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Chapter 110 Entering Tianlong 8

Chapter 110 Entering the Eight Dragons
"By the way, now the master of the domain is still restrained by Xue Changkong, the master of the Xuesha sect. The head of Lu already has the strength to fight against the grand master. Please follow me to help the master of the domain to deal with Xue Changkong."

At this time, a Palace Master suddenly said.

Meng Zhenshan, the lord of the Qingyuan Prefecture, and Xue Changkong, the lord of the Xuesha Sect, are in a battle between two fifth-rank masters.

The ordinary sixth-rank grandmasters like them will not help much, unless more than five or six sixth-rank grandmasters join forces to attack.

However, a half-step grandmaster or above like Lu Changqing, assisting Meng Zhenshan, a fifth-rank grandmaster, is enough to pose some threats to Xue Changkong.

"Master of the Blood Fiend Sect, Xue Changkong, a fifth-rank grand master."

A stern look flashed in Lu Changqing's eyes.

This time he attacked the Xueshamen, stopped the blood sacrifice of the Xueshamen, and killed two sixth-rank masters of the Xueshamen, which was a complete offense to the Xueshamen.

I'm afraid that at that time, Xue Changkong, the fifth-rank master, will also bear hatred.

Fortunately, Xueshamen has been hunted down by the court of the Great Zhou, hiding everywhere, not daring to show up blatantly.

But the fifth-rank grand master is a great threat after all.

It would be the best if they can join forces with the domain lord Meng Zhenshan to deal with this person.

At the same time, Lu Changqing now also wants to see the strength of a real fifth-rank grand master.

"Okay, let's go."

Several palace masters immediately arranged for court warriors to handle the affairs of Chiming City.

They led Lu Changqing and others to rush to the place where Xue Changkong intercepted the domain lord Meng Zhenshan.

When people come here.

Within a radius of several thousand meters, there was a mess bombarded by the two fifth-rank masters, Meng Zhenshan and Xue Changkong. The ground was densely covered with countless large and small potholes and huge cracks.

At this time, Meng Zhenshan and Xuechangkong were recuperating on a boulder [-] meters away from each other.

After two days and one night of fighting, neither of them could do anything to each other.

Meng Zhenshan didn't make any further moves, just doing useless work.

He could only hope that the palace masters could join forces with the sixth-rank masters of the Wulin sect in Qingyuan Prefecture to successfully stop the blood sacrifice of the Xueshamen.

Otherwise, there will be a fifth-rank great master in Xueshamen again, and it will be even more difficult for the court to destroy him.

Just seeing Xue Changkong's calm and composed appearance, Meng Zhenshan faintly felt that this hope was not great.

Since the Blood Demon Sect chose to hold the blood sacrifice in Qingyuan Prefecture, it showed that they were well prepared and confident.

And Meng Zhenshan also understood some of the sects in Qingyuan Prefecture, there were originally five sects.

It was only a few decades ago that Tianfengmen was destroyed by Blood River Sect, and not long ago, Blood River Sect was destroyed by Hunyuanzong.

As a result, there are only three sects left in Qingyuan Prefecture, and only four sixth-rank masters.

huh, huh, huh...

Suddenly at this moment, several figures in the distance flickered and leaped towards this side.

Meng Zhenshan and Xue Changkong looked up one after another.

The people who came were the three palace masters of Qingyuan Prefecture, as well as the warriors of the Qingyuan Prefecture sect.

Meng Zhenshan couldn't help showing a hint of surprise.

Xue Changkong's complexion changed.

"Oops, maybe something happened."

Xue Changkong thought suddenly.

According to his prediction, the Blood Sacrifice of the Blood Evil Gate should not be completed yet, and it will take at least one day.

Now that the three palace masters and sect warriors of Qingyuan Prefecture appear here, something must have happened.

However, Xue Changkong was not worried at all even though he saw many sixth-rank masters appearing in Qingyuan Prefecture.

Because Meng Zhenshan, a fifth-rank grandmaster, could not pose any threat to him even if he teamed up with several sixth-rank masters.

"See domain master."

Several palace lords of Qingyuan Prefecture quickly came to Meng Zhenshan, the domain lord.

"How's it going?"

Meng Zhenshan asked.

"Report to the domain lord that the blood demon gate has been repelled by us and fled away. The blood sacrifice failed."

Several palace masters said quickly.

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Meng Zhenshan was a little surprised.

In his opinion, this time the three palace masters of Qingyuan Prefecture teamed up with several sixth-rank masters of the sect, and they should not be the opponents of the warriors of the Xuesha sect.

"Thanks to the head of Lu, no, it's the leader of Lu."

A Palace Master looked at Lu Changqing and said.

At this time, with Lu Changqing's strength and his status as the leader of the Qingyuan Prefecture Four Faction Alliance, he is not only on an equal footing with their palace masters, but also almost equal to Meng Zhenshan, the Qingyuan Prefecture domain master.

The other two Palace Masters quickly explained to Meng Zhenshan how they dealt with the Blood Demon Sect.

"Hahahaha, okay, League Leader Lu, it's really amazing. I, Qingyuan Prefecture, have produced such an outstanding person like you."

Meng Zhenshan learned that Lu Changqing actually possessed the strength of a fifth-rank grand master at the level of a sixth-rank master.

There was a hint of surprise in his expression, and then he laughed.

Meng Zhenshan immediately looked at Xuechangkong not far away, and said coldly: "Xuechangkong, you failed the blood sacrifice of Xueshamen, and you have to pay the price today."

"Master Lu, please help me deal with this person."

Meng Zhenshan said to Lu Changqing.

Before he finished speaking, Meng Zhenshan flew up, and appeared in front of Xue Changkong in the blink of an eye tens of meters away.

Take another shot, attacking towards the blood sky.

Lu Changqing's figure flashed and followed.

Several other sixth-rank grandmasters also gathered around at this time, wanting to join forces to deal with Xue Changkong, the fifth-rank grandmaster.

"My Blood Demon Sect failed this blood sacrifice because of you."

Xue Changkong and Meng Zhenshan fought several moves, knocked Meng Zhenshan back with a single palm, and suddenly looked at Lu Changqing, his eyes were full of sternness.

"How is it?"

Lu Changqing is not afraid.

"you wanna die."

Xue Changkong's figure flashed, appeared in front of Lu Changqing, and suddenly launched a fierce attack on him.

The prestige of the fifth-rank grand master has completely exploded.

Lu Changqing felt the powerful aura emanating from the bloody sky, especially the bloody aura surrounding him, which made him faintly affected.

This is the release of the spiritual power of the great master and strong man.

"Hmph, you're the one to be damned."

Lu Changqing shot with all his strength, and a big Hunyuan hand combined with the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu blasted out.

The big Hunyuan hand and the Xuechangkong Xuesha palm collided together.

For the first time, Lu Changqing experienced the power of a real fifth-rank grand master.

An extremely powerful force rushed towards him like overwhelming mountains and seas.

Xue Changkong's palm is more powerful than Lu Changqing's Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu combined with the Great Hunyuan Hand.

Under the confrontation between Lu Changqing and him, there is still power along the arm to impact into the body.

But then Lu Changqing resisted with Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu.

"This is the prestige of a fifth-rank grand master."

Lu Changqing thought in his heart.

"Hey, you actually blocked my palm. Your strength is stronger than ordinary half-step grandmasters, and you are already close to the fifth-rank grandmaster. No wonder my blood sacrifice will fail this time."

Xue Changkong said in surprise.

But the next moment, Xue Changkong showed murderous intent and launched a more violent attack on Lu Changqing.

Several consecutive palms struck.

Every palm contains unparalleled power.

In his opinion, the stronger Lu Changqing is, the less he can stay.


Lu Changqing snorted coldly.

This time, not only did he use the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu to cooperate with the Great Hunyuan Hand.

At the same time, the other hand also changed to perform the Iron Palm Kungfu, Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Depressed Ecstasy Palm, Xuanming God Palm, Yin Yang Xuanzhi and other master skills.

The two-handed left and right fighting technique immediately made him incarnate as two people, and they joined forces to fight against Xuechangkong.

Bang, bang, bang, bang...

After several blows, Lu Changqing kept flying backwards, but completely withstood Xue Changkong, the fifth-rank grand master's repeated attacks.

It is also difficult for Xue Changkong, the fifth-rank master, to hurt Lu Changqing in the slightest.

"What, it's completely blocked. Your strength has reached the level of a fifth-rank grand master."

At this time, Xue Changkong's eyes could not help showing a hint of horror.

It is a completely different concept to approach the strength of a fifth-rank grand master and truly reach the strength of a fifth-rank grand master.

"Blood in the sky, suffer death."

At this moment, Meng Zhenshan yelled loudly, and attacked towards Xue Changkong.

Xue Changkong's expression changed.

Shot back.

However, at the next moment, Lu Changqing made a move, relying on the left and right fighting skills with both hands, combined with the strength of the two of them, he exploded with the power of a fifth-rank grand master.

Bang, bang.

For a moment, Xue Changkong, the fifth-rank master, was attacked by two powerhouses of the same level, Meng Zhenshan and Lu Changqing.

Rao is blood in the sky, and he can't bear it.

He is ready to leave.

"If you want to escape, die to me."

Meng Zhenshan shouted loudly, and launched the most violent attack on Xuechangkong, he really wanted to kill him here, so as to get rid of this big trouble for the court.

Lu Changqing also played the strongest attack, using both hands to fight left and right to attack the blood sky.

Even several sixth-rank grandmasters, upon seeing this, also took action one after another.


Xue Changkong faced everyone's cooperation, but was finally injured. He was hit by Meng Zhenshan's punch and flew back tens of meters.

However, Xue Changkong took advantage of this power to quickly leap several hundred meters backwards. After a few flashes, he disappeared and fled away.

"Hmph, Qingyuanzhou, Lu Changqing, I remember you."

Bloody words left in the air.

"Unfortunately, we still can't leave the blood in the sky."

Meng Zhenshan sighed slightly.

However, he also knew that Xue Changkong had been able to be pursued by the imperial court for many years without incident, and it would be difficult for him to really kill him this time.

A fifth-rank grand master, who can be the overlord of one side, is so easy to kill.

"Mr. Lu, thanks to your help this time, otherwise the blood sacrifice of the Xueshamen would be a disaster, and it would be a disaster for my entire Qingyuan State."

Meng Zhenshan thanked Lu Changqing.

If the half-step Grandmaster Taishang of the Xuesha Sect breaks through to become a fifth-rank Grandmaster with the help of the blood sacrifice, and he joins forces with Xuechangkong, even Meng Zhenshan, the domain lord, will not be able to resist, and the entire Qingyuan Prefecture will probably be ravaged by the Blood Fiend Sect. It is not yet known how many people will be killed or injured.

At this time, he was able to injure Xue Changkong, the fifth-rank Grandmaster, because of the assistance of Lu Changqing, the Grandmaster.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to injure Xue Changkong just by relying on other sixth-rank grandmasters.

"Meng Yuzhu has won the prize. Stopping the Blood Sacrifice of the Blood Fiend Sect is also something I must do. If the Blood Fiend Sect succeeds, it will be a disaster for us and the Qingyuan State sect."

Lu Changqing said.

"Very good. At such an age, Master Lu is able to break through and become a sixth-rank grandmaster, and possesses the fighting power of a fifth-rank grandmaster. It's really amazing. He will definitely become a real fifth-rank grandmaster in the future."

Meng Zhenshan praised.

"However, I have a reminder that I need to tell League Leader Lu. People like you, League Leader Lu, will surely achieve extraordinary things in the future, but you must also be careful to guard against great masters who will secretly kill you when you are not fully grown."

Meng Zhenshan suddenly said again.

Lu Changqing looked at Meng Zhenshan with a hint of doubt.

The only fifth-rank Grandmaster he offended seemed to be Xue Changkong.

Without waiting for Lu Changqing to ask questions, Meng Zhenshan continued: "Be especially careful of the great masters of the Desert Dynasty and the Great Xiong Dynasty who attack you."


Lu Changqing has returned to Hunyuanzong.

However, he was secretly thinking about what Meng Zhenshan, the domain lord of Qingyuan Prefecture, had said.

Now he has revealed the talent that can be called a peerless man, and he has the combat power of a great master at the level of a sixth-rank master.

On the contrary, they may attract more powerful enemies for themselves.

The two great hostile forces of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Desert Dynasty and the Great Xiong Dynasty, are very likely to secretly send a powerful master to deal with him.

Because in the future he may break through to a grand master of the fourth-grade harmony between man and nature.

It will be a threat to the Desert Dynasty and the Daxiong Dynasty.

They need to nip such a threat in the bud.

This is just like when the Blood River Sect knew that Chen Fengling, the young master of Tianfengmen, had the qualifications of a master, and wanted to kill her when he was weak.

But now, he became Lu Changqing himself.

This is simply a disaster.

However, Lu Changqing was not too worried about this.

As long as he was strong, if the Desert Dynasty and the Daxiong Dynasty really dared to send fifth-rank grandmasters to attack him, he would not mind killing several fifth-rank grandmasters.

Now there is an opportunity to improve your strength.

Lu Changqing has already discovered that Yuan Lingzhu shows that the luck of offering sacrifices to travel through the small world of martial arts has been satisfied.

Originally, Lu Changqing was still about [-]% short of luck.

This time, he killed the two sixth-rank masters of the Blood Fiend Sect, and unexpectedly brought Lu Changqing nearly [-]% of his luck.

Lu Changqing only found out through Yuan Lingzhu's reminder.

Because warriors above the sixth-rank master all have good luck.

As long as Lu Changqing, the lord of power, kills any martial artist above the sixth-rank master, part of his dissipated luck will gather on Lu Changqing.

In this way, Lu Changqing knew another way to gain luck.

Even so, it was still a [-]% lack of luck to start Yuanlingzhu crossing.

And Lu Changqing exposed the fighting power of the great master.

This made Lu Changqing have great prestige among the warriors of the Four Sect Alliance of Qingyuan Prefecture, Xiaoshan Sect, Chiyue Sect, and Tianfeng Sect. Even the two leaders, Xiao Ziteng and Su Biqing, were also convinced.

From the forces of the Four Factions Alliance, it also brought a lot of luck to Lu Changqing for a while.

As a result, the luck of offering sacrifices to travel through the next martial arts small world has been satisfied.

Every small world of martial arts is the food for Lu Changqing to improve his strength.

As long as he enters this small world of martial arts again, Lu Changqing's strength will definitely be improved a lot again.

Through a battle with Xuechangkong, the master of Xueshamen, the fifth-rank grand master.

Lu Changqing discovered that his strength could still be improved.

Even in the realm of a sixth-rank master, he has the strength to defeat a fifth-rank grand master.

Lu Changqing now has the strength to fight against a great master. He needs to use both hands to fight left and right, and incarnate two people to attack together, in order to be able to match the power of a fifth-rank great master.

If he had the power to strike alone, he would have reached the power of a fifth-rank master.

So if you use both hands to fight left and right, isn't it true that even the fifth-rank grand masters may not be able to resist it.

Lu Changqing believes that as long as the Great Hunyuan Hand continues to integrate some powerful master-level exercises, its power will become even stronger.At that time, with the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, you can have the power of a fifth-rank grand master.

Therefore, this time he traveled into the small world of martial arts, and he needed to obtain more master skills.

"Sacrifice luck."

Lu Changqing didn't hesitate anymore, and just gave a soft drink in his mind.

The light shrouded him all over, and Lu Changqing's figure gradually blurred.

"Traveling through the small world of martial arts, Tianlongbabu, the timetravel is in progress..."

(End of this chapter)

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