements are unimaginable.

"You and Fan Yao appeared in the same place, Beiju Prefecture, did you discover the existence of Zhenren Zhang?"

Lu Changqing faintly looked forward to it.

"No, Master Ku and I appeared in this world at the same time. Over the past year, we first became familiar with this world, and then looked for other people who appeared here like us. The one who paid special attention was Master Zhang, but there was no one. any news."

Zhao Min shook his head and said.

Lu Changqing was right when he thought about it. With Zhang Sanfeng's strength as a Grand Master of at least the fourth rank, if he appeared in this world, he would definitely startle many strong people and cause huge commotion.

It seems that even if Zhang Sanfeng came to Tianwu Realm, he probably wouldn't be in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Lu Changqing speculated that the appearance of Zhao Min and Fan Yao in the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty was very likely related to him.

Lu Changqing can now be sure that Zhao Min and Fan Yao appeared in the Tianwu Realm, firstly because Zhang Sanfeng, a strong man who successfully smashed the void, appeared in the small world of Yitian Tulongji Martial Arts, and secondly, the two of them got the Tianwu Realm skills from him , had a touch of connection with myself.

Just now, Lu Changqing also got an important message through Yuan Lingzhu.

As long as there are martial arts masters in the small world of martial arts he is going to break the void, the suppression of heaven and earth will open up. At this time, he can take the opportunity to use the Yuan Lingzhu to draw people who have some kind of connection with him into the Tianwu world.

The connection between Lu Changqing, Zhao Min, and Fan Yao should be because he taught them the skills of the Tianwu world.


Soon afterwards, Lu Changqing also saw Fan Yao.

"Meet Master Lu."

When Fan Yao saw Lu Changqing, his tone was respectful and excited.

He got Lu Changqing to teach him the Great Hunyuan Hand, and treated him as a half-master, so he was called that.

Fan Yao didn't expect that Lu Changqing came from the extremely powerful and vast world of Tianwu Realm, and he was lucky enough to enter this world.

"In the world of Tianwu, I am the head of the Hunyuan Sect, and the Great Hunyuan Sect is the technique of the Hunyuan Sect's township school. If you teach me the Great Hunyuan Sect, you can be regarded as half a Hunyuan Sect disciple. You still call me the master!" door."

Lu Changqing said.

"Yes, Master Lu."

Fan Yao said.

Lu Changqing then communicated with Fan Yao.

He already understood the situation of both him and Zhao Min.

Three years after Lu Changqing left the small world of Yitian Tulongji Martial Arts.

Relying on the Great Hunyuan Hand taught by Lu Changqing, Fan Yao has cultivated to the top of the eighth rank, and then integrated all kinds of martial arts and countless exercises he has cultivated. Afterwards, he has mastered it, and his strength has reached the seventh rank.

After entering the Tianwu world for a year, thanks to the practice environment in this world, he is no longer suppressed by the small world of martial arts, his potential can be brought into full play, his strength has improved rapidly, he has reached the top of the seventh rank, and even touched the The realm of a sixth-rank master.

Fan Yao himself is extremely talented, and in the small world of martial arts that is suppressed by heaven and earth, he has also become a super-class master.

Generally speaking, masters in the small world of martial arts, in a practice environment like the Tianwu world, can achieve more than two major realms.

For example, first-class masters in the small world of martial arts, if they are in the world of Tianwu, they can at least become seventh-rank martial artists.

With Fan Yao's talent, he can definitely become a sixth-rank master, or even stronger.

And Zhao Min, after experiencing the fall of the Yuan Dynasty in the past three years, has fully realized the importance of his own strength.

She herself is not bad in aptitude, talented and intelligent, and concentrates on practicing the martial arts Nine Yin Manual left by Lu Changqing.

The strength has also reached the first-class level.

He once fought against Zhou Zhiruo, who had cultivated the Nine Yin White Bone Claw, and defeated him.

In the year since Zhao Min came to Tianwu Realm, because of practicing the Nine Yin Manual, the top master's skill, his strength has improved to a higher level, reaching the seventh-rank level.

The appearance of Zhao Min and Fan Yao was somewhat beyond Lu Changqing's expectation.

But soon relieved.

Because the big world of martial arts in the Tianwu world was originally evolved from countless small worlds of martial arts who broke through the void and entered it.

It is not surprising that warriors from the small world of martial arts appear here.

It's just that Zhao Min and Fan Yao were lucky, they just happened to meet Zhang Sanfeng's opportunity to shatter the void, and entered this world at the same time.

Otherwise, even if Lu Changqing established some kind of connection with them, it would be difficult to bring them into the Tianwu world.

(End of this chapter)

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