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Chapter 141 Two Strongest Moves

Chapter 141 Two Strongest Moves

Mixed Yuanzong.

All the sixth-rank grand masters of the Taixu Martial Alliance summoned by Zhao Min have gathered here.

Qingyuanzhou Xiaoshan Sect and Chiyue Sect each have two sixth-rank masters, Tianfeng Sect has a sixth-rank master Chen Fengling, Hunyuan Sect has three sixth-rank masters, Zhao Min, Cui Zhenxuan, and Yue Feng.

In Sanhe Prefecture, there are three sixth-rank masters of the Scarlet Flame Sect, and four sixth-rank masters of the other three sects.

There are more than ten sixth-rank masters.

If everyone joins forces, it is enough to resist one or two fifth-rank great masters.

However, they didn't know until they came to Hunyuanzong that Lu Changqing had already led the five half-step grandmasters under Hunyuanzong to take the initiative to deal with Xue Changkong and other fifth-rank grandmasters.

Everyone couldn't help being surprised.

First of all, he was surprised by the strength of Hunyuanzong. Not only did he have Lu Changqing, a fifth-rank grandmaster, but he also had five half-step grandmasters.

The rise of Hunyuanzong was really unstoppable, and a new middle-grade sect appeared in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Secondly, I was surprised that Lu Changqing didn't need them, the sixth-rank masters, to help defend against the invading enemy, but attacked directly.

This is incomparable confidence in one's own strength.

"I don't know how many fifth-rank great masters are among the warriors who came to deal with League Leader Lu this time. How is the situation now? How about this, the old man will go and have a look first."

At this time, Yang Tianxing, the grand elder of Chiyanzong, said to Zhao Min.

Yang Tianxing's aura was obviously different at this time, exuding a powerful arrogance all over his body, even talking to Zhao Min, Lu Changqing's designated spokesperson and the deputy leader of the Taixu Martial League, seemed to be condescending and looking down on everyone .

The reason for all this is because after more than a year of closed-door training, he learned from the top-level grandmaster's Taixu scriptures, and through continuous comprehension, he finally succeeded in breaking through to the fifth-rank great master realm not long ago.

After becoming a fifth-rank grand master, Yang Tianxing was full of confidence.

Has stepped into the ranks of the top powerhouses of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In the Taixu Martial League, its strength is only below that of Lu Changqing.

If he hadn't known Lu Changqing's terrifying strength, had killed the fifth-rank grand master, and Hunyuanzong had five half-step grandmasters, Yang Tianxing didn't even need to be afraid of Hunyuanzong.

Even now, Yang Tianxing has another thought in his heart.

With his current strength as a fifth-rank great master, he needs to obtain more rights in the Taixu Martial Alliance. Therefore, he vaguely intends to make a request to Lu Changqing to obtain the position of the deputy leader of the alliance.

The Taixu Martial League was originally an alliance force, and Yang Tianxing believed that he was now a fifth-rank grand master, completely different from other sects.

Originally, if it wasn't for the rise of Hunyuanzong because of Lu Changqing, Chiyanzong would have been able to unify the Wulin of Sanhe Prefecture.

Yang Tianxing vaguely thought that after becoming a fifth-rank grand master, he and Lu Changqing should be treated as equals and have the right to speak in the Taixu Martial League.

In a world where the strong are respected, strength is the root of awe.

Zhao Min's face remained unchanged, but he felt a little worried.

She could clearly feel the change in Yang Tianxing's mentality after breaking through to become a fifth-rank grand master, and it would be difficult for her to instruct her in the future.

"Hey, leader Lu has returned."

At this time, Yang Tianxing's powerful spiritual power has already sensed the return of Lu Changqing and others.

"Quick, go have a look."

Zhao Min led everyone there immediately.

He saw Lu Changqing, He Xuanyi, He Songnian, Murong Bo, Jiumozhi, and Fan Yao.

Only He Xuanyi seemed slightly injured.

Everyone is relieved.

"Master Lu, how are you doing?"

Zhao Min asked.

"As you guessed, four fifth-rank great masters appeared this time and wanted to come to deal with me."

Lu Changqing said lightly.

"Four great masters."

Zhao Min was slightly startled.

Although it has long been speculated that Xue Changkong and Zhao Jingwu may not be aware of this time, it is still shocking to hear four fifth-rank great masters appearing at the same time.

"What, there are four fifth-rank great masters?"

Others cried out in alarm.

For them, a fifth-rank grand master has already made them awe-inspiring.

Unexpectedly, four fifth-rank grand masters would appear together.

Even Yang Tianxing, who had just broken through and became a fifth-rank grand master, heard that four fifth-rank grand masters joined forces to deal with Lu Changqing, his expression could not help but change.

Because often three fifth-rank grand masters teamed up is enough to kill a fifth-rank grand master.

Unless it is a fifth-rank top grandmaster, it is possible to leave under the joint efforts of four fifth-rank grandmasters.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Lu Changqing and the others, wanting to know what happened.

At this time, Lu Changqing glanced at Yang Tianxing who was on the side.

"Elder Yang, you have successfully broken through to become a fifth-rank Grandmaster, not bad."

Lu Changqing said to Yang Tianxing.

"I was able to learn from the Taixu Sutra bestowed by Alliance Master Kuilu, and I successfully stepped into the fifth-rank level."

Yang Tianxing said with a smile, his tone could not hide his joy.

The half-step masters behind Lu Changqing couldn't help showing a hint of admiration.

Yang Tianxing actually reached the fifth rank grand master first.

"Four fifth-rank great masters, including Xue Changkong, the head of the Xuesha Sect, Cui Mingchong, the grand elder of the Xuanyin Sect, Zhao Jingwu, the great master of the Hun Dynasty, and Chen Chongshan, the great master of the Desert Dynasty.

Only Xuanyinzong Cui Mingchong let him escape, the other three were all killed by me. "

Lu Changqing said slowly.

Although his voice was not loud and understated, it seemed like a thunderbolt sounded in the ears of everyone in an instant.

"What, three of the four fifth-rank great masters were killed."

This is a fifth-rank great master. It is rare to see a strong man, and there is only one such strong man guarding a state in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Even if it is a middle-rank sect, there are only one or two fifth-rank great masters.

Lu Changqing actually killed three of them, which is even more shocking than the destruction of a middle-rank sect.

There is a hidden meaning behind these words. Lu Changqing's strength has reached an unimaginable level. The fifth-rank grand master is no longer a threat to him and can be easily killed.

Yang Tianxing's expression changed drastically.

All the original thoughts in my heart disappeared immediately.

Even if he has now broken through to become a fifth-rank grand master, he dare not have any thoughts of being compared with Lu Changqing.

"The rest of them will all be wiped out, leaving no one behind."

Lu Changqing continued.

All the sixth-rank grandmasters were filled with shock.

At this moment, Lu Changqing's prestige in the Taixu Martial League flourished.

Facing Lu Changqing's terrifying strength, the several sects who were overwhelmed by force had only four words and obeyed.


The sixth-rank grandmasters of the Taixu Martial Alliance are all there.

Lu Changqing just gave an order.

Through the torture of the sixth grade master of Xuanyinzong.

I already know the hidden places and other places where the Xuanyin Sect sect is stationed.

That being the case, just like dealing with the Blood Fiend Sect, destroy it completely, obtain the resources of this mid-grade sect, and strengthen the Hunyuan Sect.

However, when the Hunyuanzong warriors stepped into the location of the Xuanyinzong sect, the Xuanyinzong warriors had basically fled. Cui Mingchong, the grand elder of the Xuanyinzong left a message.

Cui Mingchong said that he did not dare to become an enemy of Lu Changqing, and was willing to dedicate all the resources of the Xuanyin Sect to the Hunyuan Sect, as an apology, and only begged Lu Changqing not to kill them all.

Cui Mingchong, on the other hand, left the Great Zhou Dynasty directly with some Xuanyin Sect warriors.

This person is also decisive and decisive. With the lessons learned from Xueshamen and Lu Changqing's terrifying strength, he has already surpassed the top five grand masters and can easily kill fifth-rank grand masters. He doesn't know how tyrannical he will be in the future.

Even if several sixth-rank masters of the Xuanyin Sect were killed, Cui Mingchong did not dare to have any intention of revenge, and only hoped that Lu Changqing would not continue to deal with him.

Lu Changqing had already obtained the Taiyi Xuanyin Palm, the top master of the Xuanyin Sect, through Xue Guang, another Supreme Elder of the Xuanyin Sect, the half-step master Xue Guang, so he didn't have time to pay attention to Cui Mingchong.

For the Xuanyin Sect, the top master in the Tianwu world, Taiyi Xuanyin Palm.

As soon as Lu Changqing came, he was used to sacrifice him through Yuan Lingzhu to improve other top-level master skills he had practiced.

Secondly, I also practiced it myself.

In fact, not only Taiyi Xuanyin Palm, but also the Taixu Zhenjing and Xueshajing, two top masters in the Tianwu world, have also been practiced by Lu Changqing.

Each of the top master's exercises has its own subtleties.

Because it is a martial path leading to the fourth-rank martial artist at the peak of ordinary martial arts.

And Taiyi Xuanyin Palm.

It is somewhat similar to the Xuanming Divine Palm practiced by Lu Changqing.

They are all cultivating a cold force.

Xuanming Divine Palm is just an ordinary master-level exercise, reaching the sixth rank has already reached the top.

Lu Changqing has created a top-level master martial art representing Zhiyang through the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms combined with other masculine palms such as Tianshan Six Sun Palms and Depressed Ecstasy Palms.

Lu Changqing now wants to create a top-level master martial art that represents Zhiyin.

Based on this, he borrowed from Taiyi Xuanyin Palm, the top master's skill.

Then, a new Zhiyin palm technique, Taiyi Xuanming Palm, was deduced.

The subduing dragon palm represents Zhiyang.

The Taiyi Xuanming Palm represents the most yin.

As for sacrificing the Taiyi Xuanyin Palm, which top grandmaster's kung fu will be improved.

Lu Changqing after some consideration.

I chose the Six Meridians Divine Sword Meridian.

"Sacrifice to the top master's technique, Taiyi Xuanyin Palm, to improve the Six Meridians Divine Sword Meridian, whether to sacrifice or not."


Through the sacrifice of the Yuan Lingzhu, Lu Changqing's cultivation of the Six Meridians Divine Sword Sutra has reached the highest level of this skill.

The six meridians come out together, and the invisible sword energy sweeps away, making it invincible.

With the Six Meridians Excalibur alone, it is enough to pose a threat to the fifth-rank grand masters.

However, for Lu Changqing, this is not the strongest power.

Lu Changqing had already created the innate invisible sword energy through the combination of innate skills and the six-meridian sword meridian.

The innate qi generated by the innate skill is condensed and stimulated by the invisible sword qi.

In the realm of the sixth-rank master, the innate invisible sword energy can only be released by condensing the sword energy through the palm or fingers through internal force.

And after Lu Changqing raised his innate skills to the fifth rank, he was able to condense an invisible Qi sword in the palm of his hand and produce an invisible soldier.

With the power of this invisible air sword, if a fifth-rank Grandmaster is hit, he will be seriously injured, and the power is extremely huge.

Xue Changkong was killed by Lu Changqing's invisible air sword.

At this time, Lu Changqing chose to offer sacrifices to upgrade the Six Meridians Divine Sword Scripture, not for the purpose of the Six Meridians Divine Sword, but to increase the power of the innate invisible sword energy to a higher level.

The six veins come out together.

With the innate skills of the fifth grade level, six invisible qi swords are condensed.

Six swords fly together.

All around Lu Changqing's body, there were six invisible air swords, spinning continuously, and the fierce and unparalleled sword energy radiated out, as if they could penetrate the void.

With a wave of Lu Changqing's palm forward, the six invisible air swords shot across the air and swept away.

A loud bang.

A hundred meters ahead, a huge pothole of tens of meters was formed.

The power of this move is so strong that if a rank five Grandmaster is hit, he will surely die.

Moreover, the technique of flying six swords together can be continuously improved.

He is not the end, but the beginning.

Continuing to deduce, it will form a thousand swords flying together.

The ultimate in swordsmanship.

Open the Martial Arts section of the Yuan Lingzhu panel.

Martial arts:

Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu Eleven Levels (Fifth Grade)

Hunyuan Scripture (Fifth Grade)
Two-handed left and right fighting technique (sixth rank), Vajra Indestructible Physical Art (sixth rank), Lingbo Weibu (sixth rank)
Self-created martial arts
Congenital Promise Skills (Fifth Grade)
Congenital invisible sword energy (fifth grade)

Congenital Stellar Qi (Fifth Grade)
Subduing Dragon Divine Palm (Rank [-]) (Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms, Six Yang Palms of Tianshan Mountain, Desolate Ecstasy Palm, Iron Palm Skill, Baihong Palm Power)
Taiyi Xuanming Palm (Rank [-]) (Taiyi Xuanyin Palm, Xuanming Divine Palm)

Qiankun Douzhuan (Sixth Grade)
Yin-Yang Mysterious Fingers (Rank [-]) (One Yang Finger, Illusory Yin Finger, Participating Fingers, Supernatural Ability of Snapping Fingers)
At this time, Lu Changqing possessed two strongest moves.

They are the phaseless Hunyuan of the Hunyuan Scripture, and the six swords flying together of the innate invisible sword energy.

Phaseless Hunyuan, smelting all dharmas in one furnace, produces the realm of illusion and reality, gets rid of the appearance of reality, changes between illusion and reality, forms the influence of spiritual power similar to the four-level harmony of heaven and man, and produces void suppression.

The fifth-rank grand master is facing it, and he can't see through it. If he leaves quickly, he will be seriously injured.

The six swords fly together, two five-level kung fu techniques, the innate kung fu and the six-meridian sword, are deduced from the innate qi to condense the invisible qi sword, and the six invisible qi swords span the sky, already possessing a trace of heaven and earth power.

In this way, Lu Changqing's strength has been greatly improved.

Before the three fifth-rank great masters joined forces, Lu Changqing couldn't do anything to them for a while.

But now, even if the three fifth-rank great masters attack together, Lu Changqing has the strength to kill them all.

In his eyes, the fifth-rank Grandmaster is nothing more than that.

Perhaps, only top grandmasters can fight against him.


This time, Lu Changqing killed three fifth-rank grandmasters and nine sixth-rank grandmasters who came to deal with him.

And these people all fell within the sphere of influence under Lu Changqing's command.

Warriors above rank six grandmaster will have a lot of luck.

With the death of these people, the luck dissipated, and Lu Changqing also got part of the luck from it.

Among them is the fall of the three fifth-rank great masters.

It actually brought Lu Changqing nearly [-]% of his luck, which is equivalent to cultivating a fifth-rank master in Hunyuanzong.

Lu Changqing vaguely guessed that in his sphere of influence, killing a martial artist above a master would get about one-third of the luck he would gain from cultivating a martial artist.

Originally, Lu Changqing had already reached [-]% of the luck required for the sacrifice.

Destroying all the invading warriors brought him a total of [-]% luck.

Lu Changqing sacrificed and crossed into a new small world of martial arts, and he had already met the conditions for sacrifice luck.

And Yang Tianxing broke through to become a fifth-rank grand master, which also brought him [-]% luck.

At the same time, someone from Hunyuanzong finally broke through and became a fifth-rank master.

It was He Xuanyi.

This time, He Xuanyi killed Xue Guang, the grand elder of Xuanyin Sect, and had avenged his past. The knot in his heart was untied, his spiritual power was sublimated, and he broke through to the realm of a fifth-rank grand master in one fell swoop.

He Xuanyi successfully broke through to the realm of a fifth-rank grand master, which brought more than [-]% of luck to Lu Changqing.

Under Lu Changqing's command, the strength of Hunyuanzong and Taixu Martial Alliance has also been greatly improved.

In addition to Lu Changqing, he already has two fifth-rank great masters, Yang Tianxing and He Xuanyi.

Half-step great masters, He Songnian, Murong Bo, Jiumozhi, Fan Yao.

Have this great power.

Lu Changqing couldn't help but focus on obtaining more top-level master exercises.

For him now, sacrificing the exercises of ordinary masters in the Tianwu world can only raise his cultivation to the sixth-grade level, and it is not very effective.

To upgrade the practiced top-level master's skills to the fifth-grade level, one must sacrifice the top-level master's skills in the Tianwu world.

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, there were many forces with top-level master skills.

The royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the five middle-rank sects.

Lu Changqing has already acquired the two middle-grade sects of the evil way, the Xuesha Sutra of the Xuesha Sect, and the Taiyi Xuanyin Palm of the Xuanyin Sect.

There are only three middle-rank sects left.

The Nine Heavens Scripture of Nine Heavens Gate.

Tianhe Heart Code of Tianhe Sect.

Xuanyuan Zhengong taught by Xuanzhen.

In order to continue to improve his strength, Lu Changqing could only attack them.

(End of this chapter)

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